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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 179

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Episode 179

After anchoring the yacht, the person who greeted me was Abdul Arqueh, the commander of the Brunei Royal Guard and the only superhuman.

“Welcome to Brunei, brother.”

“I didn’t know I’d see it this early.”

“I expected something like this to happen. Although I didn’t know it would happen in a neighboring country. “I feel fortunate to be able to help.”

“We would like to thank Brunei for its assistance.”

I think Abdul Arche knew that seeing me again couldn’t mean anything good.

Victor Carvalho’s information about Brunei was also very helpful this time.

He seemed strangely friendly towards me, and I was curious as to why.

It doesn’t look like he has any other thoughts. If you listen to the story, your true feelings will become clear.

Take care of work first.

“I’m going straight to East Timor.”

“We have prepared the plane as promised. However, since it is late, how about taking a day off today and leaving tomorrow?”


“I have information to give to my brother, so please receive his favor.”

Abdul Arqueh said he had more information about East Timor and a gift for me.

Next to me, Yang Joo-hyuk was looking at me with earnest eyes. Well, unlike me, who tries to get things done quickly, he is quite tired.

There is no need to refuse a gift.

“All right.”

“Then I will take you there.”

Yang Joo-hyuk and I moved to a nearby mansion under the guidance of Abdul Arche.

Joo-hyuk Yang, exhausted from the long voyage, went to rest and I ended up having a conversation with Abdul Arche.

“First of all, the reason I expressed concern about the situation in East Timor is because it is related to the situation in my home country.”

“Please speak.”

Abdul Arqueh said Brunei and Timor-Leste are working closely together to avoid being swayed by large countries as small countries in Southeast Asia.

Brunei was intertwined with Malaysia and East Timor was intertwined with Indonesia.

Fortunately, in Malaysia, Rashid, a superman, is a person with a clear sense of self-interest, so compromise is possible at an appropriate level, but this is not the case in Indonesia and Timor-Leste.

In particular, the tension was high because Victor Carvalho had a record of killing several Indonesian awakeners in the past.

It could be seen as Indonesia’s greed, but East Timor said it was not enough to justify it.

“Carvalho is a very greedy person.”

“To a superman, greed is a positive thing.”

“The problem is about greed that goes beyond one’s subject.”

Victor Carvalho, who recently felt his limitations, showed restraint, but then began to be greedy again.

Abdul Arqueh cited his meeting with me as the reason.

Victor Carvalho, who met me first, said that as he experienced short-term results, he used that to strengthen his power.

“Carvalho must have thought that you would not be able to come this far.”

“I was planning on going from the beginning.”

“The average person wouldn’t think that way.”

“It’s strange. “I’m willing to go, so why are they thinking their own way?”

“I think the same.”

Abdul Arque says that there was a reason why Victor Carvalho behaved like this.

“I think it’s either league or party related.”

“League aside, what about parties?”

“There is talk of them breaking their long-standing policy of being closed and seeking partners locally. Since the offer came to me, the offer must have gone to Victor as well.”

“So that means you received it.”

“That’s the most likely story right now.”

In the end, it is at the level of a local partner. However, I thought that a peripheral superhuman might be attracted to it.

Not knowing that the price was his own life.

If you go to East Timor, you will be able to get more detailed information.

That’s all there is to know about Victor Carvalho.

I moved on to the next content.

“So what does Brunei benefit from this time?”

“We want East Timor to be a healthy country. “It would be great if Victor came to his senses, but if that doesn’t happen, we will try to pursue the relationship in a different direction.”

The President of East Timor has been working hard to improve the country’s constitution for a long time, and this improvement was necessary not only for Victor Carvalho but for him as well.

He is a very trustworthy person. Since I stand at the opposite end of the spectrum from Victor Carvalho, there will be frequent encounters with me.

Somehow it felt like it was commissioned from Brunei, but I guess it doesn’t matter.

“All right.”

Because everyone has their own interests.

I decided not to worry too much about what Brunei would gain by getting rid of Victor Carvalho.

They just get rid of the guy who broke the contract.

“I have no intention of sitting still and taking profits.”

“You can consider yourself lucky.”

“no. “From a profit perspective, it’s better to be certain about anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“My country is very interested in the brotherly order that will be established in the future.”

Abdul Arqueh confidently said that a new order would be reorganized around me.

I am the new order?

“The presence of the brothers is already shaking up the existing order. What to do with it is up to the brother’s judgment. “We look forward to a positive decision.”

* * *

“Then I’ll see you again when I’m done.”

After finishing his business, Abdul Arqueh left the place. Brunei’s intentions were clear. The goal is to secure a position early in the newly established order and enjoy maximum benefits. It is quick judgment and the ability to act.

More than that.

I was bothered by the ‘Legend of Malacca’ that came up only briefly among the things Abdul Arqueh talked about.

It is said that this legendary being who should never go against his will is an object of fear in all Southeast Asian countries, and something came to mind in the attitude Yongyong showed before coming here and the fact that his ‘friend’s’ pet was not far away.

