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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 152

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Episode 152

Who dares judge me?

That was my thought when the level 9 offer came in.

In fact, it was like that when I went through the superhuman certification process. I only did it because I thought it was necessary. Basically, I don’t like it when someone tests me.

That’s why I was negative about Level 9. Those who judged that were just pursuing their own interests and had brought me in to take advantage of me.

If you did that to my face, I would have smashed your head first.

When Maxim Geddes arrived, my sympathy for him softened, but my thoughts also changed.

If you evaluate me, I will evaluate you too.

In any case, when similar things collide, the winner will be the stronger one.

It will also have the effect of bringing talented superhumans to the surface.

Of course, everything is done based on my judgment.

Some strange people may assume an ‘accident’.

“It would be nice if more people would support us.”

It is nothing else but an act of sharing honor.

It’s a kind of volunteer work.

You can also create a ‘coincidence’ situation and search to see what kind of gift there is.

However, I thought something could be said about it since it was quite a mess on my part.

But huh?

The reactions of those around me were much quieter than I expected.

In particular, Lee Se-hee, whom I met for a meeting, applauded and expressed her admiration.

“Well done. “I was impressed by his actions of completely turning the game over.”

“Did it look like that?”


“I thought I was going to hear that there was an accident.”

“We have upset a situation that could have resulted in a blow to the enemy, so we can’t let them take it. And the United States must have been turned upside down by Junho’s actions. “You’re probably wrapping your head around it right now, thinking about what to do.”

Actually, it wouldn’t have been an option for me to be like this.

Maxim Geddes made a fuss, and I responded in kind.

Can you believe I saw you for a few days? The one who believes it is rather a fanatic.

“Is that something that will shake this much?”

“Yes, it will shake.”

Let’s hear what the reason is.

Lee Se-hee continued speaking.

“Before the advent of Level 9, the Teenage Superhumans were a symbol of protecting their vested interests. Not just the United States, but all powerful Western countries. Of course, it is a title given to truly talented people, and although there were many controversies, there was no doubt about their strength. Even if it continued to level 9, nothing would have changed. However, authority comes from the history and power accumulated from the past, but the present cannot be overlooked either. “It’s especially true if you’re being evaluated by a superhuman who is said to be the world’s strongest.”

And then he looks at me.

In other words, it is a place that evaluates people in their teens, but since I am implicitly evaluated as the best in the world, my recognition can have a lot of power.

It’s very different from what I thought.

In fact, the things I see as teenagers or level 9s are similar to luxury bags. Something that’s nice to have but not really necessary?

No, it’s actually worse than a luxury bag. Because I can’t pass Teen Superhuman and Level 9 on to someone else.

It’s a kind of bound item.


Isn’t what I suggested simpler and better instead of using unclear standards? If you survive me, I will recognize you as level 9. It’s a very clear condition.

It feels like they’re selling indulgences from the Middle Ages, but I have no intention of letting anyone see it. It’s fair conditions for everyone.

“Then a lot of people will apply, right?”

I hope you will give me a lot of support.

Lee Se-hee laughed.

“I don’t think there will be as many people applying as there is a response.”

“huh? no?”

“The reason there is a repercussion is because Junho rebelled against the existing order. If we had to compare it, would it be like a league? The purpose is clear. “To be recognized by the world’s strongest superhuman.”

After all, it’s the league by comparison.

“Comparing it to the league is a joke. It is true that I have an affinity for things that go against the existing order. As my skills are supported, my confidence increases. “It’s never easy.”

“I don’t really need to be liked.”

“Yes, of course. But it is also necessary when moving into the wider world.”

It is a very complex story because it is necessary.

“Actually, superhumans in Korea have a crush on Junho.”

It is said that Baekgunseo, Lee Chan-taek, and Ryu Kwang-ho think well of me.

That is the source of my freedom.

Is this like recognition of vested rights?

“And in fact, it is said that various discussions are taking place within the avant-garde guild.”

“What discussion?”

“Lee Chan-taek, a superhuman, is also realizing his limitations. Monsters are getting stronger every day, but the speed of their development cannot keep up with it.”

Conformity or weeding?

Recognizing and accepting one’s limitations is not easy.

“It must be complicated in your head.”

“yes. There aren’t many cases like us where we are able to hold Junho’s lead and pioneer a new path. “I am always grateful to Junho.”

Lee Se-hee says so, but I believe that there is a very healthy give and take with Shinsung Group.

I saw no reason to be particularly grateful or grateful.

Well, if we recognize each other’s usefulness like this, unnecessary disputes won’t arise.

No matter how this may sound, I actually like peace.

* * *

When I returned home, Yunhee’s gaze towards me was very sinister.

It’s no big deal if you don’t even watch the drama.

“You cause accidents, so why bother me?”

