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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 20

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Episode 20

“Sounds cool? very good.”

Lee Cheon-guk, a two-shot horse, smiled with satisfaction as he looked at the items he had obtained from the black market.

He is a villain who has gifted muscle strength, and lives up to his nickname by manufacturing bombs and throwing them from a distance, killing countless people.

His hobby was making bombs, and his joy in life was seeing how powerful the bombs he made were.

In addition to throwing bombs in the city, bombs were thrown at hunters’ hunting grounds, resulting in over 1,000 victims. A bounty is being placed on government organizations as well as large guilds to catch him.

Lee Cheon-guk, who noticed the increasingly persistent pursuit, went into hiding for over half a year, and when surveillance began to relax, he was able to obtain the supplies needed to make a bomb on the black market.

The disguise was perfect and the ingredients were purchased in several installments, so no one would know it was him.

“I’ll do it very grandly this time. “You’ll regret trying to catch me.”

Lee Cheon-guk smiled, looking forward to the day when the name of Two Pokma would ring out everywhere.

Until I heard a voice behind me.

“Two bomb horse? “It’s worth billions.”

Quad deuk!


Lee Cheon-guk, whose arms were twisted in a strange direction, then broke both legs and rolled on the floor. Although it had a high bounty, its level was not high and it only did long-distance throwing, so its melee combat power was not that high.

“500 million bounty. “I went through quite a bit of trouble.”

“Who are you?”

In extreme pain, Lee Cheon-guk desperately rolled his eyes. The opponent realized that he was a major villain that was difficult to confront.

“public official.”


Lee Cheon-guk died after his head was crushed before he could even ask for his life.

Choi Jun-ho, who easily disposed of the two-explosive horse, stepped on the item he had purchased on the black market. Objects caught in mines were shattered.

“This makes five.”

I checked the time and it was 4 am.

There was room to catch one more villain.

*After deciding to catch the villain, the criteria for selecting the prey were simple.

First of all, if it’s a majority, let’s skip it. This is because it is not easy to process it quickly or to clean it up afterwards. Also, belonging to a company or guild was excluded.

So what remains is a villain who travels alone.

It wasn’t difficult to tell who the villain was. I waited a little distance away from the black market and hunted the villain who moved alone.

As I was choosing the last target, I smiled at the sight of a man in his 40s with a thin build and an ordinary look.

It turned out to be a bigger fish than expected.

I hid and waited for him to pass by. The plan was to launch a surprise attack and eliminate them if their backs were exposed.

The moment I approached him and grabbed his neck, his body dissipated in a flash of light and appeared 10 meters away. You missed it.

“I’ve seen a few ambushes at the black market, but now I’m really close to dying.”

“Blink Na Kyung-wook.”

As a level 6 villain, the level of danger is low. He is a villain with an unusual history who has no criminal history of harming ordinary citizens.

“Do you know me? Then can you just send it to me? “I don’t want to fight.”

“Leave only your neck and go.”

“He was someone I couldn’t communicate with.”

Even if the risk is low, it is said that it is difficult to catch Blink because he handles it freely.

I also covet it because it is a space type gift.

Should I take it?

Meanwhile, Na Gyeong-wook, who had crossed the space, swung a dagger.

Quad deuk!

He swung two daggers and threw them without delay once he was at a distance. There were no space restrictions, so it felt difficult.

However, it could not overcome the power of my mine and the force in the dagger was shattered.

Na Kyung-wook, who was unable to overcome the aftermath and was pushed back, used Blink. Aiming for that moment, I took out the bullet I had picked up earlier and threw it to the direction I had moved to.


The biggest disadvantage of users of the space movement type is that they become defenseless for a short time after using it. Na Gyeong-wook’s body shook as his arm and side were pierced by the bullet I threw.

For a split second, I tried to split the space and grab the guy’s head, but I used Blink again.

At any rate, it’s the last villain’s struggle.

“stop! surrender!”

“I do not need.”

It showed that he had no intention of resisting, but it didn’t matter. I will kill him here and take Blink.

“What’s wrong with you!” shit! You used something like lightning on your hand, right? “Are you a head breaker?”


I don’t think it’s me. What kind of nickname is that?

“Hunter, a civil servant with more cruel hands than a villain! “It’s you, right?”

“You will hear the answer in the underworld.”

The guy used Blink again, but he caught up quickly. Na Gyeong-wook, who avoided the hand aimed at his head, gave up his shoulder and sank, twisted his whole body and screamed.

“Stop that! Stop it! “I’m also a civil servant hunter!”

“What nonsense?”

