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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 169

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Episode 169

Quad Deuk!

The awakened person held in Yu Hao’s hands was unable to even scream, and his neck bones cracked and his breath was cut off.

His surroundings were full of corpses. These are trackers who came to monitor him under orders from the party.

In the past, I would have obeyed those who had a way of triggering my loneliness, but now the story is different. Convinced that the monster in his head no longer existed, Yu Hao killed all of the party’s dogs.


Yu Hao looked fascinated at the thick blood on his hands.

In the past, it was something I would never have dared to do. He eliminated loneliness and killed all those who tried to manipulate him. Still, there is no reaction.

“It was really removed. It was really removed.”

It is true that solitude has disappeared. The feeling of a foreign body in my head, the presence that was sometimes revealed, has completely disappeared.

Yu Hao realized that he was completely free. Even though it was something I had always dreamed of, the actual reaction was calm. I know that there is a lot of work to be done in the future.

“Choi Jun-ho probably intended this too.”

The title of level 9, which he gave as if he was stealing the corruption of party officials in his hands, proved this.

Although the intention to use it was clearly conveyed, Yu Hao did not pay much attention to it.

The loneliness disappeared and what took its place was awe of Choi Jun-ho.

A superman among superhumans whose capabilities are unknown.

It would be foolish to confront such a guy. Yu Hao’s insistence on mentioning his mother’s nationality and mentioning that half of his blood is Korean were in order to appeal to Choi Jun-ho’s friendliness.

I know we use each other. If each person can benefit from it, it is a great mutual aid in itself.

He gained his freedom, and Choi Jun-ho brought China in and struck the league base.

As a result, the relationship between China and Russia has become turbulent, but the confusion can actually be an opportunity for oneself.

Now that you are free, you have to think about what comes next.

What he wants is to get rid of those who have been treating him like a hand and foot. And you make the power that was only a facade real and have it for yourself.

To achieve that, we need to create a force rather than run amok alone.

What Yu Hao chose was to attract those who had been treated poorly to him.

The first choice was the Party Secretary of Liaoning Province.

Having been pushed aside by the central power struggle for a long time, he will become an excellent partner who can each take advantage.

“Li Zhenhuo.”

Li Zhenhuo, Li Zhenhuo, the party secretary of Liaoning Province, who was examining documents, maintained a calm demeanor even though he suddenly appeared in front of him as if he was infiltrating.

He is bold and quick to grasp the situation. He is the best partner who can fill in what he lacks.

“Seeing you appear like this, I guess you have something to say to me in secret.”

“Let’s hold hands.”

“What are you saying all of a sudden?”

“The ban that controlled me has been lifted. “I destroyed the party’s pursuit party a little while ago.”

“…is it true?”

Those words startled Li Zhenhuo, who had never been surprised before.

This is because he knows the harshness of loneliness that the Party specially created to control superhumans.

A bird that has lost its wings.

Yu Hao, bound by gold, was like a puppet who followed the party’s instructions without any will of his own.

“Yes, I am free now.”


Li Zhenhuo did not know what that meant. Yu Hao is a teenager and is the pride of China, but because he does not have Chinese blood, he has been controlled by the Tang’s special prohibition.

If the prohibition is gone, where will Yu Hao’s anger be directed?

This meant that the crazy dog’s leash and muzzle were released.

“do not worry. There will be no killing everyone. “I have no intention of doing so.”

Li Zhenhuo’s face looks relieved, but his anxiety still hasn’t gone away.

In the words that followed, that anxiety turned out to be true.

“Instead, I will eliminate all those who did not follow me and those who tried to control me.”

“What you are saying is….”

“We will establish a new leadership in the party. Li Zhenhuo, I see you as one of them. “Are you willing to wash away the sorrow of ethnic minorities with me?”


Li Zhenhuo looked at Yu Hao’s outstretched hand. If you don’t hold this hand, your neck will be crushed horribly.

Above all, the sadness of the ethnic minorities that Yu Hao mentioned touched my heart.

Even though he showed superior performance than others, he repeatedly failed to enter the leadership. Although there are many reasons, Li Zhenhuo knows that he was not able to enter the center because he is from an ethnic minority.

If Yu Hao hadn’t reached out, his career would have ended like this.

It is a moment of choice. And there was no choice here.

“I will follow.”

“good night. Let’s try our best.”

Yu Hao smiled, having found a reliable partner.

* * *

When I arrived in Gangneung by yacht and crossed over to Seoul, there was chaos.

When I looked up to see what was going on, there was a buzz with the news that a missile launched from China was hitting Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula and a war could break out between the two countries.

