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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 147

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Episode 147

: I called Yongyong, who couldn’t control his facial expressions. First of all, we need to know what happened.

“Stop playing around.”

[You were the one making the joke!]

“Tell me in detail what happened so far.”

[ah! So…]

Yongyong first explained the circumstances of why he suddenly left my side.

He said that they, the ‘superior’ ones, could sense each other’s presence. I know about the Divine Beast Detector function because I heard about it last time. However, it is said that the problem was that Mt. Baekdu accepted my request and used force.

Although the tendencies of the divine beasts vary, they are said to lead a secluded life until discovered by humans.

The common belief among divine beasts is that there is no benefit in having their existence revealed to humans.

Considering that, it seems like a lot of things have been said to me, but the person concerned doesn’t know.

[Shinsu is a very special being!]

No, in my opinion, Yongyong, you are just a dragon who likes to chat.

What is special?

Anyway, according to Yongyong’s story, the reason he was called to them was because of some kind of ‘violation of the agreement’.

I heard a lot of nagging because I used too much strength.

“But what’s the big deal?”

[you! You caught a monster last time, right?]

If you say that, how would I know? Where are the monsters I caught?

Are you really asking me to bring out all my memories?

Yongyong asked pointedly, as if he had read my thoughts.

[Haven’t you ever caught one in the sea?]


I remembered returning home by boat after catching Zhang Wuyuan and Nangong Qi. I set course for Incheon and caught a monster on the way back.

[That monster was the beloved pet of a god I knew.]

“Oh, is that so?”

[Is that the end? I heard you’re in big trouble! He’s such a fierce kid!]

“How can something so big happen?”

Are you saying you have a grudge against me and are going to attack me? If you want to do that, try it. It’s good for me.

At my words, Yongyong’s eyes begin to shake violently.

[Oh, so… really?]

From what I heard, it seems that the divine beast that has a grudge against me is the marine divine beast.

It has no name because it has never appeared in front of humans yet.

One thing is for sure, he will be more picky than Yongyong.

[no it’s not? I’m stronger!]

“Why don’t you say that to that divine beast too?”

[Heng! It doesn’t matter because I’m not here.]

I’ll have to let you know about Yongyong’s confidence the next time I see him.

[But you were mean.]

“What’s so bad? “I caught him because he ran at me.”

[I heard you invaded pet territory. [He was obviously upset because he was trespassing in his territory without permission!]

It was an uproar for just passing by with a boat.

Anyone who sees it will think they have leased the sea.

[And the child ran away because he was at a disadvantage during the confrontation. Do I have to chase after it and catch it?]

I vividly remember hearing Yongyong’s words. But wasn’t it that he was lured away, not run away? Later on, he opened his mouth to devour me until the end.

So I thought it was a pretty brave monster, so I popped its head off.

[They said it meant asking for their lives.]


That’s what it was. It was a disaster that occurred because I did not know the communication structure of sea monsters.

I finally understood it, but I didn’t think much of it. No, I was more disgusted by Yongyong, who was talking about Miju and saying that it was a big problem.

“Did you agree that you liked that?”

I grabbed Yongyong’s body and squeezed it as much as I could.

[Ahh! Let go of this! No! I told him that he shouldn’t interact with you because you’re crazy!]

On the contrary, I think he made me even more angry. Maybe this Yongyong guy is the root of the problem.

I put strength into my hands with emotion.

[If you do this, you will become a real black dragon!]

Maybe it was because it had been a while since I held one, but I felt a good grip on it.

“Mr. Junho?”

[I lived!]

If Lee Se-hee hadn’t shown up, I would have massaged him until he turned into a real black dragon, but it’s a shame.

Am I really so evil that I become a black dragon?

Or is it because your hands get dirty?

This keeps happening and I want to see what happens.

* * *

Lee Se-hee faithfully moved to my request. When exports of the Big Bang series, which had been positively considered at China’s request, were halted, there was an uproar in China, even though the country was willing to do so.

And I don’t know how the Chinese ambassador came to visit me.

It was the Chinese ambassador who suffered a crack in his neck while speaking rudely.

The Chinese ambassador, who had stiffened his neck only a short while ago, looked at me and made a dying sound.

“Mr. Choi Jun-ho, please look into our situation.”

“What kind of circumstances are you talking about?”

I knew everything but pretended not to know.

“The current situation in our home country is not good.”

At the same time, the Chinese ambassador explained the difficulties China is currently facing in the northeast.

There’s no way you don’t know. Almost 90% of the stake was mine.

