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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 162

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Episode 162:

I felt astonished gazes gathering around me. I guess it’s because it’s a place where there are newbies.

The existing staff seem to be willing to do this even if I do something like this. Well, now you know that I don’t do things like this without any meaning.

This is why building trust is important.

You might be more surprised to see that they wiped out those who called themselves the New Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


Meanwhile, Kim Hyo-jun was screaming. It was noisy, but instead of crushing his mouth, he quietly pressed it with his foot. I could hear the wind deflating, but it wasn’t noisy anymore.

Oh, by the way, the reason I didn’t break the muzzle is because I had to use this mouth to spit. If a tooth is broken or the jaw joint is misaligned, it is difficult to obtain correct information. If it becomes difficult to hear, you may easily make a misjudgment.

This is also a product of long experience.


Meanwhile, Cheon Myeong-guk sensed the commotion and ran out. When he saw Kim Hyo-jun stepping on me, his expression hardened and he asked with a look of resignation.

“May I ask what this is about?”

“Can I speak here?”

I took a quick look around. Today, there was a new member who had just joined the Awakened Security Office. You can’t expect security from a newbie. Perhaps the commotion that has occurred now will soon spread outside.

Reporters are going to be annoying again.

“This is a potentially sensitive issue.”

“Everyone, please step back.”

Cheon Myeong-guk defeated the people around him. I could feel the lingering look in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared when Cheon Myeong-guk gave instructions again.

It’s finally quieter.

When only the two of us were left, Cheon Myeong-guk gave me a look demanding an explanation.

“I’m a spy.”

“You mean a spy?”


“That can’t be possible.”


“There is no one whose identity is as certain as this person.”

Cheon Myeong-guk said with a look of disbelief on his face.

“Kim Hyo-jun here is the youngest son of four-term lawmaker Kim Gwang-seong. Rep. Kim Gwang-seong is a longtime close associate of the President.”


“That’s right.”

“Why is that? “Is there a rule that says you don’t betray someone you’re close to?”

“That’s true, but…”

I don’t know how someone I know gives me that much trust.

Did you think that being a confidant or subordinate could be a sign of trust?

Then, Cheon Myeong-guk is still naive.

“Don’t you know that that’s not important?”

“That’s because I am still enjoying it to its fullest.”

“No matter what, greed is wrong. “You trust me.”

“Well, I understand.”

“And this guy used a spirit-type gift on me.”


I said, kicking Hyojun Kim. The sound I heard was harsh, but there was no reason to forgive.

Cheon Myeong-guk made an expression of disbelief.

“…I understand that Kim Hyo-jun has not opened the gift yet.”

“I think the same.”

“But how did you use the gift?”

“It’s remote controlled.”

I was convinced that Kim Hyo-jun’s trick was the work of a pseudo-guy. All we have to do now is find out whether it is him or a puppet. I haven’t heard of anyone disguising their face as someone else’s, so it’s highly likely they are puppets.

“If you search in your head, you will find the answer.”

When I put my hand on the guy’s head, Cheon Myeong-guk hurriedly stopped him and stepped forward.

“Now just a moment.”

“What is it?”

“I think the President will also have to decide on this issue. “Can you give me a little time?”

“Is there a reason?”

“Rep. Kim Kwang-seong has served the President for a long time. Even if the suspicion is clear, can’t we just deny the relationship? “Please wait.”

Well, I don’t like it. However, as soon as the president was mentioned, it became difficult to do anything.

I guess I should pretend to wait, even just for a moment.

“All right. “Let’s wait a moment.”

“thank you.”

“Before that, first.”


I kicked Hyojun Kim. The guy who floated and flew away wriggled and lost consciousness.

“Before the President comes, please tell us about Rep. Kim Gwang-seong.”

* * *

Cheon Myeong-guk’s story was quite long. Kim Kwang-seong is said to be the core of the president’s close associates. He served three terms and served as ambassador to China for a year before joining the Blue House and serving as chief of staff. Around the time I was appointed as the first person, he resigned to prepare for the general election.

There was a bit of a problem with the ambassador to China, and although Cheon Myeong-guk said he was not the type of person to do that, his voice was not as strong as it had been at first.

Kim Kwang-seong is called the president’s confidant and is said to have won a landslide victory in the general election as a pro-presidential candidate, becoming a strong candidate for floor leader. He will assist the President closest and will never do anything that goes against the President’s will.

The betrayal that everyone experiences comes from people who are close to that kind of trust.

“So there is no possibility of betrayal?”

