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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 158

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Episode 158

: Well, the monster I saved after blowing up a forest was a very small and delicate one.

When are we going to raise this guy and make him do his job?

I thought it would take a long time. Because raising it is not my style. Isn’t there someone who is stronger, more determined, and has a more desperate will to live?

Anyway, Yongyong walked around the wolf cub and gave his own opinion.

[I think I got it right? It seems like it has a will to live and gratitude towards its owner who saved it from a crisis. I think it will be useful if you train it well.]

“It will take a long time, right?”

[Were you worried about that? You’re really greedy.]

“I said that because it’s better to be quick.”

It’s okay to get angry over that.

Although I didn’t really like the way he spoke, Yongyong had a good look in his eyes, so I decided to trust him and take him with him.

Because monsters know monsters well. No, because it’s a god, is it a different species? Anyway, it looks similar to me, so let’s go with that.


“I guess I acted a little extravagantly.”

An entire forest was completely blown away. Although we have taken care of three harmful level 7 monsters and ten harmful level 6 monsters, other monsters will go crazy.

There will be a fierce competition among themselves, and a few of them will jump out.

Since those guys are low grade, it shouldn’t be a problem to stop them. I called Myeong-guk Cheon and told him to mobilize a hunting team, then took care of a few more fish that caught my eye and returned to Seoul.

“Let’s eat and grow up quickly.”

The wolf cub was, after all, a monster. It whined as if it was about to die, then ate the monster meat and one heart I gave it, and began to glow brightly.

I was envious of the monster because it seemed to be equipped with super regeneration and physical strengthening.

As Yongyong said, recovery and stamina seem to be innate. When my body grows a little more, I will have to replace the monster’s heart. I hope I can survive without repeating trial and error.

No, if this fails, should I try raising several animals at the same time?

[Can you endure that annoying thing?]

That’s true again. If you see several monsters buzzing, you might want to hunt them down first.

“what’s this? cute!”

When I returned home, Yunhee, who was sitting on the sofa, saw the wolf cub and approached me with sparkling eyes.

“It’s a monster.”

“what? really?”


Yunhee was frightened by the word “monster” and took a step back, but when she saw the wolf cub’s eyes, she came back. Even monsters can be forgiven if they are cute.

I thought they were going to get mad and ask me to kick them out.

“Why did you suddenly bring a monster?”

“I’m going to try timing it.”

“Is it timed? Is that why you are so calm? “If you see a normal human being, you will first show hostility.”

The guard was completely relaxed.

As Yunhee squatted down and stroked its head, the wolf cub panted and waggled its tail. He’s a wolf cub, but why does he act like an innocent puppy?

“I didn’t do any timing. So get away.”

“No, you’re going to keep this cuteness to yourself? no!”

Before that, shouldn’t we think about how dangerous monsters are?

Even though I told her, Yunhee was reckless. Instead, he said the wolf cub was being naughty and took him to the bathroom and started making him take a shower.

Even though it was a monster, I thought it was complacent.

They’ll have to catch me soon and have me rearrange my mind.

[Aren’t you worrying too much?]

“Because monsters can show their teeth at any time.”

[In my opinion, your younger brother is more dangerous than the monster?]

Well, I admit that.

Yongyong has good eyes.

“Because we won’t be together for long anyway.”

It’s just a matter of getting to know each other for a little while and you can just watch with a smile. If you don’t accept the monster’s heart anyway, your body will explode and you will die.

It was a bit annoying to see this scruffy guy clinging to me, but it’s nice that they let me take a shower.

Next time, I will teach them how to wash themselves.

* * *

Sometimes, when I look back at my current position, it doesn’t feel real.

I, who was called a villain who would destroy the world, has become a superman who protects the country and its citizens.

Sometimes it feels strange that people who were always hostile to me now trust and cheer me on.

But it’s not that I don’t like the current situation.

“It’s rather good.”

If you change your perspective just a little, you can live without changing your values too much.

It’s a pity that I wasn’t able to do it in my last life because I was immature.

There are many reasons why I became a superhuman.

First of all, I wanted to show my son that he was living the right life because he didn’t want to disappoint his parents by getting another chance to correct his mistakes.

And for the superman, there is a limited but certain freedom.

Because of his high status, it was important that people around him couldn’t mess with him. Although I work for my country and am called upon to do many troublesome tasks, I am willing to compromise.

The most crucial thing is that even if you kill a villain you don’t like, you can receive praise instead of criticism.

It’s not an excuse, but when I first became a hematoma, the number of villains was much higher than the number of hunters who died by my hands.

