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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 180

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Episode 180

“Tsk tsk.”

I clicked my tongue as I looked at Victor Carvalho’s surprised face. A typical ‘I didn’t know you’d come in person?’ It was an expression like that.

Those who come out without knowing the topic have a basic delusion.

It’s about making your own decisions and decisions. I set a standard for myself and convince myself that this will be okay. Of course, when I see myself moving, it seems like I deserve to die.

by the way.

I was able to get quite a lot of information from the guy’s self-talk.

If you listen to the suggestion that it was made at a party, it didn’t seem like anything special.

At first glance, it seemed like he was a typical individual who had delusions of grandeur and took action.

Let’s listen more first.

“Keep talking. You say a lot of interesting things.”


“You don’t want to talk? “Then is what I just said the end of the will?”

“Now wait a minute.”

Victor Carvalho raised his hand.

“Why on earth did you come here? “I have never violated anything written in the contract.”

“You’ve never violated anything?”


“You didn’t violate anything by trying to rob this country with the Prime Minister?”

“I recently had a meal with the prime minister, but it’s a regular occurrence. “I also had a meal with the president.”

Does this guy not remember what he just mumbled?

They made the Prime Minister their puppet and said that they would do anything to become stronger.

“What pressured the president to resign?”

“I never did that. “If the president felt pressured himself, it has nothing to do with me.”

Victor Carvalho looked at me with an innocent expression. Yes, if I didn’t have intuition, I might have been fooled at least once.

That probably means that he is absorbed in himself.

The bad news for him is that he has seen quite a few superhumans like him in his last life. Idiots who believe that they are innocent because they have no evidence and did not say anything directly.

Above all, I heard everything he muttered.

I don’t know why he wants to be protected by laws and rules when he has done worse than a villain.

“I guess I’m mistaken, but this isn’t a court. I have no intention of listening to your statement. “As long as you sign and break the contract I gave you, it’s over for you.”


“Is there anything more to say?”


At that time, Victor Carvalho, who was looking for an opportunity, ambushed me. Before I knew it, he had a dagger in his hand, but he was avoiding my eyes and lingering, so I guess he was just trying to get that thing in his hand.

The guys here, including Americu, like daggers.

It was obvious that a cornered guy would struggle anyway, so I immediately grabbed his hand and fired a mine.


He used the force to stop the mine from flying around, but my attention was focused on it, and my left arm, which was the opposite arm, was broken in my hand, and my right arm, which was penetrated by the mine, was also shattered.

Is it true that your skills are improving? Rather, I don’t feel any change. What a disappointment.

He put his fist into the side of the screaming and struggling guy, crushed both his shoulders, and then gradually broke his ankles, calves, shins, and thigh bones.

The way he crawled on the floor like a bug suited him just fine.

I had no intention of using brainwashing. Because what he did was clearly revealed.

I guess they really thought I wouldn’t come this far.

“I won’t feel unfair because I have done things on a regular basis. Think about it, even if other guys are upset about your death, they will notice it. “Do something good on your way to the end.”

“Please save my life….”

“I don’t want to.”

Quad deuk!

After stepping on Victor Carvalho’s neck and breaking it, I looked around the room.

These sneaky guys usually hide something in their rooms.

When I activated my intuition and looked, I was able to find a safe in a small space in the corner of the room.

I’ll take it and see what’s inside.

I returned to the safe with the safe and called Yang Joo-hyuk and Lee Woo-min.

When he revealed that he had met Americu and dealt with Victor Carvalho, Lee Woo-min looked fed up and Yang Joo-hyuk’s eyes sparkled.

“That’s amazing. “I respect you.”

“not a big deal.”

“no. “Who else but a superhuman would handle a task so perfectly!”

“is it?”

“yes. “You are truly amazing.”

“Let’s do that and look at this.”

Lee Woo-min, perhaps bothered by the excessive praise atmosphere, intervened.

“Superman, what about that?”

“It’s something that was in Victor’s room.”