“Who did that? “Shall I get rid of it?”

“I wish we could get rid of the human who caused it.”


“That way.”

Yunhee points at me.

No matter what, you can’t get rid of me.

“I have no hobby of committing suicide.”

“Shall we fight?”

Yunhee’s face became ugly and a ferocious spirit radiated.

These days, things are becoming very ssamdak. I opened my eyes and glared at him, but I felt like something annoying would happen, so I looked away. Don’t stop your opponent.

Yunhee sighed and sat down across from me.

“So are you really going to evaluate it at level 9?”


“Is that an accurate measurement?”

“I’ve dealt with Maxim Geddes, so I guess we can use that as a standard.”

“Uh um. “I think it’s too high.”

“Then don’t you think anyone can become level 9?”

“That’s right.”

Yunhee sighed as if her mind was spinning and began to reveal her thoughts.

“Did I tell you last time? “The reason most people in their early teens come from powerful countries is because of trust.”

“It did.”

“I don’t think it’s a bad thing that you broke the mold. “It just looks like they have a plan to change something that has been maintained well for a while.”

Yunhee has good eyes. Is it because I went with Lee Se-hee? After all, who you hang out with is so important.

“But troublesome things are bound to happen. Are you stupid? “Why do you bring such unnecessary trouble upon yourself!”

“Does it look like that?”


That’s amazing. Are you worried?

But Yoonhee doesn’t know my big picture.

This is a golden opportunity to get a glimpse of the gifts of superhumans from around the world.

“Stop talking about the rapid decline in the number of superhumans around the world.”

…I noticed.

Lately, I feel like my wits have become like ghosts.

They say that every three years of Seodanggae, the harvest moon is recited. I’m learning something useful next to Lee Se-hee.

“Anyway, let’s have a moderate confrontation and then compromise. “Don’t bring trouble upon yourself.”

“Are you worried?”

“I’m just saying this because I don’t want to bother you.”

Worrying and pretending not to worry.

I should do a favor to Dongsaengmon, who is worried about my brother.

I was wondering what I could do for Yunhee and came up with something good.

“okay. “I’ll tell James Reed.”


“I’m giving away the 10th session of body modification.”

James Reed’s scientific discipline and tenacity theory is said to be the training method that most viciously harasses humans.

A terrible hybrid that shouldn’t exist in this world?

The effect is certain.

Yunhee’s face turned white at my words.

“Are you returning the favor with vengeance?”

“Think of it as my favor for your younger brother’s development.”

“Better kill me!”

Can you kill your brother? It was my favor towards my younger brother who gave me advice.


Yunhee, whose eyes rolled back, rushed over.

After folding Yunhee up neatly, I went back to the room.

I suddenly felt better.

* * *

Cheon Myeong-guk, who I always saw only at the Blue House, visited my office.

I welcomed him even though I felt puzzled because it was a sudden visit.

I guess I have something else to say.

Cheon Myeong-guk, whose eyes became glazed, looked at me and said.

“Choi Jun-ho, you better kill me.”

“Why are you doing this when you’re at the peak of your work?”

“Wasn’t what you’re doing trying to kill me?”

“That can’t be right.”


“What’s going on?”

“There are so many.”

Cheon Myeong-guk took a deep breath and explained the current situation.

It is said that since I announced level 9, requests from adepts from other countries have been flooding in.

I am interested in level 9.

The response was hotter than expected.

My big picture for gift discovery is working properly.

Will we be able to harvest it soon?

But Cheon Myeong-guk had different thoughts.

“It would be a stabbing. “We are trying to use Superhuman Choi Jun-ho to create a structure that opposes existing powers.”

“I didn’t think of that.”

“This flow is not good.”


“It’s because you can be presented as their face madam.”

“You’re not wrong.”

It was a shallow trick.

Since they don’t think they can fight back, it’s like they’re pushing me.

Do you think that I will let them do whatever they want?

Rather, it would be enough to tie it in a different direction.

“Can you give me the list?”

“It’s not difficult. But how are you going to use this list…”

“Isn’t this related to level 9? “We have to deal with it clearly.”


Cheon Myeong-guk was looking at me with a shocked face.

It’s like, ‘Please don’t cause an accident.’ It was the same expression.

Anyone who sees me will think I’m a troublemaker.

I’m just trying to expose the facts as they are.

“We will announce the order and then tell you to come in for a test.”


If you wanted to take advantage of me, you should have been prepared to endure this much.

If this happens, one of two things will happen. Either you become a laughingstock and give up, or you appear in front of me as if you were being pushed around.

Should we consider this as a gift that rolled in?

“Oh, don’t worry. “I will do it on my own, without any connection to the government.”

“Is that possible?”

“It will work out.”

“It’s not possible.”

Cheon Myeong-guk sighed and lowered his head.

