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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 150

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Episode 150

I moved away with Maxim Geddes and James Reed. Berserker followed until the end with passionate eyes, but now is not the time.

You can tell me the story later.

Oh, of course I will protect Maxim Geddes’ secret.

“I do not care.”

Berserker was also cool in that respect.

It’s not something I notice, but it makes me feel at ease.

By the time he arrived at the conference room, Maxim Guedes’ physical condition had fully recovered.

Looking back, it was an amazing recovery.

“First of all, thank you for sharing our thoughts.”

“I’m not doing it together, I’m just listening to the story.”

At least I learned that Maxim Guedes’ feelings for the league are sincere.

Well, I felt like if I denied even that sincerity, I wouldn’t even be human.

The desire for gifts just a little while ago had completely disappeared.

No matter how greedy you are, there is a bit of a penalty.

“Tell me about you guys first.”

“First of all, our gatherings are called parties. “It is an organization that protects the order we have established for a long time.”

“A group trying to protect their vested interests?”

“That statement is not wrong.”

Maxim Geddes smiled bitterly and agreed. This means the enemy has less range to attack. The details of the party were similar to what Anna Christine had told me.

By the way, it’s a good idea to join the party. Wherever you go, it seems like they have the same trait of forming groups and trying to hide their interests behind a curtain.

If we had to classify it, we could say that the party is the old order and the league is the new order.

Naturally, there will be a fierce battle of nerves to take the lead.

It’s probably a structure that only those who are clumsy have trouble with.

“But over the past hundreds of years, we have worked for the prosperity of humanity.”

“So your balls are big?”

“That’s right. The development of humanity has many aspects that are consistent with the direction we pursue. “The more we develop, the more things we can enjoy.”

“If you want to differentiate yourself from the league, that’s fine. Let’s get to the point.”

“Currently we are concerned about getting rid of the league.”

“I don’t understand why you care so much about the league?”

After all, aren’t they people who eat well and live well? Even if the league was powerful, most of them were peripheral countries belonging to the third world. The United States and developed countries, where those in the party will be located, are far from the league’s power.

No, on the contrary, now that an achievement has been achieved, isn’t the environment set up for them to be active?

In times like these, you will be able to appeal your presence even more.

If it’s hidden beneath the surface, you can show off a Madame with a face like Maxime Guedes.

It is too proactive for taking preemptive action.


Uncharacteristic of Maxim Geddes, he trailed off. He looked at James Reed and revealed a shocking truth.

“That’s because the league started as a partnership of parties.”


I was quite surprised, but not as surprised as James Reed. The guy stood up with a surprised expression and glared at Maxim Geddes with menacing eyes.

The guy sighed.

“The reason the league was able to become what it is today is because we gave our strength. We were all deceived and taken advantage of by Argos. It’s not an excuse. “Just being taken advantage of shows us how stupid we are.”

At least I’m glad they know they’re stupid.

Maxim Geddes told us what happened before he joined the party.

The number of people who can join the party is strictly limited, and is accompanied by a strict verification process for lineage and ability ideology.

Argos was an awakened person who failed in all of these factors, but was recognized for at least one gift. It was an eye that could look into every corner of the world.

The party wanted to actively utilize this and had Argos belong to a separate organization rather than the party.

That was Argos, the predecessor of the league.

“Our arrogance created the league.”

The party wanted to use Argos to have the entire world within their field of view. In a situation where the bonds of the world were loosened after the appearance of monsters, Argos’ existence was a means of solidifying the party’s dominance.

However, the party was betrayed at a critical moment. Argos was with the Black Hound Hell Master, who was in his teens at the time, and there were awakened people who followed him.

The party, who did not know that the point of the sword would be turned on them, suffered great damage and hid underground, and with the interfering forces gone, Argos changed the name of the organization to a second name and renamed it League, growing it into the world’s largest villain organization.

Maxim Guedes was brought in when the party was suffering a major blow.

What, you weren’t the person involved in the party’s mistake? But why are you apologizing?

If it were me, I would have ignored it as it wasn’t my business.

“I suddenly had a question.”

“Say it.”

“Who will win if you fight a black hound?”

“That’s a difficult question. “Of course I think I will win.”

Well, it wasn’t normal since he withstood all of my persistent attacks and ran away.

“Then what about Hell Master?”

“I do not know. But one thing is clear. One of them will die. “Everyone he has competed with so far has died.”