Later, the number of people who rushed to kill me and killed me increased.

“It’s an excuse.”

If I had been more careful in the first place, it wouldn’t have developed into a hematoma.

I didn’t really care, but looking at the reactions of those around me these days, I realize that my status has increased a lot.

The reason is that my name started to come up all over the place in the election where the atmosphere was slowly heating up.

There were also reports that I said something I didn’t say, and stories poured out that I cooperated with the opposition party one day and the ruling party the other day.

No fact checking? If you look at the article that came out today, I ate lunch alone 17 times.

It is not very pleasant to see such lies running rampant.

“There is a public opinion poll that shows that if you show off your closeness to Superin, you are sure to win.”

Go Ye-jin, whom I met after a long time, said with her eyes shining brightly. In the heat of the general election, they were igniting their will, saying that there was no other atmosphere as difficult to draw aggro as these days.

Is this a fish out of water?

“At Team Leader Jin’s request, we are requesting various media outlets to refrain, but I don’t think it will be easy. Politicians often turn a blind eye and lie to get elected!”

This is not very good news for me.

Go Ye-jin said she agreed and looked at the wolf cub sitting next to me, quietly wagging its tail.

“But the pet is so cute!”

“Oh, I just kept it for a little while.”

“I thought Choin had brought in a new family member. The puppy is so cute. “Maybe it could become popular if we make it a mascot that symbolizes the superhuman?”

Unfortunately, that won’t happen.

But this guy is a wolf cub, and everyone sees him as a puppy. I wondered if I should correct it now, but I didn’t feel the need to.

Go Ye-jin also read my meaning and changed the topic.

A recent hot topic in political circles was the resignation of Danyang County Governor. As the story spread that I had resigned simply because I went against my wishes, my name became more and more popular in the general election frenzy.

Since there was nothing to hide, I explained the greed shown by the governor of Danyang County.

Go Ye-jin’s eyes sparkled as if she thought it was an aggressive content.

“The county governor, who couldn’t understand the topic, made the installer Choin snort and the opposition leader get restless and resign!”

…damn I lost. If it were me, I would have clicked the moment I saw the title of the article.

If Go Ye-jin had become an awakened person, she certainly wouldn’t have lived long due to excessive aggro.

I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, because the result was that I became a more famous reporter than the waiting list.

“I will polish it well and send it out.”

I hope so, but I don’t think it will be easy.

As I finished the interview and was waiting for the next customer, a wolf cub rubbed its body against me.

Is it a struggle to survive?

[It’s not? I think he’s expressing gratitude to his owner for saving his life.]

But even so, I have no intention of paying attention to it. Since its purpose is clear, it’s up to the wolf cub to adapt to it and survive.

[Rather than keep calling him a wolf cub, why don’t you at least give him a name?]

Is there any reason to give a name to someone who might die?

[You really have no mercy.]

Yongyong was so annoyed that I had no choice but to give him a name.

“From now on, you will be an asshole.”

[Wow, your naming sense is really bad.]

Anyway, you are Yongyong.

As I was bickering with Yongyong, a customer, Lee Chan-taek, came to visit.

* * *

The moment he expressed his intention to join Choi Jun-ho, he was rejected, but his will became stronger as he got a glimpse of some of his abilities.

In a world that will become more difficult in the future, we must hold on to Choi Jun-ho.

That is Lee Chan-taek’s sense and secret of living until now.

‘Negotiations with Choi Jun-ho are concluded.’

It is quite common for a guild led by a superhuman to fall under the umbrella of another faction.

Lee Chan-taek, who felt his own limitations, found a way to rise further through the opportunity Choi Jun-ho gave him, but it actually served as an opportunity to gain confidence.

The children showed signs of dissatisfaction with this decision. However, unlike himself, Chan-taek Lee had no intention of passing on the avant-garde guild to his children who grew up wealthy.

So I asked again.

“Please accept the avant-garde guild.”

“I declined that last time.”

“Maybe my thoughts have changed in the meantime.”

“It hasn’t changed.”

It is an avant-garde guild with an immediate value of 100 trillion won. I didn’t know there would be someone who would refuse even if I asked them to accept this.

I would have felt bad if someone else had rejected it. No, he might have felt insulted and challenged him to a fight.

But I thought it was possible because it was Choi Jun-ho. A being with desires that are completely different from other people. This gave me trust because he was a type of person you could never find around you.

“I know what you’re worried about. “I’m sure you’re concerned that they’ll act carelessly with your name on their backs.”

“I don’t have any hobbies that I neglect.”

