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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 175

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Episode 175:

My whole body was so damaged that it was in tatters, but thanks to the timely use of recovery medicine, I was able to recover without any aftereffects.

My own recovery was excellent, and the performance of Shinsung Group’s recovery agent was also excellent. After all, it is a Shinsung Group product that I trust and use. This is why I trust Sehee Lee and entrust her with the job.

“Thank you for your guidance.”

Anyway, after recovering and coming to his senses, he expressed his gratitude by saying that it was a valuable opportunity to test his limits, although he was disappointed that he did not reach level 9.

I invited him to eat and I showed off my skills and made Owlboar Head Soybean Paste Hotpot.


Berserker and James Reed, who couldn’t lift their spoons willingly, sighed heavily and ordered Jajangmyeon and Jjamppong sweet and sour pork, while I and I happily ate the soybean paste hotpot.

Why can’t I eat this delicious food?

Anyone who doesn’t know the taste of Owlboer’s soybean paste stew has lost half of their life.

On the other hand, I enjoyed the soybean paste stew.

There are a lot of people who can’t eat it normally, but I like it.

A rare Owlbore soybean paste hotpot enthusiast. This is someone with precious taste.

In my last life, I didn’t know much about U-A-Ye.

It was called the star of Myanmar and the hope of Myanmar, but I didn’t know much about the situation in Southeast Asia.

However, the rumors were not exaggerated; U Aye Cho was a person who knew how to carry the burden placed on him with a smile.

I still don’t understand it, but I respect it.

“I have a duty to overcome discrimination.”

U Aye Cho said with a serious expression. He said that it is true that he feels burdened by the gaze directed at him, but that their hope gives him strength.

“It will restrict your movements.”

“It takes a lot. Neither eating nor acting are free.”

“Is there any need to bring that upon oneself?”

“Just being able to bring them hope is a sacrifice worth making.”


That’s something I can’t understand.

U Aye Cho smiled at my reaction.

“You don’t have to understand Choi Junho.”

“I was asking to try to understand.”

“There is no reason or need for that. The reason is because Superhuman Choi Jun-ho has skills.”

Wow, Jjok laughed bitterly.

“I am a superhuman, but I cannot escape the evaluation that I am one of the lowest among superhumans. I want to bring hope to the people of my country, but my skills are not keeping up. However, Junho Choi can show it with his skills. There is no need to explain it with your mouth because you show it with your actions. So it’s no wonder you don’t understand me.”

It seems more admirable to admit your own shortcomings.

I have a history of going crazy even with this great power.

Hematoma This guy is a monster created by my power. In this life, I keep my sanity intact,

but what if I sacrifice myself for someone like you? In the end, I realized that it was something I couldn’t understand.

“So are you aiming for level 9?”

“It was an opportunity for me to realize my shortcomings.”

Because it was a place where superhumans were so rare, their skills were stagnant.

However, U Aye Cho was confident in the path he was taking and was willing to sacrifice himself for his country.

Could I have become like that if I hadn’t been eaten by a hematoma in my last life?

I gave up after less than 3 seconds of thinking. I didn’t think I, who didn’t know much about the world, would embrace such a grand cause. Rather, it would be more appropriate to covet wealth and fame like Kim Young-hwan.


I gave the cooked oulboar head to the dog clinging next to me. The dog sniffed and ate a few bites before walking away with a tired expression.

This guy doesn’t know taste.

You get points deducted.

by the way.

If you think about it, people with this kind of healthy mindset should be successful, but the world doesn’t work that way.

Maybe I can create the right example. I think we can do some good fishing by spreading rumors.

“What if there was a way to become stronger?”

“Is there such a way?”

“there is.”

There are many ways to strengthen an awakened person who has achieved his or her own achievements.

The problem is that the process is arduous and difficult.

If you have the will, you can completely remodel it.

Wow, Jjo’s expression brightened.

“Then may I ask you a favor?”

“Think of it as a gift from me.”

What if Jjoye takes the level 9 test and returns significantly stronger? Perhaps other superhumans will also approach us to take the test?

Among them, there will be some superhumans who are more vicious than villains.

Then I just have to face the villain right where I am.

Is this okay?

“But what kind of method…”

“It’s a slightly stronger heart massage.”

“I’ll do it right away!”

U Aye Cho nodded with an innocent expression.

* * *

I informed Jjo that the gift could be opened. He thanked me for the favor he had shown me and stayed in Seoul for a few more days to spar with Berserker James Reed before returning to Myanmar.

Well, meeting someone who is not strange to be called a hero brought many stimulations.

