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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 2

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Episode 2

Several days passed as they sprayed fresh wild boar blood everywhere, hung up the bones, installed extermination equipment, and removed the poison from the meat.

“Be sure to eat meat.”

“Can I eat that?”

“If you just eat it, you’ll get sick, but the poison has been taken out. By itself, it is a good tonic for rejuvenation. You can eat it baked or boiled.”

“How did you know that?”

“Just doing this and that.”

It was life knowledge I learned while being chased, but I answered like that. In the past, whenever I had time because I was busy, I would make beef jerky and carry it around. There was a time when I survived for 15 days in the winter with just beef jerky.

If that wasn’t even available, I ate raw meat. The sharp taste of the monster’s poison on the tongue is also delicious.

“And if it doesn’t work, please contact me. “I just need to catch it again.”

“okay. “Go to Seoul and do well on the exam.”

“I’m doing well with Yoonhee too.”

“Will he be friendly with me?”

“Of course not.”

“Mom, that’s a bit weird.”

“The hurt caused by my son who was unemployed for two years was even greater.”

“I admit that.”

I had no choice but to admit it, so I accepted the nagging.

Anyway, the existence of younger sister Yoon Hee-ra broke my heart.

If I hadn’t been a villain, I would have shined brightly. However, because of me, I had no choice but to give up my dream and was locked in a prison called surveillance under the name of protective measures.

I owe my heart to my family. I don’t know why he returned to his youth, but he will be a dependable son to his parents and help his younger brother achieve success.

I think that’s why I returned to the past.

After getting ready to go to Seoul, I got into the car.

The road from Cheongju to Seoul took longer than before.

Monsters are appearing all over the road and villains who refuse to be controlled by the state are increasing rapidly, making it take much longer than before.

Monsters hunt periodically, but villains are literally variables.

Speaking as a former villain, villains are evil. A monster wearing a human mask. When I went crazy, the only thing I sympathized with was when he didn’t hesitate to use his hands against a villain.

If I become a public servant hunter, I will have to deal with villains, but at least I won’t hesitate to use my hands.

The more villains there are, the less likely it is that my peaceful life will be disturbed.

“The problem is ability.”

What was confusing my mind while driving was an ability I had awakened in my past life.

My ability, called blood feeding, is a unique attribute gift that obtains the ability contained in the target’s blood.

The ability can be gained by consuming the freshest blood squeezed from the target’s heart. This ability is the reason why he was called Hematoma even though he awakened at a late age in his last life.

In the end, he was unable to control his power and caused a runaway.

No matter how much I think about it, I don’t plan on revealing my blood feeding to the world because it’s a gift that could easily be misunderstood as a vampire.

Instead, you could just reveal another gift.

I don’t know why, but the gift I stole from my previous life was still there.

There are as many as ten of them.

The power that was called a hematoma in my past life was flowing through my blood.

Is it a blessing or a curse?

It was like a Phalaenopsis dream, but I don’t plan to think too deeply about this part.

It’s best to quietly accept unexplainable luck.

If I become a villain again, it would be a disaster to the world, but once I have experienced regret, I will not repeat the same mistake.



Before I went crazy, I was an extremely harmless, normal person. If the other person didn’t fight, didn’t bother me, and didn’t do anything bad, I would have stayed quiet.

Meanwhile, we entered Seoul.

I didn’t want to go home empty-handed, so I stopped by a nearby supermarket and bought a lot of meat. Although he was unemployed and did not have a penny in his pocket, his parents gave him a lot of pocket money to take care of himself and Yunhee.

I arrived home with my luggage. This is the house where I lived just two years ago, but if you include my past life, this is the place I visited after 30 years.

The two-room villa is a place where two people can comfortably live.

When I went inside, I saw a disorganized scene.

Thinking that at least I had plenty of space to step on, I put the ingredients I bought at the supermarket into the refrigerator and started cleaning the house.

An hour passed as I collected and threw away any visible trash, separated the laundry, and put it in the washing machine.