Isn’t it actually rated higher than Blackhound?

No, it could be a gift difference.

“Tell me in detail.”

“I don’t know much about Hell Master either. Because the scope of action has never overlapped. What is clear is that his gift is related to death. Even if it were you, you wouldn’t be able to prevent death.”

Are you provoking me? The intention succeeded. I was curious what the gift of this guy named Hell Master was.

Ah, but I’m not curious enough to go and check.


On the other hand, James Reed, who was quietly listening, had a stern expression that showed no signs of loosening.

“Because this is a league created by our own hands, we are thinking of taking care of it with our own hands. However, Argos’s ingenuity is superior to ours, and now the party has grown to a size that cannot be handled carelessly. James, I’m sorry for deceiving you all this time.”

“I didn’t think the truth about the party would be easy, but this is a bit shocking.”



James Reed turned his head and looked away.

Looks like he has some kind of grudge against the League.

That problem is something the two of you can resolve on your own.

“You know the league well.”

“Because it was once an affiliated organization of ours.”

“Then why didn’t you stop Argus from betraying you?”

“A sea of sympathy.”

Maxim Geddes laughed bitterly. Still, they said that because it was an organization created by them, they knew the internal information better than anyone else.

Then it’s one.

“Are there internal sympathizers?”

“We have a member of our team in a high-ranking position in the league.”

“That guy doesn’t betray you?”

“After Argos’ betrayal, the verification process was strengthened to the point of extreme. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

“Then I’m glad.”

First of all, I understand why the party is gnashing its teeth at the league. There are probably many facts not mentioned here.

For example, this is why over-tech items such as financial power and boosts that allow the league to increase its power in a short period of time are popping up. It probably took away a lot of what the party had.

I can understand why the resentment arose, but I’m not at that level.

They told me bullshit like I was born to be a villain, but there was no reason to look for guys who weren’t in front of me.

“I know what you mean.”


“But there’s no reason for me to join hands with you.”

“I knew it.”

“Why are you clinging to me like this?”

“It’s hard to find talented people with a clear grudge against the league. For most superhumans, a sense of belonging to the nation comes first, and there is no way to know whether they reject or sympathize with the League. In that respect, you have been proven in all areas.”

Are you saying that I have no sense of belonging to the country?

How much I love this country, but you only know one and not the other.

How dare they even receive the privilege of not being arrested. Are you worried that your villain image will be ruined, so you hired Jin Se-jeong to manage your image?

Anyway, everyone thinks as they please. Although this is convenient, it sometimes causes absurd misunderstandings.

“The league will attack everything they see, so don’t worry. Instead, if your children are bothered, we will treat them the same way, so behave yourself.”

“That’s rather creepy.”


I looked at Maxim Guedes.

“If you have a problem, handle it on your own rather than relying on others to help you. “Isn’t the fact that I can’t even do that just means I’m reporting my lack of ability?”

“That’s not wrong either. I’ve been showing a passive attitude so far. Negotiations have collapsed. But I’m not giving up on this. “I’ll come back again.”

Are they bothering you by going so far as to blame them for their lack of ability?

Maxim Geddes, who laughed bitterly, stood up and left the room with James Reed.

I watched the back and called Mandokbulchim and Hyegwangsimeo.

I still have regrets about lion painting.

‘Can’t you get rid of the side effects of lion painting?’

Mandeuk answered right away. That’s impossible because it’s not poison or a status condition.

What about Gwangsim?

The boy jumps up and asks what kind of evil thoughts he is having, and tells him to live like he is now, refraining from contact with the opposite sex.

…This guy’s words actually make you feel bad?

Even if you have the Mandok Immortality and the Hyegwang Plant, the impossible is impossible.

“I guess I should give up.”

I quenched my appetite with regret.

* * *


James Reed and Maxime Geddes did not talk until they returned to their residence.

Although the two are American superhumans, their pursuits were different. Maxim Guedes was faithful to the party’s interests rather than national interests, and James Reed was faithful to the perspective of America’s national interests.

The reason they were able to become friendly even though their interests often clashed was because of their hostility toward the league.

So the truth that the League was an organization created by a party was a huge shock to James Reed.

“Are you disappointed?”

“More than disappointment… I’m a bit surprised. “So much information came into my head that I felt dazed.”

“I’m sorry for hiding it.”


James Reed shook his head. I feel resentment, but how can I blame it on Maxim Geddes?

