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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 206

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Episode 206


The guy remained silent as if his mouth had disappeared. That’s strange. The one I saw in Japan didn’t have its snout crushed, but its limbs were cut off? In the meantime, did he have a disease that prevented him from speaking?

Usually in these cases, there is one of two ways to remain silent.

There’s something really dumb or annoying about it.

There’s no way a superhuman would be the former, and if he doesn’t want to open his mouth, he’ll have to force it.

“I speak for the last time. Why did you come here? “If you don’t answer, I will kill you.”


I guess there’s nothing I can do about choosing punishment.

When I raised my hand to deal with the guy, I opened my mouth as if I had finished organizing my thoughts.

Of course I didn’t understand.

“Don’t you know how to speak Korean?”

“…I know how to do a little bit.”

“Then speak in Korean.”

How dare you resort to trickery. The guy who closed his mouth glared at me, then sighed and sat down on the sofa across from me, relatively unharmed.

“Why did you come here from Japan?”

“I received a mission.”

“What mission?”

“It’s confidential.”

“Why is it confidential?”

“Why do I have to say that?”

Your attitude is irreverent.

“Still, I saved your life, but isn’t your attitude too crooked?”

“Are you saying that you saved the life of someone whose limbs were cut off and left on the verge of death?”

[Did you do that?]

What are you surprised about, Yongyong?

[I’m surprised you saved someone’s life.]

It was a small favor shown at the time.

[Is it true that I saved his life at this level?]

It’s a pity that Yongyong can’t give him an answer.

This is what makes the world go crazy.

When you do a favor, you should think of it as a favor and feel grateful, but you are forgetting to be grateful.

“Isn’t it okay to live? “Thanks to me, he was able to go to the league and come back again.”


Nakayama showed an expression of open disapproval. I guess I have nothing to say about my facts.

I asked again.

“So what was your mission?”

“…I came because I heard there is a secret skill that protects against spirit-type gifts.”

“There is such a secret?”

“I came because I heard that the Prime Minister has something like that.”

“That’s right.”

Looking at Nakayama’s face, it doesn’t look like he’s lying. Then it becomes one of two things. One is that there is a mental gift defense secret that I don’t know about, and the other is when the Japanese Prime Minister deceived Nakayama.

The assimilation training system is a method of brainwashing awakened people and enabling them to move as a group. Considering Nakayama’s betrayal of Japan and leaving for the league and his anti-goal tendencies, it was not difficult to infer what the situation was.

Because it is the nature of those in power to want to put a leash on the awakened.

I know this because I have been through it many times.

“I guess you were tricked into coming here.”


“I was deceived by the prime minister.”

“Nonsense! Just say you can’t give a draw. How far do you plan to insult me!”

“What have I got to insult you?”

[Are you insulting me enough?] This

is the first time I’ve ever wondered which part of me is being insulted. Rather, it prevents the so-called talent of Japan from doing even more stupid things.

I told this poor fire moth the truth.

“What we have here is not a way to defend the mental world gift, but a method to brainwash the awakened person. I just saw it. If you don’t want to believe it, watch the Korean news a few days later.”


The expression on his face that changed every moment as the explanation continued was exquisite. In the past, the guy’s expression was cruelly distorted.

It’s a face I didn’t expect at all. In fact, the Japanese government probably wanted to hang a string around Nakayama’s neck, as they never knew when he might betray and fall. But somehow he didn’t get what he wanted, and Nakayama found out the truth.

[It’s really evil.]

It’s evil, but this is natural advice that can arise in competition between neighboring countries. I’m a superhuman working in the same industry, but I can’t let the government brainwash me into acting like a dog, right?

Let’s let the spirit of partnership shine.

“What are you going to do now?”

“I’m going back.”

As long as I’m blocking his way, there’s nothing he can do. Now that we know the truth, being used senselessly will stop.

Instead, I should get a vaccination.

“Oh. Don’t go to the league. “At that time, I will buy it kindly, but I will destroy the head first instead of cutting it off.”


“You can’t survive if your head gets crushed, right?”

“Chick show!”

After swearing, Nakayama’s new form became blurred and disappeared.

I guess I’ll just answer.

[How do you survive with your head broken?]

Isn’t there a gift that can help you survive even if something like that happens?

Anyway, I’m not going to go to the league with this, but I’m going to try and fry it inside.

