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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 200

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Episode 200

After Cheon Myeong-guk, who had become contemplative, left the table, Jung Joo-ho, who was left alone, filled his glass with the remaining alcohol.

“It’s such a scary world. “If you don’t know anything, it’s a place where you get ripped off.”

Cheon Myeong-guk suffered because of Choi Jun-ho. Due to the accident he committed, something went wrong with his healthy intestines, to the point where he ended up with bloody stool.

However, it was he who accepted Choi Jun-ho as a superman, and it was Cheon Myeong-guk’s work that allowed Choi Jun-ho to become established. Because of that one person’s sacrifice, the Republic of Korea became an awakened powerhouse and has grown significantly over the years, allowing more citizens to live safely.

From the perspective of national interest, Cheon Myeong-guk made a great contribution. Even now, the media cites the government’s greatest achievement as embracing Choi Jun-ho, who was just a civil servant hunter.

With that one achievement alone, he was mentioned as a presidential candidate in some surveys.

The president’s position is understandable. The president takes full responsibility, but on the contrary, he takes all the credit. What he did well was trusting Cheon Myung-guk and handing over his authority. Therefore, it is not strange to see Cheon Myeong-guk as the right person to carry on his achievements.

Other ruling party politicians?

Even if they belong to the same party, people basically gather around them, and even if they continue the administration, they have no choice but to erase the color of the previous administration.

That’s what politics is.

“So I escaped.”

In particular, it seems that the President’s greed for talent is so great that once he gets involved, it is very, very difficult to get out.

So, I deliberately worked hard in Pyongyang and quit after contributing to a level that made the President feel burdened. But what if you were also in the Blue House? He may have been in a similar situation to Cheon Myeong-guk.

Of course, the suffering that Cheon Myeong-guk experiences is not his own.

However, since there was a common denominator that Choi Jun-ho suffered from hair loss and bloody stool, I thought it would be better to know about it and face it.

“…This is my opinion, why did you ask me to say it?”

Before I knew it, Choi Jun-ho was sitting across from Jeong Ju-ho.

“I have similar thoughts as the director.”

Today, it was Choi Jun-ho’s work that Jung Joo-ho told Cheon Myeong-guk the truth.

Even though I had my doubts, I was curious as to why Choi Jun-ho had bothered to point it out.

“You have already been caught in the net and it will be difficult to get out, but it is better to know and face it.”

“Isn’t that extremely cruel?”

“Anyone in this world who gets hurt is a fool.”

It was a separate issue from feeling sorry for the victim. At those cold words, Jeong Joo-ho nodded while licking his lips.



“Maybe the president was trying to speak at this point.”


“If it were the president’s style, I would have accepted it as if it were a joke, but the position of president requires determination. If you want to prepare to run for office and learn about the job, now is the perfect time. “Definitely.”

Choi Jun-ho spoke with confidence.

“Don’t you think Director Cheon will do a good job if he becomes president?”

“Well, that guy is very meticulous when it comes to doing things. “You’re especially good at drawing the big picture and are good at practical work, so you’ll probably achieve great results by working on yourself, right?”

It was typical Cheon Myeong-guk’s style. Achieving results by concentrating on work to the point of overwork.

Cheon Myeong-guk’s work ability is so well-known that even Jeong Joo-ho, who is considered competent, says he cannot do something like that on his own.

“If you say so, it seems like they fit well together.”

“I think it would be easier if the only person I interact with is Director Cheon. “There won’t be any major changes in policy.”

“Well, it might be better for you.”

It was an action in which the interests of the President and Choi Jun-ho coincided exactly. Thinking about that gave me goosebumps.

The collaboration between the two was pushing one person into the abyss of the presidency.

For politicians, the position of president is something they always dream of, but for Cheon Myeong-guk, it would be a terrible situation that he would most like to avoid.

“I think the director will do well too.”

“me? “Oh, don’t even talk.”

“It was a bit too much, wasn’t it?”

“How can I be president? “That means I’m going to die.”

Just imagining it is scary, but how difficult would it be if it became reality?

Although it was only for a moment, I felt like I had been to hell.

Choi Jun-ho also did not comment further, as if it was a joke.

“The most important thing.”

“Are there any more reasons?”

“It’s fun.”

…the devil.

Joo-ho Jeong was appalled at the fact that he had created the strongest presidential candidate simply for fun.


Jeong Joo-ho, who was drinking to quench his thirst, did not notice that Choi Jun-ho’s eyes were focused on him.

