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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 183

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Episode 183:

A look of puzzlement pours in on me as I obediently accept it.

In particular, the President and Cheon Myeong-guk attempted to look into my inner thoughts as if they wanted to know what I was thinking.

Does that action mean you don’t trust me? You’re seeing it right through.

“Zhou Quan is a very suspicious person. “He wants to get assurances about his safety by coming to Korea.”

“You can do as much as you want with words.”

“There is not enough confidence in that. “He is demanding government assurance regarding Choi Jun-ho’s threats.”

Chen Ming-guk explains that Zhou Quan is aware of the threats I can pose to him.

With recent preparations for hereditary succession underway, his notoriety is said to be sky-high.

Although he is a superhuman, he is a person who has committed more evil deeds than the villain. As the saying goes, evil is diligent, and he brought in the South Korean government for his own personal safety.

I’ve only seen super people who were so overconfident that they were borderline frigid, but seeing someone so sensitive and cautious is something I can’t get used to.

But this is smart. Since that’s enough, he probably eats it all himself.

“Zhou Quan expressed his intention to pay 1 trillion won as a request fee and purchase 10 trillion won worth of awakened weapons and military supplies if his safety was guaranteed.”

10 trillion won is a significant amount of revenue for the government. I thought Zhou Quan was smart.

“I guess I just have to accept it.”

“yes. “But I think it might go in a different direction than your plan.”

“it’s okay.”

All you have to do is find a way and break your promise.

“…All right.”

Cheon Myeong-guk nodded with a very uncomfortable expression, as if he knew what I was thinking. You know me well.

“But is it okay for a dictator to leave his seat like that?”

“It is said that more than 1,000 intellectuals have been arrested recently through repression.”

“Is this cleaning before coming abroad?”

“You can see it that way.”


After concluding the story about Zhou Quan, I brought up one more main point that came to the Blue House.

“I would like to purchase additional missiles.”

Chinese missiles were good, but the Shintobul and domestic missiles were the best.

Its weight and massive destructive power.

At that moment, the president’s eyes lit up and he spoke to me with a sullen expression.

“Are you talking about firing it immediately after purchasing it?”

“Yes, the power was good.”

“It would be nice. It can only be good. “I asked you so hard, but I didn’t know you would fire right away.”

A hint of sarcasm is evident.

But I kept my promise.

“As I promised the President, I thought about it three times before launching.”

“You didn’t go there with the intention of launching from the beginning?”

“If there were no pirates, of course we wouldn’t have launched it.”

“I won’t lose a word. I won’t lose a word.”


Well, I was confused as to whether they were going to sell missiles or not.

The President met my gaze and sighed.

“Just thinking about missiles makes my head hurt, so give me some time. “In the first place, selling weapons is not something that can be done overnight.”

“All right.”

Even if I say this, I will sell it anyway.

The president laughed as he watched me meekly accept it. I knew you would say something sooner or later. After spending some time together, we knew each other well.

“By the way, do you know that Commissioner Jeong said he would quit?”

“Yes, we still met in the office and talked.”

“A person of such great ability must work for the country, but his intention was firm. “Can’t you change your mind?”

“Is Commissioner Jeong Joo-ho such a great talent?”

I’m not asking this because I don’t know this.

However, since it is not my field, I was curious about what kind of person the president would judge Jung Joo-ho to be.

That way, I can safely bring it and use it here and there.

“Of course he’s a great talent. “It’s a type that’s hard to find these days.”

High praise flowed from the president’s mouth.

“What’s great about Commissioner Jeong is that he carries out any task perfectly. He handles difficult tasks quietly and perfectly, is humble, and is not involved in corruption. Discovering and working with people like this is a great achievement in itself. “It is an honor for me to work with you.”

At the same time, the president’s gaze turned to Cheon Myeong-guk.

“The fact that I have not one but two such talented people means that I have succeeded.”


Cheon Myeong-guk bowed his head slightly, neither confirming nor denying.

Well, although the two seemed different, they seemed to have some similarities.

They even falsely claimed that they were losing their hair and having bloody stools because of me.

No matter what, it would be difficult if you passed on industrial accidents suffered at work to me.

“I think it will be difficult for Commissioner Jeong because he has a firm opinion.”

“I guess that’s true too.”

The president didn’t seem to have high expectations either. Compared to the high praise, it seems like you give up easily?

“In the first place, such talented people are not the type to be caught by persuasion. “I should give up.”

Still, I clicked my tongue in disappointment.

“It would have been nice to go into politics, but it seems like he has no intention of doing so.”

“So I talked to him about working together.”

“Are you coming?”

