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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 148

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Episode 148

“Listen carefully, the Ten Superhumans are the idols and legends of the awakened.”

Home after finishing a personal broadcast.

When I heard that Maxim Geddes was coming, I asked Yunhee to explain about the teenage superman.

Then, as if she had been waiting, Yunhee straightened her seat and prepared to give a long speech.

I don’t like long explanations.

However, Yunhee’s expression clearly showed determination at this time.

I felt like I got it wrong.

“Teenage Superhumans stand at the top of the awakened people, and the hunting and training methods they pursue change depending on the direction they suggest. “It would be convenient to think of him as the idol of awakened people.”

To the awakened people, they were both idols and strong men.

As monsters and awakened people appeared, countless talents were lost due to training methods that were not established in the beginning.

They have developed their strength in their own way. The people who established it were those called ‘geniuses’, and the pioneers who later became the cornerstone of teenage superhumans revealed some of their training methods, which became the world’s standards.

“That was about it.”

“My brother is the only one who doesn’t show respect for teenagers.”

“Is there one among them that I will kill?”

“That doesn’t mean that the achievements they achieved will fade.”

I protested, but what came back was a snort.

Choi Yoon-hee has grown a lot.

Anyway, Yunhee continued her explanation about teenage superhumans.

“Think about breathing control, one of the things your brother trained for. You had a hard time doing that. “He is now retired, but this method was revealed by a Canadian teenager.”


It’s been so long that I don’t even remember much.

Yunhee said that teenage superhumans are revealing their secret skills because they are recognized by the World Superpower Association.

“Then how are the teenage superhumans selected?”

“Of course you will be given certain qualifications, right? There are many conditions to become a pre-teen, but two major conditions must be met.”

The first is the ability to hunt level 8 harmful monsters alone.

These days, with the support of countless awakened people, superhumans show overwhelming inaction and succeed in hunting, but until then, superhumans often went out alone.

Low-level awakeners often died during hunting.

It wasn’t long before a hunting system was established to help them gain experience without dying.

Although it disappeared over time, the ability to hunt harmful level 8 monsters alone became a requirement to prove that one was a teenage superhuman. There were instances of superhumans dying while trying to prove themselves, which drew criticism, but the method still did not change.

“Why doesn’t it change?”

“Because there’s nothing more certain than that? And it is said to provide differentiation. Since he encounters level 8 harmful monsters more often than anyone else, he will be able to guess for himself. “If you don’t understand the topic, you die.”

Although it was really tiring, I thought it gave it multiple meanings.

Second, you must kill the superhuman villain.

This was the minimum proof that one could compete against a superhuman of the same level in order to become a teenage superhuman.

“You mean I just have to kill monsters and villains?”

“yes. You need to build a solid reputation here over several decades. Since it is a position that is respected around the world, it must be supported by such achievements.”

Isn’t level 9 an extension of teenage superhuman? I also have a record of killing a superhuman-level villain and hunting down a level 8 harmful monster alone, so I thought the conditions were right.

Does this mean that the perception of me was already at the level of a teenager?

Actually, I’m not really interested.


“Does that mean I’m respected as much?”

I never thought I would be respected by the world to that extent. I found out something I didn’t know.

Then a stern voice intervened.

“no it’s not.”


“When I said it would be a good idea to have my brother join Level 9, that was the factor that received the most opposition. He’s ridiculously strong, but I don’t know if he’s a socially respected superhuman. “I’m your brother’s younger brother, but honestly, it’s true, right?”


The emotion was broken in just one second.

Either way, Yunhee continued speaking.

“Anyway, there was a lot of talk about whether the world order would be shaken if Level 9 was created because of my brother.”


“Well, while being a teenage superhuman feels like everyone accepts you, level 9 seems to only pursue strength. That’s why many people are worried that we may end up in an era where only power is pursued.”

You worry about everything.

Then my thoughts wandered elsewhere.

“Aren’t the ten superhumans the strongest of all superhumans?”

“Well, it’s probably only about 95% true?”


“That’s because we can’t accept claims made in the Third World or places outside of the world’s eyes. “I would say that being a teenage superhuman is a trophy given to superhumans from powerful countries.”