“I can do that. “It’s also my specialty.”

It’s something I’ve done my whole life. Lee Chan-taek was confident that he could do it without any noise.

In fact, I even thought that I would do better if I had the shadow of Choi Jun-ho.

The sense of security that the name Choi Jun-ho brought when we became part of the same group as when we maintained a vague friendly relationship was beyond imagination.

‘Plus, you can easily hunt monsters.’

How could the news of Danyang County Governor’s resignation be greater than the news of the Plus monster hunt?

For Choi Jun-ho, hunting plus level monsters is no longer a hot topic.

It was a scenery that could only be seen in Korea.

“How is it?”

“That just sounded quite appealing.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“Establishing a force is something we need to think about more, so shall we talk slowly and check the homework?”

“…what test?”

Did you have something to do? Lee Chan-taek felt puzzled.

“I told you the types of gifts that can be unlocked, but you didn’t even train accordingly? Of course, you have to train with all your strength.”

“Oh, of course I did my best.”

For the first time in a long time, I worked hard and devoted myself to training. Since a clear direction was set, the efficiency was not bad.

Humans are animals that can only thrive if they have hope.

“Let’s take a look.”

“Wait a minute…”

Lee Chan-taek, who was only trying to discuss joining Choi Jun-ho, moved to his seat as if he was being dragged away. Berserker, whom I had seen several times from afar, was there.

I heard that you recently ascended to the rank of superhuman. However, the moment I stood in front of him, I was exposed to Berserker’s momentum and my evaluation went up several levels.


If I didn’t know what a gift was, I wouldn’t have been a match for it. However, many things have changed in the meantime, and he trained as best he could.

It will not be an easy match. Nevertheless, Lee Chan-taek burned with motivation. If he shows a different side here, wouldn’t Choi Jun-ho’s thoughts also change?

Choi Jun-ho’s instructions as he approached Berserker sounded fragmented.

“Lots of… roll… small hairs… so they don’t roll.”

“I get it.”

Is what I just heard true?

Lee Chan-taek confirmed that Choi Jun-ho and Berserker exchanged meaningful glances.

“Wait a minute, what are you saying…”

Lee Chan-taek tried to say something, but was silenced by Berserker standing in front of him.

That day, I learned how a person can roll over while feeling the threat of death without dying.

* * *

It’s a series of very annoying things.

Lee Chan-taek, who kept asking to be put under his wing, was also not happy about me being repeatedly summoned in the general election atmosphere.

However, if you tell the media, it will be reproduced and expanded. In the end, the only place to talk was the president.

“That’s how intense the situation is.”

Politicians can do that because they are faced with the question of 4 years of unemployment or 4 years of guaranteed work, but it didn’t look good for my name to come up in the middle of it all.

“If it’s going to be like this, it’s better.”


“My name keeps coming up. Should I calmly intervene?”

“…hmm! “Hehehe.”

The president laughed awkwardly at my words. I meant it as a joke, but it was taken seriously and it was rather absurd.

It’s desolate to live in a society where jokes don’t work.

“It’s a joke.”

“Thank goodness. “I was just wondering if that was the case.”

I was embarrassed that I had said this for no reason. At some point, I felt like I was someone who would do anything.

Anyway, my thoughts were clear. There are some politicians I like and some I don’t, but unless I have established political insight, I plan to watch and not intervene.

If something strange is confirmed, you can intervene later.

I expressed my thoughts to the President.

“I am planning to leave for the time being on an external mission as an excuse. How are you feeling?”

“You mean vacation?”

“That’s not true, there is a guy doing bad things near the border, so I’m going to take this opportunity to catch him.”

The president’s expression changed suddenly.

“…Maybe he’s not a Chinese superhuman?”

“no. “He is just a cult leader who specializes in deceiving people.”

I planned to use this opportunity to find the guy who was using brainwashing and get rid of the embarrassment.

It’s not yet time to stretch, but the butterfly effect caused by me returning to the past is quite large, and confusion is delicious food for it, so it may have increased its power.

Since I’ve lost interest for a while, I’m thinking of checking it out.

The President showed a puzzled expression.

“Was there such a villain?”

“I’m not sure. “I plan to go and meet Commissioner Jeong Joo-ho.”

“I keep getting summoned, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to move away. “Can you give me my personal letter on the way?”


“I’ll let you know, so you can cool off and come back.”

“thank you.”

It was easy to get permission for vacation.

[Since when did going to kill someone become a vacation? What is wrong with everything here?]

Yongyong is making baseless accusations.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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