I didn’t have the skills to open the safe, so I just ripped the door off. Inside were small jewelry and documents. I had to return the precious metals to the president and look at the documents… but they were in Portuguese.

I couldn’t read it, but Lee Woo-min could. As he quickly read the document, his body trembled with excitement.

“This is awesome.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a directory! Here is where Victor Carvalho writes down the names of those who agree with him!”

“is it so?”

It saved me the trouble of finding out who was involved.

In fact, I thought it was none of my business because Ameriku asked me to leave the handling of politicians, including the prime minister, to him, but it would be easier to deal with if I gave him this.

“What do you plan to do now?”

“I will leave the rest to the president.”

If I were to interfere too deeply with the affairs of other countries, nothing good would come of it.

Still, I’ll have to wait a few days to see if it’s handled properly.

* * *

“Thank you for your grace.”

Americu’s ability to act was quite fast.

The day after Victor Carvalho’s death was announced, the prime minister with a black expression came to the forefront and announced his retirement from politics. News broke that the investigation would not end there, and that East Timor’s influential people would be investigated one after another.

Here, an enormous amount of corruption involving Victor Carvalho was revealed. The president was also preparing a move of his own.

Seeing that things were going well, I left East Timor.

The news I watched before leaving was about < Why did Victor Carvalho die? >

Well, I said out loud that I would come forward, but my name doesn’t appear anywhere.

Is it treated as a banned word? Anyway, Ameriku will take care of the rest.

“Superman, I have a question.”

Yang Joo-hyuk asked me while I was heading to Brunei.


“Normally, people hesitate to intervene for fear that killing a superhuman from another country will cause serious diplomatic problems. “I wonder how a superhuman can make such bold moves.”

“Does this seem bold?”


“I’m trying to control myself a lot right now.”


Yang Joo-hyuk looked shocked. Why am I so surprised? It’s true.

In fact, when I think about who I was when I first returned to the past and who I am now, many things have changed.

If it were my old self, I would have gone to Victor Carvalho as soon as I arrived in East Timor, twisted his neck, and killed everyone who got in my way.

But now I have grown up, met Ameriku, figured out the truth, quietly sneaked in, and broke Victor Carvalho’s neck.

I met good people and became sophisticated.

Anyway, what Yang Joo-hyuk is saying is that he wants to act more boldly.

“You just have to act like you did when you were a school lunch.”


“When you were eating lunch, you didn’t think about anything and did whatever you wanted.”

“Why are you suddenly talking about old times?”

Yang Joo-hyuk, whose face was red, panicked.

Everyone is ashamed of their second year of middle school.

Did you realize that early on and change your mind?

He’s better because he didn’t regret losing his body to a hematoma like I did.

“Instead, the standards should be clear.”


“Right and wrong. Responsibility and indulgence.”

It may seem grandiose when put into words, but to put it simply, it means correcting the person who committed a bad act and taking care of any areas for which I am responsible.

“The only thing I don’t follow are procedures.”

An evil person uses any means necessary to protect himself because he has wealth and fame.

The only thing that can break it is violence without hesitation. It became a hot topic because I didn’t follow it.

So you’re just having a seizure. Some people call me a villain.

So what?

“But that’s…”

“You can’t be me, just like I can’t be like you.”

“But I want to resemble you as much as possible.”

“To do that, you have to develop your skills. “I’m too weak now.”


“Keep this in mind. A strong person can be understood no matter what he does as long as he is within the boundaries of society, but an unscrupulous person can only be targeted for subjugation. If you want to be like me, be strong.”

Yang Joo-hyuk’s eyes became bright.

“All right! “Then how strong should I be?”

“You have to be at least a superhuman, right?”


Why is your expression like that? So that didn’t work and you tried to run wild?

* * *

After arriving in Brunei, while chatting with Abdul Arqueh, he mentioned the existence of the King. He said he wanted to see me, but since he was currently on a tour, I couldn’t wait until then.

I decided to return two days later and waited for Yongyong. Did you go looking for a friend and get lost?

While I was thinking this, Yongyong suddenly appeared in front of me.