Nine of the people in their early teens are from countries called powerful countries, and the remaining one is from Albania, located on the Balkan Peninsula, where countless conflicts occur.

Since it is difficult to prove, it is a structure that has no choice but to come from developed countries.

“That’s why there’s a lot of criticism. Cases like Constantina, who was killed by her brother, happen. “If I had focused my attention right away, I could have worked for the world, not just the league.”

I roughly know what you want to say.

However, it is questionable whether Constantina, who uses the curse, would have been treated as a superhuman.

“If he was that crooked, he would have become a villain anyway.”

“I agree with that too. “Actually, I like the current system better.”


“huh. Honestly, advanced countries’ systems are trustworthy. Citizen awareness is also maturing. So I think the current balance is achieved. Just imagine that China has several in their early teens. “Are you going to wander around in neighboring countries?”

…That makes sense.

Well, if that were the case, I would have twisted his neck.

For reference, there is one teenage superhuman in China.

There is just some controversy about its authenticity.

It was known that they were keeping Central Asia and Russia in check, but I wondered if I would ever face it.

“Don’t you think that the current system needs to be improved?”

“huh. Even if it’s tilted, I think it’s better to be transparent than opaque and barbaric. Even if we are not a powerful country, it is difficult, but it does not mean that we do not have a chance to prove it.”

It was a conservative stance that was not like Yoonhee.

I remember that in the past, I was very dissatisfied with the system of powerful countries, but after joining the Holy Guild, my thoughts seem to have changed a lot.

It’s common for people to learn about a world they didn’t know about and change their values. It wasn’t a bad thing because I felt like I was forming my own thoughts regardless of what was right or wrong.

It has grown a lot. Now I just wish I could meet a good man.

It would be nice if it could block my attack at least once.

Please note that this is the minimum condition. Is there a man like that anywhere?

While I was thinking about Yun-hee’s husband, Yun-hee changed the topic to something else.

“That’s why a lot of superhumans are dissatisfied with Oppa.”

“Why me?”

Did I kill someone else without my knowledge? Have you ever had a hematoma protrude?

“Because they are just trying to give the level 9 position, which seemed infinitely high to them, to my brother. Ah, in the world, teenage superhumans and level 9 are viewed as the same thing. “You have to meet a variety of complicated conditions to become a super teenager, but trying to offer it to my brother makes me feel sick to my stomach.”

“I never said I was going to do it, but there’s a lot of talk.”

“That’s what they say.”

“If someone talks like that, tell them to say it in front of me.”

“What are you going to do?”

“You just need to change your mind.”

“…Then will you tell me? And will people change their minds because of that?”

Most people change if they don’t want to die.

Yunhee was surprised by my answer.

“That means you’re going to kill me.”

“Does that make sense?”

“uh! very!”

Well, that’s true too.

These days, the enemies I face are increasingly giving up their resistance in front of me.

It’s no fun like this.

Oh, that doesn’t mean I enjoy killing.

“Tell me what you know about Maxim Guedes.”

“You know it’s called The Lion, right?”


In Korea, he is called the Lion King.

It tastes good in your mouth or something.

In fact, it was popular on the Internet for its appearance reminiscent of a lion.

Maxim Geddes is a young superman in his early 40s, a super teenager, and the talent that America is most proud of.

“Skill is skill, but they say the Lion King’s Gift is the best in the world?”


“huh. Since there was no new level, they called themselves Ultimate.”

It was an eye-opening statement.

How good of a gift can such a thing be?

I wanted to quickly open my chest and check.



“Do you know that you’re looking very excited right now?”

“I’m just looking forward to it.”

It’s a gift called ultimate.

How amazing would it be?

There must be some sort of penalty.

I wanted to see it quickly.

* * *

“I am indebted to you.”

Berserker felt grateful to Choi Jun-ho. I still feel dizzy when I think about Korea-Japan finance.

If it weren’t for his actions of forcing me to take him away, I would have almost lost my family.

“Sometimes it’s better to act before you think.”

I impulsively left my family. And as time passed, the fear of meeting again grew. When it came to family matters, Berserker chose to avoid it rather than tackle it head on. If it weren’t for Choi Jun-ho, it was hard to imagine when he would have made up his mind.