For Yunhee, this was a hectic time. Although he narrowly failed this year, he was likely to pass next year. Even now, if I lower my eyes a little, I have the skills to go to a large guild.

At that time, Yunhee came inside with the sound of pressing the door lock number from outside.

My younger sister Choi Yun-hee, 21 years old, graduated from high school with excellent grades and was a talented person who developed her talents step by step.

A child whose talents would have blossomed brilliantly if her older brother had not been the worst villain in history.

However, due to the crime of having a villain brother, Yoon-hee was unable to find a job, her freedom was restricted, and she grew old lonely.

It’s all my fault.

I smiled bitterly at the youthful appearance of my younger brother, whom I thought I would never see again. And I made a promise. He said he would never become a blood-drunk villain again.

“What are you here already?”

Yunhee’s eyes were sore when she saw me.

“I contacted you to say I was going, but there was no reply.”

For reference, I read it.

“It’s okay to look at it. “I thought you would just relax and play games like usual.”

“Is that what you see in me?”

“Like nothing happened?”

“I was surprised that the reviews were more generous than I expected.”

I imagined all kinds of bad reviews, such as being a human trash, a person who can’t get along, a parasite, a cockroach, and a maggot that sucks out the backbone of your parents.

Yunhee’s expression became strange at the evaluation I made on my own.

“···We’ve only been together for a short while, but I feel like things are already starting to get weird for me.”

“I’m glad I wasn’t treated like a bug.”

“Isn’t that neat? “No, really, what are you looking at me for?”

Yunhee sighed deeply.

“Anyway, I heard from my mom that she wanted to become a public servant hunter. Are you really going to do it?”

“I have to do it.”



“No, normally you didn’t care if you weren’t a big company. Even when I was asked to do a part-time job to gain field experience, I said it was a hassle and stayed there to kill time. That’s why I don’t understand. “What are you thinking?”

“I don’t want to ruin my family anymore.”

“really? “My brother, the scum in the corner who made my parents rot inside, say something like this?”

While thinking about parasites, cockroaches, and maggots, I felt happy when I heard the evaluation of the nuisance of the room.

“Being a public servant doesn’t seem bad either. And we also beat up social villains.”

While large corporate hunters aim to conquer monsters and dungeons with abundant by-products, public servant hunters often deal with villains who disturb public order.

“Since when did you feel rewarded for catching villains?”

“The more I clean up, the more rewarding I feel. “Suddenly that thought occurred to me.”

“but. They say that hunter talent is different from dealing with people and dealing with monsters. But how are you going to take the test? “Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“You say you’re preparing to become a civil servant hunter? You should at least buy a related book! “You didn’t do anything?”

“Oh, I see.”


To be honest, I thought I could just say I wanted to do it. What should I study? If I catch one villain, will you let me pass?

When I looked at him with a question in mind, Yunhee turned her head.

“I don’t know, so figure it out.”

“Don’t do that, help me. “Let’s take a look at my outstanding little sister.”

“why me?”

I raise my eyes angrily, but that’s okay.

“I’ll give you pocket money.”


“How much do you need?”

“You are Jessie.”

When I called out 50 loudly, the guy’s head moved up and down at the speed of light.

“Let’s go right away!”

What if the relationship between siblings is enmity?

That meant less pocket money.

* * *

The next day we went into town to buy books.

Seoul, where awakened people and demons appeared, was more restrained and vibrant than before.

Evacuation shelters were installed throughout the city, and calmness and alertness coexisted on the faces of citizens walking the streets.

At least large monsters are thoroughly blocked on the outskirts of the city, but the problem is villains.

When the vigilance is strengthened, they hide, and when it is weakened, they sneak in, plunder and kill.

A world where if you get caught up in the wrong thing, you could end up dead. So, the people who came out on the streets also had a strong personality of wanting to finish their business quickly rather than enjoying this or that.

Still, I liked this liveliness. Before returning, I thought I would never return to the city in my life.

“To be honest, it’s not that difficult to become a public servant hunter as long as you wake up.”

