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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 166

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Episode 166:

The aftermath of the explosion lasted quite a long time.

I looked around and saw that Mandokbulchim was no longer working, so I was sure there was no problem.

If your intention was to annoy me, you succeeded.

“I need to sort things out soon.”

I gestured to the security forces that appeared in the distance.

The security chief, who had been watching the situation from afar, took the lead and approached.

“Superman! Are you okay?”

“it’s okay.”

If it were someone other than me, it would have been quite dangerous.

The skill of the sniper who first attacked us was not average. Still, the dog was quite useful in the process.


The guy showed his presence as if he wanted his ball recognized.

How much have you fed him so far and are you trying to show off like this?

But I couldn’t act mean when it stared at me while wagging its tail.

Thanks to him staying in his place, he was able to easily escape the final explosion.

“Okay, okay. “I’ll give you the award later.”

The dog seemed to understand, wagging its tail in joy.

It’s much more helpful than Yongyong, who just watched quietly.

[It’s a shame, this world could have become peaceful…]

They keep saying things like that.

Are we going to fight?

Would you like to go to Mt. Baekdu once?

[I know you don’t plan on going anyway!]

I just became quick to notice. This guy is of no help.

You should know that you will now be lower in rank than a dog.

[Do you think I would be scared of that?]

Or not.

After stopping chatting with Yongyong, I looked at the head of security and asked.

“Can I ask you to follow up?”

“Yes, we will sort it out. Let’s go inside. “The President is waiting.”

“All right.”

I entered the Blue House in my clothes covered in explosion debris.

I need to change my clothes.

* * *

I didn’t know, but the Blue House had issued an emergency standby order due to the disturbance caused by Kim Gwang-seong. Well, there was sniping and an explosion near the Blue House, so of course we have to take action.

I washed my body of the explosion debris, changed into new clothes, and headed to where the president was waiting.

From what I heard, even though the president had to flee somewhere else, he didn’t leave when he heard that I was in front of him, saying that this was the safest place in the world.

I appreciate your trust, but it seems better to follow the manual.

What was completely unexpected was that when the President saw me, he bowed his head and apologized.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“You have no shame. “It’s all my fault.”

“What do you mean?”

“Kim Gwang-seong. I knew something was going to happen, but it was a lot faster than I expected. I should have told you in advance, I thought I could control it. “I was complacent.”

I guess the president felt responsible for that.

But as a party to the attack, I don’t really think anything of it.

I thought it was quite persistent, but it was okay because I felt like my senses had been sharpened for the first time in a long time.

After all, there has to be a crisis in order not to let down one’s guard.

“it’s okay. “Anyway, it was going to happen someday when I stirred Kim Hyo-jun’s mind.”


“I just took on my own karma. There is no reason for the President to feel responsible for that. So you don’t have to apologize to me.”

“I have known Gwangseong for over 30 years. We were very close. I had no doubt that that relationship would last until death. But I didn’t know that greed would drive us apart like this. It was in vain. haha.”

“I think that’s a natural change.”

Eternal Friendship? Eternal loyalty? I think everyone longs for it because something like that doesn’t exist in the world.

If you want to have it, you can have it only in your dreams. Because I didn’t want it, I didn’t have to be disappointed or feel betrayed.

My relationship with the president will also change someday. That moment would be when the president’s term ends.

I really regretted not being able to reappoint.

“I plan to thoroughly resolve this matter. Even if it is a burden to the government.”

“Are you okay?”

“It won’t be okay. But it was sobering to see the corruption of power with weakened checks. When my term is over, I will return to being an outsider, so does party affiliation matter? “It is more important to pass on a healthier society.”

“I support the president’s decision.”

“Thank you for understanding. “I will try to get results that won’t disappoint you.”

Well, it seems like the president is more angry than me.

Those who made mistakes either became idiots or committed suicide anyway.

The president probably knows better, so I’ll leave it at that.

I guess I should do my own thing instead.

“Then can I now report on my trip to the north?”


I explained to the President and Cheon Myeong-guk about Jang In-seong’s identity and told them about his connection with League China.

The President and Cheon Myeong-guk were shocked to hear that Jang In-seong joined the League and attempted to brainwash and control Kim Hyo-jun, who was a Chinese spy. When I told them that I had discovered the League’s headquarters in the process, their eyes lit up.

When asked if he could shoot a ballistic missile, he immediately expressed his disapproval.

I guess I’ll just have to be satisfied with Yu Hao shooting me.

“Are you going to attack the League headquarters?”

“When Jang In-seong was captured, only a shell would have been left, but the achievement of destroying one of his strongholds would not be small. It will also serve as a warning to them. “I plan to give you a firm warning to prevent you from engaging in any more nonsense.”

“Huh, you’re borrowing China’s power for that?”

“The relationship between Yu Hao and the Chinese government is not good. “It will be enough as compensation for the transaction.”

