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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 146

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Episode 146:

It was decided to end the Korea-Japan Financial disappearance incident with the actions of the expunger, but it was not enough to end it with just this.

The guys who controlled this from behind were breathing fine.

It’s China.

“I don’t like it.”

“I don’t think they were targeting me.”

“I guess it’s a combination of both. “It would have been nice to have Sangwoo Precision in my hands and be able to shake you up.”

Berserker’s past is already famous. His involvement with Sangwoo Precision is a fact that can be known not only in Korea but also abroad.

A superman is a being with such value. I don’t really care, but most countries around the world do not have superhumans, and in some countries, superhumans have power that surpasses the head of state.

Berserker is a villain, but his criminal charges are not clear. A lot of attention is focused on appeasing him to the extent that he can return to society.

Because the league, the United States, and Japan have also made moves to take Berserker.

Anyway, this guy is in my hands. I never give anything that comes to me to someone else.

If you ignore me and ignore me, then you will have to deal with me.

“But if I don’t like it, I don’t like it.”

“I didn’t know you thought of me that way.”

This guy is talking nonsense? I’m just using it to pamper you, so why do I have to see that look on my face?

“I just don’t like it.”

“I guess so.”

“are you kidding?”

“I don’t joke around. “I just told you that you wanted me.”

At the same time, he smiled sinisterly, which made me feel bad for no reason.

Then I’ll have to take out the weapon I’ve been hiding.

“If you keep saying that, are you going to see my nephew?”


Berserker’s expression, which had been laughing heartily, hardened. I had really dug into my weaknesses.

The niece I mentioned here is Berserker’s daughter.

From what I heard from Kim Hee-yeon, she’s my fan, right?

I wondered if there was something to the fact that my nephew was purchasing my goods that I didn’t know about, but I was able to recall what Jin Se-jeong had said.

If you buy something called goods, you’re usually not a fan, right?

When I saw the serious expression on Berserker’s face, I immediately realized that it was a weakness.

Eventually, he avoided my gaze and corrected the conversation.

“I don’t think it would be a bad idea to show China a stinging taste.”

It was already too late to change the topic.

“You say you’re my fan, so you’ll be happy if you see me in person, right? “It would be nice to use this opportunity to provide fan service.”


So why are you being picky? No matter how hard I try, in the end, you are just my food.

Should I bother you some more?

Well, you still have to be careful about messing with your family.

I admired his distorted expression and said as if I were being kind.

“It’s a joke. “We need to spend time together as a family, but I’m not interfering with that.”

“Thank you for your words.”

“If you know, do well. Say hello to my nephew. Have a good time.”

I left the guy nodding eagerly and went back home.

Did I change the fate of not only one person but also a family with this?

I hope the results are good too.

* * *

Watching the news on TV, it was predicted that the North Korean advance would achieve its desired results and gradually enter a lull.

Internally, people are saying that this northward expansion is a great success.

No, even from the outside, it was a huge success.

All of North Korea’s three major plains (Jaeryeong Yeonbaek and Pyongyang), which were initially targeted, were brought under its territory and stabilized.

Attacks by monsters often occur, but compared to the initial pioneering state, an incomparably large number of monsters have been eradicated.

Overseas, this was evaluated as a true demonstration of Korea’s military power.

In fact, it is said that the power ranking did not increase because of me, but rather the power of the country itself increased. When I thought about it, compared to my last life, there were more than a thousand villains who disappeared because of me and I preserved more than hundreds of awakened power, so there was bound to be a difference.

In addition, China’s intervention, which was a concern, was blocked in advance. To be precise, punishment is better than blocking.

Of course, I made it so that China could not intervene. Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

“Is Yunhee okay?”

“There is no word of any injuries from the Sacred Guild, so it will be okay.”

I think my parents are worried that Yunhee is in North Korea. Even though it was stabilized, it was understandable because there were reports of monster attacks all the time.

Even though I reassure her, she is still worried about her daughter. I actually think it’s good because if you work hard there, your skills will improve. Because everyone has different opinions.

Still, he continued to worry, so he came up with another method.

“I’ll take a look.”

“Will you do so?”


I contacted Lee Se-hee and asked about Yoon-hee’s condition. When she said that she was doing well, I made a request, not a request, to send her hunting one more time, and reported to her parents that she was doing well.

I guess this is a white lie.

After reassuring my parents, I headed straight to the Blue House at the president’s call.


The president greeted me with a gaunt face.

I have nothing to say because of what I did.

The aftermath of the Geo Group incident was that strong.

“The Geo Group incident did not discriminate between the ruling and opposition parties. “I plan to pursue a full-fledged special investigation to resolve this.”

It was a gate with over 20 trillion entangled gates. It would be right for those responsible to take responsibility.