Yunhee’s voice was full of energy as she said it had been a long time since she went shopping.

We live in an era where there are 10 million aspiring hunters. Those who had the potential for awakening dreamed of becoming hunters who could make a fortune in an instant.

Naturally, public servant hunters who mainly deal with villains were not popular. Large companies or freelance hunters that guarantee high salaries and come with incentives in case of success have been the trend these days.

So the conditions for becoming a public servant hunter were simple. First, awaken and receive a level evaluation. And the minimum required ethics and aptitude test data were to pass the interview.

“What you have to pass is that test. And did you awaken?”


“First of all, more than half passed. “Do you have any gifts?”

“there is.”

“really? and! Looks like you worked really hard at home? Then 99% pass. “It doesn’t matter if your brother is a level A or higher villain or has a criminal record.”

Both apply.

“You can prepare leisurely.”

“no. “Regardless of whether you pass or not, you have to do well in the rest to be placed in a good department.”

“Are there any good departments?”

“of course! “What are you talking about?”

Yoonhee frowned as she looked at me and explained the department she had to go to if she became a civil servant hunter.

They are the National Protection Bureau, which is directly subordinate to the central power and is responsible for internal security in Seoul, and the Foreign Cooperation Management Bureau, which acts as a bridge between the government and large corporations, and the Anti-Material Defense Front Bureau, which prepares monster hunting permits and preparedness measures.

“I can only serve as a public servant hunter if I go to this department. “The rest are literally volunteer jobs.”

Just by looking at it, I could tell that they had researched it for me. I looked at Yunhee’s face and expressed my gratitude.

“Thank you for your concern.”

“Oh no? “Is it worth your pocket money?”

“But thank you.”

“So don’t say thank you! “It’s all done for money.”

It leaps forward with a red face. I feel ashamed. I didn’t want to tease him any further, so I followed him and changed the subject.

“What about you? “Isn’t it difficult to prepare?”

“me? Preparation is easy. The written exam went smoothly. “The problem is the practical test.”

“It’s easy if you just have a gift, right?”

“huh. But how easy is that?”

A gift is a type of power made of force. If my blood feeding can take away the gift engraved in the opponent’s blood, the other gift is a transcendent ability that can be demonstrated such as creating a thunderbolt with the force, causing an accident with a sword, or moving through space.

However, the percentage of awakened people who have gifts is around 3%. That’s why gifts are so precious.

Not me though.

“I just need some blood.”

Blood feeding not only takes away abilities, but it is also possible to determine what abilities the target has.

I’ll have to look at the timing and speak up.

Now that I’ve returned, it’s important for me not to become a villain, but I also planned to take care to ensure that Yoonhee can fully demonstrate her abilities.

Because that was a way to reduce the sins I committed just a little.

To exercise one’s abilities to the fullest and live happily.

That was all I wanted from Yunhee.

Not everyone succeeds simply because they have talent, so rigorous training must follow.

“What did you say just now?”

“It is nothing.”

“He definitely muttered something suspicious.”

After buying the books needed for the exam and a few simple clothes, I finished lunch and arrived at the bank.

“Are you really okay?”

“How much do you pay for utility bills?”

First of all, the first step I should take was to reduce as much as possible the number of things Yunhee had to worry about throughout her life.

* * *

Choi Yun-hee looked at the back of her older brother who was leading the way.

‘Change has changed.’

Even when he was at home, my brother was overcome by something evil.

The anger that had no place to go was drifting and he didn’t know where to express it. That was exactly what Choi Yun-hee saw.

It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t sad about that sight. But at the same time, I didn’t want to get close to it.

Because I hated the feeling of defeat that was spreading like an epidemic. I believed that if I did well, I would be stimulated and get back to normal.

But when I saw my brother again, many things had changed.

The nervousness disappeared and a sense of relaxation emerged.

Can this be called leisure? It felt like some kind of detachment. I felt the atmosphere of experiencing all the hardships of learning about the world from someone who was unemployed for five years.

