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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 159

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Episode 159

I returned home and told Yunhee that I would be away for a few days. The guy who usually thought that way looked at me with a puzzled expression this time.

“A secret mission so suddenly?”

“I’m going to visit for a few days.”

“Is there a problem with North Korea? “I heard there is no problem anymore.”

Is it because you’re worried about me? You’re all grown up. Now you’re starting to worry about me.

“What’s wrong with your expression? “Unlucky.”


Then that’s right. It was a mistake to be impressed, even if it was just for a moment.

“Tell me the reason quickly.”

“It’s nothing special.”

As Yunhee said, North Korea is quite stable.

All the necessary strategic points have been secured, and a large number of medium-sized and small guilds are heading north and focusing on clearing out monsters.

As a result, Kaesong, the northern base, is enjoying a tremendous boom. Even though the government tried to develop Kaesong as its main force, it failed to do so, so it took the opportunity to grow explosively, so there are quite a lot of people who are disappointed.

“I heard that there are troublesome guys hiding in various places.”

“okay? “It might be a hassle.”

I think Yunhee asked the question without much thought in the first place. Then I shifted my gaze to the dog waiting next to me.

“That doesn’t matter. Why are you trying to take our Yeppi?”

Here, Yeppi was Yoon Hee-sik’s name for the monster I named Dog-meong.

I told him that I had chosen a catchy name, ‘Dog-meong’, but he just criticized me for being senseless.

Is this really strange? When I look at it, it seems memorable and sticks in my mouth.

By the way, after hearing the name Yeppi, I don’t think Yunhee’s naming sense is anything to criticize me about.

Rather, isn’t a dog better?

[You’re probably the only one who thinks it’s okay.]

Then what about Yeppi?

[This is proof that you are brother and sister.]

Yongyong, this bastard… I recognized him properly.

Actually, I still think the doggie is better.

Even if I tell Yunhee, she won’t understand, so I’ll just skip it.

“Why are you taking me there?”

“Since I am the owner, I have to take him with me.”

“You’re taking this little child all that way? “I’m going to reject this!”

Since when did you care so much about monsters?

Part of the reason I want to take the dog with me is because I am the owner, but part of the reason is that I want to make sure I can properly follow the dog while going on a long distance expedition. If the owner can’t follow the path he wants to take, it’s better to deal with it early.

Even though I insisted several times, Yunhee nodded as if she knew she couldn’t break my will.

“You have to come back without a single hair getting hurt! Yeppi, if your master tries to touch you, run away and come to me!”

If you take care of something, you might not be hurt at all.

“At that time, worry about your brother.”

“Are you a human being who will get hurt?”

“Then I won’t get hurt?”

“Could it have hurt you?”

“What kind of monster am I?”

When I think about it, the dog is a monster, but I have a lot of worries, and I am a human, but I don’t have a single thing to worry about. I feel like I’m being treated worse than a monster.

“These days, I feel even more sorry for monsters.”

I’m also someone who wants to be worried sometimes.

[Say something that makes sense.]


He is in a sad life, not being recognized by his own younger brother or Shinsu.

I guess I’ll have to give up worrying in this life.

* * *

Heading straight north, I passed through Kaesong and headed to Pyongyang.

Pyongyang, where Ryu Gwang-cheol’s traces still remain, was still infested with demons.

I heard that the government was going to completely clear the road to Pyongyang with the help of a large guild, but on the way, I dealt with a level 8 harmful monster and entered Pyongyang.

The city I arrived in after a long time was more vibrant than before.

That means Jung Joo-ho is doing well. This is Jeong Joo-ho who writes with trust.

Even though he grumbles, he is doing more than his role. In an isolated situation with only a small number of people, he was performing his role 200% perfectly.

I met with Chung Ju-ho at the Presidential Palace and delivered the President’s personal letter.

I don’t know the contents. Well, it’s probably something like, “I’m having a hard time. Please work harder in the future.”

Joo-ho Jeong, who read everything, sighed lightly and glared at me.

“What kind of face did you come with?”

Why is it like that all of a sudden?

[That person must have been under a lot of stress. The hair roots are weaker.]


Suddenly, it all makes sense.

I could see why Jung Joo-ho was on edge at what Yongyong said. As I was doing well in Pyongyang, my roots must have been coping with the stress.

If it breaks here, there will be no turning back.

No, it’s already too late.

Is there really no way?

I once again asked Yongyong how to overcome hair loss.

[That’s impossible?]

That’s too bad. At this level, I can’t help but think there is no real way.

