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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 167

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Episode 167

“The intestines failed.”

“What happened to him?”

“You know because I was caught by a head breaker.”


Argos closed his eyes at Black Hound’s report. I knew that a head-on confrontation was not the best way to deal with the monster that was Choi Jun-ho. So, I tried to use a different method, and it was Jang In-seong, who was active in Sinuiju, who paid attention.

His brainwashing was a powerful tool that could threaten superhumans.

The more overconfident he was in his inaction, the more he showed weakness in the mental field. Jang In-seong was a cunning yet persistent person who wanted to achieve his goals by any means necessary.

I thought maybe there was a possibility.

The calculation that just by eliminating Choi Jun-ho would be recognized as a member of the zodiac was enough to make him move.

But I had no idea it would fail so quickly.

It has become a situation where the light has been set on fire.

“I have to abandon this place.”

“I know, that’s a hasty decision.”

“Jean visited this place. “Do you think Jang won’t know where this place is just because we hid our destination as much as possible?”

“If you were caught by Headbreaker, this location would have been revealed. And because of its head breaker nature, it will attack here.”


Black Hound realized what Argos was trying to say. The intention is to abandon the base before Choi Jun-ho makes a move.

On the one hand, I was disappointed.

Secret arrangements have always been the League’s responsibility, and raids have always been the League’s responsibility.

But now I have to abandon the base I worked so hard to build because of a superhuman.

Black Hound said, unable to let go of his regret.

“You are the one who emphasized the importance of this location. “You’re leaving without even dealing with him properly?”

“know. But I don’t know what the Head Breaker will do. You know that?”

“Al I always support your opinion, but your opinion of Headbreaker is too high.”

“Because he’s a worthy guy. There’s a party and Korea around Headbreaker right now. We must not forget that although he wears the mask of a superman, he is more like a villain than us. “They will stop at nothing to catch us.”

If Argos had been an ordinary superhuman who thought of himself as being on the side of justice, he would not have made this decision.

However, Choi Jun-ho does not choose any means to achieve his goal. His hands are cruel and he despises his enemies and tramples them mercilessly.

As a superhuman with a crueler hand than a villain, he is the most difficult being when it comes to enemies.

“If we abandon this base, it will become difficult to project our power into Asia.”

“We should focus on the US and Europe for the time being. It’s time to make a choice. My greed was excessive. “Constantina died because of my decision.”

“I don’t blame you.”

“We’re exposed and we don’t know what the headbreaker will do. So please follow my opinion.”

“…If you say so.”

The black hound looked reluctant, but nodded obediently.

However, the one who put the brakes on this was the only remaining member of the 12 signs.

He took the position of Gemini, and to match him were the twin superhumans Andrei and Alexei from Russia.

Two muscular giants who were two meters tall and had necks as thick as logs visited Argos.

“Argos, are you going to abandon this base?”

“It’s a strategic withdrawal.”

“Can not be done.”

“I am the one who makes the decision.”

Hearing Argos’ words, the twin brothers looked at him with wide eyes.

As the persistent confrontation continued, the Geohan standing on the left spoke.

“We will protect this base.”

“Andrey Alexei.”

“You don’t trust us?”

“Trust me, but my opponent is a head breaker.”

The two, who are from Russia, helped the league a lot when it set up a base here.

As villains active in Russia, they had a great influence on strengthening the league’s influence in East Asia.

There is no doubt about their skills, but their loyalty to the league is questionable.

“It will take time to withdraw anyway. So, you will need someone to make up that time.”

The two joined because they were disappointed with the Russian government. Knowing the love they had for this place, Argos could not break their will.

In the end, I sighed and accepted his insistence.

“…don’t overexert yourself.”

“Of course. “Trust us.”

Argos nodded. But Andrei Alexei and Argos knew that they would stay here.

If Choi Jun-ho comes here, there will be one conflict.

And that they are looking forward to it.

‘If I can’t control it, I have no choice but to throw it away.’

Argos’ eyes flashed toward the twins.

At the same time, when all the league personnel had withdrawn, the missiles fell.

* * *

The sight of the league base hit by the missile was absolutely miserable.

Flames broke out everywhere and the half-destroyed buildings were distorted, creating a scene from the turn of the century.

After all, the Awakened are leading the world situation, so at times like this, I also crave existing weapons.