[I’m coming.]

“I’m coming quickly.”

[It came really quickly. Do you know how much I’ve been nagging?]

“What nagging?”

[That’s okay… it’s already been discussed.]

I nodded at Yongyong’s words. Since he is also close to Yongyong, the conversation must have gone well.

Despite that, Yongyong’s expression didn’t seem bright.

“What does your friend say?”

[He said he would see. [I decided to come all the way around here.]

Yongyong said he decided to see it on an island near Brunei. They say that since it is an island with only a few people living, it seems like we can meet quietly.

Well then, the meeting is a success.

“What did you talk about?”

[Share among the parties. It’s obvious that if I talk about it, there will only be misunderstandings. And.]

Yongyong’s eyes looking at me were sinister. Even at that size, it’s cute.

[Do you know how much I got scolded because of you?]

“Do you even get scolded by your friends?”

[Oh, I don’t know.]

Yongyong said that because he didn’t even want to talk. Just by looking at it, it looks like he’s being held captive by that friend of his, so he could have been scolded in one way or another.

If you look at what you do on a daily basis, it seems like you can accumulate enough fault.

Or did you catch me asking for a fight?

But there doesn’t seem to be any reason for Yongyong to be scolded for that.

If we talk about it, we’ll find out.

“When can I go?”

[Any time doesn’t matter. I can contact you.]

“Then let’s go right away.”


“There’s no need to waste time.”

I started heading straight to the agreed upon location with Yongyong.

Because it was an island with few people living, it didn’t feel deserted. You picked a good location.

[I’m warning you, if you think my friend is weak on land, you’re mistaken.]

“Are you strong on land too?”

[It doesn’t discriminate between land and sea. I’m warning you that you might make a strange choice.]

I have no intention of making a strange choice.

By the way, is it strong on land? When Yongyong said that, I suddenly became curious about how strong he was.

Why not give it a try?

[Don’t think strangely.]

“I didn’t do it?”

[How long have I been with you? I know everything!]

He seems like a quick-witted guy.

When I nodded my head in agreement, Yongyong still looked at me with distrustful eyes and barely showed any signs of understanding.

[It will come soon.]

Well, if it is the divine beast’s extraordinary ability, it will appear on its own.

About 5 minutes after Yongyong’s announcement, violent waves began to swirl over the calm sea.

But strangely, no sound was heard. It was as if a movie was on and the sound was muted. Sea water began to gather on top of the waves, which were gradually growing in size, creating a single image.

However, this new beast was different from Yongyong.

I thought it would appear as a mini dragon like Yongyong, but when it took shape, it took on a human appearance.

The image reflected in the moonlight radiated an inhuman beauty.

Quiet and cool. Also, there was a moisturizing sensation that stimulated the senses, but this was not directly transmitted to the skin, causing a strange feeling.

Oh, he wasn’t human anyway.

Shinsu, dressed in a black dress, trudged towards me. Blue hair and blue eyes reflected in the moonlight created the atmosphere of the night sea.

“Are you a human who walks around with a dragon?”

The voice was sweet, as if it melted my emotions. Just by looking at her appearance and hearing her voice, I felt like I would be completely captivated.

There’s no way I’d get over it.

By the way, Yongyong’s friend also calls him Yong. At this point, it might be my second name.

[no it’s not! I don’t like that name!]

I’ll keep calling you that, so you’re probably hating it.

After calming down Yongyong’s resistance, he asked Shinsoo.

“Is Shinsu walking around disguised as a human these days?”

“This place is too narrow to appear as a main body. and.”

Of course, considering Yongyong’s enormous size, that’s probably true.

[Someone is so ignorant!] A person

next to me shouted, but I brushed it off and waited for Shinsu’s next words.

“I think this appearance will be more advantageous for negotiations.”

In fact, a human figure would be more advantageous than a divine beast that is hundreds of meters tall.

However, there was one thing he was mistaken about. It was irritating his nose earlier.

That’s what it is.

“Get rid of the fishy smell and tell me.”

“Oh right.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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