“After all, he is the person who assists the President most closely…”

“Can you guarantee that?”


Cheon Myeong-guk’s mouth closed. He is not unaware of the intention I repeatedly confirm.

By the way, it was annoying that the ambassador to China was mentioned when mentioning Kim Gwang-sung’s career.

I thought I was a puppet of a pseudo-guy, but why is China coming out here? Was that guy recruited by China and not the league? So Yu Hao lied to me?

[What I said then was sincere.]

I also nodded at what Yongyong said. At that time, there was nothing in Yu Hao’s words that could be considered false. In that case, it is clear that the pseudo-league has moved to the league, but we must consider the possibility that China may be involved in this.

Even if you think about it as a league with China, it’s a terrible hybrid.

As for my doubts, I guess I can just shake things off his head.

After a while, the President came in with urgent steps.

“What is going on?”

“I’m a spy.”

I pointed to Kim Hyo-jun, who had collapsed.


The President’s expression hardened as he looked at the man who had been mistreated.

“Hyojun is a child I have seen several times since I was young. I remember loving him like a nephew. “Are you saying this kid is a spy?”

“70% chance of being a League spy, 30% chance of being a Chinese spy.”


It meant that the probability of being a spy was 100%.

The president made a disbelieving noise with an expression of disbelief.

It’s even more shocking when someone you know betrays you.

I thought he would be more cool-headed when he became president, but I guess that’s not the case. Or maybe I trust Rep. Kim Gwang-seong more than I thought.

“For more details, just search your mind.”

“With your gift?”

“yes. I tried to do it right away, but Director Cheon stopped me and left me waiting for the President. “Is there any problem?”

“…Hyojun is like a nephew to me. “Can’t we give them time to interrogate?”

When brainwashing happens, you become an idiot and live without worries. My skills are different from the pseudo guy’s, so I can’t control things delicately. The president must have been worried because Kim Hyo-jun was like his nephew.

But I don’t want to look at it either.

“If time passes, the forces associated with it will withdraw. Is that what you want?”

“If that doesn’t work, I’ll bring in the hypnotists right now.”

There are still aftereffects, so I guess I gave in a step.

However, there is a high probability that a pseudo-guy is involved, so I cannot give in either.

Brainwashing has to be pushed aside with brainwashing.

Hypnosis will not be able to bring out in-depth information. This is because there is a high possibility that Kim Hyo-jun does not even know that he has been brainwashed.

“It’s not possible.”

“Why not?”

“Because you can’t get information out through hypnosis.”


“Please trust me. If this guy’s father gets into trouble, tell him to come find me. “I will take care of it.”

Of course, I can roughly predict how a father who lost a child will go crazy.

It’s none of my business.

“…I understand.”

For a short time, the President nodded with a tired expression on his face.

I grabbed the head of the unconscious guy and immediately activated brainwashing.

Kim Hyo-jun, with his eyes wide open, resisted, and then his eyes began to relax due to the rough brainwashing going through his mind.



The resistance I felt in my head was formidable. My mind, which normally would have been completely neutralized by brainwashing, was rebelling against me. It was the same wavelength, but the nature was different.

In other words, the pseudo guy’s brainwashing was at work.

You found the right one.

This level is within expected range.

If this guy’s brainwashing is meticulous, I’m determined to be superior. I started pushing out the finely tuned things and filling them with my own.

I could feel my brain getting tangled up in the process, but it’s none of my business.

After a while, I pushed out all of the pseudo guy’s brainwashing and filled it with my own.

“Now tell me everything you know.”

Kim Hyo-jun’s mouth opened.

* * *

The President thought that Choi Jun-ho was in his hands as a bomb that could explode at any time, but he tried to keep it from exploding. I thought that if I couldn’t control Choi Jun-ho, it would be best to reduce the explosion range.

I hoped it would be as late as possible, but I didn’t know it would be today.

However, the details of the explosion were more serious than expected.

Not someone else, but Kim Kwang-seong’s son.


Kim Gwang-seong was the president’s most cherished junior, comrade, and subordinate. If I had to choose someone I could trust and entrust with work, he would be one of the top three people.

The reason he was dispatched as ambassador to China and appointed him as chief of staff upon his return was based on this trust.

One of the few people I can honestly tell my true feelings to. He was my drinking buddy with whom I could talk about old times informally.

But Kim Gwang-seong’s son is a spy for the League or China?

That meant that Kim Gwang-seong was also involved.

So I couldn’t believe Choi Jun-ho’s words even more.

