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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 163

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Episode 163

To be honest, I thought Kim Hyo-jun was the real fake guy. I thought my face had been changed through a gift or plastic surgery, but that wasn’t the case.

Instead, I detected traces of him while doing brainwashing. Like a cautious guy, he didn’t infiltrate directly, but brought in a puppet.

And that too by bringing in a spy who had been captured by China. In this way, his own existence was erased and the spy’s presence was highlighted, so it was a pretty smart choice.

But what he didn’t know was that I had experience dealing with him in my last life. I was the one who covered myself thoroughly and meticulously, but I managed to find the guy and kill him.

It is not difficult for me to deal with a guy who is younger and less experienced than I was then.

After coming out of the Blue House, I immediately joined the National Security Agency personnel. But I was able to see someone unexpected.

It was Jeong Da-hyeon who was leading the National Security Bureau civil servant Hunter.

“How do I get here?”

“I applied because I heard it was related to Choin. “I received permission from Director Noh.”

“Director Noh gave permission?”

“yes! “I was recognized as an expert by Choi Jun-ho, and I was appointed to lead him temporarily.”

If you are Jeong Da-hyun, who understood my intentions well and led the awakened people of the National Protectorate, I feel confident.

Even now, if you look at it, they don’t act politely because it’s an official event.

Director Noh Kuk-cheol seemed to have confidence in Jeong Da-hyun in a different way, but there would be no reason to inquire into that.

I had a conversation with Jeong Da-hyeon while moving.

“I plan on arresting people associated with the League.”

“It won’t be easy.”

“That would normally be the case.”

“Because your brother came forward.”

“that’s right.”

“We will do our best to not disturb you. “What can I do?”

“Blockade and inspection of surrounding area.”

“I guess we can get the word out.”

Especially since the area we are currently heading to is a densely populated area with refugees.

I was worried about this too, but I wasn’t worried as long as Jeong Da-hyun came.

“Don’t worry about it, just proceed. “If you miss this guy, he’s going to be a pain in the ass for a long time.”

“yes. Okay.”

He said there aren’t many people who would rate me that way, so I’ll brace myself.

The pseudo guy was special.

His crimes aren’t that big now, but as he gains more experience and becomes more influential, he commits all kinds of bizarre crimes.

Starting with a suicide bombing operation using a puppet, he did not hesitate to use all kinds of despicable means, saying that in order to use brainwashing, it is better to destroy one’s personality.

They used various tortures to destroy their character.

It would be better to kill him cleanly.

The madman who used all that to show off his majesty is a pseudo guy.

“Trash should be removed as soon as you see it.”

Jeong Da-hyun nodded at my words.

We headed to Geumcheon-gu together. After the appearance of demons, this place became one of the least secure places in Seoul and is now filled with complex refugee camps. The pseudo-guy is probably thinking of running away among the refugees.

It’s not that difficult to guess how you’re doing with your hair.

“I am responsible for everything that happens afterward. “Anyone who looks even the slightest bit suspicious will be investigated at all costs.”


“And catch the ones that are too plain to pass by without even thinking about it. “There is a high probability that they are disguising it that way.”

“all right.”

“There is a high probability that the strange guy is insane. Because you are a puppet being controlled by someone. “You can use your life like a consumable, so be careful about this.”


Jeong Da-hyeon’s expression hardened as she sensed that something was not unusual. However, the pseudo-guy is someone who is willing to commit such a thing if it means escaping from a crisis.

As Jeong Da-hyun began to blockade the base in earnest, I once again reflected on the impact I felt from the pseudo-guy.

The reason why personnel from the National Defense Bureau were recruited was because it was difficult to pinpoint their exact location. It was a common tactic of this guy to use the awakened people he had brainwashed as puppets, and he himself was completely trapped in his thoughts.

What is similar to but different from a puppet master is that he can brainwash living people, and if the conditions are right, he can brainwash even superhumans through brainwashing.

I want to do it too, but it’s impossible to do it like him.

“It’s around here.”

I was lost in thought as I looked at the houses in disarray. Just looking at it, the side road was designed to be easy to use, and the presence of people was intricately intertwined.

It was a typical pseudo-guy style of hiding.

“If it’s a hematoma, you won’t be able to find it, but mine is different.”

I looked around and moved right away. Finding him in a place surrounded by countless houses seemed difficult.

However, I remember a few characteristics I learned while killing a pseudo-cult with my own hands in my last life.

He lived like a king in Sinuiju with his followers. There was one thing that a guy like that couldn’t give up: food and drinks.

Clothes were also used to show off one’s dignity, but under certain circumstances, when running away, one willingly chooses shabby clothes. However, I could not give up the delicacies of the mountains and the sea and a comfortable place to stay. I think it has something to do with his childhood, but I’m not particularly curious.

I found the largest house among the surrounding houses. Surrounded by old houses, it’s easy to think it’s shabby, but when you actually see it, it’s neatly and well maintained.

Just looking at it, it’s a place that reflects the pseudo guy’s tastes.