* * *

Cheon Myeong-guk, with a clouded expression on his face, returned to the Blue House and soon after, a completely unexpected person came to visit.

It was Lee Chan-taek of the avant-garde guild. He said he worked hardest on hunting during this northern expedition, and he had lost weight compared to the last time I saw him.

What brought you here?

I was a little skeptical, but I was greeted warmly.

“It’s been a while. How have you been?”

“Yes, I’m fine. “You probably heard a lot about my current situation in the news.”

“You seem to be handling the media well these days. “It’s a huge improvement compared to when I first saw it.”

People should always pursue development. Thinking about ways to get better.

I offered Lee Chan-taek a seat and got straight to the point.

“What brought you here?”

“I heard the news that’s been on TV these days.”


“Can you really become level 9 if you hold on to your hand?”

If someone sees it, they’ll think it’s something I can make.

I corrected Lee Chan-taek’s mistake.

“There is no public trust. “I just judge your skills and say you are suitable for level 9.”

“I’m sure it’s Head Breaker’s approval. “Your credibility is not low among supermen.”

“Other superhumans?”

“Then you thought I wasn’t friends with other superhumans? We communicate quite closely with superhumans from other countries. To them, Headbreaker’s credibility is high.”

That’s a story I didn’t know.

So what this means is that if I am recognized as level 9, it is not a joke and there is a possibility that I will receive significant recognition.

“If you support your skills, we can announce you as level 9.”


Lee Chan-taek nodded and his eyes lit up.

What are you thinking? Are you really thinking about taking on the challenge?

“Then can I challenge you?”

“Do you want to become level 9?”

“Of course. It’s a face you never thought of? Every Adept is paying close attention to what’s going on with Level 9. “Because the case is different from pre-teens.”

“Were you dissatisfied with the teenage superhuman system?”

“You could say I’m interested but haven’t looked into it.”

Actually, according to what Lee Se-hee and Yoon-hee said, even superhumans are very dissatisfied with the process of selecting teenage superhumans, and at the same time, they want that position.

Level 9 is a higher concept, so it is not strange to be greedy.

That is, as long as you support your skills.

“Because I know my skills aren’t up to par. However, if someone I am personally familiar with judges me, I want to objectively examine my skills even if I know I will fail.”

It feels like it suddenly became a combat power meter.

When I looked into Lee Chan-taek’s eyes, it wasn’t a lie. Normally, I wouldn’t feel good if I heard something like this, but it’s because of the relationship we’ve built along the way.

If so, I guess I should get along with it.

“All right. “Please change your seat.”


When we moved to the training ground, we immediately had a fight.

Although I have never directly interacted with Lee Chan-taek, I watched him while hunting for Nuri and received information through various channels. Although he was armed with a cool-headedness to the point of being called iron-hearted, when engaging in a confrontation, he revealed his emotional base to a degree that put that nickname to shame.

To be honest, it is colorless and odorless. The basics are solid, but there are no special features.

It may be because there are no gifts. Rather, it may be because the belief that one’s way is right has turned into stubbornness, and stubbornness has become hardened.

“How is it? “I hope you give me an honest answer.”

“It’s very lacking.”

This is the first elimination of the season.

Lee Chan-taek laughed bitterly.

“Is that so? At one point, I thought it was because I didn’t have a gift. But even if there had been a gift, the result would have been similar. This is my limit. “I felt like I was grasping at straws, but in the end, it was just that.”

It seems very urgent.

What’s the reason?

I remembered what Sehee Lee said, but is there any reason to be in such a hurry?

“If we make up for a few shortcomings, we will be better than we are now.”

“I probably can’t do it alone. “Because the world is not waiting for me.”


Did you come to lament to me?

I have no hobby of listening to other people’s complaints.

Either way, Lee Chan-taek continued his words.

“What if? “If I open up my gifts and improve them in the right direction, how strong do you think I can become?”

“I think it would be around 12 zodiac signs.”

“It would be amazing to become a superhuman and achieve that level. “The 12 signs are strong people who dominate the world.”

It is generally said that superhumans also dominate the world.

After all, he was a person with an extraordinary desire for success.

You can feel the current situation.

While hunting plus level monsters, you would have gained insight into the subject.

“As I talked, my lament became longer. “That wasn’t the purpose of my visit today.”

Lee Chan-taek stood up.

“Was there any other purpose?”

“I needed a shock to wake me up from my dream. “At the same time, I understand my topic.”

Lee Chan-taek’s momentum has changed.

I didn’t know what it was at first, but after making eye contact, I knew.

The greed had disappeared. If there had once been a stubborn greed to hold on to everything, now he had a carefree expression as if he had let go of everything.

But what did you put down?

“Choi Junho.”

“Please speak.”

“Aren’t you planning on taking over the Avant-Garde Guild?”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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