Do you think that there are people like that and at the same time think that I could never be like that?

The conclusion was that I had to live as I was.

From now on, I will have to think of the guy who tells me to be a hero as a villain.

Cheon Myeong-guk was relieved that the situation he had feared did not occur.

Well, my arm was cut off, but I put it back together quickly.

In addition, there was news that sporadic battles were taking place in China and that not only Lee Se-hee but also Japan was moving to sell military supplies.

The President is said to be considering selling supplies so as not to miss this opportunity, and he has learned that a war taking place in a neighboring country will bring great profits.

by the way.

I was bothered by James Reed, who had a sullen expression next to me the whole time.

“What are you complaining about?”

“Jun Ho! “Aren’t you asking me too much?”


“As soon as I saw it, I ripped it up without mercy. “Why are you being so nice to Woo?”

Rather, I was embarrassed. What is this guy talking about now?

“Are you and that person the same?”

“What’s different? “I am also a completely just superhuman!”

“Instead, you just play it off.”


“Okay, if you have something to say, say it.”

“You’re really fucking mean.”

I think he speaks Korean better than me.

When we got to the point, James Reed, who clicked his tongue, told us what was going on.

This is related to leagues and parties.

“The league and the party will clash. “The United States is helping here.”

Now that I think about it, I became curious about how the U.S. operates.

When I looked into weapons, I found that the United States was superior.

If you gently cajole the little guy, will you be able to buy American weapons?

Ah, it might be better to ask Anna Christine about this.

“If the US finds a base, will they launch missiles?”

“Normally, we would push for a military operation to proceed quickly, but the league is different.”


“There is a member of the zodiac who has the ability to hack electronic devices. “If hacked, it could actually attack our side, so we are refraining from doing so.”

That’s a really amazing gift. If I get a chance, I will try to make a copy of the gift.

“What do you think? Do you think it will succeed?”

I was curious what the smart man would think of it.

“Obviously the party took the opportunity, but…”

“They took it?”

“It’s really difficult to deal with the league. “It will be difficult to achieve great results.”

It’s a different story from Maxim Guedes’ confidence. It’s surprising?

James Reed saw my expression and smiled bitterly.

“Party doesn’t think the league has changed since it was under him. But the league has grown so tight that the party can no longer handle it. “It will be difficult.”

“Is that so?”

It remains to be seen what happens.

“huh. I’d rather there not be too much damage in a stalemate. “Dominating the league meant forcing us to suffer great damage.”

Why are you staring at me? It seemed as if they were asking me to take care of everything.

“I will not. go away.”


He seems like a cunning guy.

A few days later, the league and the party clashed in earnest.

* * *

“Is it a failure?”

Maxim Geddes muttered as he watched the league’s superhumans getting further and further away.

It was a battle that started excitingly, but went in a completely different direction than he expected.

The suicide drones mobilized to capture the ship were all shot down by the hackers of the zodiac. There was no choice but to seal off the subsequent missile and fighter bombings.

The League, which had suffered greatly from military support in the beginning, succeeded in completely neutralizing military support after the hacker’s recruitment.

In the end, when a situation arose in which they had to fight with all their might, Maxim Guedes took the lead.

In response, Black Hound came out and the two engaged in a fierce battle. With no one gaining the upper hand, the situation began to rapidly deteriorate when Collector Roberto stepped in to assist.

Although the party’s strength and support from the United States were added, the league had also summoned more than half of its strength.

It was a different flow from the information obtained in advance.

When Maxim Geddes was about to request additional power, the awakened person who was assisting him shouted.

“Master Lion Hell has appeared. “You must step down.”

“Where is it?”

“It is hasty to step forward now. “At this very moment, my colleagues are dying.”

“Of course…”

Although he is a member of the same group of teenage superhumans, the Hell Master is a mysterious being, and it is known that all who oppose him face death.

As such, I wanted to handle it with my own hands, but the situation was not conducive.

Maxim Geddes watched the retreating league with fiery eyes.

The reason they didn’t rush in was to conserve power, but it was hard to forgive myself for missing the golden opportunity.

The League, which was once under the party’s control, had grown into a huge force that even the party could not tamper with.

Maxim Geddes, unable to make any more meaningless sacrifices, ordered a retreat.

“…I’m stepping down.”


At the same time as Maxim Geddes ordered, the party and the American Awakened forces retreated.

The reality of not being able to achieve results despite the deaths of many people made him suffer.

But now was the time to conserve power.

Maxim Guedes mentioned a facilitator within the league who provided information that made this surprise attack possible.