There is a feeling that it has become easier for them as things have become more difficult.

Anyway, I can’t believe you’re screaming like this. Aren’t they usually the type of guys who act stiffly, as if they had a cast on their neck, out of pride?

But it’s not my job. If you think about what you did before, the thought of helping will run away.

“That’s too bad. However, it will be difficult because this side also has its own circumstances.”

“Great man! “Oh, I’m sorry.”

The Chinese ambassador, who had raised his voice without realizing it, covered his neck and apologized.

I think the defense took place before my hand even went out. I thought it was really fast. Humans are animals of development. Once you get hit, look at how quickly your defense posture activates.

The Chinese ambassador said with an earnest expression.

“Please look into the situation.”

“First of all, I understand that the situation in China is difficult.”


“Let’s talk to Shinsung Group.”

“ah! thank you.”

There’s even something to be thankful for. I’m literally just talking about it once. It’s not that difficult to talk about.

That’s just it.

Since my thoughts have not changed, Shinsung Group’s thoughts will not change either.

Nevertheless, the Chinese ambassador stood up and expressed his gratitude.

I think he’s probably thinking that I’m good at keeping my promises. My credit is high. I definitely did what I said I would do.

It seems like he mostly kept his promise to kill me.

Anyway, this isn’t a promise or anything. In terms of contract, it’s like an MOU? It’s okay if you don’t follow it. You’re just torturing hope.

But shaking your opponent with words like this is more fun than you think, right?

“It seems like I might become addicted for no reason.”

[The evil human is even trying to use deception!]

Next to him, Yongyong was making groundless accusations.

* * * The reason

Berserker and his family wanted to spend their time to their fullest was because of their experience from their last life.

Basically, the villain’s family is subject to surveillance, so it is extremely difficult to avoid the public eye and contact them again.

Still, some people were able to meet despite the difficulties.

Most of them were arrested though.

For Villain, family was a big shackle. Those who wanted to arrest the villain tried to capture the villain by setting a trap using his family as bait.

When I had a hematoma, I couldn’t even dare to do that.

Because of Cheon Myeong-guk’s grand compromise, they came at us in such a large number that we couldn’t even find the right time to visit them.

If I dug deeper, I was worried that I would harm my family with my own hands, eaten by a hematoma.

“Time with family must be guaranteed.”

Meeting family you haven’t seen in a long time can’t help but be heartbreaking.

I was like that too, but it’s probably no different for Berserker. So, it is right to give it some personal time for the time being.

However, there is a gap for Berserker.

Time flies even when you spend time with your family. You also have to do personal broadcasting. So I got a pinch hitter instead of Berserker. This is Zolaman, whose Korean version has been completed.

A guy who is smart and has modified his body to the limit is an excellent punching bag that can replace Berserker.

I was thinking of sparring with him instead of Berserker.


From the results, it was a failure. Zolaman came out first and started giving a long speech about how to modify the body of an awakened person.

He is a man who has reached the level of a superhuman after undergoing a PhD program at Stanford and modifying his own body.

Two hours passed in an instant as he explained to me how he had modified his body, from his diet to his training methods and types of training and helpful customized solutions.

What kind of American can solve a story in Korean more fluently than a Korean?

What’s even more annoying is.

[You got it, you got it.]

The point is that Yongyong has nothing to say.

I was like a folding screen, standing at a distance, only verifying the facts when asked by James Reed, and showing him examples when he asked me to do so.

The filming team, including Jin Se-jeong, watched him as if they were fascinated and announced that it was time to end the broadcast.

“friends! It was a useful time, right? “If you try your best, you too can become a superhuman!”

Then, he tilted his head towards the chat window and glanced at me.

“If I work hard, can I become like Choi Jun-ho? No, No! That’s impossible. Why? We are humans. “Humans cannot become monsters!”

That skinny bastard…

was brightly turning me into a monster.

The problem is the viewers’ reaction.

I am responding very passionately to what he says.

“Then let’s aim for the best among us humans. See you next time, viewers. hi!”

It felt like I was completely robbed of the broadcast channel.

James Reed turned his head and his expression was triumphant.

I feel like I got hit. This guy knew that I was trying to use him as a punching bag instead of a Berserker.

This is why smart guys need to be destroyed before they get their heads around it.

Oh, I’m not saying I’m going to break the guy’s head.

This is what happens when dealing with this type of enemy.

“Junho, I did a good job of asking you today, didn’t I?”

“Okay, well done, well done.”

“Thank goodness, I was worried it might be bad.”