“It’s from the Foreign Cooperation Management Bureau! Look inside Pooh’s arms. “Because there is a name tag.”

The villain was a civil servant hunter? That was completely unexpected. I unzipped the guy’s coat and found his name tag. My name is Han Sang-min.

“If you lie, you won’t die well. “I will strengthen all the bones I have.”

Na Gyeong-wook trembled at my threat. I found the name tag and looked at it.

···I couldn’t tell if it was genuine or counterfeit. But my intuition was speaking. There is a high probability that what he says is true.

I took out my smartphone from my pocket and contacted Jooho Jeong.

“Sorry for being early in the morning. Director.”

-I don’t know since when 3:30 in the morning was considered morning, but tell me first what happened.

I was talking on the premise that I had caused an accident. Oh, was this an unexpected accident?

“I know if there is a person named Han Sang-min in the Foreign Cooperation Management Bureau.”


After that, Jung Joo-ho was seen making contact with another phone. Then later, while talking on the phone with the director of the External Cooperation Management Bureau, we exchanged friendly insults, and he told me.

-He’s Agent Black from the Foreign Cooperation Management Bureau. How do you know that name?

“You are now in my custody.”


“I’m sorry, but please check if Han Sang-min is disguised as villain Blink Na Kyung-wook.”


Joo-ho Jeong spoke again with the Director of the External Cooperation Management Bureau and received the final answer.

-That’s right.

“All right.”

-You’re sure he didn’t kill him, right?


-Then you made him a half-asshole?

I looked at Na Kyung-wook for a moment. There were holes in his arms and sides, his complexion turned white as he had lost a lot of blood, and his shoulder was shattered.

“It’s not that you’re half sick, but you’re half sick.”

-That’s your opinion.

“···We will restore it as much as possible.”

-Please do me a favor.


After the call ended, I poured the Shinsung Group premium recovery agent that I had for emergency use onto Han Sang-min’s shoulder.

I could see my collapsed shoulder blade gradually returning to its proper shape.


“Stay still. “Unless you want to live as an asshole for the rest of your life.”

One wasn’t enough, so I sprayed it on the guy’s sides and arms, and it wasn’t enough, so I even fed him. Then, the blood stains were removed and the restoration was completed in a convincing manner.

I wanted the Blink gift, but there was nothing I could do about it.

By the way, Shinsung Group’s premium recovery agent was highly recommended.

*South Korea is a country that has succeeded in achieving a balance through strong regulations on large guilds in the early days and support for state-sponsored hunters.

Recently, leadership has been increasingly transferred to large guilds, but the three biggest axes of the government, the National Defense Bureau, Foreign Cooperation Management Bureau, and Anti-Weapon Defense Front Bureau, have stronger power and authority than most large guilds.

These three organizations work closely together and act as a check when one tries to advance.

As a result, the heads of each country treated each other as collaborators and competitors.

Yeom Ki-cheol, director of the External Cooperation Management Bureau, was Jeong Ju-ho’s classmate.

“Director Yeom, it was a mistake? “If people are walking around and see a villain, they might break their shoulder and make a mistake.”

“Wow, is that a mistake that requires treatment for over half a year before you can even lift a spoon? “If I add more, will I end up just breathing for the rest of my life?”

“It can happen if we fight with each other. What did you not kill? “But the bones were put together well, right?”

“Are you telling me to thank you for that now? “Should I break all your bones and fit them together?”

“I’m saying let’s go in a good way. Hey, take a look. “My hair is getting thinner these days because of her.”

Director Yeom Ki-cheol, who felt sympathy for the same disease when hair thickness was mentioned, could not push it any further.

“What on earth happened to Head Breaker?”

“It’s a mess. “A big troublemaker.”

“I had only heard rumors, but I saw it this time and it was amazing. “You’re completely crazy.”

Jeong Joo-ho burst out laughing. Is Choi Jun-ho crazy? That’s an insult to a mad dog.

I wanted to give Yeom Yeom-cheol a taste of that, but I couldn’t give him the treasure.

I decided to think of it as the fate of those who possess treasure.

As expected, basic iron gradually led us in that direction.

“I’m sure I’ll cut myself if I use that knife incorrectly. How about sharing it?”

“Aren’t you curious about the taste of my knife?”

“You greedy bastard. Don’t you feel sorry for me for calling you so early in the morning? “Do you know how much I nagged your sister-in-law?”

“I also heard nagging. “Who told you to get married?”

“You son of a bitch! “You were the one who introduced me!”

“I really didn’t know I was going to get married. “He’s a good person.”