I’ll be dealing with League guys in the future, so should I buy a weapon? Isn’t it good because the government sells weapons and I have various means of attack? Management is left to the government. I think it’s a very good idea. I’ll have to talk to the president when I get back from work.


After looking ahead for a moment, I confirmed that there was no movement.

It’s a situation that should have caused a lot of uproar. But there was no human to be found anywhere.

“Is there anyone?”

I thought he might have run away, but I never thought he would run away so quickly.

As expected from a villain, he has considerable escape skills.

I wanted you to show your pride and stay.

[Who would want to have dealings with you?]

“But if you’ve prepared this much, wouldn’t you feel like protecting it?”

[I guess I thought it would be better to ignore you than to go through the trouble of bumping into you.]

You speak very nicely.

Anyway, it would be a bit disappointing if it was really empty. I wanted to kill a few minnows.

I told the dog that came with me to wait on the yacht and headed toward the burning base. I put my feet on the ground and looked around. There was no sign of presence anywhere.

The league’s base was similar to a military base. It was built strictly to conquer East Asia. I heard that bases in the U.S. and Europe are located in cities and that they use them to carry out secret operations. Even though the governments of each country are aware of this fact, they are unable to do anything for fear of harm to civilians.

“They’re all trash.”

In the end, it’s because of the money the league makes.

This is what a hostile symbiotic relationship might be like.

Since the league is derived from a party anyway, there will be a lot of common denominator.

“It was a short period of time, so they probably couldn’t have stolen everything.”

I don’t have a hobby of searching through ruins, but what’s the point of going back empty-handed? I guess I’ll take a look around.

I approached where the largest building was located. It was the only place that was unharmed by the missile attack, and just looking at it, it was presumed that this was where the league leadership was located.

But my steps stopped before I entered the building. A sign of presence was detected inside, and two identical-looking large white men appeared.

He was openly showing off his strength and saying he was strong.


It is a harvest that appears on its own in a place where it was thought there would be nothing.

I won’t have to go back with bare hands.

“Are you a head breaker?”

“Is this a head breaker?”

The voice and tone were the same. Since he spoke in English, I also spoke in English.

“What are you?”

“We were waiting for you.”

“I heard you are called the world’s strongest?”

“Let’s have a fight.”

“I’ll treat you properly.”

I’ll just answer the question.

Anyway, it’s amazing that they speak with the same face and same voice over and over again. I didn’t know it at first, but then I remembered that there were twins among the 12 signs in the league.

I heard that they are both superhumans, and that they reduced several cities in eastern Russia to ashes with their violent personalities and natural strength. He is active in the Russian side of the league and often appears in Vladivostok, so I remembered what Jung Joo-ho told me to be careful about.

I heard they are people who are being punished by the Russian government. Do you think they would be happy if we caught them?

Oh, of course, we won’t catch them alive, we’ll kill them and catch them.

“Are you staying to stop me?”

“Because I’m curious about your skills.”

“I will expose the flimsy pretense of being the world’s strongest.”

So you’re blocking it?

It’s a new method of suicide.

Thank you to me.

These days, in the league, we have surrendered and defeated the enemy without even challenging them, but I hope that they will continue to make this mistake and run forward in the future.

“Come at me.”

Before I could finish speaking, the twins rushed towards me.

* * *

The joint work of the twin superhumans was very new.

It was as if the consciousness was one body connected as one. It seemed as if one person’s consciousness was moving freely through two bodies.

This is refreshing.


It was still like that now. When one guy’s fist was aimed at my face, the other guy’s fist was aimed at my lower body. It intentionally disrupts my rhythm.

Joint work that squeezes in gaps exposes weaknesses and clutters the mind. Maybe it was because of this collaboration that I became a member of the zodiac without any special gifts.

Isn’t it already a gift to share each other’s thoughts? Even if they were twins, there was no way their thoughts would be this much in sync.

In order to endure this near-perfect combination, I also have to choose a method.

The simplest thing is to push with overwhelming force. What they overlooked was that with the monster heart I received from Yongyong, I was able to use almost infinite force.

[I gave wings to the monster.]

Yongyong lamented this later, but it was definitely a comfort to not be limited by Force consumption.

I blocked a fist aimed at my head and fired a mine, while raising my foot to block an attack aimed at my lower body.


