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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 185

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Episode 185

And so Zhou Xingxia’s turn came to an end. Zhou Xingxia, who regained his original calm expression even though his chest had been ripped open and filled with flesh again, quietly retreated.

My eyes turned to Zhou Quan.

“Next is the Prime Minister’s turn.”


Zhou Quan gulped as he watched me wipe my bloody hands. His eyes were shaking violently.

It was a typical reaction of superhumans who feel terrible about their bodies. It’s a turn.

“Do I have to do it right away?”

“Wouldn’t that be convenient?”

“I didn’t know you were going to cut my chest directly. “I need some time to think.”

“What needs to be done doesn’t change anyway. If that’s the case, it seems better to do it right away.”


Zhou Quan was speechless. He looked at me intently and sighed.

“I’ll come back in a few days.”

Perhaps we will wait and see what kind of changes Zhou Xingxia undergoes before making a decision. I could understand why he was called a dictator as he was able to use even his own daughter as a weapon without hesitation.

If you’re just going to do it, do it right away.

“Of course.”

“Everyone returns!”

When Zhou Quan left and Zhou Xingxia followed, all the attendants returned.

Just by looking at this, you could tell that discipline was clearly in place.

By the way, as the dictator of Singapore, he is very cautious, cunning in trying to rationalize his claims, and has the self-righteousness to put even his daughter as a scapegoat.

I had no idea how many people would die if I became stronger and gained more power.

It would also be a good idea to remove it. It would be difficult for the author to remove that easily.

But I have a hidden secret weapon that no one knows about.



The guy reacts crookedly. There was a strong scent of non-cooperation in the air.

Well, I know very well what his weaknesses are.

“How was Hyuna’s education?”

[…Ugh! Aaaah! Why are you bringing that up!]


[Don’t even mention my name! It brings back bad memories!]



“Hyuna, Hyunah, Hyunah, Hyunah, Hyunah!”

[Ugh! [Tell me about your business!]

Yongyong writhed in pain at the mere mention of his existence. Was it certain that the effect of education was that much? I was there briefly and thought everything was fine, but it seemed like Hyuna knew a sure way to educate Yongyong.

If I mess up, I’ll have to use it again next time.

“You owe me too.”

[What do I owe you!]

“Don’t you remember how you went back and forth between me and Hyuna?”

[So what should I do! Do you think I’m afraid of you?]

“Of course you’re not afraid of me.”

[Heng! I know that.]

“If you don’t do me a favor.”

[What if you don’t listen?]

“I’m going to ask Hyuna.”

If you’re not afraid of me, you can just ask the guy who is. Last time I saw it, Hyuna thought of Yongyong as a younger sibling who had been put out on the water, but it was clear that if I put in a request, she would think it was right and take him in and educate him again.

[Hey hey hey! Where can you find such a thing! Why are you mentioning him and not you?]

The effect was clear.

[You’re not really talking, are you? Answer quickly.]

“I’m thinking.”

[Instead of doing that, let’s compromise within a reasonable range. It’s too bothersome to go there again. Huh?]

“Do I have a reason to do that?”

[It’s more convenient that way. I also don’t feel like going there again. huh? Huh?]

It’s all over. After all, the easiest thing in the world to persuade was Yongyong.

“I can’t help it because I’ve known you for a while. “Am I doing you a favor?”

[huh! of course! Thank you!]

I clicked my tongue as I watched Yongyong fly around while gently wagging his tail.

If you had met a bad guy instead of me, you would have been taken advantage of to the fullest.

“Is it possible to travel through space on a flying airplane?”

* * *

My father was very happy when I bought golf equipment. I had never behaved like this in my last life either, so I looked forward to going to the golf course together.

However, even for the father of a superhuman, golf course reservations were fair. After the appearance of the monster, the number of golf courses decreased significantly, and the difficulty of management rapidly increased, turning a popular sport into a top-class sport.

Since I had a lot of time anyway, I was ready to have fun waiting.

“Zhou Quan has been trying to manage his image.”

“Did you see it that way?”

“They must be paying attention because they want to pass it on to their descendants. “As our country is rapidly rising, they will try to gain a good image and use it to promote their country.”

There was news on TV about Zhou Quan’s actions.

Public opinion towards the brutal Singapore dictator has never been good. So, bitter criticism arose when the president welcomed the president and held a banquet, but what turned this around was an export contract worth 10 trillion won.

Additionally, as Zhou Quan and his entourage traveled around Seoul and spent a large amount of money, public opinion turned to wait and see, saying it would revitalize the economy.

Until then, there was an overwhelming amount of criticism asking why such a dictator visited Korea.

“The misfortune of a neighboring country is indifferent, and the money in front of you is welcome.”