Is that what you asked me to fire?

My attack on the league base was being interpreted as China declaring war on Russia.

Well, I feel like the incident is bigger than I thought.

In fact, only the Blue House knows the inside story, but the media does not know that, so it seems they are adding various speculations.

[You didn’t think that much before you committed it, right?]

For some reason, Yongyong was valuing me highly. Should I be thankful for this?

“I never really thought about it.”



[I thought there was nothing more surprising. I never thought I would think that much.]

“You only make harsh noises about being beaten.”

[I was just being honest.]

Yes, you are good, you are good.

After arguing with Yongyong, I slowly got to the point.

“By the way, are you still thinking about it?”


“I mean, I’m going to look at Argos and think about it. “Are you sure there would have been a conclusion by now?”

[Oh, that.]

Yongyong showed hesitation. I don’t know how great the content is so much attention.

You probably saw a different side of Argos that I didn’t see.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, don’t.”

[I need to know because I think I will clash with you often from now on.]

“You will need my strength too.”

[huh. That Argos man is what I see. I think I may have obtained the power of the Divine Beast.]

“The Divine Beast?”

[I don’t know what form it is, but I think I obtained the essence of a divine beast.]

Yongyong mentioned something completely unexpected and explained what the essence of a divine beast was.

Before the appearance of monsters, the divine beast existed in the form of a spirit body without a body. It is said that after forming an ego, Yongyong existed in a natural state without a body.

However, as monsters appeared and their sacred places were desecrated, the divine beasts began to take on flesh one by one.

Yongyong was one of them.

[But not everyone made the same choice.]

Among the divine beasts, there were cases where they moved their home or erased their very existence because they did not want to associate with the filth of monsters.

Jeongsu fell into the latter case here.

Because its presence was diluted, it existed in the form of pure power, and it is highly likely that Argos took it.

Is that why I was able to spread my eyes in all directions?

For some reason, I thought it was so amazing that it was abnormal. I also thought he had increased his power that much by taking a bigger penalty than Maxim Guedes.

“I totally caught it.”

[No matter what, why say something like that?]

“Anyway, there is a high probability that Argos has obtained the power of the Divine Beast, right?”


“Then what should I do?”

[Shinsu is meant to live in harmony with the world from the moment of its existence. Those that break down that boundary have been called demonic beasts, not divine beasts. That person is abusing the power of the Divine Beast to realize his own ideals. I think it must be recovered.]

I knew Yongyong would say this. Even though he looks fierce, he is proud of himself as a divine beast.

Then I guess I’ll have to throw some bait.

“Then please help me a lot in the future.”

[huh? Why me?]

“In the end, because you are not able to manage it properly, the power of the divine beast comes out and causes chaos in the world. Then, of course, shouldn’t God take action?”


“Of course, I’m not asking you to do everything because it involves humans. Since we both want the same thing, let’s cooperate. “If you don’t like it, just leave it alone.”

If you don’t like it, you can come forward yourself, scream and destroy everything.

Alternatively, it would be a good option to inform another divine beast.

Yongyong heard my muttering and quickly waved his tail, showing an urgent look.

[Oh no. I will cooperate.]

“You promised?”


With this, I will be able to actively manipulate the divine beast from now on.

Yongyong also seemed to know this, and his expression was not good.

“And I have one question.”

[What is it?]

“If a human has taken the essence of a divine beast, are there cases where monsters have also taken the essence of a divine beast?”


Yongyong did not answer.

* * *

When I arrived in Seoul, the heated debate surrounding China and Russia was still going on on TV.

The main response from the public was that they felt refreshed.

I am sometimes surprised, but in Korea, feelings toward China are much worse than I thought.

Everyone may have their own reasons, but the reasons were very clear.

In the beginning, there may have been emotions accumulated due to various incidents and accidents before the appearance of the monster, but after the appearance of the monster, it intensified as America’s Pacific hegemony was shaken.

South Korea quickly moved away from the United States’ sphere of influence, and it was China that stepped in to take its place.

Naturally, in the process, overbearing and disparaging comments poured out. Although a buffer zone was formed due to the collapsed North Korea, all kinds of absurd statements were made, such as that North Korea and even South Korea were in their sphere of influence, and that if a harmful level 8 monster appeared, they could help Seoul when it was destroyed and could not function properly.

It is said that it is the point of view of a large country facing a small country, but if you look at the reality, Korea had good conditions to block the threat of monsters due to its narrow territory, mountainous area that covers more than half of the territory, and high population density.

So, as an observer, you can’t help but snort.

…In fact, I was the one who caused China and Russia to appear in conflict.