I asked Yongyong, who was wandering next to me.

“Does the friend you mentioned live around here?”

[uh? How.]

“If it’s the legend they’re talking about, it’s one of two things. Monster or divine beast. “In either case, Shinsoo seems more likely.”

[…That’s right.]

Yongyong rolled his eyes and then admitted. It seemed like he was having a hard time accepting it, but judging by what I had seen so far, I could tell that he wasn’t happy about me and my ‘friend’ meeting up.

“I’ve come all the way here. Would you like to meet me?”

[There’s no need to do that. Wouldn’t it be better to take care of business first?]

“Why are you trying to change the conversation?”

[That’s not it, that’s it! He has a very nasty personality. Rather, you will get caught up in conflict. You only get tired.]

That’s what I kept saying. But since I came this far, I thought it would be a good idea to meet him. Since the Shinsoo I’ve seen so far is Yongyong, it seemed good to specify what kind of Shinsoo he was.

“Still, what if you want to see it?”

[Are you really going to fight?]

“We’re going to talk.”

[Believe that?]

What if you don’t believe it?

The more Yongyong showed off his suspicious behavior, the more confident I became.

“Go nearby and tell him you want to meet him.”


“I saw that guy anyway, so wouldn’t it be okay?”


Yongyong looked reluctant, but agreed. We will finally get to see the divine beast that used monsters as pets.

Yongyong left to call a friend, and Yang Joo-hyuk and I headed to East Timor early the next morning.

Yachts are good, but airplanes are still the best for transportation.

After avoiding the flying monster’s territory, I circled around and arrived in East Timor.

There, I met a man in his early 40s who was a local resident and served as a humint.

“My name is Lee Woo-min.”

He identified himself as a deputy director belonging to the overseas part of the National Intelligence Service of the Republic of Korea.

I thought it was interesting that there was an informant in East Timor as well.

“Currently, Victor Carvalho is working with the Prime Minister to put pressure on the President.”

“I guess the prime minister wasn’t a scarecrow.”

“yes. “It appears that the prime minister is acting under pressure, but internally, it is believed that he is in collusion with Victor Carvalho.”

At the same time, what Lee Woo-min presented was a diagram of the relationship between Victor Carvalho and the Prime Minister of East Timor.

Although they are not related by blood, the uncle of Victor Carvalho’s old friend’s wife is said to be the current Prime Minister.

Isn’t that someone else?

Yang Joo-hyuk also seemed to have the same thoughts as he said with a puzzled expression.

“Isn’t that enough?”

“Victor Carvalho is also aiming for that. “So the prime minister is strategically trying to seize power from the National Assembly by taking on the appearance of being dragged in.”

And it was said that Victor Carvalho’s goal was to get the current president to resign and appoint a person who suits his taste and take over all of the country’s power.

Is there a league or party involved here?

I guess the National Intelligence Service didn’t even notice.

Or maybe Abdul Arqueh’s assumptions were excessive.

First, I decided to put my thoughts aside and listen to the information I had gathered locally.

“What kind of person is the president of East Timor?”

“He’s a pretty good person. “If you have to compare, you look a lot like the current president.”

“Then he must be a good person.”


Lee Woo-min looked at me with an absurd look for a moment and then explained about Americou, the president of East Timor.

It is said that he was an awakened person who armed himself and started a movement to arrest villains at a time when the boundary between villains and awakened people was ambiguous.

He is a man with a great attitude.

They declared that education was the best in East Timor, which has a small population, and set up a training system with the goal of turning all citizens into awakened people.

It is said that they are following various policies by benchmarking Korea, which has recently been on the most successful path, and the approval rating is high as the desired results are being achieved.

If you just listen to the story, he seems like a nice person.

“How is the National Intelligence Service judging?”

“We believe that it is better to maintain the current relationship as President Americo is friendly to our country.”


“Can I ask what you think?”

Lee Woo-min asked carefully. When I looked at him, he said with a puzzled expression.

“I’m sorry if I was rude to Director Myung-guk Cheon when he told me to check before taking action.”

“If it’s an instruction, there’s nothing we can do.”

In any case, Cheon Myeong-guk’s fuss should be recognized.

Who wouldn’t think that I’m a person who causes random accidents?

I confessed that I had finished organizing my thoughts.

“I thought it would be easy to end the situation if I broke the necks of the Prime Minister and Viktor, but I was wondering if the President would also be involved.”

“You mean President Americo? “Probably not.”

Lee Woo-min denied it, but I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check.

These guys called villains do a lot of things that are beyond imagination.

“We’re probably in a desperate situation anyway, so let’s talk about it and make a decision.”

“…All right.”

* * *

The security of East Timor’s presidential palace was quite strict, but it was so lax that it could not be considered a place to protect the president of a country.

In fact, it felt more difficult to infiltrate the residence of Chairman Lee Young-moon of Shinsung Group.

But the guys standing guard felt more like they were watching the president rather than protecting him.