I didn’t say anything about Yu Hao’s revealed lineage because there was no way to verify it, but the president and Cheon Myeong-guk responded positively when I heard that he was in conflict with the Chinese government and that Yu Hao and I had an exchange relationship.

The reason why is because it is the first time I have seen such a healthy relationship with another person.

[This is an objective evaluation of you.]


I feel like I’m being treated like a troublemaker.

Yongyong, who took this opportunity to intervene, was also very annoying.

Well, I feel like I’m improving myself. I decided to think positively.

“Anyway, I didn’t know that even the last remaining major villain would be dealt with like that.”

“A major villain?”

What are you talking about?

When I made a puzzled expression, the expressions on the faces of the President and Cheon Myeong-guk became rather absurd.

“You don’t know who the villain who attacked you is?”

“Who is it?”

I remember the sniper was quite skilled.

No matter how many hunter killers were used, it would be almost impossible to hurt me, but the sniper made it possible.

Looking at the reactions of the President and Cheon Myeong-guk, it seems like he is a talented guy.

“He is the Black Reaper.”

“Black Reaper? Ah, that villain.”

I couldn’t remember it at first, but I remembered it later. The Black Reaper was once a notorious level 7 villain in Korea along with Berserker, Executioner, and Puppeteer.

I thought he was hiding as if he were dead because he barely showed himself, but he came out to kill me.

I did something good without even knowing it.

“With that reaction, there’s nothing more to say.”

“I got rid of one villain and my life got a lot better.”

“…I guess that’s what it says.”

“I don’t think there’s a need to give it special meaning.”

Because I thought it was just that much.

I installed it with a Hunter Killer, but that was it.

Now that I’m done talking, I should get up and take a look.

“Then, should I just go now?”

“Are you going right away?”

“After brief preparations, we are planning to leave immediately. And isn’t it easier to move around without me?”

The President and Cheon Myeong-guk nodded at the meaning contained in my words.

“I’ll make sure to organize it clearly.”

“I believe it.”

It doesn’t really matter to me, but it would be better for the president’s mental health to say this.

As if that thought was correct, the President’s expression became noticeably more relaxed.

At some point, I felt like I was even providing mental care to the President.

Maybe I have a surprising talent for comforting others?

I was curious about what the president would think, but decided not to bring it up.

* * *

“Thank you.”

I went to Berserker and thanked him for moving to protect my parents.

Berserker said that nothing had happened and smiled.

“With you by my side, not a single day is peaceful.”

“That’s right.”

“To the extent that a member of the National Assembly rushed to me. I couldn’t even imagine. “They even mobilized hunter killers, right?”

“How did you know?”

“It was on TV. “They say the money spent amounts to 200 billion won.”

Well, Kim Gwang-seong burned 200 billion won to kill me. I knew it was something that cost a lot of money, but the amount was quite large. I guess you used everything you got? I suddenly wondered if this included the cost of hiring the Black Reaper.

“You have a lot of money.”

“Because it is known to be effective for awakened people.”

Well, in fact, the Hunter Killer is small in quantity and overly expensive, and there were question marks about whether it was actually effective for high-level awakeners.

“I think he wanted revenge that much.”

“It only works for those who think force is everything. “If the Force fails to exert its power, you can crush its head with physical force.”

“It’s outrageous.”

“Am I wrong?”

“No, that’s right.”

Surprisingly, there are many people who are more afraid of physical strength than necessary.

“But don’t make a fuss. “It’s getting annoying.”

Even if Berserker is holding a deadly weapon, there is no need to suffer injuries that are not necessary.

It won’t be easy to try because it costs a lot of money anyway.

Out of curiosity, I turned on the TV and, sure enough, there was news that the government was going to implement stronger regulations on hunter killers.

They say it will lead to regulation of the black market, so there will be a lot of commotion.

“How are you doing these days?”

“I’m hearing about a hero who doesn’t fit in.”

While I was diligently traveling back and forth to the North Korean region, Berserker was also busy in his own way.

Although his honor was restored, the nickname Berserker still lingered, so he completed a schedule with a social contribution(?) character.

Here, the social contribution is to eliminate villain organizations. Although it was only a minor effort, the eradication of villains in the outskirts of Seoul, which were difficult for government organizations to reach, was enough to elicit a great response from citizens.

In addition, he had the role of responding to Lee Chan-taek, who kept asking to be placed under his wing. Here, the receptionist played the role of a sparring partner, wishing(?) for Lee Chan-taek to open his gift.

I could do it, but Berserker keeps saying he will do it himself.

“How do you feel?”

“He is a person with an extremely deep patience. “It’s not fast, but we’re moving in the right direction, step by step.”

“Does your expression look interesting?”

“It was bad when I got beaten up, but it’s good when I get beat up.”

That is recognition.