I prevented a normal superhuman from switching to the league. I decided to use it as my personal satisfaction that did not necessarily need to be known. I guess this is what an unsung hero is.

[Isn’t he just a villain?]

Yongyong, there is a huge difference between the villain you are talking about and the unsung hero.

[No matter how you look at it, he looks like a villain…]

After kindly ignoring Yongyong’s words, I called in an awakened person from the External Cooperation Management Bureau and ordered him to clean up after himself.

* * *

The pseudo-religious human trafficking situation, initiated by Jin Yong-ho and promoted by Go Ye-jin, began to cover the Republic of Korea at an incredible rate.

In particular, the brainwashing of the awakened people hidden behind it had a huge impact on the awakened people.

They are awakened people armed with physical abilities that are superior to those of ordinary people and a supernatural power called Gift, which is called a gift from God that utilizes a new power called Force.

They have been oppressed for a long time, and a lot of blood has been shed before they are recognized normally in society. The invisible conflict between the awakened and the non-awakened was resolved, but it was only temporary, and a war of nerves broke out between the side that wanted to be free and the side that wanted to limit it.

Meanwhile, the brainwashing of awakened people triggered by pseudo-religion caused their anger to explode.

Protests were immediately held against the political world, and requests for a special prosecutor to investigate the truth were pouring in.

Meanwhile, the political world was engulfed in chaos. Not only were there a significant number of politicians who had nothing to do with this incident, but there was also lobbying from companies that supported it behind the scenes.

As attempts were made to somehow crush it through various media plays, something happened that turned it all to nothing.

The president himself came forward.

“The Awakened are the vanguard of national security. “We will pursue a special investigation so that they will not be wronged.”

The intentions of the president, who dominated the ruling party, were the intentions of the ruling party. Although internal opposition was fierce, the special investigation was passed and a team began to be formed immediately.

The opposition party, which had relatively little involvement, actively cooperated, creating a structure in which the ruling and opposition parties cooperated for the first time in a while.

The tip of the sword was aimed not only at the business community but also at the ruling party.

As a result, the political world is literally in chaos. The majority of the view was that it was incomprehensible to deliberately hit the ruling party in a situation where the next presidential election could be held easily if the current trend was maintained.

This may also be a positive function of democracy.

Some may see it as pursuing justice regardless of enemies, while others may see it as trying to deal with obstacles in the same camp.

I’m not saying which one is right, but all of these factors are complexly intertwined.

When handling this matter, Cheon Myeong-guk accompanied Yang Joo-hyuk from beginning to end.

“Secretary Yang.”


“What was it like seeing the situation unfold?”

Cheon Myeong-guk asked Yang Joo-hyuk in the hope that he would give up his radicalism after seeing that democratic society was operating normally.

“It was frustrating.”



“What’s frustrating?”

“From the process of passing and organizing the special prosecution, there were too many complexities. There was clearly a criminal among them, and I thought it was very unfair to hold the hilt of a knife to the criminal. If I had left it in the hands of Choi Jun-ho, the whole situation would have been over within a day. …Chief?”

Yang Joo-hyuk looked puzzled when he saw Cheon Myeong-guk’s unfavorable expression.


Cheon Myeong-guk was serious in his own way.

Still, I had some hopes.

Nevertheless, seeing that Yang Joo-hyuk’s thoughts did not change, Cheon Myeong-guk strengthened his decision. If left like this, promising talent will fall into a bad direction.

Only then did he realize how dangerous a decision he had made when he tried to leave Choi Jun-ho in charge of Yang Joo-hyuk and quit. What if you focused on quitting and just left?

In a short period of time, I was influenced by Choi Jun-ho to this extent. If it had become more and more colored and became the exact same ideology… it was terrible to even imagine.

Anything that is clumsy is more dangerous.


Choi Jun-ho was dangerous because he was not clumsy, and his very existence was a disaster. It was impossible to control him, so wasn’t he pushed into deciding to run for president?

Choi Jun-ho, who crossed the line, is dangerous, and Yang Joo-hyuk, who is clumsy, is also dangerous.

Then there is only one way.

“I’m going to visit Supervisor Choi Jun-ho to report this incident, so why don’t you go with Secretary Yang?”

“I am fine.”

“Then let’s go together.”

To treat the poison, I decided to use a stronger poison.