“Are you saying that after turning a person into a monster?”

“Junho is a fucking monster!”

Is this something that is being made fun of?

Well, when I deal with him from now on, I won’t give him time to think.


“Do you have something to say?”

Everything else was just a side note and this seemed to be the main point.

“I heard Maxim is coming soon. “Junho knows too, right?”

“Do you know each other?”

“Because we are fellow American superhumans.”

Right. Because the United States is such a large country, I knew that what state one was from was more important than nationality. Still, I guess we all know each other because we share the same nationality.

Zolaman revealed that he and Maxim were quite close friends.

You received a lot of help even before you became a superhuman. Now that I think about it, Zolaman became an awakened person at a late age and became a superman, which I thought was amazing.

I worked hard at a late age and ended up with a hematoma.

“Even though Maxim is audacious, he is by no means a bad guy. Even if it seems rude, I have pure passion…”

“What do you want to say?”

“Just don’t kill me.”


Anyone who sees me will think that I go around killing everyone.

Maxim Guedes? Of course I won’t kill you.

Since they were attacking me without any hesitation, I was planning on hitting them a few times and sending them away.

How should I answer this?

When I was about to say that I would save him, I didn’t know what kind of guy Maxim Geddes was.

First of all, we need to leave room. If anything happens, you have to use your hands.

“Look at what he’s doing.”

“really? “You’re not going to kill me recklessly, right?”


“okay. “I will also talk to Maxim.”

I was curious about the level of Maxim Geddesra, an active teenage superhuman.

Franz was also in his early teens, but he was a former generation. Of course, looking at the old man’s strong energy, it seems that he is still no less than a teenager.

Still, active duty is active duty.

“Oh! “Personal broadcasting was fun!”


“Please call me often from now on. “I also really like communication.”

I won’t call you again next time. You are blacklisted.

Whether he knew it or not, he was smiling triumphantly.

* * *

‘First of all, I succeeded in getting Junho’s answer…’

James Reed was anxious. My worries began after hearing the news that Maxim Guedes was coming to Korea, and as the time approached, my anxiety grew uncontrollably.

Maxim Geddes is a genius among geniuses. Known as an unparalleled genius, there is no other genius like him among teenagers, and he is a superman who was perfected through intense practical training.

He exclaims, ‘Practical combat is the best experience,’ and treats his scars like medals. He is a born fighter.

He has the perfect personality to fight with Choi Jun-ho.

No, I wonder if he has the personality to not get into a fight with Choi Jun-ho in the first place.

That aside.

‘Since both won’t back down, one of them has to break…’

James Reed thought that if one side was broken, Maxim Guedes’ neck would be broken.

That would not be possible.

Maxim Geddes is reckless and stubborn, but has a hot and endless personality.

I did not want him to die because I respected his fiery sense of justice and passion.

Above all, there was no other friend as good as him.

“Someone has to change, but it must be difficult, right?”

It would be better if they died, because they are not people who will change.

James Reed knew well how high the expectations were for grown adults to change.

It is best to somehow coordinate things in the middle.

The day Maxim Geddes entered Korea, he went straight to James Reed.



The two muscular men showed their joy with various handshakes, starting with fist bumps.

It also got straight to the point for a moment.

“Is the target still Choi Jun-ho?”

“that’s right.”

“…I don’t want to recommend it.”

“Everyone said so. “If we crash, I’ll be broken.”

I said it with a glimmer of hope, but it was still the same.

Maxim Guedes smiled, showing his teeth at James Reed’s worried expression.

“But you can’t just overlook such a powerful person. I want him to be level 9. And I want to use that power to destroy the League.”

“Choi Jun-ho thinks differently.”

“know. But men build friendships by bumping into each other. “Like us.”


Is Choi Jun-ho really able to do that?

James Reed thought it was absolutely impossible.

‘We’ll have to do our best…’

There was already a case called Berserker. Even if Maxim Geddes is as good as he can be, Berserker will be his limit.

If Berserker is number 1, then you would be number 2.

And Maxim Geddes…

“…is it Unit 3?”


“No, it’s nothing.”

This is also something you have to experience to know. The problem is that the future is clearly visible.

“Choi Jun-ho is not human. Rather, he should be thought of as a monster.”

“I also specialize in monsters.”

“That’s not the story.”

Choi Jun-ho was a monster optimized for killing things.

“Hearing that makes me even more excited?”

“I can’t help it.”

James Reed laughed bitterly and thought that his friend had no choice but to fall into Unit 3.

Still, it’s better than dying.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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