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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 203

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Episode 203

As soon as the owner gave the command, the dog ran away. The body odors of various monsters were detected by my sensitive sense of smell. There are monsters that would have been difficult to deal with in the past. But now that I think about it, that’s the end of it. There was nothing in the mind of a dog that followed its owner against strong monsters.

Among them, you must bring the strongest monster.


The owner simply ordered one monster, but he must be able to understand the meaning behind it. Otherwise, you get hit. It’s so right that it reminds me of real death.

Each time, the dog struggled to survive, and eventually succeeded in gaining the ability to partially understand its owner’s intentions.

However, it is still difficult to understand the owner’s intentions. So the dog put in a lot of effort to avoid getting beaten by its owner, and the method it finally learned is to cross the line.

The owner likes things to be full and overflowing.

If you go too far beyond what was ordered, further instructions will follow. The dog went to find the strongest monster among the monsters it could detect through its sense of smell.

By human standards, it is classified as level 6 harmful.

Big! Wow! Wow!

The guy was alert when he saw the sudden appearance of the dog and tried to avoid conflict as much as possible with the appearance of the strong man. They showed respect to predators coming from afar by telling them to pass by.

However, in the dog’s eyes, he was nothing more than material to be captured by the owner.

Here again, the owner’s demanding requirements should not cause serious injury. Only by touching and holding at an appropriate level can the owner’s heart be satisfied.

Not long after, the dog was able to beat up and catch the remains of the 6th level monster and take it to its owner.

The owner, who had guessed the level of the monster at a glance, nodded.

“good job!”



The dog was relieved to see its owner’s satisfied expression.

* * *

The cult was in an uproar due to the sudden invasion of monsters. Although it was injured by the dog, the monster also ran wild, just as the wounded beast was scary.

In that respect, the dog has good sense. It caused moderate injuries and made the monster angry.

Likewise, continuous thirst improves the monster’s ability to perform its mission.

We need to keep grinding in the future.

“Dog, you are waiting here.”


“Choin-nim, I…”

Jin Yong-ho looked at me with eyes shaking uncontrollably. What to do with this guy? Should I throw it away from this place?

Still, since this is a guy who has done research, I guess I can’t just throw him away like a devoted friend.

“You too are hiding in a suitable place. “As long as you stay near the dog, you will be safe.”

“Oh, I understand.”

“Don’t try to run away for no reason. Then you might really get eaten.”

“Hi! “I will stay still!”

I guess I’ll just stay still like this.

Feeling safe, I infiltrated the cult headquarters alone. As with Jang In-seong’s example, all cults felt similar. The guys that came out from inside went to the entrance to block the monsters and were able to easily get inside through the gap.

“Did you throw the monster for no reason?”

[That’s right.]

It was a place where ranks were initially divided based on clothing. Members of the religious order were wearing white priestly uniforms, and ordinary believers were wearing casual clothes.

I had categorized the people I wanted to kill well from the beginning, but I ended up wasting my energy.

I entered the largest of the several buildings. Most likely, the cult leader and key personnel will be here. Usually, these guys live in the largest and most luxurious buildings to assert their authority.


I broke the neck of the priest whose face I recognized and entered the room. Perhaps because most of the guys capable of fighting were gone, there were no guys with outstanding fighting skills.

I went inside without hesitation. And when I entered the largest room, I was greeted by a man in his early 50s with a youthful appearance.

These days, competition among cults is fierce, so cult leaders also work hard to take care of their appearance. Is that also a red ocean?

Even though the leader seems to recognize me, he doesn’t even blink. Is there anything you believe in?

“Welcome Choi Jun-ho, Choin.”

“You know who I am.”

“It wasn’t natural for a monster to attack me. At the same time, a commotion broke out inside. You probably know that there are only a few people who can do something like this. A representative example is the superhuman Choi Jun-ho.”

“You’re still doing this even though you know I’m here.”

It’s not like I’m full of composure just by pretending to know, but I think I have something to believe in.

But it seems likely that what the religious leader believes and what I know are different.

“What do you want to say before you die?”

“We are on the same side.”

“You and me?”

These days, it feels like the pseudo-guys are getting bigger day by day. I have never sided with a cult.

Be that as it may, the leader seemed to sincerely think so.

“Isn’t Joon-ho Choi close to the Blue House? I am close to the ruling party. “The project we are working on can bring great glory to the Republic of Korea.”

Even if I think I am on the side of the President, I don’t know why I am on the President’s side = the ruling party’s side.

Don’t you know that I devastated the ruling party with the Yoo Joong-ho Gate?

No, you might think that the people who took over after making the change are the president’s rattlesnake, so they are close to me.

“Because it was kept secret, there could be misunderstandings. But this won’t be a loss for Choi Jun-ho, either.”

“Well, that’s fine. “I’m not interested in cults.”

“Even if there are tens of thousands of troops who obey the superhuman Choi Jun-ho?”

The leader speaks in a quiet voice. Obey me? This thing has a strange smell. And most things related to this.

“Is it something to do with brainwashing?”

“After all, Choi Jun-ho is a superhuman. That’s right. “This is a control system and awakened person training system that is ahead of China, Japan, and even the United States.”

What the cult leader is talking about is related to the ‘Donghwa training system’ obtained from China, which refers to artificially developing mental gifts to unite the mental channels of awakened people.

They call this a color project. A name that reminds me of an alien.