* * *

Yang Joo-hyuk admires Choi Jun-ho. The strength he possesses and the solution he pursues fit better than anyone else in this world where awakened people with power are treated.

I wanted to be like him too. So, I rejected my father’s offer and entered the Blue House to observe from a close distance.

So far, I thought the decision was correct. The sight of rebuilding order through unstoppable hands and one’s own strength feels like a glimpse of the privilege of the powerful and the direction they should pursue.

I want to become stronger. And I wanted to be cool like him. Although they were only a few years older, Choi Jun-ho was Yang Joo-hyuk’s ideal and role model.

I know very well that Cheon Myeong-guk is worried about me. However, Yang Joo-hyuk did not think he was wrong when he saw Choi Jun-ho succeed in his own way.

The reason I followed Cheon Myeong-guk was because I wanted to see Choi Jun-ho’s thoughts on the special prosecution.

However, as Choi Jun-ho and Cheon Myeong-guk talked for a moment after separating themselves, they sensed an unusual change in the atmosphere.

Choi Jun-ho came closer and looked up and down with meaningful eyes.

“So, I hope you change this guy’s mind.”

“The only person I could ask a favor to was Choi Jun-ho.”


Only then did Yang Joo-hyuk understand why he came here. Cheon Myeong-guk, who was openly concerned about himself, told Choi Jun-ho what he was thinking. From the beginning, I had no intention of talking about a special prosecution.

The problem is Choi Jun-ho’s reaction.

“Welcome to the right place. “I really hate people who have similar thoughts to me.”

Could it be homophobia?

That may be so. Because if someone is like you, that in itself makes you feel bad.

However, the words that came out of Choi Jun-ho’s mouth were different from what was expected.

“Why are you trying to have the thinking of a strong person on a weak topic?”


“I don’t understand the topic.”

Then he called with his chin.

“Follow me. “Today I will show you how wrong your thoughts are.”


In the end, Yang Joo-hyuk had to be pushed into the training ground. The Berserker inside also watched with interest at the unusual atmosphere.

“Raise your weapon.”

Choi Jun-ho said, holding up a wooden sword for practice. Although it has no blade, just holding it in his hand turns it into the most dangerous weapon in the world.


When Choi Jun-ho hesitated, unable to keep up with the rapidly changing atmosphere, he swung his wooden sword without hesitation.



Yang Joo-hyuk screamed in shock as if his shoulder was being separated from his body.

Choi Jun-ho continued to kick him as he rolled on the floor. I reflexively rolled around and barely managed to avoid it, but as soon as it touched my toes, a terrifying aftereffect of the mine swept through my entire body.

The terrifying pain spread through my bones and muscles as they went wild.


Yang Joo-hyuk, who belatedly drew his sword, was swept away by Choi Jun-ho’s wooden sword without even realizing that he was holding a real sword and was beaten to a pulp.

I felt like my mind was turning white. Even though he couldn’t even think of a counterattack and was in a hurry to avoid it, he couldn’t escape Choi Jun-ho’s territory even if he tried his best.

He was beaten horribly by Choi Jun-ho, like a punching bag that comes back even if he runs away.



When my solar plexus was pierced, I gasped and saliva flowed from my mouth. Choi Jun-ho said to Yang Joo-hyuk, who was staggering and barely able to keep his balance.

“Do you know why I said I would change your mind?”

Yang Joo-hyuk recalled what Choi Jun-ho said.

“Is it because you have dangerous ideas on a subject that has no power?”



“You have to find the answer. Do I have to give it to you?”

The most important thing for the weak is to understand their topic.

Only then did Yang Joo-hyuk realize. He admired Choi Jun-ho and wanted to emulate his ideas, but he wasn’t even given the qualifications to do so. Choi Jun-ho can act as he pleases against a strong person, but he cannot do so himself. There are countless people stronger than you in the world, and they can take your life like stomping on ants as soon as they decide.

“…I found the answer.”


“I will exercise self-respect until I gain strength.”

“That is correct.”

After hearing those words, Yang Joo-hyuk lost consciousness. His whole body was in such a mess that there was no place left intact.


Choi Jun-ho looked down with emotionless eyes, took out a recovery agent, sprinkled it, and turned his head to Cheon Myeong-guk.

“Training is over.”


I wanted you to correct my dangerous thoughts, but are you telling me to be self-reliant until I gain strength?

Cheon Myeong-guk grabbed his head from the overwhelming headache.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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