When I contacted my parents, they said it had changed without any particular reason.

They told me to always bring spoons and chopsticks when eating, but I don’t know why.

Anyway, before moving to Seoul, I heard that they created their own organization to eradicate harmful monsters.

And that too by hunting level 3 harmful monsters.

What on earth happened to my brother?

Monster hunting is amazing, but there’s even a gift?

With the gift itself, joining a mid-sized guild was a given. However, I didn’t say more because it seemed like my brother wanted to become a civil service hunter rather than a guild.

Choi Yun-hee suppressed the curiosity that kept rising. It turned out to be better.

‘Now all I have to do is do well.’

Although he was an aspiring public servant hunter, he kept saying strange things, saying that all he needed to do was blood, but I liked it anyway.

It’s not because of pocket money.

No, actually, 500,000 won was a bit too much money to freeze my heart.

At that time, there was a commotion outside the bank, and a group of people rushed inside.

“Don’t move!”

They were bank robbers.

* * *


“They are robbers.”

I saw Yunhee close behind me. Is it because it was a sudden situation? A tremor was felt.

Regardless, I looked towards the entrance and estimated the number of robbers.

If you see them dividing into two groups of ten and moving in a neat manner, they are professional robbers.

“This is a bank. “How can the robber…”

“For a villain with lockdown powers, a bank is a good place to eat.”

In particular, there is no way to rob a bank located on the outskirts of Seoul and then infiltrate the outskirts of Gyeonggi-do, which are infested with monsters.

When I was still a villain, I was offered several bank robberies, so I knew exactly how he acted.

They had a lock-down ability that made contact with the surrounding area impossible and then mercilessly dispose of anyone who resisted.

As banks were robbed several times in this way, the government resolved the threat by concentrating bank branches in the center of Seoul and placing branches of major guilds in the few branches left on the outskirts.

It was a time when no improvement had yet been made, and the villains took advantage of that gap. It was a timely attack.

“Everyone raise your hands and kneel!”

“If you do something stupid, I’ll kill you right away!”

“You guys now!”


The moment a man was about to protest, the muzzle in the villain’s hand burst into flames.

A man with a shocked expression fell from his seat, bleeding.

“Don’t kneel right now!”

Employees and customers trembled and fell to their knees at the villains’ shouts.

The villains, made up of ten people, were quick. Five occupied the entrance and neutralized the customers, while the remaining five grabbed the branch manager and headed to the safe.

I looked at Yunhee behind me.

Was it because I witnessed death right in front of my eyes?

A mixture of fear and anger caused violent trembling. Yoonhee is an aspiring hunter. My body was shaking as if I was going to jump in at any moment. However, it was impossible for her to deal with gun-wielding villains without any combat experience or proper equipment.

He stretched out his hand and tapped Yunhee.

“Stay still. Because these villains don’t care about what’s going on. “You have to move when you think it’s clear.”


“And keep that in mind. There are only two types of villains. “He’s either someone to kill or someone who deserves to be killed.”


“I’m watching.”

I moved towards the villains.

* * *

Honestly, my feelings about the villain are not good.

I think the reason I became a hematoma and went crazy is 99% my fault and 1% is the villain’s fault.

Before I went completely crazy, I was abusing blood feeding more than necessary due to my thirst for power. Even though I told myself I had to stop, I couldn’t stop my thirst for power.

At that time, the people around me who encouraged me were villains. They coveted my power as a newcomer and a powerful person. The failure to stop at that time eventually led to a runaway and the birth of a villain called Hematoma.

It doesn’t change that it’s all my fault. But I think about this very occasionally. Wouldn’t things have been a little different if people around me at the time had told me to stop?

When I think back, I think I was hoping for someone to stop me from speeding like a runaway locomotive. Although it’s funny that I hoped for that among villains.

It may be someone else’s fault, but I’m naturally narrow-minded. So, I think the villain is responsible for 1% of my becoming a hematoma. Actually, I wanted to blame others for 99%, but my conscience wouldn’t allow me.