So I was grateful. I met my beloved wife again and saw my daughter who had grown up so much.

Berserker was afraid that his family would resent him. No, I thought I wouldn’t be forgiven. However, Kim Hee-yeon forgave me so easily that it was vain. And the daughter, who had been expressing resentment, also expressed her intention to forgive conditionally.

“I’ll forgive everything if you get me Choi Jun-ho’s superhuman goods.”

The moment I said that I would gladly save her, my daughter’s resentment disappeared like melting snow. Can it be this easy?

However, the moment I heard the ‘meeting with Choi Jun-ho’ mentioned next, my mind came to me.

Although Choi Jun-ho said in a nice way that he was busy.

“Choi Jun-ho said something about Choin during the broadcast? “I’m free when I don’t have work to do.”


Why does that bastard say such useless things?

This meeting should never have happened. Berserker recalled the faces that had gone crazy one by one after meeting Choi Jun-ho. I couldn’t let my daughter, who had grown up well even without me, end up like that crazy guy.

What you are grateful for is something to be grateful for, and what you should not do is something you absolutely should not do.

“…I can never let you meet me.”

Even if I heard resentment from my daughter, I promised myself that I would not make the meeting happen.

Berserker went to the office and thanked Choi Jun-ho’s team members. The team members who heard about the situation sincerely congratulated him.

Berserker felt his heart warm at the hospitality. Although I was just a member of the military family, I felt like I completely belonged here.

Soon after, Choi Jun-ho also appeared. Although Berserker rarely felt ashamed, he was a benefactor who helped reunite his family. I suppressed the emotions blooming underneath me and expressed my gratitude to Choi Jun-ho.

I planned to repay this favor throughout my life.

“Thank you for your concern. Heeyeon also asked me to say thank you.”

“Thank you, it’s okay, but what about your sister-in-law? “There is meaning in my efforts.”

Despite those words, Berserker just laughed.

However, his expression hardened after hearing what followed next.

“What about our nephew?”

“…I grew up well.”

“The reaction is strange. Didn’t you say you were my fan? Then you could have said you wanted to meet me.”


This guy, who is usually clueless, was so accurate that it gave me goosebumps at times like this.

Choi Jun-ho, who was looking at Berserker speechless, grinned.

I got caught.

“Even though I’m busy, I can always make time for my nephew, so just make a space for me. “You’re not blocking it in the middle, are you?”


“It doesn’t matter if I block it. You can just call your sister-in-law and ask. “Oh, don’t think about changing your number.”


“Then take care of your business.”

Choi Jun-ho, who waved his hand at the drooling self, walked away. Berserker felt devastated. Even if you hide your feelings completely, it’s not enough, so you reveal your true feelings there.

Choi Jun-ho should have been avoided at all costs. Even though you know that, you can’t avoid it. Feeling gloomy, Berserker sighed and sat down.

I definitely thought that I had received a favor from Choi Jun-ho that I would have to repay throughout my life.

However, I also thought Choi Jun-ho’s eloquence, which erased those emotions at once, was amazing.

Out of frustration, I unlocked my smartphone. Then what caught my eye was the news section. Sure enough, the top was full of articles about Choi Jun-ho.

“It shouldn’t be like this…”

The blood of the malicious commenter who had been sealed boiled.

“Grace is grace and resentment is resentment.”

In fact, Berserker does not think of himself as a villain. It’s not unconditional praise, just a sharp rebuke to point out where it’s needed. It was deplorable that they did not recognize its true value and treated it as a malicious commenter.

Although the world calls it a malicious commenter.

This was when Berserker was writing comments about areas that Choi Jun-ho needed to improve.

“uh! “Berserker, was that ‘Basakan’?”


The startled Berserker turned his head. How? No matter how much you focus on something else, you can trick your senses and access them?

Berserker felt his heart grow cold as he looked at Jin Se-jeong’s small head sticking out.

‘I got caught.’

No wonder Jin Se-jeong found out about this.

Even if you don’t think of yourself as a malicious commenter, the world thinks so. It would not be surprising if such a double appearance were met with contempt.

So I was prepared to be disappointed, but what I got back was completely different from what I expected.