* * *

“Mr. President.”

“What’s happening all of a sudden?”

Even though it was a late visit, the President obediently welcomed Cheon Myeong-guk. A face as if he knew he would come. It had the effect of exploding anxiety.

Cheon Myeong-guk, who was suddenly intoxicated, asked in a sharp tone that he could not normally use.

“Is it true?”


“Was what I learned about handover actually a succession class?”

“Oh, that’s what you meant. “What made you think that?”

“I’m serious now.”

If I hadn’t been drinking, I wouldn’t have been able to ask this. However, Cheon Myeong-guk did not even notice that his current attitude was wrong. There was no such thing as excitement.

I hoped he would deny that he was the president. If that were the case, I would be able to apologize for all of this and sleep comfortably with both feet up.

However, the answer that came out of the president’s mouth was spectacular.

“Is that even a problem?”

“Uh huh?”

“It’s just as you thought.”


Is this what it feels like to be amazed? After hearing Joo-ho Jeong’s words and seeing the situation he found himself in, a part of him was denying reality.

I thought it might not be true, but I thought I was sensitive and the president was very considerate.

The moment I found out that wasn’t the case, I felt like my mind was falling apart.

You’re the president?

I know that the final destination that every politician dreams of is becoming president. However, he swears that he has never once dreamed of becoming president.

The president’s voice penetrated the mesmerized Cheon Myeong-guk.

“Director Cheon Myeong-guk.”

“Yes yes.”

“How do you view the situation in this country right now?”

“I think it’s okay. “The President’s administration of state affairs was excellent, making the country wealthy and its status soaring to the sky.”

In fact, the president’s approval rating was at the highest level among all presidents, even though he was in the middle and latter part of his term.

But the president shook his head.

“It’s different from what I thought. “I think of all of this as a sand castle that will collapse in an instant.”


“The national treasury must be filled by investing in the North Korean region and distributed evenly to avoid dissatisfaction in each region. Who would be the politician who would boldly do this properly while risking criticism? Anyone can give generously without being criticized. However, it can be said that there is no politician who can draw a big picture for the national interest and boldly do something that will be criticized immediately. And they have no intention of observing the process of how the country’s prestige was built, but rather are intent on exerting influence. Everyone only talks about their own politics. “If you make a mistake, you can only lose people’s hearts.”

“Well, there are many capable people in the ruling party, so if he succeeds in carrying out the president’s will, the people will fully understand…” “When

I say human sentiment, I am referring to Choi Jun-ho rather than the people.”


“Don’t you know that the most important thing is to control Choi Jun-ho? Director Cheon, among the politicians in the ruling party, who do you think can control Choi Jun-ho as well as me?”


Cheon Myeong-guk was not willing to give a name. The way the President treated Choi Jun-ho was completely different from the existing Yeouido calculation method.

But other politicians are different. They believe that awakened people are subjects that need to be controlled, and are trying to figure out how to impose various regulations.

A politician with these thoughts becomes president?

It was terrible to even imagine what kind of conflict would occur with Choi Jun-ho.

“I can accept everything else, but the Choi Jun-ho issue is different. “The most important qualification for the next president is whether he can maintain a relationship with Choi Jun-ho without causing any disruption.”


From one to ten, there were no mistakes.

“I think the right person for that job is Director Cheon. “What do you think?”


Cheon Myeong-guk could not refute. From beginning to end, there was nothing wrong with what the president said.

Although he wanted to be relieved of the hard stress, he was also very proud of his achievements.

Without that, I wouldn’t have been able to endure until now.

How was this result achieved? It’s falling apart? Choi Jun-ho must be handled with care. Otherwise, it is easy to go astray and the world will push him out as a villain.

What if Choi Jun-ho becomes a villain?


A dizzying feeling of dizziness came over me.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

This is just your imagination. But will it become reality? It was clear that there would be more cruel results.

From that day on, the Republic of Korea will continue to decline.

When I thought about it this way, I understood the president’s decision. He had no other thoughts.

“Director Cheon is the only suitable person.”

“President, I….”

“Is there something that’s holding you back?”

“No matter what, I have no foundation in the party and no one around me.”

“I’ll fill you in. What do you need? Party support? Think tank? Party organization? Just tell me what you need. No, I’m ready. Director Cheon, all you have to do is decide.”


Cheon Myeong-guk realized that he had been caught in a net that he could not escape.

