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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 17

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Episode 17

The villain we arrested leaked information.

With all the National Defense Bureau hunters gathered in the large conference room, Jeong Joo-ho started the meeting.

“The league’s magic has finally reached this point.”

I started to bring out information that had not been revealed until now.

“Puppet Master Black Reaper Executioner.”


“This is a list of villains the league is in contact with.”

These three are the pinnacle of villains currently active in Korea.

The puppet master is analyzed to have low combat power compared to level 7, but he is called an immortal who never dies because he uses puppets without revealing his true body.

The Black Reaper and the Executioner are also level 7 awakened villains who have slaughtered countless people.

It didn’t seem that special to me. Are these guys that we need to be that wary of? I do not know.

Come to think of it, I know where the Korean branch of the league I destroyed is located. I’ll have to visit sometime when I have time.

“All three are villains known to act alone. However, if they are in the league, the possibility of playing together cannot be ruled out.”

“It’s hell.”

“It looks like Level 8 might be the one to send out.”

“If they had worked together, they would have moved already. It means there is still time. “Let’s take action before an incident occurs.”

As the meeting was about to end, Jeong Da-hyun raised her hand.

“Director. “What happened to the information about the Eradicator?”

“The Eradicator was bait. “There was nothing.”

“Then how do we track down the Eradicator?”

“It means there is no harvest. “It may be a villain that never existed from the beginning.”

“The Eradicator is a villain who has revealed himself.”

“I know, it’s just a matter of considering whether it is a new villain that has appeared. “Maybe the Eradicator is a villain sent by the League to appease those three.”


Everyone was shocked. On the one hand, I felt afraid of the league’s endless power. A level 8 villain is coming just to appease? This is unbelievable.


As a person who was listening, I could only admire the imagination that stretched to infinity.

In this case, the league that tried so hard to attract me has achieved its goal, even if only halfway.

“This too is just speculation. What is clear is that even though the existence of the Eradicator exists, it could not be found. You must imagine freely. “This information is unusual.”

“Now that I think about it, Berserker is not on the list.”

“He must have been excluded because he was out of his mind. But we can’t let down our guard, so if we find out their traces, make sure we know their location.”

I remember the hidden story I heard from the boss. Berserker: Why is that guy chasing the Eradicator?

Berserker Lee Gwang-jin. 44 years old, estimated level 7. This villain usually looks noble like a monk, but goes crazy when he enters battle.

He was evaluated as the most dangerous of the villains mentioned above because he destroys everything in sight, regardless of enemy or enemy.

If stimulated incorrectly, it will run wild, so government agencies have issued a ban on access.

But there is something strange about the information.

Lee Gwang-jin was also a person I remember from my last life.

Because I killed the villain.

But now that I think about it, I don’t think he’s level 7.

The guy I dealt with during my time as a hematologist was one of the top five strong men I’ve ever killed. If I had to classify it, wouldn’t it be close to level 8? Or is there a difference between now and 15 years from now, so was it level 7 at that time?

“It’s best not to provoke Berserker.”

If you don’t touch it, it stays in silence. This is the perception of Berserker.

That’s why many organizations, starting with the National Defense Bureau, are keeping their distance from Berserker.

I’ll see him sometime because I need to know why he’s looking for the Eradicator. That will be his last time. Since I was going to kill him anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to check how his skills were.

When I think about it, there is one more strange thing.

The League said they didn’t approach Berserker because he was crazy, but they approached me because I was a blood race.

Did I really think that conversation would work?

Because I’m less crazy than Berserker?


While I was lost in thought, Joo-ho Jeong concluded the meeting.

“But Berserker is also a villain that must be eliminated at any time. If they decide they can control it, the league can approach it at any time. “Always be careful.”

“All right.”

* * *

On my way home from work after the meeting.

I tried to organize in my head the flood of information that had poured in today, starting with tracking down the Eradicator and ending with the league.

Secretly pursuing the Eradicator was a huge shock to me.

I thought the case was closed by erasing the Big Ten. However, I grabbed a small clue and pursued it persistently.

The problem is that not only I but also Jeong Da-hyun was unaware of the process.

This information led me to a hypothesis.

Am I really being suspected?

Joo-ho Jeong thinks of me as a level 8 talent. And the Eradicator was also revealed to be level 8 in his first appearance.

Then you can think of it this way.

Is it likely that two level 8 superhumans will appear recently, or is it more likely that they are the same person?

It’s just my guess, but it’s something that can be doubted.

