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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 151

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Episode 151

The realization I gained after talking with the President is that I need to change myself.

In conclusion, what the President said is correct. I’ve shown a lot of consistency throughout this time.

However, to put it in a good way, this is consistent, but in a bad way, it means that a pattern can be read.

Of course, there are good things about knowing what kind of person I am.

The number of people who use their brains has decreased, and the people who risk their lives on adventures have also disappeared.

Because killing those guys one by one was work. I’m not crazy, and it’s not like I like killing people.

However, if pranks are involved in this, the story is different.

I heard the president tell me to be unpredictable.

is not it?

Well then. But I don’t think it’s a bad thing to occasionally mix the unpredictable into the predictable category.

“I think we need to be a little more shameless.”

In the meantime, I thought of the sins I committed during the hematoma and acted in a very low-key manner.

Of course, the sin of hematoma is something that must be remembered in the future. Because it is my duty as a sane person to never commit the same crime again.

However, it was a matter of thought about which areas should change and how.

For now, let’s put this thought aside until we meet Jin Se-jeong.

I was playing with the force in the air and made a hot bar shape and called Yongyong, who was eating it.


[huh? Why is it fluffy?]

“Is that your food?”

[I’m eating because I’m bored. [Play alone!]

He’s doing some really strange things. It was annoying to see a guy who was hundreds of meters tall pretending to be cute, so I urged him on.

“Swallow quickly. “Because I have something to say.”

[huh. What happened all of a sudden?]

Yongyong, who had swallowed the entire force hot bar in one go, asked me.

“Isn’t that the divine beast you said was stalking me last time?”

[Yes. He’s a really tough and scary kid. Have you changed your mind now?]

Do you really care if you scare me like that?

No, it bothered me. The problem is that Yongyong is not the fear he wants, but rather an itch in the back of his head.

I don’t have a good personality to be lenient when I hear that someone is stalking me.

I was willing to put spit on my mouth and lie to get Yongyong to react.

“Well now that I think about it, my bed feels uncomfortable.”

[Did you see it? Well, since you have seen my power, you probably know how scary Shinsoo is.]

It’s annoying to see him squirm. But this is throwing bait for fishing. I have now become a person with this level of patience.

I forced Yongyong into the air, pretending to be nervous.

“If we leave it like this, we might get attacked at any time. A noble gentleman like you might not do that, but your friend has a bad personality? “Isn’t that okay?”

[Oh, he’s a really scary kid. Last time, we were arguing and they tried to stab me, so I ran away… No! This is nothing!]

I already heard everything.

Does that mean Yongyong is weaker?

No, it may be that they allowed it because they were friends without hesitation.

In any case, since he is a divine beast, he should be considered at least Yongyong level.

“So, before that, I’d like to clear up any misunderstandings. “Can you help me?”


“I want to apologize to your friend, so why don’t you ask him to come?”

[uh? I? Can’t you just go?]

Of course not.

“They say it’s in the sea. I am human. “How can we meet in the sea?”

[ah! That too. I wish the two of you could talk too. There’s a 99.9% chance we’ll fight, but there’s a 0.1% chance we won’t fight.]

Isn’t that just fighting?

[It’s not a good idea for the two to be together.]

We’re almost there.

This is a trap I set.

Yongyong’s friend is clearly a marine god. This means that it is more familiar with the sea than with land, and even if it appears on land, there is a high probability that it will not be able to show its full power.

Monsters are greatly influenced by their surroundings. In the past, when Daon, the number 7 monster, was hunted, even though it was shaped like a turtle, it appeared greatly weakened on land.

It would be better for a rational Shinsoo, but I think he would still take advantage of the environment.

That meant that as long as it appeared in front of me, I would have a golden opportunity to hunt. It would be a mistake to send an alter ego like Yongyong, but there is no need to erase even the slightest possibility.

[Then shall I tell you… Wait!]

Yongyong stopped talking and looked at me with his eyes wide open.

I managed my facial expressions as best as I could.

But it was a failure. He knew as much about me as I knew about Yongyong.

I got caught.

[Do not be ridiculous! Are you trying to lure my friend?]


[Don’t lie. Did you just sense everything?]

“What a shame.”

[and! How can you betray my good intentions out of concern for you like this?]

Yongyong jumped up and slapped me with his tail. I didn’t feel any pain, but I could feel the guy’s alertness going up a few levels.