Kim Hyo-jun was a nephew whom he had seen since childhood. He received systematic training, grew into a talented person, and was brought to the Blue House to manage his career.

There was nothing special about the president’s greed anymore. The general election was won, and countless achievements were achieved thanks to Choi Jun-ho’s presence.

His remaining desire is to successfully complete his term and remain a respected president.

That plan was shattered by Choi Jun-ho. Kim Hyo-jun is already in an irreversible situation.

Hyojun Kim’s eyes went blank and his mouth began to open.

“When I was in China, I had a meeting with a high-ranking party official.”


The story that followed was shocking. In China, in order to recruit Kim Gwang-seong, they not only provided various entertainment but also promised bribes and benefits.

Rep. Kim Kwang-seong, who had initially refused, accepted their offer after hearing about the astronomical amount of support, and Kim Hyo-jun also agreed to cooperate after being promised significant support.

“The main goal is to find a way to kill Choi Jun-ho. “It’s about promoting friendship with China.”

Identify and report on the Blue House’s movements from within, and if possible, drive a wedge between the President and Choi Jun-ho. And the goal is to find out Choi Jun-ho’s secret operation and inform China when he leaves the Republic of Korea so that they can seize the opportunity to eliminate him.

Who would have thought that no one else but Kim Kwang-sung and Kim Hyo-jun would betray like this.

The President was appalled by China’s persistence in not giving up until the end and the sense of betrayal towards Kim Kwang-sung and Kim Hyo-jun.

It feels like the trust I have built up over decades has been completely denied.

“Mr. President, Mr. President.”


Only after Cheon Myung-guk called him several times was the president able to regain his senses.

I was in vain. I also found out that a comrade with whom I had gone through hardships and hardships during my youth had betrayed me like this. I also saw myself not being able to calmly discern that and trying to believe it until the end.

I suddenly felt tired.

“What would you like me to do?”

“Because the reason behind it is unexpected.”

“What do you mean?”

“I thought the league would be behind us. But I didn’t know that China and the league would be intertwined.”

A connection between China and the league?

Currently, South Korea is the most peaceful region in the world. The reason is that China and the league were not able to show their energy due to the presence of Choi Jun-ho. However, if the two forces are intertwined, Korea will instantly become the most dangerous region in the world.


Choi Jun-ho was lost in thought while massaging Kim Hyo-jun’s head. How many people will die after that silence ends? The president felt that the situation was out of his hands.

All we can do is reduce unnecessary sacrifices as much as possible.

But is that possible?

In the meantime, Choi Jun-ho looked at Cheon Myeong-guk and said, as if he had finished organizing his thoughts.

“Director Chen, please contact Director Jeong and tell him to contact Wei Hao.”

“You mean Wei Hao, who is in his early teens?”

Cheon Myeong-guk was surprised. The President was not surprised because he had been informed of the possibility of contact with Yu Hao during Choi Jun-ho’s trip to North Korea. But I was afraid to ask why he wanted to meet me.

“yes. “I will make what you want come true. If you tell me to come to the place where I met you earlier, I will move on my own.”

“What on earth…”

“There’s no reason to just sit back and watch this guy who was so blatantly trying to plant a spy in China, right? “We need to give them a shot here too.”

“…All right.”

Cheon Myeong-guk obediently agreed.

Rather than hearing specific details from Choi Jun-ho, he would rather listen to Jung Joo-ho.

“And I will use some personnel from the National Security Agency. “There is a place to search.”

“What if it’s a search?”

“There is someone else who brainwashed this guy. “He has cleverly concealed his location, but if you lend us the National Protection Bureau personnel, we can catch him.”

Cheon Myeong-guk looked this way.

The President nodded, thinking that now that things had come to this, he needed to get back to his roots.

“I will cooperate.”

“I’ll move right away.”

With those words, Choi Jun-ho left the place. The only ones left were the President himself and Kim Hyo-jun, who had turned into a complete idiot.

How vain is it that the child you have seen since childhood turns into an idiot in an instant.

We tried to bring back people who had been brainwashed several times, but the only results were that it was impossible.

“Mr. President.”


“Rep. Kim Gwang-seong will not sit still.”

“I guess so.”

It would be a natural reaction when the son you cherished so much turned into an idiot.

When they hear the news, they will run to the Blue House.

Will things subside even if it is revealed that Kim Hyo-jun is a Chinese spy?

There is a high probability that it will not.

“It’s going to turn upside down.”


Cheon Myeong-guk nodded with a stern expression.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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