Then I can trust and leave this matter to Berserker.

“I plan to stay away for a while this time.”

“Is this related to the disturbance that occurred today?”

“No, that’s a minor thing.”

“It’s trivial compared to the fuss.”

Berserker’s gaze was fixed on my shoulder. The only injuries sustained by the Hunter Killer were brief injuries during the battle. Once you use the restorative medicine, you will be cured in an instant.

This is why it is said that it is not cost-effective. That’s because Kim Kwang-seong was blindsided and bought everything he could find.

But if you spent 200 billion to kill me, wouldn’t you have spent too little?

I’ll write more. I suddenly felt cheap.

[You’re really out of your mind.]

Yongyong’s groundless accusations are dismissed with one ear.

I told Berserker about this business trip.

“I discovered a league base. “I’m going to go get rid of it.”

“…When I’m with you, sometimes I lose my sense of reality. “Since when did it feel so easy to eliminate a league base?”

“It’s not easy.”

“When I look at you now, it doesn’t feel difficult at all.”

“No, it’s difficult?”

“You don’t act.”

[You’re really bad at acting.]

Yongyong, who was quietly watching from the side, also chimed in.

Everyone was caught.

* * *

At first, I thought I would just talk to Yu Hao and launch the missile.

Also with nuclear weapons.

However, there was the problem of radiation and I didn’t know if it would be enough to kill many Leaguers, so I just asked for regular missiles.

And I headed to the league’s headquarters, driving a yacht provided by the government.

It would be ridiculous to end this fun activity with just launching a missile.

“It’s good.”

Just like the last time I went to clear the Taipyeong Gate, I feel like the radius of movement expands when I have a yacht.

I would like to purchase a private yacht to carry out operations more smoothly.

I’ll have to seriously consider it after blowing up the league’s home base.

If you think about it, Hematoma could have diversified his escape routes by using a yacht, but Hematoma was still stupid.

One of the League’s strongholds that I discovered through Jang In-seong was the Kamchatka Peninsula.

The league, which focuses on the United States and Europe, has established a base here to target East Asia, and I heard that they are working to secure routes to the Aleutian Islands and Kuril Islands.

The Kamchatka Peninsula’s proportion in the league is still not high, but it is a place that will play a big role in targeting East Asia in the future.

“Well, it’s not a fruit fly, so I guess it’s coming from somewhere.”

Because villains don’t occur naturally.

If this road is blown up, not only will it become difficult for the league to project power to East Asia, but the route between the United States and Russia will be cut off.

We’ll be focusing more on America, so I’m sure the eunuch will like it.

Aside from that, they happened to be gathered in one place on the Kamchatka Peninsula, so I thought it would be good to eliminate as many of them as possible.

It may be unlikely, but there may still be a few big fish.

Perhaps with that in mind, I took the shortest route toward the Kamchatka Peninsula.

In the process, there were attacks from monsters, but they destroyed all of their heads and took their hearts. Our dog will be provided with a special meal for his hard work.

[You are probably the only one crossing the sea so ignorantly.]

“What is so ignorant? Since it seems like it would take too much time, I’m going to take the shortest route. Don’t you know that shortening the time is the best in everything?”

[That’s funny. Even if that’s true, there’s no way you could calculate it and make a move.]

Yongyong Human Society The longer I drink water, the more I feel like my tongue is becoming sharper.

As time passed and I arrived on the Kamchatka Peninsula, I moved to the place where the League’s headquarters was located. Although it is said to be located in the southernmost part of the country in the direction connected to the Kuril Islands, no traces of humans were found.

In fact, it is a space that is not even under Russia’s control.

“You’ve done a good job of camouflaging yourself.”

To a stranger, it seemed easy to just pass by.

The league probably intended that too. If I hadn’t known, I probably would have passed by without even thinking about it.

However, the pseudo guy revealed that what meets the eye is not everything.

As I concentrated my senses and activated my intuition, I faintly felt a force flow.

This is it.

“I guess we should let everyone run out.”

One of those ways is fireworks.

I took out my satellite phone and contacted Yu Hao and requested the promised missiles to the target I designated.

-Can I fly it now?


-It’s a place with nothing, right?

“that’s right.”

-I get it.

Yu Hao decided to keep his promise without further inquiry.

I anchored the boat and waited for the missile to fly.

A moment later, the missile tore through the atmosphere in the sky and fell toward the point I wanted, causing a huge explosion.

It is a big and beautiful cloud.

Explosions are so beautiful.

At first glance, it looked like a missile had been launched into an empty space.

But even for a moment.

At some point, the smoke began to twist strangely and the surrounding scenery changed.

There was a burning building in the space that had previously been an empty lot.

That place is one of the league’s bases.

“Now that the celebrations have exploded, let’s cut the cake.”

“He’s a cunning guy, so he must have noticed.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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