So I decided to become Agent Black. Since he is directly under the director, he will be able to watch over Jeong Joo-ho from the side.

What should I do if Jung Joo-ho is convinced that I am an eraser?

“You better be careful.”

Fortunately, the Eradicator is a disposable villain who came out to end the relationship with Oh Jong-yeop.

If he doesn’t appear again, won’t people think he’s a fictional villain?

How hard did I clean up to avoid getting caught? It feels like there is no reward for working hard.

“Did they sweep it away for no reason?”

However, I could not just pass by because I knew how big the Big Ten organization was growing and what kind of evil it was doing to Oh Jong-yeop.

Meanwhile, the place I arrived was where the Korean branch of the league was located.

Located in Bupyeong, Incheon, I think it was chosen because it is close to Seoul and has Incheon International Airport and nearby ports.

“There is none.”

I had some expectations, just in case.

At this time, it seems that the Korean branch of the league had not yet taken its proper form. The building at the time was quite fancy, but now it is an abandoned building that wouldn’t be surprising if it collapsed right now.

A new building is being built here. The league must have had a lot of money.

“Hey, what are you?”

As expected, there were five villains inside the abandoned building. There were various miscellaneous items lying around on the floor, no matter where they had been stolen.

After crushing the limbs of the minnow, which was not even wanted, they contacted a nearby response team and handed over the villain.

I laughed bitterly inwardly as I saw the civil servants of the response team making a fuss about the seriousness of the situation.

Another case of excessive suppression will be added.

Still, now that the uninvited guests have been removed, I hope the Korean branch of the league will come here in the future.

Is this a long-term investment?

After returning home from work, I found my younger sister stretched out.

The guy wearing a white short-sleeved box-shirt and black dolphin pants was lying down on the entire sofa, watching TV with all the comfort in the world.

“How are you?”

Tap your foot once.

“You seem to be getting more and more lazy.”

“Ah, I didn’t know work life would be this difficult. “When I go, I feel like my energy is getting faster.”

“Is it worth it?”

“If you can’t even do this, I’ll have to hit you. And you’re getting paid a lot. “You have to pay for food to be able to show off that you come from Shinsung.”


I looked at Yunhee without saying anything for a moment.

“What is it? “What’s wrong with your eyes?”


“Just right! I felt it. Can you see me thinking about making a move right now? Right?”

“It’s not. “I just wondered how much I learned from Dahyun.”

“don’t worry. The way to deal with villains is perfect. “Maybe because he was influenced by so-and-so, he was very extreme.”

“I guess that’s the way to deal with villains. But it is also important to know how prepared you are for monsters.”

“What what! “Why do you say such scary things?”

If Jeong Da-hyun had prepared for the villain, the Holy Guild would have prepared for the monster.

However, monsters are completely different types of monsters than villains.

The first time hunters who hunt monsters die the most is when they first hunt, and at this time, new hunters lack immunity to different types of creatures.

Even with the support of reliable seniors, the hunt is not easy enough for a frozen rookie to be safe.

“The Holy Guild will prepare it, but in my opinion, it is insufficient.”

“Are you pointing out the level of preparation for the highest guild in Korea?”

“Because it’s life-threatening.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I received sufficient audio-visual training and was educated on what types of adverse reactions may occur. “I practiced first aid, how to take recovery medicine, and how to retreat several times.”

“It’s still not enough.”

The best thing is to take them directly to the scene and confront the monster.

But it makes no sense to drop it alone, and if I’m by your side, it’s difficult to get proper immunity because you’ll be the one to rely on.

It is most clearly imprinted when exposed in its raw form.

“I’ll have to find a way.”

“No, can’t we just pass by? “This is a bit overprotective.”

“I’m doing it because you’re my older brother.”

My younger brother who couldn’t spread his wings because of me. Now that I was at the starting point, all I could think about was helping him fly higher.


Yunhee stared at him without saying a word.

It seemed like he recognized my concerns.

“Wow, chicken! “Oh, I almost vomited.”


It wasn’t.

* * *

I contacted Lee the day before, made an appointment, and met Lee Se-hee the next day, as if I had seen her for the first time, she was the height of gorgeous beauty.

Cross your legs and smile as you leisurely drink a cup of coffee.

“It’s so nice to make an appointment in advance like this.”

Is this the confidence of full makeup? Yunhee’s confidence before and after makeup was like the difference between heaven and earth.

“Because of my younger brother.”

“ah! Mr. Yoonhee. Is there any problem?”

“How about in the guild?”

