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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 155

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Episode 155

Lee Chan-taek greeted Ryu Gwang-ho, Master of the Reaper Guild, who suddenly visited.

Since we visited often, there was no awkwardness in greeting him.

“What brings you here suddenly?”

“It’s still the case that a big incident happens without saying anything and you don’t show it.”

That was the story. Lee Chan-taek said with a bitter smile.

“Isn’t it our guild’s job?”

“If it affects me, it’s my business.”

“Please sit down.”

Lee Chan-taek ordered his subordinate to order tea and then sat down with Ryu Gwang-ho.

It’s something that affects you.

I know very well what he meant. Unlike the Holy Guild, which had large corporations as its backing, Avant-Garde and Shinigami achieved their current status through the existence of superhumans. As a result, the guild was maintained by the individual presence of Lee Chan-taek and Ryu Kwang-ho.

The story that the Avant-Garde Guild could fall into the hands of Choi Jun-ho would have caused a strong reaction even within the Reaper Guild.

Ryu Gwang-ho asked the man who was silently lost in thought.

“Did you feel your limits?”

“I’ve felt it for a long time.”

“No, you’re not as old as me, but you already feel it?”

“Isn’t it true that each person’s feelings may be different?”

“Because, unlike me, you are still young.”

I heard that story 15 years ago. Meanwhile, Ryu Kwang-ho has reached an age where he is looking at retirement, and he has reached an age where he needs to manage his skills to maintain his skills.

“I’m not young anymore.”

“Well, a lot of time has passed.”

“What do you think of my decision?”

“I don’t know who named it Iron Core. If you look at her actions, she’s an absolute fox. “Isn’t he moving quickly to find a way to survive?”

“I will take it as a compliment.”

It wasn’t a wrong choice. Lee Chan-taek’s expression brightened after hearing Ryu Gwang-ho’s words as high praise. Although he was not known to the public, it was no exaggeration to say that Ryu Gwang-ho was at the peak of his political sense.

The proof was that despite having the disadvantage of being from North Korea, he was able to grow the Reaper Guild. Despite suffering from all kinds of intrigues and conspiracies, Ryu Gwang-ho firmly maintained his position.

“What can I do if others want it? “I believe Choi Jun-ho refused.”

“yes. “I was rejected outright to my face.”

“And yet you won’t give up?”

“On the contrary, I have become even more confident. “I would recommend it again.”

“Can I ask why?”


Lee Chan-taek was lost in thought for a moment.

That moment was still vivid in my mind. The moment Choi Jun-ho’s hand dug into my chest, stirred it, and grabbed my heart. At that time, I felt death, but instead it came as a new opportunity.

“It’s because I found out that Choi Jun-ho’s abilities are much greater than I thought.”

The ability to recognize latent gifts. What if this is used on all awakened people who don’t have gifts? You will be able to make all awakened members in the guild into gift holders.

The real value was the ability to identify gifts. If you can utilize this ability appropriately, you can maintain more relationships and cooperate with powerful people.

If Choi Jun-ho doesn’t intend to do that, he can form the world’s strongest guild just by improving those around him.

“Is there anything more amazing about what I’m showing you now?”

“Yes, there is.”

“So you said you would evaluate level 9.”

“I tried it once, but it failed miserably.”

“You tried that again?”

“I wanted to find out what my level was.”

Ryu Gwang-ho shook his head. Lee Chan-taek was also aware that he had acted immaturely.

“In the end, persuading Choi Jun-ho will be the key.”

“yes. “A plus level monster has appeared, so I plan to visit again after the hunt is over.”


“Master, don’t you also need to control your household?”

“It’s not necessary.”

Ryu Gwang-ho is already 65 years old. Rumors of retirement were spreading.

However, the reason he cannot step down is because the Shinigami Guild maintains its status through his presence.

However, there was no clear successor.

Lee Chan-taek also knew that the atmosphere inside the Reaper Guild was ugly these days.

Although my situation was different from my own where I felt my own limitations, the situation was similar.

Ryu Gwang-ho glanced at Lee Chan-taek and said.

“I was thinking about handing it over to Choi Jun-ho.”

“No matter what, I have no intention of giving in.”

“Can’t I hand over both?”

I can’t believe two of Korea’s top three guilds think like this.

Both of them had empty smiles on their faces.

“What’s even more absurd is that the person concerned has no intention of accepting it.”

“I never thought I would be clinging to a man at this age.”

“That’s right.”

* * *

“It’s been a while!”