“Let’s see each other for the first time in a while.”

What I have to be careful about is not killing it as soon as I see it.

I thought looking at that guy’s face would remind me of all the bizarre things I did in my last life.

“You have to be careful.”

* * *

Meanwhile, the National Guardian Awakenings, led by Jeong Da-hyeon, were in a somewhat difficult situation.

Refugees resisted the awakened National Protectorate who had begun a blockade, with greater resistance than expected.

This is quite an intentional action.

“We are currently searching for an important criminal! “Please bear with us even if it is inconvenient.”

“Only blockade when necessary! “Are you saying that only people who live in the center are citizens?”

“We have a daily wage on our hands!”

“The National Defense Bureau should compensate us!”

“Compensate! Compensate!”

The refugees’ reaction was fierce. They had been treated as outcasts and were a nuisance to the government, but when the number of cases was caught, they showed fierce opposition.

No, it was correct to say that they were causing trouble for compensation.

Civil servant hunters never touched citizens whose status was guaranteed.


The awakened members of the National Protectorate looked embarrassed. They did not want to use coercive measures, but since there was an order from above, they had to follow it.

The more this happened, the more the refugees’ momentum increased.

“You guys! “What did you guys do?”

“If you’re going to carry out official duties arbitrarily, give me compensation!”

“Give me compensation! “Dogs of the government!”

It was time for civil servant hunters to retreat without being able to do anything.

“What are you doing this for?”

At that time, Dahyun Jeong appeared. Refugees recognized her face and clung to her tenaciously.

“Does it make sense for you to destroy our livelihood as you wish and ask us to cooperate?”

“right! Give me compensation! “Government dogs!”


Jeong Da-hyun, who paused for a moment, became cold as the detailed report was added.

They lied about working for a living, refused the government’s promise to provide support, and recklessly demanded compensation.

In the past, Jeong Da-hyun would have tried to appease them with kind words.

However, now that I agree with Choi Jun-ho’s idea that one villain can harm more than a thousand innocent citizens, I recognize and accept that the weak are neither right nor good.

“Operation to apprehend criminals is underway. “I will not forgive any further interruption.”

Then a large man came forward.

He radiated a ferocious force and took threatening actions towards Jeong Da-hyun.

“No matter how you do it….”


A refugee who tried to protest violently was thrown away by the shock wave.


Everyone looked at the person who used the hand with a shocked expression. Jeong Da-hyeon was holding a baton and giving off a cold energy.

“I am currently carrying out official duties. Arrest anyone who gets in your way.”

“Team leader, but….”

“This is a situation where Superhuman Choi Jun-ho has stepped forward. “Don’t you know how serious this situation is?”


The civil servant hunters closed their mouths at Jeong Da-hyeon’s words. At that time, the refugee who had collapsed due to the shock wave screamed.

“Ahh! “Public servants are fans of people!”

It was clearly an action to attract the attention of those around him. But even after seeing that, Jeong Da-hyun’s expression did not waver at all.


Bah! The head of the screaming refugee turned and he lost consciousness and fell down like a doll whose strings had been cut.

In the merciless hands of Jeong Da-hyeon, not only the civil servant hunters but also the protesting refugees hardened.

“Catch everyone who is even slightly rebellious. Radical suppression is also permitted. We are currently in the process of arresting the villain. “If you don’t cooperate with this, you are also a villain.”


A look of determination appeared on the faces of the civil servant hunters who were overwhelmed by Jeong Da-hyeon’s momentum.

* * *

Jang In-seong saw the situation outside. An unusual current was transmitted through the puppets.

They have come to get you.

“Things are not going easy.”

This situation has never been considered. I thought that if I used a puppet that followed me, it would be easier to get things done without getting caught, and even if I got caught, I could easily cut off the tail.

However, things were going in a different direction than he expected, starting with the puppets who had infiltrated the Blue House and the consumables outside.

“Did you think it was too easy? “I’m going to lose some face with Argos.”

Jang In-seong admitted that he saw the situation easily and jumped in. Although he easily managed to infiltrate the Blue House, Choi Jun-ho’s abilities were beyond what he thought.

No matter how hard I tried, I got rid of the brainwashing and even found traces to get to this area.

“Is it really a head breaker?”

I thought he was just an ignorant guy with a foolish hand.

I felt like I got a glimpse into why the league, the world’s worst villain organization, is so wary.

In fact, the achievements I heard so far were hard to believe.

Jang In-seong thought that they were quite exaggerated. Because that is what he considers most important when leading believers.

Head Breaker was also seen as a way to create heroes in Korea by pushing and inflating achievements.

But as I watched, I felt like I had to admit some things.

If I continued to deal with him here, I ended up stopping him.

“I need to leave for now.”

After leaving my position, I planned to live like a rat for a few months. They have dug a hole so that people can think it is China’s doing, so they will waste time frying it among themselves.

As soon as he made up his mind, Jang In-seong changed into the shabby clothes only refugees wear and came out. First, I planned to take refuge in Incheon and observe the situation, and then flee towards Southeast Asia when I felt that the siege was narrowing.