“Perhaps, as your name suggests, you have been given a mandate from heaven. I will lay the foundation for the success of the Republic of Korea, which is at a critical crossroads, and you will develop it. Aren’t you excited? “The success we will create.”

He encourages it in a soft voice. My body trembled without realizing it because the words stimulated my imagination.

“And he ends his term as a respected president, receiving applause from everyone. You deserve it. “Why don’t you give it a try?”

“…I’ll think about it.”

“I will wait with pleasure.”

Can we shake off this?

Cheon Myeong-guk closed his eyes tightly due to the overwhelming dizziness.

* * *

The President even bothered to post an article, so Cheon Myeong-guk was in a dazed mood until he arrived home.

I sobered up right away. Until this morning, he couldn’t believe that he, who had been gleeful at the thought of retirement, had been selected by the president as his successor.


“Oh my daughter!”

Cheon Myeong-guk smiled brightly as he looked at his daughter who made him forget his worries.

“The smell of alcohol!”

I burst out laughing as I watched my daughter run away.

Yes, I thought about this future. Forget about your worries and live a peaceful life with your family.

I thought it would be okay to take a short break since I had been living an intense life so far.

But is that really okay?

What if you quit? Can the next president really control Choi Jun-ho?

Even if Yang Joo-hyuk is appointed as a successor, it is not certain that he will do as well as he did.

In the first place, it is a matter that depends on the will of the next president.

As I thought about that, my expression darkened again.

“dad! it hurts?”

“No, it doesn’t hurt.”

Cheon Myeong-guk smiled again at the sight of his daughter asking him right away.

Even so, worry crept in again.

Once I became aware of it, it was not easy to shake off my worries.

What should I do next? I have already told my wife that when I leave the Blue House, I will travel around the country, visit overseas countries, and take a rest.

In my heart, I wanted to tell the president to return to the way it never happened.

But I was concerned about the concerns the president mentioned.

Because it is not just a bad prospect, but a 99.9% reality.

No, Choi Jun-ho is also gradually changing, so I think things can go well.


That can’t be true. You have to expect what to expect. No matter how much things change, there is no way the essence of a person will change.

Bad thoughts kept stimulating Cheon Myeong-guk.

Myeong-guk Cheon, who completely washed off the alcohol in the shower and stayed in the study, played the gift-in simulation. There are currently three strong ruling party presidential candidates. Although they all had slightly different pursuits, the main theme was the same.

If they become president, what will their compatibility with Choi Jun-ho be like?

Still, I had a glimmer of hope. I think that any politician who is mentioned as a presidential candidate can achieve good results.

Gift simulation draws a future that is close to foresight through given information. There is ample information about the presidential candidates.

The results of the simulation drawn by combining the information accumulated so far and Choi Jun-ho’s actions are.

…it wasn’t good. It didn’t just get worse, it destroyed everything that he and the president had worked so hard to build. It wasn’t just one person, it was everyone.

“Hey, if you’re the opposition party’s candidate, there’s still a chance…”

I tried substituting Hyun Young-mi, the opposition party’s strong presidential candidate, with a glimmer of hope, but it ended in disaster.

The chemistry between Hyun Young-mi, who was a strong believer in keeping the awakened people under strong control, and Choi Jun-ho, who was gradually expanding his territory, was the worst of the worst.

Maybe the imagination of Choi Jun-ho becoming a villain will become a reality.

If so, there is only one way.

The president should be someone who can handle Choi Jun-ho carefully and prevent him from exploding.

Then only two people remain.

Jooho Jeong.

And yourself.

However, Jung Joo-ho abandoned his public office and escaped. Moreover, he is the one who informed the president’s plot to make him his successor.

Are you talking to Jung Joo-ho about running for president? It is no different from sticking a knife in the back of a benefactor’s head.

I can’t bear to betray my benefactor.


all that’s left is yourself.

Cheon Myeong-guk ran a simulation with the premise that he would become president, which he most hated to think about.


The moment I pictured a future where everyone was happy except me, I closed my eyes tightly.

What should I do?

“Why are you there with the lights off?”

At that time, the light in the study room turned on. When I looked toward the door, I saw my wife looking worried.

Cheon Myeong-guk drank the honey water his wife offered him.



Cheon Myeong-guk made up his mind.

“I guess I should run for office.”

“Running for office? “A member of the National Assembly? You said you wouldn’t do that.”

“No, not the National Assembly member.”

“Then local elections?”

“Not even that.”


Cheon Myeong-guk said with a sad expression to his wife who still did not understand.

“I think I should run for president.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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