Anyway, in this world, the more villains you kill, the more praise you get.

I plan to advocate for social justice and the ill will toward the 1%.

The moment I took a step, the distance shortened as if the space had been cut off. The villains who were flirting were scared.

“What are you!”


I watched the bullets flying from beginning to end and leaned my body to avoid them.

Meanwhile, I reached right in front of the villain and placed my hand on his shoulder.

Quad deuk!


A scream burst from the villain’s mouth along with an eerie bursting sound. The shoulder that was grabbed was completely crushed.

This gift, called a mine, is a gift from Germany’s Grand Meister Franz.

The Gift, which uses the Force to cause a violent explosion in the area it touches, is said to be a nightmare in close combat.

10 years from now, Franz will be killed by me as a villain, but this life will be different.

When I think about the way my old man stared at me like a CCTV grandfather, I think we might be able to build a relationship different from before.

If I were to say that Beethoven was from Russia this time, wouldn’t there be an uproar?

“What the hell!”

“Spread out!”

The scared villains tried to keep their distance, but my hands were faster.

When the shoulder was grabbed, it shattered like cookie crumbs, and when the arm was grabbed, it bent in the opposite direction.

One at a time.

This is why being ordinary was difficult.

If I were a villain, I wouldn’t hesitate to rip out his head first. Alternatively, touching the head and destroying the brain is a surefire way.

However, I am a civil service exam student preparing to become a civil servant hunter. Even if the opponent was a villain, I could be mistaken for a villain if I tried my best to kill him and made a mistake.

“Of course it’s easiest to kill.”

If he had been a public servant hunter, he would have been summarily judged by public power, but that was regrettable.

The villains who had entered the safe after taking a bite sensed the commotion outside and came out, immediately rushing in and subduing them.

“Don’t move!”

When the four were quickly subdued, the last remaining villain pointed a gun at the branch manager’s head and shouted.

“Hold your hands up and get back!”

“why me?”


“I don’t negotiate with terrorists.”

“What are you talking about now…?”

Either way, I looked at the branch manager who had become a hostage. His complexion had turned white. But no matter how fast I am, I cannot save the hostage’s life. In this case, you need to achieve maximum efficiency with minimum damage.

“I wanted to save you, but I’m sorry. “I will not forget your sacrifice.”

“What are you saying!”

“If you’re going to kill me, kill me. Instead, I will kill you too. FYI, I’m going to break your head. Your brain will be shattered and dripping from your eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Oh, was that too merciful? “I’ll destroy your limbs first, and I’ll destroy your head last.”

It’s profitable to kill one villain by sacrificing one hostage.

I approached him openly.

* * *


Unlock, the leader of the villains who attacked the bank, seemed like he was going crazy.

Why on earth is this crazy person in a place like this?

He, who specializes in disarming safes and jamming radio waves rather than fighting, felt that his plan for a big hit had completely gone awry.

A villain who has also experienced many hardships.

I thought there was no answer if I lost momentum, so I tried to see it through to the end, but my opponent was even crazier.

I wondered if there would be a negotiation if I drilled a hole in the branch manager’s head and caught the other guy.

But the moment I made eye contact with the approaching madman, I realized.

This guy is crazy and you can’t handle it.

He thought of himself not as a human being, but as an insect that could be stepped on and exploded at any time.

As soon as he punches a hole in the branch manager’s head, he will crush his own head like tofu like he said.


In the end, Unrak, pushed by his opponent’s momentum, threw away his gun and raised his hand.


The branch manager was seen running away in horror, but Unrak was unable to move away like a fish caught in a net.

“It feels good.”

The crazy guy who arrived right in front ate his appetite.

Quad deuk!

Unrak’s shoulders slumped down with an eerie cracking sound. I screamed and writhed as the pain overtook my whole body.

“Aaaah! Why on earth?”

“If you’re sane, the other kids will feel unfair. And this eye level is just right.”

The crazy guy answered calmly.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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