“That’s right.”

Yeom Gi-cheol, who felt that he was getting tired of saying more here, held back his words. This guy, who is a friend but also an enemy, is the kind of guy who would go so far as to tell his wife exactly what he said.

“Anyway, Sangmin had difficulty moving, so the mission he was going to do ended up failing. Pass the headbreaker.”

“What’s the problem?”

“Drugs are coming in from abroad in large quantities. “This has something to do with puppetry, but I think it has something to do with the league.”


“I was planning on eating alone, so I need you to help me.”

“Half and half.”

“Hey, I prepared the whole meal over here. Are you kidding me?”

Jeong Joo-ho smiled mischievously and picked his ears.

“If you don’t have the strength to eat rice, you should be kind enough to feed it.”

“You’re the one who broke that arm!”

“So you don’t like it?”

“madam! I have a chance to take the lead on my own. ···call!”

Jeong Joo-ho, smiling brightly, sat next to Yeom Yeom-cheol and tapped his shoulder.

“As expected, you are the man chosen by our Jesu!”

“It is Cheonchu’s regret that I fell for the magic trick of you who said that marriage is a happy thing.”

“Are you still happy?”

“Thanks to you, I’m so happy. “You son of a bitch.”

Yeom Gi-cheol clenched his teeth.

*“You son of a bitch, give it a try.”

Yeom Gi-cheol, who pretended to die until Jeong Joo-ho passed away, laughed.

I handed it over to Jeong Joo-ho as if it were a favor, but this matter was by no means easy. The number of villains in the league was as large as the value of the drugs being distributed.

In order to eradicate this, a considerable amount of military power had to be mobilized, but this was handed over to the National Defense Bureau and the public took half of the credit.

“You shouldn’t take the world lightly, my friend.”

It’s not because I gave you the gift of a hellish marriage.

Three days after that.

The subordinate came into the director’s office, lost in thought.

“Director Gu! “Operation is operation!”

“Why are you asking for help from the National Defense Bureau?”

“That’s not it! “Headbreaker went in alone and confiscated all the drugs!”

Yeom Gi-cheol was startled by this completely unexpected fact and stood up.

“What are the guys guarding there doing?”

“They all rebelled and were crippled.”

“What about the damage? “Headbreaker, that bastard is either an asshole or his wounds are so deep that he has to retire.”

“Well… they say he’s fine.”

Yeom Yeom-cheol sat down with a dejected expression on his face at the achievement that surpassed his imagination.

“···Crazy guy.”

*Berserker Lee Gwang-jin sat in an abandoned factory in Ansan. His expression was gentle, like a meditating monk, and his reputation as a Berserker did not suit him.

He closed his eyes and opened his mouth to an empty space.

“If you are here, please tell me your business. puppet.”

Inyoung, wearing a black robe, appeared in front of Berserker.

“It was not my intention to disturb meditation.”

“You talk so well while giving off the stench of a corpse.”

“It’s been coated with special chemicals several times, but it stinks. Isn’t this fragrant enough? Don’t distort the truth, my friend. “Anyway, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this factory.”

“It is the only space where traces of the eraser remain. Can’t you see? “A scene of slaughter that is so beautiful that it enters the realm of fantasy?”

This is where the Big Ten was annihilated not long ago. Berserker looked inside the factory and imagined the scene of the massacre that occurred that day.

“So what business did you come for?”

“I heard they couldn’t find the Eradicator.”

“Are you planning on starting a fight?”

“Hey, we want to join the same ‘league’.”

“I never thought of myself as colleagues with you.”

“You still act noble. Anyway, let’s stop chasing fruitless expungers and there is a way for you and I to achieve a win-win situation. What do you think?”


The puppeteer spoke to Berserker, who remained silent.

“Ultimately, you and I are both going to enter the league, and each of us has different goals. Among the hunters who attacked the league this time, there is an interesting guy. “It may not be as good as the Eradicator, but it will be entertainment.”

“Who is it?”

“Headbreaker. If the opponent is a villain, he is the one who starts by destroying the head. “I’m still in my 20s, but they say I’m level 7.”

“20’s. Headbreaker.”

Berserker’s eyes flashed. The puppeteer, who had succeeded in arousing interest, laughed.

“I want to join the league and get my hands on as many talented puppets as I can before I leave the country. If it is known that you and I are holding hands, there will be a stampede. “This will be at least a warm-up exercise for you as you search for the Eradicator. Do you want to do that?”


“If you help me, I will assist in the search for the Eradicator.”

“First pass on the information about Head Breaker.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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