“and! I didn’t know that one of the names following closely behind me was Berserker. “I never thought Berserker would have such incredible talent.”

“…Chasing after you?”

“ah! Now that things have come to this, I have to reveal my identity. “This is a secret.”

Jin Se-jeong said that and confidently held out her smartphone.

“My nickname on the Internet is Soupbubble Superin Choi Junho!”

“Are you that villain?”

How can it be that Jin Se-jeong was the worst hater?

The identity of the malicious commenter, known as a wailing wall and a long-running device that cannot be persuaded, was shocking.

Jin Se-jeong curled the corners of her mouth. It was a smile that made one feel proud.

“yes! that’s right! Berserker! It’s nice to see you like this. “We exchanged very friendly comments.”

“Weren’t we rushing in to kill each other?”

“Oh, I didn’t do that. “It was mainly Berserker.”


That wasn’t wrong.

Choi Jun-ho, a soup bubble superman, was a complete malicious commenter who had a knack for turning his opponents upside down.

“More than that, Berserker!”


“Why don’t we turn the world upside down through our collaboration?”

Is that possible with malicious comments?

* * *

Berserker, who was stuck in the corner, suddenly joined forces with Jin Se-jeong and went outside, saying they had something to say between themselves.

Jin Se-jeong said with a meaningful smile that it would be the best collaboration ever, but I was anxious as I watched. I hope I don’t get into an accident.

Well, the reason I came out today wasn’t because I had business with Jin Se-jeong.

Maxim Geddes, who is known to have the world’s best gift, decided to visit.

They said they were friends, but they showed up together with James Reed.

He had an impressive appearance with a blonde lion head that resembled a lion’s mane. Just by looking at its appearance, it gives off a wild feel.

“It’s Maxim Guedes. “It is an honor to see the renowned Head Breaker like this.”

Contrary to what James Reed said, he seemed like a guy with a case for it as he first spoke in Korean as if he had memorized it and then introduced himself in English.

You seem to know what sincerity is.

“It’s Choi Jun-ho.”

We shook hands and then spoke in English.

The intention to talk about it in a grandiose way was to create a new level 9. They talked about world peace and making the world more just, but these were all areas I had no interest in.

The little man watching seemed to have noticed this and gave Maxime Guedes a glance, but he didn’t even seem to hear him.

He seems like a boy in puberty with his own opinions firmly established. When you’re buried in one thing, you can’t see the surroundings. Maxim Geddes seems to be the type of person who believes that people can step forward for a greater cause.

You are the exact opposite of me. I believe that evil is diligent and that everyone is willing to compromise, so if they become infected with it, they become evil.

There is a big difference in thinking. I don’t think this can be narrowed down.

In this case, the solution is simple.

All you have to do is beat them until they open their ears.

Maxim Geddes shouted in frustration.

“Headbreaker! I really want to get rid of the league. I think it will be possible if you lend your strength. If the league disappears, the world can grow through healthier competition and fight against monsters with one mind. “Won’t you help us with a big heart and a big will?”



“I have no thoughts.”

“…under! Actually, I didn’t think even if I told you, you wouldn’t be able to convince me. If you were going to be persuaded this much, you would have accepted my offer a long time ago. So I prepared another method.”


Maxim Geddes grins. The little man saw that and tried to stop him.


“Use of force.”

Use of force? Are you just saying this to me?

I didn’t think there was anyone rebelling against me these days, but that’s really refreshing.


Next to me, the slim man was holding his head. This is what it looked like when the troublemaker had an accident.

I said, thinking over what Maxim Geddes said.

“You want to have a fight?”

“Men naturally become close by getting into physical contact with each other. I think Junho will understand my cause.”

I think your neck will be broken first before that.

However, the method suggested by Maxim Geddes was not bad.

When opinions clash, sticking together is the best way to narrow down the differences.

“Is there a way to prove it?”

“Once you stick with it, you’ll know.”


I was just curious to see how much of this guy’s gifts were considered ultimate.

Should we take a look at the gift that is rumored to be the best?

“I look forward to seeing how strong your cause is.”

I wonder if this guy who is in his teens and pretends to be noble will not change his words until the end.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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