“He’s an all-rounder. They have good interpersonal relationships, excellent skills, and excellent adaptability. I have no hesitation in accepting new things. To the point where I feel incompetent for not being able to find such talent myself. ah! “I only talked about myself.”

“I heard you’re going on your first hunt soon.”

“yes! “We are fully prepared at the guild level.”

Lee Se-hee mentioned the preparations of the Holy Guild with a confident expression. It was great. If I had an awakened child, I would want to trust and entrust it to them.

“I’m going to train Yunhee, but I was wondering if it might go against the Holy Guild’s policy.”

“Because of the separate training?”

“What is the guild policy?”

“does not matter. Although our affiliation is sacred, we are each working hard to become stronger. Personally, I invite a coach to supplement my shortcomings. However, inhumane or abnormal training is prohibited. .··No way, right?”

Before I knew it, he was looking at me with narrowed eyes.

What did I do to make you feel so anxious?

It’s all for my younger brother.

“Tell me quickly. “What is it?”

“Can’t we just move on?”

“I was going to skip it, but seeing Junho’s attitude, I have to listen. Please tell me. Otherwise, I will tell everything to Yoonhee. “Because we have to protect our guild members.”

I can’t believe you realized that I haven’t asked Yunhee’s permission yet. As expected, he is a perspicacious ghost.

“The problem is that I am being pressured by the monster’s energy, so I am imitating the monster’s energy.”

“Is that possible?”

“I’m just saying it’s possible.”


Lee Se-hee, who was thinking while folding her hands and tapping the back of her hand with her index finger, spoke.

“Then try it with me first.”


“It’s half my personal curiosity and half my intuition as the head of the Shinsung Guild’s general operation team. “If we can artificially mimic the monster’s momentum, I think we can reduce the damage significantly compared to now.”

“is it?”

There is no need to let go of the test subject that walked in.

And from what I could see, Lee Se-hee seemed to like being treated rather roughly.

“great. “Then I’ll take out my business now.”

“What business?”

“You handed over that expensive item and didn’t even think about it?”

Rather, Lee Se-hee was embarrassed and scolded me. I finally remembered.

“Oh, that?”

“The value measurement was completed a while ago. “I’m sorry it took so long because it was a product that didn’t exist before.”

“are you okay.”

“After setting the price, I was worried about how to pay. As Junho knows, when a large amount of money suddenly comes in, the National Tax Service tracks it.”

“If it’s a sacred guild, I’ll look into it more.”

“that’s right. We’re watching with anticipation to see when we’ll make a mistake. So, I decided that in order to pay safely, it would be better to pay in kind. How about this?”

“I’m comfortable with that too.”

“Then it will be easier to talk about.”

Lee Se-hee said with a smile.

“I thought about what item Junho would need the most. So, I investigated what was going on around Junho and saw that Junho was not greedy for money, so I found my own answer.”

Lee Se-hee lifted the 007 briefcase that was lying on the floor onto the table, entered the password, and opened it. It was full of brightly colored healing agents.

“You were worried about the excessive suppression of villains, right? If you feel worse after being suppressed, use this healing agent. Then, the broken limbs are fully recovered!”

“Then you won’t attack me again.”

“I guess I should show you an example.”

Lee Se-hee got up from her seat and brought two snacks packed in a box. He then dropped one on the floor and crushed it by stepping on it with his high heel.

“The villain that Junho subdued is in a kind of state like this.”

The box of snacks I saw was torn to pieces and the contents were crumbled.

“But this is what happens when you use the restorative medicine.”

He pretends to spray the healing agent in the air and puts the contents into a healthy box.

“Restorative agents are used to restore only the appearance, not the contents. It looks fine on the outside, but it has a bone disease on the inside. To the old-fashioned superiors, it looks like they have successfully subdued him. “Isn’t this what Junho needs most right now?”


I stared at the 007 bag that Lee Se-hee held out.

“Normally, the heart of a level 6 harmful monster costs 1 billion, but with a new processing method, we added a premium to it and prepared 100 hearts at 3 billion. If this isn’t enough, you can always ask for more. Because we can continue to supply it.”

Lee Se-hee, who finished speaking confidently, looked at me with eyes full of anticipation.

“How about this? “What gift did I prepare?”


Suddenly, incidents and accidents that occurred when I became a civil servant hunter flashed through my mind.

Villains whose limbs were broken by my hands. The number of cases of excessive suppression added up one by one after their screams.

But what if you restore it to its original state with that potion?

It is not a perfect crime… but a complete arrest.

“Lee Se-hee.”


“···You are a genius.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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