They said we don’t get along, but it seems to be true.

When I entered the room, a man who appeared to be in his late 50s was asleep. He was East Timor’s President Americou.

It was time to get closer to wake him up with the intention of having a conversation.

Americu, who was thought to be asleep, opened his eyes and reflexively approached him and stabbed him with a dagger.

He said he was the president and the surprise attack was excellent.

Quad deuk!


I reflexively grabbed my wrist and broke it. If he woke up, he could just talk quietly. Why did he rush in and get injured? Tsk tsk.

The dagger taken from the president’s hand was made from a hunter-killer.

They even have dangerous items.

When I didn’t use my hands any more, Ameriku stepped back and took a guard stance.

“Is this the person who came to kill me?”

“Speak in English.”

“Are you here to kill me? Did Carvalho send you?”


I shook my head and sat down on the guest chair. When I offered a seat across from him, Ameriku hesitantly approached me, holding my wrist. Then, perhaps as he got used to the darkness, he recognized my face and made a shocked expression.


“you’re right.”

“How did you get here…”

“Before that, please give me your hand.”

I snatched Americu’s broken wrist and poured healing potion on it.


His eyes were fixed on me while he let out a low moan from the recovering pain.

Looking at Ameriku’s reaction, I thought that even Victor Carvalho had no idea that I would come this far.

So you must be doing something to your death.

“I heard that Victor Carvalho is doing something stupid. “I would like to hear the President’s opinion.”

“They said that if you abuse your power, the Grim Reaper will come. Was that true?”

Ameriku muttered as if he were sighing and explained the current situation in East Timor.

It all started with Victor Carvalho’s change of heart. Although he was portrayed as the main culprit, it was revealed that the prime minister also played a significant role.

After listening to everything, I came to a simple conclusion.

“The problem is that only Victor Carvalho and the prime minister disappear.”


“Then let’s deal with them both.”

“Now wait!”

When I tried to get up, Ameriku caught me.

“Can you leave the Prime Minister in my hands?”

“Isn’t it annoying?”

“Politicians have to make political decisions. “Please leave it to me.”

“All right. And if Victor Carvalho dies, there will be no superman in East Timor.”

“It would be better for a guy like that to disappear. On the contrary, if he disappears, we will be able to unite more tightly and rise to a higher level.”

If you have this level of determination, you will be able to handle it well.

I also have no hesitation about killing him.

“All right. “Let’s deal with it and come back.”

I headed to where Victor Carvalho’s residence was.

* * *

Victor Carvalho smiled as he thought about the opportunity that had come his way.

“I can’t miss this opportunity.”

East Timor, a small country in Southeast Asia, was called the frontier of the world’s frontiers.

Although he reigns like a king in East Timor, he never forgets the gaze directed at him every time he goes abroad.

I promised myself that I would show my best at any time, but it was not easy to develop my skills.

So, when I was half giving up, an opportunity arose.

Choi Jun-ho, famous as a head breaker, rebelled against the existing order and started to ‘look’ at the skills of superhumans.

Victor Carvalho, who longed for power, did not miss the opportunity. And there I saw the existence of the sky outside the sky.

It was overwhelming skill. At the same time, I didn’t understand.

Why do you use that skill to do good things for others?

Although the contract was signed in advance, Victor Carvalho was not worried.

This is because I did not think that I would come all the way here to take care of something that had no benefit.

“Do you think anyone would be scared by a piece of paper like that? Hehehe!”

It will be remembered as a miserable failure by an inexperienced kid.

Above all, the proposal of the ‘party’ that made him take action was attractive.

“They might think I’m a scarecrow, but times have changed. “If you have the strength, you can achieve everything.”

It was a time when skill decided everything.

Isn’t Choi Jun-ho also receiving praise for his skills alone, even when he rebels against the order of the world established by the party?

Once you have the power, there is nothing you cannot do.

First of all, it is best to have the power to do so.

Victor Carvalho said that training was important, but he also planned to provide everything an awakened person needed. Among them were some that were illegal.

“If it weren’t for that obnoxious guy, Ameriku, it would have been faster.”

In the meantime, Ameriku was a saboteur who interfered at every turn, saying he would follow the rules.

Before I knew it, getting rid of the annoying Americu had become the most important task.

We chose the Prime Minister as our partner to handle this together. He who has been in politics would be able to deal with the president. You would think that the prime minister would wield himself, but Victor Carvalho is different.

If the number is wrong, just act like Choi Jun-ho. We have entered an era where those in power are forgiven even if they twist their necks when they catch the corruption of politicians.

It was a precedent and order created by Choi Jun-ho. I am willing to take it if it is what I need.

There isn’t much left now.

We will do our best to completely secure East Timor and open the gift.

Victor Carvalho had no doubt that his plan would succeed.

“Is that the end?”


Victor Carvalho, who turned his head to where the voice came from, felt his heart drop.

I don’t know how long ago, but Choi Jun-ho was sitting there.

“Tell me in detail.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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