“Why not? “You will take this opportunity to take over that new beast area as well.”

[That’s it!]

“Isn’t there a territorial dispute with Shinsu?”

[The areas we live in are completely different. Anyway, don’t even mention my friend! Because I’m not going to say anything!]

Ultimately, negotiations were declared to be broken.

What a shame.

I thought I had almost gotten over it, but I took a step back, feeling disappointed.

* * *

When I visited Jin Se-jeong, I mentioned my conversation with the President and asked him if I was becoming more shameless in taking things from others. Then Jin Se-jeong looked at me with new eyes.

It’s like a parent looking proudly at their child’s growth.

“Superman, you’ve grown up.”

“What do you mean suddenly?”

“The fact that you are asking these questions means growth.”

“As I became a superhuman, I had more things to worry about.”

“Yes. Having questions means having worries. There are many people who just accept it without thinking about it. And there are some people who don’t know why they are being treated this favor. Choin was closer to the latter type.”

To be precise, I didn’t understand why it was given.

Oh, of course there is no pressure.

“I’ve been reporting to Choin about fans’ donations, but today is the first time you’ve seen it, right?”

“I was surprised to see it.”

In the beginning, Jin Se-jeong said that there might be a gift for fans. At that time, I promised to donate all of the fans’ gifts and expressed my intention to donate an additional ten times the amount of the gifts.

I saw the details today and was surprised that it was much bigger than I expected.

I was surprised that so many people sent me gifts, not because the amount of donations was large. Why are you sending me gifts even though I said I would donate everything?

I appreciate the favor, but I don’t need anything.

“It means you are receiving that much love.”

“For what reason?”

“There are many people on the Internet who criticize Choin-nim for being rough, but there are actually many people who welcome his firm suppression. “Until now, citizens have been antipathetic to people who make laws while being out of touch with reality.”

“I think the same thing.”

Even if you show mercy to a criminal, what comes back is a sharp sword.

You can’t put a hundred citizens in danger for one villain who is reforming himself.

“But no one is taking action.”

I feel a sense of exhilaration just by beating up the villain mercilessly.

It was like that. I thought I was doing my job, so I wasn’t aware of it.

Are my actions attractive? If it had been my last life, I wouldn’t have even thought about it.

“Besides, Choin’s obvious charm also played a role. Among the superhumans right now, there is no one who has a clearer stance and clearer opinions than you. “There are different opinions on this, but it makes fans crazy about it.”

After saying those words, Jin Se-jeong suddenly lifted her chin.

“If you imprint the superhuman as someone who needs to be constantly protected, your bond with the superhuman will deepen.”

Who is protecting whom?

This is my first time hearing this in my life.

“Internet public opinion. That’s why I leave hateful comments even though I respect you! Choin’s fans think they are protecting Choin by bombarding me. Through it, the bond becomes stronger.”

…For something like that, you seem to be enjoying it quite a bit.

Isn’t that what aptitude is?

“But there are serious problems here too. “Currently, as Choin’s likeability has increased, the power of malicious comments has begun to decline.”

“Isn’t that good?”

“If it is unilaterally overwhelming, interest will decrease. Because no matter what I say, they end up laughing. Then it gets funny. So I prepared new firepower!”

Why does it sound like they found a new hater? But isn’t Jin Se-jeong the absolute unfair in the world of malicious comments? Was there a person with skills comparable to Jin Se-jeong?

“I’ll show you soon. “You can look forward to it!”

Jin Se-jeong spoke confidently, but I don’t really want to expect anything like that.

But the effect is so clear that I can’t say anything about it.

* * *

The president’s political power was truly extraordinary.

When I did not firmly reject Maxim Geddes’s words and showed little by little, he clung to me to the point of persistence. Then, I presented a proposal that was likely to be tempting, and ended up presenting a conditional level 9 proposal, as the President had originally mentioned.

I can feel that he is determined to get me involved.

“If you do that, isn’t it your loss?”

“…Because in reality we have nothing to lose. “I think it’s more important to belong to the same group.”

Maxim Geddes said he enjoyed living in Korea for a few days and wanted to stay longer. However, he is a pre-teen and a member of the party. He is America’s superman. It was rare for a country’s core forces to stay in another country for a long time.

Despite that, it seems like the little guy has no restraint. I just shrugged my shoulders at those words.

by the way.

“Isn’t the obsession with level 9 too much?”