I agreed with my father’s assessment. Even if people were angry at seeing injustice happening from afar, not many people actually took action.

Looking at it objectively, Zhou Quan was a person who spent a lot of money on the Republic of Korea.

If you only look at the benefits, there is no reason to think negatively.

“It’s changed a lot in that respect.”


“If it were you in the past, wouldn’t you have immediately taken action when you saw Zhou Quan, calling him a dictator?”

What if I had just returned to the past and was a civil servant hunter? First, they would have broken his limbs and arrested him.

Well no. This was too generous of me. It is more likely that he smashed his head.

“I guess so.”

“Aren’t you looking into the situation a little more now? “I guess this is all about your growth.”

“You could look at it that way.”

But I don’t think I’ve changed one bit in any essential way.

Zhou Quan is a dictator and a murderer who kills countless innocent people to strengthen his power.

Well, I’m not mourning the victims. I just felt like I wanted to deal with trash like that hanging around in front of me.

The processing method may have become more sophisticated. My patience has also improved. It’s proof that I’ve improved.

“I’m glad you’ve grown.”

Well, in the meantime, my father doesn’t think I’ll let Zhou Quan live.

* * *

The reason Zhou Xingxia followed him to Korea was partly to manage Zhou Quan, but also to ensure that the deal between Singapore and the Republic of Korea was actually concluded.

Among them, the one I am most interested in is the Big Bang series produced by Shinsung Group.

This is an item that can raise the awakened person’s skills to a higher level and is absolutely necessary to raise the strength of the Royal Guard.

“It’s Zhou Xingxia.”

“I’m Sehee Lee.”

The moment the two women exchanged greetings, the atmosphere in the room became tense. The working team that followed the two sat quietly in their seats, feeling their throats burning from tension.

“Chief Secretary Zhou Xingxia’s reputation has been around for a long time. “It’s an honor to meet you like this.”

“I have often heard of the reputation of the heroine who solidified her position as the successor to Shinsung Group. “This time, he showed his resourcefulness by putting China in a difficult situation.”

“That’s where my capabilities are. “I just put out a spoon at a well-prepared table.”

“is that so? “It’s very different from what I heard.”

As the conversation progressed, the tension grew. Zhou Xingxia looked at Li Se-hee’s face for a moment and said.

“When I visited Korea this time and looked around, I realized that it is a very good country.”

“It’s a proud story as a citizen of the Republic of Korea.”

“I hope our country becomes as strong as this one. “For that, we need a lot of help from Shinsung Group.”

“Is there anything you need our help with?”

“Yes, first of all, we really need a lot of the Big Bang series owned by Shinsung Group.”


“No, I need a product made by Shinsung Group.”

Anyone can purchase the Big Bang series license if they want, but it does not translate into weapon performance. In terms of product perfection, no one has yet surpassed Shinsung Group’s.

In order to consolidate internal power, the SS must be armed with powerful weapons, and Zhou Quan was planning to purchase the Big Bang series as bait to search for gifts.

“Thank you for your words, but what should I do about this? Reservations for the Big Bang series are quite backlogged.”

“Is it because of China?”

“There are many other places to visit besides there.”

Li Shixi smiled and refused, but Zhou Xingxia did not back down and winked at the attendant.

“I’m willing to pay a facilitation fee.”

The attendant opened the bag and handed it to Lee Se-hee. It was full of cores that could be traded in kind.

This amount can be called a facilitation fee.

“This facilitation fee will be a personal gift from me. How about this?”

“It’s okay.”

Upon Lee Se-hee’s acceptance, Zhou Xingxia closed the bag and held it out. When the Shinsung Group attendant took it, Zhou Xingxia’s eyes lit up.

“Then, shall we talk about transferring the Big Bang series?”

The conversation that followed was easy for Zhou Xingxia to think about. Although the timing is a bit late, I decided to transfer the goods within the period I had in mind.

The attendants who followed looked relieved, but not Zhou Xingxia.

“It’s suspicious that you accepted it so obediently.”

Even though the money ghost called ‘witch’ paid the expediting fee during the negotiation, the offer was accepted too obediently.

What is the reason?

Zhou Xingxia thought over and over again in order not to miss this sense of discomfort. However, despite what he had researched just a few days ago and what he knew, there was no clear answer.

“I don’t know.”

There was no clear answer until I returned.

* * *

Zhou Quan was an awakened person who already possessed a gift. Nevertheless, he did not give up his greed and tried to take a peek at his potential gift.

“…I don’t feel good. But it’s fascinating. “I never knew there were so many latent gifts within me.”

Then, he tried to convince me about the dual gift. Since I didn’t have anything to say, I didn’t reply much.

Even though you had the gift, were you planning to keep more gifts? I thought I was really greedy.