Dahyun Jeong, whom I met after a long time, had changed in many ways. His expression became more confident and his eyes were full of life. Even though she had her hair tied back and was wearing casual jeans and a checkered shirt, her beauty shined.

It seems like hunting monsters really gave her confidence.

“how have you been doing?”

“Yes, I had a good time.”

“It was quite noisy.”

“That’s it. Yes, I could hear the words coming from many places.”

When Jeong Da-hyun, who had been focusing on arresting villains, started hunting monsters, quite a lot of attention was focused. And her achievements were often covered in articles, and this time her use of a baby monster became a hot topic.

As a result, several controversies arose, but Jeong Da-hyun did not provide any explanation. It meant that he would stick to his own way.

The media, realizing its meaning, is saying that my brilliant talent has become corrupted due to my influence, but does that mean I have already become corrupted? First, I remembered the name of the reporter who wrote the article.

We’ll probably run into each other later.

The controversy surrounding Jeong Da-hyun was resolved a few days later when a plus-level monster appeared.

What’s the problem in the first place? Dahyun Jeong studied monsters and combined them with how to achieve better results.

I was impressed just by the report, but if I had seen it on site, I would have given it high praise.

“Is hunting monsters an aptitude for you?”

“Yes, I feel rewarded every time I hunt.”

This too was a different flow from my last life.

In my last life, Jeong Da-hyun dealt with villains all the time until she died by my hands.

The faith that remained unwavering and upright until the end left a deep impression on me. So, I met him in this life and helped him in many ways.

In this way, Jeong Da-hyeon, who hunts monsters, was born.

“Are you not going to arrest the villain anymore?”

“Even if they do, it’s at a level where my hands are no longer needed.”

Among the villains who once made Korea tremble with fear, Berserker was restored to his honor, and only the elusive Black Reaper remained. Since the Black Reaper was a villain who did not reveal his whereabouts, it was nearly impossible to track him down and arrest him.

Dahyun Jeong said that because of my presence, Korea has become the country freest from villains.

It is said that the National Protection Agency is steadily carrying out operations to arrest villains, so now only minnow-level villains are left.

“This is also my brother’s credit.”

“You did it all.”

“I’m just a little bit upset. “I decided I wasn’t needed anymore.”

That is the conclusion Dahyun Jeong came to. Well, I’ve dealt with a lot of villains so far. This will put an end to the theory of natural generation of villains.

As we continue to process it, we see that the number is decreasing significantly.

“So you turned into a monster.”

“I thought I could be of more help. “Now that I’m safe from villains, I thought I could contribute more to eradicating monsters.”

“Aren’t you worried about those around you?”

“I do it a lot. Especially Commissioner Jeong…”

“Why Commissioner Jeong?”

“My brother keeps putting me in a bad light and says I’m going to hunt monsters.”

Hmm, is Jung Joo-ho a ghost?

Somehow, it seems that the more hair you lose, the sharper your judgment becomes.

Was the hair getting in the way of sharp judgment?

“Actually, I hope the news doesn’t come out, but as the articles keep coming out, there are a lot of people like this one who are expressing their concerns about my hunting methods.”

Are you unable to properly appreciate this amazing hunting method?

I decided to send my support to Dahyun Jeong.

Hunting methods that utilize the monsters’ habits to maximize efficiency should be encouraged.

“From what I can see, you are doing well. “What do you think when you see it?”

“Me? I think this is correct. What other people say is nonsense based on ideals and without any practical experience. “At one time, I was swayed by that idealism.”

Jeong Da-hyeon said that all sentimental comments about monster hunting are nonsense.

He changed from a villain to a monster.

A clear sense of values has been formed. It wasn’t a bad direction in my opinion.

It’s okay to kill monsters and villains over and over again. It would be better if the seeds were completely dried.

“If you keep talking nonsense, I can just say something. I want you to go hunting for monsters. “You silenced the National Assembly members with these words.”

“It’s not about silence, it’s about wanting people to recognize the difficulties on the ground.”

“But it wasn’t really planned that an unexpected accident would occur on site, right?”

“No way. “I wanted to give you just the right sense of reality.”

“Well, that’s what it sounds like.”

Ugh, how do you look at people?

If anyone sees it, it will look like they intentionally tried to kill him.

I responded by shrugging my shoulders.

Jeong Da-hyun laughed bitterly and changed the topic.

“It wasn’t just my story, there were many stories about my brother as well. Especially the avant-garde story. Are you putting the avant-garde guild under your control?”