I secretly sent my condolences to Jung Joo-ho’s roots.

“I came because I had some work to do in the north.”

“…Isn’t there anything interfering with work in China? “Who made you feel uncomfortable?”

“That’s not it.”

Everyone, including the President, thinks that if I mess up, they will kill everyone.

I can admit that it’s about 90%, not 100%, but it’s a bit sad to think of that as everything.

[What difference does that make?]

Still, one out of ten can survive, right? What a difference it is that even one can survive.

[Stop the sophistry!]

Yongyong seemed to have no intention of understanding this huge difference.

“It’s a strange matter, so I thought I’d take a look.”

“I don’t know since when killing someone became an outing, but figure it out. “I feel sorry for the other guy.”

Jung Joo-ho also seemed to be moving on without asking any more questions. Then I focused my attention on the dog, which was furiously wagging its tail.

“What’s the dog next to you? You look cute. “Come here, Jjujju!”

“It’s a monster. “I’m in the process of taming it.”


Jeong Joo-ho, who was reaching out for the dog, stopped and hastily withdrew his hand. Everyone’s reactions are dramatically different when they see it as a dog and when they realize it’s a monster.

“After hearing what you said, this little guy suddenly looks dangerous.”

“It’s not that dangerous. “It’s weak.”

“Is that so?”

A typical example was when he clung to my leg and fawned over me. This dog had an amazing survival instinct.

Jeong Joo-ho also seemed to not feel any threat and relaxed his guard.

“How is the situation in the North?”

“After the hideout was completely robbed, it became quiet. China is facing a power shortage right now. “It’s a situation where we’re in a hurry to put out the fire.”

“What did you say about Wei Hao Geon?”

“It probably doesn’t reflect Yu Hao’s opinion.”

Isn’t it quite surprising to see Jung Joo-ho speak in a way of advocacy?

“I guess you know Yu Hao well.”

“A while ago, there was an uproar in the north and they came to settle it. They said they had no intention of provoking us and politely asked for our understanding. It’s the first time I’ve seen a Chinese do that. “People are very polite.”

It was like that. I thought there would be a lot of regret because he was in his early teens, but it was unexpected.

China’s chronic problem here is that it lacks the number of high-ranking awakened people.

In particular, the number of superhumans was insufficient. When they had six superhumans, they shouted that there were ten superhumans in total, including those who were hiding, but now that the number has been reduced to three, they are in a situation where they cannot even bluff.

It’s a comedy that I took care of those three. Including Zhang Wuyuan and his younger brother, there are a total of five people.

A representative example was the fact that Yu Hao, who had been stationed far away due to a lack of power, eventually came.

“Apart from that, the leadership is in a state of dismay after you accepted Level 9.”

Yu Hao, who was called the pride of China, was a propaganda piece for the Chinese government. However, I suffered a huge blow to my pride when I was semi-forcibly eliminated from my early teens.

Since they are a people who live by their pride and die by their pride, they took it as a serious insult or something.

So the hardliners still insist that we should march south of Baekdu Mountain.

Yu Hao revealed that he had no such thoughts.

I don’t know who is right. Is this a slash-and-burn strategy?

“Oh, this is just an opinion, so don’t worry about it.”

“All right.”

If anyone were to see it, it would look like they were trying to find and kill each and every one of them.

The conclusion is that the leadership and Yu Hao have different thoughts.

I typed that out and asked another question.

“Is there any other news from around Sinuiju?”

“Sinuiju? It’s Sinuiju, so it was affected a while ago, but I don’t remember it being a big deal. “Does coming this time have anything to do with that?”


“Hmm. Now that I think about it, I think I heard that there is something similar to a cult.”

This was the information I was looking for. It’s a small issue that Jung Joo-ho can’t even remember properly, but after a few years, it becomes big enough to be impossible to ignore.

“That’s right.”

“I heard it’s gone now.”

huh? This is a different story from what I thought.

Isn’t it rather that they are running around wildly?

Did Chung Ju-ho disappear when he came to Pyongyang? Or did Yu Hao come and take him out?

“Are you sure it’s not really there?”

“I don’t know because I haven’t been there either. “If the local residents agree with each other and keep quiet, we won’t have anything else to look for.”

That is still the extent of its influence on Sinuiju. We are engaged in a fierce battle of wits with China.

In the end, I have to go to find out.

The information was poor, but since we confirmed the truth, this is enough.

“All right. “I’ll go there and take a look at the rest.”

“…Please don’t cause an accident. huh?”