“yes. “I think Director Jeong, who knows several people, would be a better fit than Team Leader Jin, who goes back and forth.”

“It’s an unexpected combination, but it’s not bad. If it were Commissioner Jeong, things would be resolved more smoothly.”

“I think it will go more smoothly if I work with Commissioner Jeong.”

Both the President and Cheon Myung-guk expressed positive opinions. All that’s left is to persuade Jung Joo-ho well and make him work.

How can I persuade you?

The best way would be to help people overcome hair loss, but it turns out that this is impossible even with the power of the Divine Beast.

“And as Director Cheon said, it’s Manager Chun.”


“First of all, I should make it clear that I have no intention of being suspicious. “But I can’t help but feel worried when I see people around me suffering from herpes.”

“I already asked my father.”

“I wonder if you were surprised by what I said.”

It didn’t really seem like that. It seemed like the president also said this out of courtesy.

“I was told that I was just being friendly with my son to help him, and that I had no other intentions.”

“How could it be that my immediate senior is a member of the opposition party? “We should also look for a congressman from Cheongju.”

“Will we become friends because we are from the same area?”

“If you have the same hometown and go to the same school, you will feel the same way.”


So, did you tell me that the villain who died by my hand in the past was from Cheongju and was a senior at my school?

So I said what should I do and immediately smashed his head.

Now I know why he said that.

Oh, it doesn’t matter because I’m alive now.

The President said that although I didn’t know, the group of people my father met was already very famous in the political world. However, since they do not meet anyone and do not say anything special and all they do is play golf and build friendships in private, there is no great warning, but there are voices of concern.

And the political elders say they really don’t like my anxious attitude.

“In any case, there are many cases where senior politicians do not know the true value of our superhuman Choi Jun-ho.”

The President said with a frustrated expression, but honestly, I don’t know.

Even if they acknowledge me, it means nothing.

“I don’t really want you to know.”

“I’m afraid those people will make mistakes. “If you make a mistake, you will be punished.”

“I don’t think people who have reached that position would act so rashly.”

Still, aren’t these people called the social leaders?

The President laughed bitterly.

“…I probably will. “A sense of privilege is something that cannot be easily erased.”

“Then there’s nothing we can do.”

At that time, I will have to use my hand decisively.

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

“After all, aren’t humans animals that listen to others?”

“That’s it again. “I have no choice but to pray that something like that doesn’t happen.”

…But I don’t think they are making any assumption that I will endure it.

Anyone who sees it will think it’s a walking time bomb.

* * *

“Now I’m in a cold sweat even at this hour.”

After Choi Jun-ho passed away, the President openly expressed his relief. In the first place, the missile was just a decoy. Where have you seen Choi Jun-ho for a day or two? The moment it was sold, I thought it would be launched soon.

Fortunately, I thought it was fortunate that it was a pirate base and not an unexpected target. The additional sale of missiles was a stepping stone to turn the situation to their advantage.

The president must look far ahead. That is to ensure that the ruling party continues in power in the next presidential election, which is less than two years away.

“Mr. President.”

“Why but?”

Cheon Myeong-guk’s expression toward the president was serious.

“Seeing Commissioner Jeong Joo-ho quit, I feel that the time for me to step down is approaching.”

It was the position that came from the president’s point of view. However, following Jung Joo-ho, talented people announced their intention to resign one after another, making me feel dizzy.

“You’re not planning on quitting right away, are you?”

“I would like to quit as soon as there is a suitable successor.”

“There’s no way such a person exists.”

“yes. So, I’m training Secretary Yang Joo-hyuk, but I don’t know how long it will take.”

You’re giving people a headache.

But in a way, this was a situation that would come at any time. I already knew that the stress Cheon Myeong-guk was under due to Choi Jun-ho was beyond imagination.

If you say no firmly, Cheon Myeong-guk will accept it, but it won’t be long before it explodes.

Talented people should be treated more carefully. The President accepted it with a regretful but helpless expression.

“I understand.”


“Did you think I would accept it?”

“Oh no.”

Even though that was what he said, it was clear that it was like that.

In fact, even now, I still feel like I want to hold onto it.

So I set a deadline.

“Instead, give me one year.”

In a year, the presidential election will begin and the Blue House will be able to quietly make personnel appointments. And even as a government of heaven, it would be more certain to nail it down to one year than to give an uncertain deadline.

Perhaps because the words were unexpected, Cheon Myeong-guk’s eyes widened and then returned to normal.

“One year, okay. In the meantime, we will develop Secretary Yang as much as possible.”

“yes. And by then, you too will be able to make up your mind.”


“Did you say you have no interest in politics?”

“I don’t think it’s for me.”