No matter how many people are caught, there is someone to replace them.

If you’re dissatisfied with that, plan the perfect crime.

I was not dissatisfied with the President’s actions.

“I will follow the president’s wishes.”

“Yes, thank you. “We will actively help Berserker, or Lee Gwang-jin, to regain his honor.”

“thank you.”

With this, Berserker was certified by the Blue House and was no longer a villain.

But isn’t it awkward to say it’s Lee Gwang-jin, not Berserker? Let’s just make this name Berserker.

It’s not wrong to call a crazy person a crazy person.

That’s why I can’t forgive Yongyong for calling me a crazy person.

This guy has been gone for quite a long time, so it’s not like he was thrown out somewhere. I’ll have to wait a little longer and then go to Mt. Baekdu.

I am willing to forgive you if you let me touch it once.

“Well, it’s a bit old.”

The President revealed that Maxim Guedes, one of the pre-teens and the one who was trying to get me to Level 9, has been continuously asking to meet with me.

“I don’t care.”

“Then I will tell you that you can come.”

“There will be quite a bit of commotion when he comes, but will you be okay?”

“I’ve already given up.”


I felt a little sorry as I looked at the president smiling.

By the way, Maxim Geddesra.

It seems like they’re giving it meaning by saying I’m a pre-teen or something, but it doesn’t matter to me.

Just give him a few hits and kick him out.

“I’m done talking about this. Is there anything else you want to say?”

“yes. “There is one thing I would like to ask the President for his opinion.”


I talked about Korea-Japan Finance, which was intertwined with the Berserker family. When told that this place was intertwined with China, the president nodded with a serious expression.

“Actually, I didn’t tell Choin Choi Jun-ho, but I knew about Sangwoo Precision in advance. And in order to prevent Lee Gwang-jin’s awakening from running away, we were providing convenience in things like loan screening.”

“I see.”

“Actually, my wife Kim Hee-yeon’s abilities were not that bad, so she was able to avoid being involved in a dispute over preferential treatment. We were able to manage Berserker risk efficiently. “Even if it was intertwined with Chinese funds, the government would have stepped in.”


I didn’t know I could manage it to this extent.

Anxiety appeared on the president’s face.

“Did you have an accident again?”

“I erased Korea-Japan Finance.”


If I had known it was being managed properly, I would have killed only Lee Geum-seok.

“Don’t worry. “It was made up to be the work of the Eradicator.”


Isn’t this it?

Even when I told them that it was no big deal since they were going to kill them anyway, the President’s expression did not soften.

Why is there a look of resignation on your face?

I just felt that the President had lost something completely on his mind.

I thought it would be a big problem if I asked, so I changed the subject.

“So I want to put the Chinese side at a disadvantage.”

“To China?”

Why are you doing this?

“I guess you don’t know much, so I’ll tell you. It’s very common for countries to carry out maneuvers like this. This level of approach is within legal boundaries, and we are preparing for it. In fact, no matter what China did, we would have stopped it.”


“Right now, we are carrying out operations to this extent in other countries as well. But it’s a bit weird to be at a disadvantage.”

“Is that so?”

“Think about what Choi Jun-ho has done for China so far.”

What did I do?

Without even having to recall his memory, the President began to speak.

Starting with the killing of Zhang Zedong, annihilating the awakened people who opposed him in the exchange war, exterminating the villains Taipingmun and Zhang Wuyuan, assassinating Nangong Qi and Wang Min, and even assassinating the Standing Committee members to destroy the Chinese hideout.

I just killed the people who did everything.

Are my thoughts revealed on my face? The President smiled empty-handedly.

“…Thanks to Choi Jun-ho’s superhuman performance, at least 1/3 of China’s strength has been lost. Are you saying this is not enough?”

“It’s more than I thought. But there’s one more thing.”

“There’s more?”

I didn’t cause an accident.

With laser eyes filled with urging, I confessed one more thing I had done when I went to North Korea.

“I chased away several plus monsters that were collaborating with Ryu Gwang-cheol to the upper Yalu River to prevent the Chinese side from thinking otherwise. Nevertheless, I prepared a hideout near Baekdu Mountain.”

“…I guess that’s why China couldn’t protest further.”

Laughing as if you were empty. When I saw it listed like that, I thought it was quite a sanction.

But the Korea-Japan finance matter is separate, right?

“In the first place, once you hit it, you have to trample it so that it doesn’t even dare to fight back. “That way, they will no longer be able to look down on us or use other tricks.”

That’s why I rate Berserker highly. Even if you trample on it again and again, it gets up again. Even if you trample, it is better to trample on an enemy who is still rebellious.

Oh, of course, in normal cases, the neck is twisted before that.

Acceptance of rebellion varies from person to person.