“No, I refused.”


“Do you think it’s a good idea to accept it?”

“It’s not easy to have power, but when there are many people who bother my brother, I feel like if I have that power, I won’t be able to say anything.”

Dahyun Jeong told me that power is not necessarily a bad thing.

It was said that if you have the power of power on your back, you will not have to take on each and every troublesome task, so you will be freer than you are now and your radius of action will be wider.

That’s all true.

However, I am well aware of the disadvantages that come with it.

“Instead, there will be people who believe in my name and run wild here and there.”

“I guess that’s right?”

“I have to kill it every time, but there is no benefit and it is just annoying. “It’s better not to accept it.”

“That’s also true.”

Where is that? Starting with coordination of interests between organizations, conflict should be prevented and the surrounding air should be ventilated periodically.

Nevertheless, what people around me commonly say is that I need to have power.

There must be many advantages that power brings. If I had the charisma and organizational management skills to dominate someone, I would have accepted their advice, but not now.

A guild system armed with rationality and reason is different from a villain who rules through violence and fear.

I thought there would be more to say, so I changed the topic.

“I’m glad that I’m doing what I want to do right now.”

“My brother’s help was great. Thank you.”

“What is gratitude?”

“Then what about you?”


“Is there anything you want to do, brother?”


I was suddenly speechless.

When I returned to the past, what I wanted to do was clear. By preventing the hematoma from eating away at his mind, he maintains his sanity and does not become a villain, preventing his parents from living a life under surveillance. By helping Yunhee develop her talents to the fullest, she is now evaluated as an outstanding talent in the Shinsung Guild.

But when I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about what I personally want to do.

What do I want to do?

I don’t know because I’ve never thought about it.

First of all, I wanted to get rid of the annoying league. As he was a guy who got on my nerves, it was clear that he would become a nuisance if I left him alone.

And the party to which Maxim Geddes belongs. It wasn’t annoying at this point, but there’s a chance it could become a nuisance in the future. I’ll have to watch here for now.

Well, I guess this is sorting into those to kill and those to watch. It’s not something I really want to do.

Looking at it like this, it seems like there is nothing I want to do for myself. What is there? Yongyong’s sharp sting made me want to have an obedient pet.

Then a thought crossed my mind.

“there is.”

Yes, I took it for granted so much that I forgot about it. Maybe it was quiet for a while and I let my guard down.


You have to kill him and put an end to this terrible relationship. But there is no way for me to kill him now. He can’t take over my body while I’m in good spirits, so he’s probably just watching.

If it’s currently impossible to get rid of him, you’ll need to get stronger. For that purpose, I will have to work hard and not let down my guard.

“There’s a guy I want to kill.”

This is the guy who drove me into the abyss of despair. If the opportunity arises, I will never miss it and will not kill you gracefully.

Well, without realizing it, I was exuding life. When I realized it too late and thought I had chosen the wrong place, I looked at Jeong Da-hyun, but instead, she was smiling.

Dahyun Jeong also grew up a lot because she knew how to take on the challenges of her own life resolutely.

“thank god.”


“I have something I want to do. Sometimes when I talk to my brother, he seems like a detached person who wants nothing. “I feel like a religious person.”

Did I do that?

“So I thought it would suddenly disappear. Not anymore. thank god.”

“I’m not leaving.”

“yes. But I feel sorry for the person who was picked on by my brother.”


As we live, we all see hematomas getting sympathy.

* * *

After finishing my conversation with Jeong Da-hyeon, I set out to hunt plus-level monsters.

The name of the newly appeared monster was ‘Dodam’ and it was in the form of a wild boar.

If you see an abandoned building being reduced to dust by the guy’s headbutt, you should deal with it before entering the city.

Why do all these menacing guys have cute names?



He responded to my call by twirling his tail in a awkward posture.

He seems like a crazy guy.

“You won’t be able to find the guy hiding in my mind, right?”

[What is there?]

“Oh, there’s a crazy guy hiding.”

[If he’s crazy about you, how hurt is he? Ugh, what kind of janitor am I? How do you find something like that?]

Otherwise, they will just say no and treat people like complete filth.

You’re like a useless self-proclaimed god.

Either way, Yongyong was acting wildly, flying around in the air at will.



“I want to tame a monster, but is there any way?”

[How do I know that?]

“Your friend said he did it. Are you sure you can’t do it?”

Yongyong’s head turns to my question.

It’s over.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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