“This will be our covenant with you. “It may be a superficial title for you, but it is a title that superhumans around the world definitely want to get.”


It’s because it has no meaning to me.

“It will help.”

What Maxim Guedes suggested when recommending me level 9 was to build a united front in front of the league.

All I had to do was get rid of the league I could see, so there was nothing to lose.

I don’t have any intention of going that far to remove it.

I don’t really want the title of level 9, but if you see someone around you recommending it, there’s no harm in taking it.

Is this a right that is not accompanied by the responsibility that the President spoke of?

Nothing bad.

Of course, we have to keep in mind the antics of Maxim Guedes and Fatih.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Say it.”

“For what reason are you trying to gain power by making such sacrifices?”

I still don’t know what they were thinking to achieve lionization while losing their male function.

Is eliminating the league that important?

“It is to achieve the cause I pursue. “I can’t tell you any more than that.”

“Even if we belong to the same fence?”

“We need time.”

You’re stubborn.

It was as if I was trying to solve my curiosity but instead became curious. It was an answer I could never understand.

I want a lion painting, but I can’t bring myself to do it.

Is there a gift that eliminates the gift penalty?

Well, I think it’s a requirement full of greed.

“Then I look forward to seeing you again.”

Maxim Geddes returned to the United States, throwing away the title of Level 9.

Even though it is level 9, nothing has changed. Because I was me anyway.

But within a few hours, news of my acceptance of the offer began to spread.

* * *

I guess I was in a hurry.

The plane that Maxim Geddes was on must have just taken off, considering that the news that started in the United States hit Korea.

The content was simple.

I accepted the offer of level 9. If you look at the contents contained within, it is written as if I would be deployed to the league frontline at any moment.

The hope circuit is running at full power.

Maxim Geddes It was clear that this guy had planned with the party in advance.

I thought the brain was made of muscles, but I never thought it would pull tricks like this. No, is this what the guys at the party think? It’s very naive of you to think you can tie me up with this.

by the way.

Is this going to be a hot topic? They would just change the labeling from Super Teen to Level 9 anyway.

Actually, since I didn’t attach much importance to being a teenager in the first place, I guess I don’t understand it properly.

And I already knew there was a ruse in this.

I was just making a fuss.

The number of pre-teens is literally ten.

Among the approximately 200 superhumans in the world, the ten strongest ones are the ten superhumans.

This means that there are ten members of the Ten Superhumans, and that number is scheduled to be maintained even when it changes to level 9.

This means that someone will be eliminated.

Of course, conflict is bound to occur.

And the most likely candidate for elimination was Yu Hao, a pre-teen from China.

They are trying to force a fight by throwing level 9 to them as if they were being generous.

Sure enough, as the news came out in China, negative public opinion about me began to form.

Yu Hao is a hero that China is proud of and was recently selected as one of the top ten superhumans. And before I appeared, he was considered the strongest superhuman in Asia.

However, contrary to his reputation, he also received a lot of negative reviews, and the story that his performance at the time he was ranked as a top teenager was fabricated followed like a tag.

Even though there was talk in China that he was systematically pushing the country to save face, Yu Hao did not refute the presented evidence, only saying no.

“Are you the type of person who changes his or her words when necessary?”

The reason why Yu Hao maintains his status as a teenage superman despite various suspicions is probably because of his attitude of dedicating himself to the country without showing himself to the outside world.

What’s worse, will it be said that the Chinese Communist Party is also keeping Wei Hao in check?

They must have planned it knowing that I don’t have a good relationship with the Chinese superhumans.

Maxim Geddes Such a clever guy.

If you see it again, you will have to be very prepared.

Well, it’s not like I didn’t expect him to do something like this.

I also have a knack for setting up fishing nets.

The next day, he spoke to the gathered reporters.

“I don’t think there’s any reason for there to be ten level 9s.”

Honor is best shared.

If you don’t like the board, just flip it over.

Rather, the things that bothered me completely disappeared.

“If you are a superhuman who wants to become level 9, please come see me. “If you survive in my hands… no, if you endure, I will recognize you as level 9.”

I declared that the field of opportunity has been opened to superhumans all over the world.

I’m willing to abuse level 9 if I have the qualifications.

But the reporters looked shocked.

“What happens if I can’t hold on?”

“I’ll leave that to your imagination.”


Um what is it?

I just saw it.

The reporters’ expressions all looked the same. It seemed like they were all thinking the same thing.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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