As force and force collided, sparks arose, but as I decided to create force, I was able to block the two who ignorantly pushed only with force.



I bounced off the guy who was busy disarming the mine power and then focused on one guy.

Sure, these guys are strong when there are two of them, but when they’re alone, they can’t show their full power. A superhuman who is strong but not delicate? This level is widespread around us.

And even if they are strong at a human level, they are nothing compared to monsters.

Avoiding the ignorant wind, grab the arm and push the mine in, and boom! With a sound, the arm joints were twisted.


The other twin, sensing his brother’s danger, tried to rush in, so I pulled out Nuri and cast Bladestorm.

As I cast it generously, the force was drained, but the effect of preventing them from approaching was clear.

Then, the guy with the twisted arm grabbed the other fist that was outstretched and used his other hand to feed a mine into his abdomen.


I rushed forward with all my energy, but my hands were faster. At first glance, it looked like it was strong, so I thought I wouldn’t be able to hit it properly with just one hit.

The characteristic of these guys is that they think they can withstand a certain amount of damage with their spirit. The way to deal with these guys is simple.

If it is a strong bone that can withstand multiple attacks, just pour in more attacks.

A tree that won’t fall if you take it 10 times will fall if you take it 100 times. If it doesn’t work a hundred times, it will eventually break if you hit it a thousand times.

The important thing here is that it will break someday.

Quad, quack, quack!

The shoulder that was grabbed by my hand was crushed, and the shin bone that was kicked by my foot was broken.

In an instant, all limbs of one of the twins were torn apart. Because it is a strong bone, the taste is also special.


“Let go! “You son of a bitch!”

When the healthy twin ran towards me and tried to turn me around, the guy with the broken arm grabbed my leg and let me hang down.

Great bite.

Realizing that I couldn’t avoid it, I pulled out Nuri, threw it into the hand of the guy holding my leg, kicked him in the head, and blocked the guy’s fists with both arms.


A tingling shock ran down my arm. I stood up on my two legs and grabbed the arm of the guy who was fine. Then he fired a mine and turned both his arms into rags. At first, I thought I could hold on, but I couldn’t hold on for long as I pushed with force.


“shut up.”

After holding on to the struggling guy, I put my hand into his chest. Your heart is so fresh. Since I had no intention of keeping him alive, I gave the hand holding his heart a whirl. The eyes of the guy with a huge hole in his chest became blurred.

I was able to recognize the identity of their gift by tasting the blood on my hands.

I knew it.

The gift of ‘sharing consciousness’ was the secret to the two people being able to move as one body. However, this gift was not unilaterally controlled by me, but the decision-making power was split 50/50 with the person with whom the consciousness was connected.

This means that other people can move my body too. I’m only interested in making puppets. I’m not interested in becoming a puppet myself.


“Ah, Andrei.”

The boy who survived fell to the ground and sighed when he saw his dead brother.

“What do these abandoned guys do anyway?”

Did you really think you would survive against me?


Argos wouldn’t have thought so.

No matter how stubborn /(I will stay here)/, I would have persuaded those who needed it.

The story itself was that what was left here was something they were throwing away.

The truth is, as always, bitter.

“don’t worry.”

Because I will send you to the same place.


I lifted my foot and stepped on the fallen guy’s neck, breaking it.

The body of the guy who was shaking suddenly went limp.

It was quite annoying, but it was just what I expected.

“Is it only one of the 12 signs?”

I was hoping there would be a little more left, but it’s a shame.

Next time, as soon as I have information, I will fire the missile first.

Only then will we be able to handle at least one more.

Even if he were a minor villain, it would be an unbearable disaster for ordinary citizens.

The only good villain is a dead villain.

“by the way.”

Now that the intruder is gone, let’s go on a treasure hunt.

I called the dog who was waiting on the yacht.

It was better to have a dog that was loyal to me and to criticize me than to just watch quietly.


You’re useless, go away.

[Do you think that will make me angry?]

I think he is already angry. But he doesn’t offer to help.

Anyway, my sense of attentiveness has improved a lot.

I caught a glimpse of Yongyong, who didn’t come over, and turned my attention to the dog.

“Dog, look for anything that looks delicious, something that looks expensive, or something that looks good.”


The dog answered vigorously, then stuck its nose on the floor and moved quickly.

After a while.

I arrived in front of a secret warehouse hidden underground.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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