“The reason I showed you my gift can be read as a sign that I want to become closer to you.”

I never wanted it, but Zhou Quan said that and acted like we were friends. Regardless of what he said, it was a highly calculated political action. No matter what conversation you’re having, if you see that gesture, it can seem like you’ve become close, and that makes it easier to use it in domestic politics.

In addition, there are a lot of people wandering around throughout your stay in Korea. That meant that they were on alert to attack me in case of an emergency.

I felt like it would have been impossible to attack even if I had planned an attack from the beginning.

“It must be Zhou Xingxia’s plan.”

Lee Se-hee, who received guidance and sparring from me, revealed that Zhou Xingxia came to Shinsung Group.

“I’m going to be anxious. “Considering Zhou Quan’s notoriety, I think Junho will attack at any moment.”

“You saw it right.”

“Yes, but Mr. Junho is not going to attack you in full view of the citizens. He is acting mixed in with other people. They used citizens as shields. Because I know that no matter how much Junho leaves, he won’t act like that. And seeing as everything has been safe so far, it’s a success.”

Well, it’s difficult to think of that as success. If you want, you can twist their neck right in front of them. But let’s just say there is a cleaner way to handle it this time. Then, the guy who believes in this will be able to deal with it this way.

It is better to set up multiple traps, and the more different types the better.

“I guess so.”

“But isn’t it difficult to find a suitable way?”

“Does it look like that?”


Lee Se-hee clearly looked like she wanted to ask a question, but she held it back with great effort.

“It’s a trade secret, so one day I’ll tell you.”


It’s a shame, but what can I do? I can’t reveal Yongyong’s existence or tell me how he uses his abilities.

It’s a kind of secret weapon.

[I am a secret weapon. Hehe!]

If you act cute one more time, I will throw you at Hyuna.

[why! I really want it!]

Then, early that morning, news came to me that Zhou Quan and his group had secretly headed to the airport.

When I got up and arrived in Incheon, the plane had taken off.


[okay. Can you send it over there?]


* * *

“We took off safely. “It was a more overreacting than necessary.”


Zhou Xingxia fell silent in response to Zhou Quan’s prodding. As long as he returned safely, the mission was accomplished, but for a dictator with high self-esteem, the precautions he had been taking during this time were acts of hurting his pride.

Nevertheless, Zhou Xingxia could not hide his anxiety. Even though I was traveling to Korea with extreme caution, everything went very smoothly.

Meeting Junho Choi, searching for gifts, and purchasing the Big Bang series went smoothly.

Is it okay for things to work out this way? I prepared dozens of countermeasures in case the situation went wrong, but when all of them turned out to be useless, my anxiety only grew.

“Zhou Xingxia.”


“You worry too much. What you said about being careful in Korea is correct. That’s how we were able to leave without any conflict. “Then you can relax, right?”


“Know that if you look serious, people around you will focus on you.”


Zhou Xingxia realized that his serious expression was affecting everyone.

Yes, we’ve come this far, but Choi Jun-ho’s magic can’t extend any further. Questions about Choi Jun-ho’s attitude and Lee Se-hee’s easy acceptance of negotiations are still unresolved, but there is nothing that can be done as long as they are out of Korea.

Nevertheless, what made me uneasy was that the rumors about Choi Jun-ho were so sinister.

Even though it was a vivid eyewitness account, the inaction and extraordinary abilities were hard to believe. I was swallowed up by fear because I thought that the variable named Choi Jun-ho would create the worst situation in any situation.

Suspicion and darkness were the perfect words for this situation.


“If you know, just relax and rest. “I have to kill all those who will take what I got here.”

And a new Zhou dynasty will be established.

Countless people would die in the process, but neither Zhou Quan nor Zhou Xingxia would blink.

Yes, it was time to stop dwelling on the past and prepare for the future.

“I will kill every single one of you. I need to let my father know how harsh the price for opposing is so that he won’t even dare to object. “The crueler the better.”

“Okay, now that you say it like that, you sound like my daughter.”

It was when Zhou Quan and Zhou Xingxia looked at each other and smiled.

Suddenly, a light flashed and a figure appeared in the space where only the two of them were alone.

Choi Jun-ho, who should have been down there by now, has appeared.

How here?

“Uh huh?”

How did it appear? Did Choi Jun-ho have a space movement gift? There was nothing like that in the report? Anyway, can you travel through space on an airplane that has just taken off? There is no gift in the world that allows this.

Zhou Xingxia felt like his hair was turning white.

“If you’re smart, it’s a headache, so take care of it yourself first.”


Choi Jun-ho’s hand dug into his chest without a moment of hesitation and broke his heart.

Zhou Xingxia’s body collapsed, with a large hole in his chest.

“Then let’s try to cause an unfortunate airplane accident.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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