“I came because I didn’t want to cause an accident. Thanks to this, my story is not heard in the political world.”

“Why are politicians so considerate but not me?”

“Is that because it’s convenient for you, Commissioner?”

“No matter how much I think about it, it’s clear that I sold my country twice in my past life. Otherwise, there’s no way my wife would bother me at home and I wouldn’t be bothered by you outside.”

I wanted to tell you that I’m so sorry about that.

But isn’t it natural for people to want to suffer more when they hear those words?

[Oh, I guess that’s not true?]

Yongyong, why are you getting into a fight all of a sudden?

[Because I also felt like teasing him!]

I didn’t know that this would lead to the same thoughts as Shinsoo.


Jeong Joo-ho trailed off and looked at me, wondering something.

Then Jung Joo-ho asked me with a sad smile.

“Even divine water can’t stop hair loss, right?”


I thought ignorance was medicine. I guess you remember that you asked me to ask Shinsu for the method.

I answered with silence instead.


Shin-soo, who was suddenly unable to cure his hair loss, muttered with an absurd expression when he saw Jeong Joo-ho’s sad smile.

[Is not having hair something to be that sad about?]

Well, I don’t know because I have hair.

* * *

As I headed to Sinuiju, I remembered how I got brainwashing in my last life.

The reason I met the guy who was the cult leader at the time wasn’t for any particular reason.

After Cheon Myeong-guk’s grand compromise, I was repeatedly pushed back to the north, and in the process, I went in and out of the Chinese border and returned to the south.

At the time, I was just following the hematoma’s lead, so it wasn’t my will acting on it. But now that I think about it, I think that my decision to head south may have been partly due to my own will. My whole family was in Korea, so I had to be nearby to see them at least once.

Now that I think about it, I think the reason I didn’t meet Ryu Gwang-cheol was because there was no need to clash with monsters.

I met the cult leader when I crossed the Chinese border.

At that time, Sinuiju was engulfed in huge fanaticism, and it did not discriminate between North Koreans or Chinese people.

There he was a living god.

“He was a shallow guy.”

The intention of the guy who invited me was obvious, as if he had heard about the hematoma’s reputation. The intention was to brainwash them and take them under their control.

However, the result was that the guy’s head was broken and his gift was taken away.

At the time, believers were used as consumables to kill hematomas that brainwashing did not work on.

The sight of someone laughing and throwing away his life following the leader’s instructions, with his own will destroyed, was shocking even to me. He destroyed the personalities of believers and brainwashed them through a systematic and efficient process.

Since it came to mind, I have to make sure to get rid of it.

Upon arriving in Sinuiju, the underdeveloped cityscape comes into view. From what I heard from Jeong Joo-ho, it is a city that China has a lingering attachment to because it has been greatly influenced by China.

Before that, it was a place where Ryu Gwang-cheol was influenced.

So, when I entered the city and looked around, it seemed like there was about half a mix of Chinese and half North Koreans.

It is said to be a very important strategic point, so the government will take care of it.

“I do remember.”

As I looked back on my memories of the time when I had a hematoma, the time gap was significant, but little by little, things started to come back to me. I wandered around the city diligently, and the dog followed me, even though it was panting.

As I was following the familiar scenery, at some point I was able to catch the familiar scenery.

It’s not far from the cult leader’s base.

“Here you go.”

Soon, we were able to arrive at the place where the cult’s headquarters was located. It was a place that looked like a luxurious villa facing the mountains.

But it was strange. In a place where strange heat and strangeness should intersect, there was no sign of human presence. It wasn’t that someone attacked and wiped out the place, but when I looked closely, I found traces of people leaving quite a long time ago.

“Are there any?”

No, I was sure it wasn’t there. Here, he had a tremendous influence on Sinuiju and reigned like a god. Since there was chaos earlier in history, now was the right time for him to prosper, but he escaped from here? Did you try your hand in China first?

Feeling puzzled, I entered the building. I passed through a hallway that had lost human touch and gave off a gloomy atmosphere.

In the past, it was full of blood stains from fanatics scratching it with their fingernails.


And when I got to the waiting room, I saw a person standing there.

He was a man in his early 50s with the build of a Mongolian merchant. It looked as if there was a huge rock blocking the way.

He also raised his head and fixed his eyes on me. The two of us exchanged a glance for a moment.

“You are an unexpected giant.”

The man looked at me and spoke in Korean.

Has there ever been a Korean with this level of skill?

“Who is it?”

“Me? Wihao.”

It was Yu Hao, a former teenager in his early teens.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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