“Fate is a very strange thing. There is such a thing as the call of the times. “There is no need to doubt his practical ability, and if he is said to be the right person to handle Choi Jun-ho, it might be a breeze.”

“What are you talking about….”

“No. “Then I’ll have to hang out with you often until I quit.”

“That’s not difficult, but why is that…”

“Isn’t it uncertain whether your successor will be as capable as you? So, I’m going to go with you and see if there’s anything else I can hand over.”

Of course, there was another intention. Normally, Cheon Myeong-guk would have doubted that, but the joy of being able to be free in a year made it impossible for him to recognize it.

“Well, now that I think about it, I guess it’ll be okay. “I don’t know why I was worried about the lack of content for so long.”

“yes? “Which one?”

“It’s no big deal.”

“I will do my best to assist you during the remaining period.”

“I am asking you to take care of me.”

The president’s piercing eyes were focused on him.

* * *

After finishing the meeting with the President, I headed to the Shinsung Guild to meet Lee Se-hee, who contacted me as soon as I left the Blue House. Se-hee Lee was sitting in the office wearing a black two-piece with a booty and full makeup.

“Mr. Junho! welcome.”

Her beauty wasn’t as bright as before, and it was glowing on its own.

“Your skin has gotten better? Are you receiving more care?”

“no? After receiving treatment a few times, I quit. “I guess it’s because things are going well these days.”

Lee Se-hee could not hide her laughter, saying that the profits from China were truly enormous.

After the first sale, Se-hee Lee was selling whatever items she could find in China, but because there was a shortage, she was selling them for more money.

“It is not known, but it is said that several collisions occurred. And it is said that Yuhao’s side has won one game after another.”

Although the number is small, the quality of the awakened ones and the performance of their weapons are said to be overwhelmingly good.

In China, Wei Hao protested, asking why they had the Big Bang series, but Se-hee Lee protested, asking why they did not inform them of the internal situation, which led to the export volume being plundered, and hinted at requesting a penalty.

Then, China was surprised and apologized, but instead begged.

Does that work?

…It’s incredibly shameless and resourceful.

Perhaps it was my best decision to bring Lee Se-hee into my team.

“Junho, you don’t want someone to win unilaterally, right?”

“Is that adjustable too?”

“You can’t control the entire game, but you can control the quantity and make it a long-term game.”

The reason why China cannot treat them carelessly is because there is no place as close as Korea that supplies good products. Japan is at least present, but its entire force has suffered great damage due to the league, so it is hunkering down inside.

“I might get scolded, but is that okay?”

“There is no distinction between good and bad money in an account. “Let’s hold on to Junho so he doesn’t get beaten up somewhere.”

It was a very great mind. Lee Se-hee conveyed the spirit of defeating King Yeomra even if he went to hell.

“Honestly, I don’t really care. But I think it would be nice if they made a fuss and started fighting among themselves.”

“I will encourage you to simmer and stir-fry for a long time.”

“It’s reliable.”

“It was originally trustworthy.”

Lee Se-hee, who was smiling triumphantly, started talking about Singapore Zhou Quan, saying that a request had been received from the government.

“In Singapore, orders for the Big Bang series alone amount to 5 trillion won.”

Lee Se-hee said that this order volume is also huge. However, the timing is ambiguous as all exports are currently concentrated in China.

Although no one said anything, they seemed certain that Zhou Quan was coming to test level 9.

“But considering Junho’s personality, I thought this deal might not go through properly.”

“Don’t you think that I won’t discriminate between good and bad money?”

“You think Junho would do that?”

I’m sure I won’t do that at all. I felt like there were a lot of people who knew me well these days.

“It must be difficult to handle orders from China and Singapore at the same time, right?”


Lee Se-hee said that China and Singapore have a close relationship and that China’s help in establishing Zhou Quan’s dictatorship was significant.

At this point, it will be more difficult to find a place where China is not involved.

“If we receive an order from Singapore, there is a high possibility that there will be a protest from China.”

Lee Se-hee seemed to be more attracted to orders from China than orders from Singapore, which would only end in a one-off.

Haven’t you already raked in a huge amount of money? But is there more to scrape?

“Scamming money is something that requires know-how.”

I guess they just take it. For some reason, I don’t think I should ask.

Now that things were like this, I had no choice but to reveal the inside story.

“Then it would be better not to take orders from Singapore.”

“You mean…”

I said, looking at Lee Se-hee. I then told her about the plan to eliminate Zhou Quan.

“Because the orderer won’t be able to return safely.”

A week after that.

The plane on which Zhou Quan and his daughter departed from Singapore arrived in Incheon.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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