It is said that research began after obtaining what was created in China to forcibly control the awakened through Northern Jin.

I know this even if the leader doesn’t say so.

I can’t believe this came into Korea.

Of course, I saw it when I had a hematoma.

As for the results, it was a success. Instead, the awakened person became a thorough puppet of the person controlling it and was reduced to a killing machine.

Why it came to Korea is unknown for the first time.

“Why does this benefit me?”

“That’s because Choi Jun-ho’s range of motion in which he can move as he wishes increases.”

The guy’s sophistry was like this.

In a world where monsters appear, class polarization is bound to worsen. His story was to deny the existing idea that all humans are equal and to return to a strictly hierarchical society and contribute to the world according to one’s abilities.

It solidifies the vested interests of the noble class and creates and controls a channel for talented people to rise from the slave class.

They sat down and created a very grandiose picture among themselves.

I don’t support the idea that everyone is special, but I can understand why people are spewing out arbitrary sophistry.

“It’s difficult for us to stand out. “I will admit today’s mistake and move on.”

At the same time, he even came up with a way to get out naturally.

“No, you don’t need to.”

“What do you mean?”

“Why should I give up my opportunity to taste it to someone else?”


I put my hand on the cult leader’s head. Normally I would have twisted his neck, but he seems to know a lot, so I guess I’ll just listen to what comes out of his mouth.

I used brainwashing without hesitation.


The struggling religious leader’s pupils relaxed and I came out of the building.

“what’s this!”

“Why why am I here?”

“Everyone calm down!”

The area where the uproar took place was divided into two categories. People who become confused due to memory gaps after brainwashing and people who were not brainwashed to begin with.

They are separated well to make it easy to kill them.

* * *

After taking control of the inside, I killed the monster that had served its purpose and then invited Doggie and Jin Yong-ho inside.

“What is this….”

“My thoughts have changed.”



I picked up my smartphone without heeding Jin Yong-ho’s confused reaction.

This matter was too big for me to handle alone.

I never thought the fairy tale training system would come here.

As I dialed Cheon Myeong-guk’s number, I learned that things in the world do not flow in only one direction.

In this life, because of me, China’s momentum was greatly weakened. In Korea, the worst villain called Hematoma no longer appeared, and the situation turned around as several Chinese superhumans died at my hands.

However, it seems that it has led to the development of various desires within the Republic of Korea.

The fairy tale training system would be one of them. As China becomes weaker, people who are greedy for it have appeared.

Just by looking at it, it was clear that people involved in the political and financial world were involved, so we decided to enlist the help of experts.

“Director Cheon.”

-Has something happened?

Is this what a presidential candidate thinks?

I recognize it like a ghost.

“yes. “Because it’s a bit big.”

-Now wait a minute. Ugh!

“Why are you doing this?”

-…Oh no. I have a stomachache.

“You have to take good care of it.”

-Thank you for your concern.

I don’t know why I feel like I’m speaking through gritted teeth.

It’s not bad health, right? I heard that you need to be physically fit to be in politics. I guess I’ll have to make some medicine and send it to you. If I want to take responsibility for the next five years, I also need to take care of my physical strength.

“So this is…”

I started explaining to Cheon Myeong-guk, who was feeling much better, about the Color Project that I discovered while tracking down a cult.

* * *

Jin Yong-ho, who initially set out to cover the cult, looked dumbfounded at the scale growing in real time.

I thought it might be holding some secret. But this was much more powerful than I thought.

So much so that I thought it would be impossible to handle it on my own.

Sure enough, as Choi Jun-ho finished his phone call with the Blue House, a group of people entered the headquarters. And then a small-sized reporter appeared in front of Jin Yong-ho.

“This is Go Ye-jin from Media Force.”

“Nice to meet you. “Good morning, this is Jin Yong-ho from Dongtan.”

Jin Yong-ho knows Go Ye-jin well. He is called the king of aggro and is skilled at attracting clicks.

Go Ye-jin is a person who is resented by netizens, but has the talent of the devil to reporters.

“I understand that Good Morning Dongtan is not a large place, but why did you come this far to report?”

“I was wandering around looking for scoops… Haha!”

“First of all, congratulations on getting the scoop. Choin asked me to help reporter Jin with his exclusive reporting. Instead, I would like to publish an abusing article as a follow-up report. Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

“Then can you tell me the details?”

Jin Yong-ho informed Go Ye-jin about what happened in the cult. This place, which was initially thought to be a place to deceive innocent citizens, was revealed to be conducting research on human trafficking and brainwashing of the awakened.

“Can I see the article you wrote?”

“Here it is.”


Go Ye-jin’s brows narrowed as she looked at the contents of the article. It’s a look I don’t like.

“Is it strange?”

“The content is great, but the title is too plain.”

Go Ye-jin is [Exclusive!] written by Jin Yong-ho. He pointed out the title, “What is the shocking reality of cults?”

“First of all, we have to attract aggro. That’s how it becomes a hot topic.”

“What should I do?”

“You should put the most topical title first. Of course, the best subject here is Choi Jun-ho, Choin.”

Go Ye-jin chose the article title without any hesitation.

“How about like this?”

[What was the biological experiment that enraged the superhuman Choi Jun-ho? Exclusive report on the shocking experiment site that will make the whole world laugh and turn the Republic of Korea upside down!]


Jin Yong-ho gaped at the article that would make him click without realizing it.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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