Reason was cold.

“I think the puzzle is finally coming together now. How was the League able to grow so powerful in such a short period of time, and why is the party that was observing everything taking such an active step to eliminate the League? Still hoo! It would have been better if you had told me directly. “I’m so annoyed right now.”


“You probably didn’t say anything because you also had thoughts. I won’t blame you for that. Because it can happen. “I’m just tired of being irritated.”

“The league has reached a point where it cannot be easily eliminated even if we try. “Your help will be needed in the future.”

“So you revealed the information in front of me?”

“Because head breakers are important personnel. “The party will be asking for your help.”

“That’s not bad.”

Because there is currently no specialist for Choi Jun-ho in the party.

If you ask me if that’s me, I can’t answer with confidence.

“So get ready for then.”

“That’s right. “If even that doesn’t work, there’s no point in me being alive.”

James Reed nodded with a determined expression and placed his hand on his heart.

Anna’s revenge will be taken with her own hands.

* * *

After finishing my conversation with Maxim Guedes, I headed to the Blue House.

There is no need to reveal the details, but it seems good to share the situation as it unfolds.

And the President and Cheon Myeong-guk are also the ones who tell me the direction that will benefit me.

“I’m glad your face looks good.”

“Were you worried?”

“I was worried about Maxim Guedes, not Superhuman Choi Jun-ho.”

Next to me, Cheon Myeong-guk was nodding his head as if he agreed.

…I mean it sincerely.

Sometimes I want to be worried too.

“It was strong. “I now know why people in their teens are so highly regarded.”

“Well then, wouldn’t you have been helplessly defeated by Superhuman Choi Jun-ho? “All teenage superhumans become equal in front of Choi Jun-ho’s superhumans.”

Does that really make sense? But I wonder if that is the meaning of equality.

I thought it felt a bit excessive, but it’s not wrong.

When I remembered that he warned me about the Hell Master even after getting beaten up, I wondered what kind of guy he was.

“Maxim Guedes wants me to take the lead in eliminating the league.”

“Otherwise, there would be no reason to create and present something called Level 9. “It’s even better because you can use it as a means of entangling them.”

“But there is no reason for me to take part in eliminating a league that is not even close.”

I think so, but what would the President or Cheon Myeong-guk think?

“I agree. There’s no reason to waste your energy on a league that isn’t even close. “Isn’t that right?”

“yes. “The league was created as a result of mistakes made by Western society, including the United States, so it is their responsibility to bear it.”

I think the same thing. I confirmed that it wasn’t much different from what I thought.


I focused my attention on the president’s words. Do you have any other thoughts?

“There is no need to draw a line like a knife. “Especially in an emergency situation over there.”

“Do you have any other plans?”

“Get what they say they will give you. Level 9.”

Wasn’t that already a piece of cake? Is there any reason to come and get it now?

If you receive this, you will be helping to eradicate the league.

“Sometimes just receiving a gift can put someone else’s mind at ease.”

The president said that if Maxim Guedes recommended level 9 again despite my refusal, it was not because he wanted me to be at the forefront of eradicating the league.

Just by exchanging something with each other, we are giving and receiving assurance that we belong to the same fence.

Being in the same fence did not necessarily mean riding in the same boat.

Is that why Maxim Guedes said he would come back?

I was doing push-and-pull without even realizing it. Actually, maybe I have a talent for negotiation?

“How good. You only get rights without responsibility. Level 9 is a golden opportunity to become the idol of all superhumans.”

It certainly seems like it makes sense.

It seems like there is a different intention, though. As I hung out with the president, I learned a lot about the characteristics of politicians.

“And it would also be an achievement to have produced a level 9 superhuman during your term as president.”

“Keuhumhum! “Why do you say such embarrassing things so confidently?”

I guess it was the perfect answer. But he probably said it for me, not just for his own accomplishments. I don’t need to say this much because we know each other.

By the way, it’s level 9.

I didn’t think much of it because I could feel the dark side of the party, but after hearing the president’s words, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad thing.

There is no reason to refuse if they offer it to you.

If you cross the line, shouldn’t you just reject it? Turning away right away and taking action is also my specialty.

“If Maxim Guedes makes an offer, we will consider it positively.”

Now I need to get used to receiving it too.

And an interesting idea occurred to me.

What if I do the level 9 certification myself instead of at a party?

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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