“Tell this to Heinrich. “You can no longer hide your identity, so join our side.”

“All right.”

“You will be recorded as one of those who have been defeated one after another by losing one mouse hole and losing the 12 signs.”

Maxim Geddes muttered in a voice boiling with murder and turned around.

* * *

“Was it not enough?”

Heinrich of Libra nodded after seeing the war situation enter a lull. It was thought to be a golden opportunity to take control of the league, which was disorganized after abandoning its base on the Kamchatka Peninsula, but Argos’ judgment in gathering strength from various places shone.

This is why I wanted to attack at an earlier time.

The problem was the boring old people at the party.

However, it is not a bad development for me.

“It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing we can do. Still, I have solidified my position.”

The information he provided by infiltrating the League so far was enough to be treated well.

Heinrich recalled the moment he came to cooperate with the party.

Both the league and the party are closed, but the league united by beliefs and the party gathered to protect vested interests had different personalities.

Heinrich, who wanted to enjoy wealth and honor equal to his skills, was dissatisfied with the league’s policy. So I did not reject the hand extended by the party.

Although his identity has been revealed through this incident, if he can establish himself within the party and enjoy vested interests, it is worth at least accepting the threat from the league.

“It will be known later that my judgment is the best.”

“In my opinion, this is the worst choice?”


“Where are you going?”

Heinrich was startled and turned around because the voice was heard without any sign of presence. There, a red-haired young man was grinning mischievously.

I know that face.

“We’re spherical, right?”

“Hell Master.”

It was Hell Master Sean Bailey, one of the three evils of the League and one of the top ten superhumans.

“Call me Sean. “Why are you calling me such a grand title?”

“I thought you were missing?”

“That’s how you can appear like this as a secret weapon. It’s useful when setting traps or dealing with traitors. Look, I didn’t expect that at all.”

The appearance of Hell Master was a completely unexpected variable. He knew that even Argos was something he couldn’t properly handle and that it wouldn’t be of much help in expanding the League’s power.

I needed to know how he appeared exactly where he was.

“Did Argos know?”

“It was at the suspicion stage, maybe? I thought that if someone betrayed us, they would take advantage of our weakest moment. “You got caught there.”

The smiling Hell Master did not look like a member of the League of Three Evils or the Teen Superhumans.

But you have to stay alert. Even the appearance of belittling can be a form of deception.

“That’s a good thing.”


“This will be a chance to test my skills.”

Heinrich had always thought of himself as being as good as a teenager, so he decided to use his skills to get out of this situation.

“Lift up your head and return.”

“oh! Is that cool? “Surprisingly, you have the same thoughts as me.”

The Hell Master, who noisily relaxed his body, touched his red bangs and said.

“Where should we check out Libra’s skills? Come on.”


Heinrich was moving before he could hear the answer. True to his nickname, Balance, he was the owner of the gift of being able to freely use physical strength and force.

It was possible to confuse and confuse the opponent by freely controlling the speed and speed.

His sword split the air.

“oh! Oh oh! “Isn’t it amazing?”

‘…That’s strange.’

Heinrich, who was launching a one-sided attack, felt a strong sense of discomfort. A Hell Master is one of the three evils of the League and a member of the Ten Superhumans. However, he did not feel the perfection of Argos or the strength of the Black Hound itself.


A strange sense of discomfort kept assaulting my senses.

Heinrich tried to put an end to this in a hurry, but the Hell Master leisurely avoided all attacks.

“What’s so urgent? I’m the only one here? “You can escape if you just kill me.”


Heinrich’s sword clenched between his teeth and split the space into dozens of pieces.


The Hell Master’s new form cleverly found a safe space and occupied it, deflecting the aftermath with its sword.

The movements were even graceful.

But it’s not practical. Heinrich squeezed his strength as he saw that his sword was unlikely to reach the Hell Master.

If you move forward just a little bit further, you can reach the Hell Master.

‘I’ve reached it…!’

It was when the sword finally reached the Hell Master.


The sword he was holding in his hand fell to the floor in vain.


Heinrich, who was expressing his doubts, realized that he was kneeling.

“It’s my gift.”

Come to think of it, I didn’t know what Hell Master’s gift was.

What is it that makes you like this?

“Can you tell me a trade secret? It’s just so strong. It’s a gift that can kill anyone. “The activation conditions are a bit difficult, though.”

The Hell Master smiled mischievously and squatted down in front of Heinrich.

“You worked hard to get noticed by Argos. Rest now.”


With those words, Heinrich’s consciousness was cut off.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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