He used puppets to create chaos around him. And the moment I tried to leave the surrounding area, there were people who stopped me.

“You can’t go out now.”

He was a civil servant hunter.

“What happened?”

“It is known that a vicious villain is currently nearby. “Please return home.”

“Even if you have work to do?”

“please understand.”

It’s not easy to escape either. Jang Inseong looked around for a brief moment. Several hunters have formed a systematic siege network, so even if you kill someone who stands in your way, you will be caught right away.

In that case, we must break through the siege using methods other than force.

Jang In-seong was immersed in his emotions and had a look of ‘sadness’ on his face. His gift, brainwashing, is based on empathy. If you create a sense of empathy between people, you will naturally empathize with them. Empathy meant connection and exchange. Through this gap, brainwashing is used to make people unilaterally sympathize with oneself through keywords containing ’empathy’.

It takes a lot of time to turn someone into a complete puppet, but it was possible to create a small gap in this situation.

Hunter, a civil servant, was shocked when he saw Jang In-seong’s eyes full of sadness.

“My younger brother is sick. “Can we go outside for a moment?”

“Well, it’s difficult.”

“This is an emergency situation. I managed to earn the money for treatment here, but if I’m late, my younger brother….” ”


As he couldn’t finish his sentence, the civil servant Hunter’s expression was greatly shaken. He was very concerned that someone could miss treatment due to his stubborn behavior.

Hunter, a civil servant who thought for a moment, nodded his head with difficulty.

“There is nothing particularly suspicious, so I will send it to you. “I hope your younger brother makes a full recovery.”

“thank you! thank you!”

“Let’s go quickly.”


Jang In-seong successfully passed the inspection.

No, it was time to think so.

A figure appeared right in front of me. When Jang In-seong saw that face, his immersion was momentarily broken and he was almost shaken.

How is Choi Jun-ho here?

I slightly lowered my head and tried to pass by, but Choi Jun-ho’s persistent gaze did not fall.

“Do you still have the skills to handle brainwashing?”

“What are you talking about? Hunter, I have to go now. If this happens, your younger brother’s treatment may be delayed. “One o’clock is urgent.”

“You don’t have a younger brother.”

“there is.”

“You have a younger brother?”

“Why on earth are you doing this? Please send it to me! “If I’m late like this, my younger brother…”

It was an act that exuded earnest emotions through extreme immersion. To the point where people who don’t know them might mistakenly believe that Choi Jun-ho is doing something bad.

However, the ’empathy’ of brainwashing did not work at all for the person who was laughing.

It was like a living being with no emotions.

At that time, words fell out of the blue.

“Pseudo Craftsmanship.”


“Did you have some fun with this in Sinuiju?”

“What is that?”

“I don’t know what instructions you received from the League, but I need what you have in mind right now.”

Choi Jun-ho, the handsome man in front of me, smiled coldly.

“Let’s get everything out of our heads. You told your followers you were using brainwashing, right? “You can be happy.”

This was something Jang Inseong always talked about.

He reigns as a divine being and takes away everything the believers have. When it became empty and had nothing more, it was mercilessly disposed of.

And at the end, he said that if you throw off your physical body, you can go to heaven.

I didn’t know that I would get those words back in their entirety.

“Now you too can be happy.”

* * *

Cult leader Jang Inseong reached level 7 when he died by my hand in his last life, but his combat power was not that high.

In this life, when we met ten years earlier, he was only level 6.

Instead, his fighting ability was a bit better, but in his last life, as his followers increased, he lost the opportunity to fight, so it seems he naturally regressed.

In the end, I ended up on my knees with both arms and legs broken and my head held in my hands.

When he was reduced to being unable to do anything, his true colors were revealed.

“Oh, no! I am Jang Inseong! A leader born with the destiny to rule the world! “I can’t end up in a smelly place like this!”

The end of those who are obsessed with power is always ugly. I remember saying something similar in my last life, but people don’t change.

Do I want to be like that too?

No, now that I think about it, I’m not that obsessed with power.

“Headbreaker! Superhuman Choi Jun-ho! We’ll give you all the information you need! I know a lot about the league and a lot about China! So please!”

My obsession with life was no different from my last life.

I said as I saw the guy struggling desperately.

“You can just brainwash and get everything out of your head anyway, so why am I asking you?”


Listening to a guy with a tongue as cunning as a snake will only pollute your mind.

“Oh, no!”

When I stretched out my hand, the guy desperately twisted his body and screamed.

But when I activated brainwashing, my eyes started to go blank. I started extracting information from him in earnest.

I heard in detail about the situation inside China, the relationship between China and Ryu Gwang-cheol, the reason he came to the league, and the mission given by the league.

For some reason, I wondered why this guy who had been hiding in the dark had appeared, but I guess he thought I didn’t know his face.

So you walked into the grave on your own feet.

You’re lucky.

And there was one more harvest.

“Is this useful?”

We succeeded in finding out one of the league’s strongholds.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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