To be precise, it was meant to make it look like there was a conflict between China and the league.

Whoever launched the missile will be seen as having launched it from China.

From China’s perspective, this means adding one enemy.

“Sorry, sorry.”

When I got home, Yunhee said that. They are telling us to fight actively, saying that if China and Russia engage in a war of nerves, it will benefit us.

I couldn’t tell Yunhee that I had asked her to launch that missile.

I’ll tell you later.

“You have to be a little weaker to stop them from interfering with us. Or make them keep each other in check.”


Isn’t this a more extreme statement than you think?

[Just looking at it, you are siblings.]


I couldn’t refute Yongyong’s words.


“To report the results of my business trip.”

I got a call from the Blue House, so I changed my clothes and headed to the Blue House.

The President, who greeted me as soon as I arrived, smiled and said,

“What happened above is spreading with great repercussions.”

It seems like you’re blaming me, but you seem to like it, right?

When I looked at the president’s face, there was no change in his expression. Rather, it seems like he’s having fun?

“Morally, you shouldn’t like the misfortune of a neighboring country, but an individual’s heart is different.”

What the president particularly liked was that China became involved with the league.

So far, China has been extremely avoiding confrontation with the league. Rather, the relationship continued smoothly to the extent that there were rumors that he was cooperating with the league behind the scenes.

The reason was simple. The idea was for China to strengthen its power and aim for hegemony after the Age of Monsters while the League fought against the rest of the world.

The intention is to replicate the strategy of the past, when the United States was mired in the swamps of the Middle East and was wasting its energy, thereby gaining strength and stepping up to the G2.

Anyone can come up with a plausible plan.

Until you get hit.

Before I appeared, China’s plans were going smoothly.

“On the surface, it looks like a clash between China and Russia, but those who know the inside story know that China attacked the league.”

This proves that China has also been dragged into the league’s swamp.

“It unfolds similarly to what I thought.”

“I released one more poison here.”

“Which one is it?”

“It’s related to Yu Hao…”

I told him about the ban placed on Yu Hao and how I freed him and appointed him to level 9.

It even says it will be officially announced soon.

The president, who was looking at me with an absurd expression, burst into laughter.

“China will consume tremendous power internally.”

“I was pushed to do that.”


The fact that Yu Hao has Korean blood in his veins would be a great justification.

The president was pleased to hear that I had killed a Russian zodiac sign at the league base and brought back his body.

I guess I got it right.

Now that I’ve finished looking at this, let’s take a moment and take out what I want.

“This operation was very meaningful to me.”

“You mean by eliminating the league base?”

“yes. “I was satisfied with both the process and the results.”

I also gained confidence that I will do better next time.

I slowly got to the point.

“The League guys ran away first, but I thought a preemptive strike with missiles was a very good tool.”


The President had a nervous expression on his face, as if he was feeling anxious.

“I thought it would be good to use this method actively in the future to eliminate the league.”

“What are you talking about?”


Pretending not to understand.

When I mentioned it directly, trying to avoid it, the president’s response slowed down.

“…What do you want?”

“How about selling me some missiles for personal use?”


The President was silent. I guess that’s why my proposal is so unexpected.

However, I also came with an opinion to support my logic.

“I heard that maintenance costs are high if you don’t use it for a long time. If I use it appropriately while dealing with the league, wouldn’t it be possible to secure missile usage data, reduce management costs, and make new investments, creating a virtuous cycle?”

It was a proposal that killed two birds with one stone.

“That’s true, but I’ve never sold missiles to individuals before, so I’m a little perplexed.”

The president’s reaction was not strange.

No, I actually believe it more because it is serious.

That’s why I covet it even more.

After researching, I found that South Korea’s missiles are the best in the world. As someone who has already experienced missiles, I thought that there would be no more reliable cover than this if I secured a few missiles and fired them first when necessary.

For example, when eliminating Zhang Wuyuan, if we had confirmed the location and fired the missile first, we would have saved a lot of trouble.

Ah, if that were the case, wouldn’t they have been able to get rid of Nangunggi?

In everything, there are pros and cons.

I spoke loudly to the president.

“Trust me and sell it to me.”

I thought that with the trust that had been built up over time, the President would naturally accept it.

I’m not North Korea’s rocket man before the collapse, but I’m suggesting that we launch a missile at the moment of need….

“Of course I don’t believe it. “If I make a mistake, I will launch the missile first.”


“Hmm! I made a mistake without realizing it.”

The president cleared his throat and turned away from my gaze.

Did you really think like that…?


An awkward silence fell between us.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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