The President smiled sadly.

“Please refrain from anything too explicit.”

“yes. “I will find my own way.”

I need to find out what sanctions I can put in place.

* * *

As the North Korean campaign entered a lull and the government allowed small and medium-sized guilds to enter the North Korean region, large guilds that had been focusing on hunting began to return to Seoul one by one.

Yunhee, who returned home immediately after disbanding, became one with the sofa and was busy watching the drama.

I know he’s working hard, but what he looks like is that of an unemployed person, so I spoiled the ending of the drama and got kicked out, so I went to see Lee Se-hee for the first time in a while.

“Mr. Junho! long time no see!”

Lee Se-hee was also Lee Se-hee.

As always, he was greeted with his usual splendid appearance. When I compared it with Yunhee, who was dressed as an unemployed person in the neighborhood, the difference became even more noticeable.

However, there was something different about Lee Se-hee’s appearance from usual. I found a long scar on the back of her hand.

“What happened to that wound?”

“Oh this? “It’s a medal I earned during this hunt.”

Lee Se-hee, who smiled bitterly at my gaze, explained how she got hurt.

To put it simply, I was careless. At the end of the hunt, he lost his mind and allowed the monster to attack him, causing a wound so deep that his bones were exposed.

The wound was so bad that it was difficult to use my hands properly, but with the development of healing agents, it was possible to erase the scar without leaving a trace.

However, Sehee Lee refused to completely erase the scar.

“You have to watch it and think about it over and over again. “The price of being careless is bitter.”


“Isn’t it ugly?”



“Because every awakened person has a medal of inattention. “I have one too.”

I believe that the trace remains is a hematoma. So, I am on guard, thinking that I could go crazy at any time.

Lee Se-hee’s expression brightened at my words.

“There were quite a few achievements this time. “It makes me think that if I organize my enlightenment and make it my own, I might be able to look at a higher level!”

“I’ll help you too, so let’s do our best.”

“Yes, I like it. “Already, when dealing with monsters, I didn’t feel like Junho was leading the way.”

Even though his life was threatened, he didn’t mind.

It’s one of two things.

Either Lee Se-hee had reached a level where she could get away with that level without any trouble, or she had become numb due to stronger stimulation.

It could be both.

Anyway, this isn’t normal either.

“And I also have something I need help with.”

“Just say the word.”

I talked about what happened with Berserker and asked if there would be any disadvantage to the Chinese side.

Lee Se-hee’s eyes lit up at my story. Come to think of it, Japan was very picky about Lee Se-hee as a negotiation partner.

“It’s simple. “I will treat the export of the Big Bang series as if it never happened.”

“Would that be a big disadvantage?”

“yes. “The Chinese side was in an uproar due to the monster that crossed the Yalu River this time.”

Ah, these are the guys I cornered.

I’m doing my job faithfully.

“With the overland connection, we received a request to export the Big Bang series from China. Although China has a large number of awakened people, it needs improvement in quality, so they desperately want the Big Bang series.”

“Why don’t we buy a license and make it in our own country?”

“The quality is made in China.”


It’s a magic word that makes you understand everything with just one simple Chinese word.

“Since our demand has also increased, we can just pretend that there were no exports.”

“Isn’t that damaging to divinity?”

“I can’t sell the Big Bang series because I still don’t have it. “We were trying to invest to develop the Chinese market, but if we modified the project, we should be penalized.”

“I’m indebted to you.”

“What. We have been so blessed by Junho that we cannot repay him. “If you really appreciate it, please look after me when I practice soon.”

That’s basically what you can do.

I was wondering if there was anything else I could do for Lee Se-hee, and held out the warm card I had just received.

“Do you want to spar with Berserker? Dahyun also sparred with Berserker and her skills improved a lot.”


“I’m helping Berserker, but I guess I can’t do that much.”

“Well, I still want to do it with Junho.”


I don’t feel bad about defeating Berserker this time too.

After a long time, I decided to have dinner with Lee Se-hee.

It was around this time that I went outside for a moment when they said I needed to get ready.

[I’m here.]

Yongyong, who had jumped to Baekdu Mountain, suddenly appeared. It disappears arbitrarily and reappears arbitrarily.

“Are you done with your business?”

[huh. But are you close to that human woman?]

“Huh, why?”

[Don’t get too close.]

“Is there a problem?”

When I asked out of curiosity, the answer I got was shocking.

[Just looking at him, he’s a normal human being, but he’s only slightly out of date when he hangs out with you. I mean, it’s happening in sympathy with you.]

As soon as this guy came back, he started a fight. Isn’t it because he wants to stick next to me to start a fight?

Either way, Yongyong, who was wiggling his small body, showed a scary expression.

[Oh, and you’re in big trouble!]

“What is it?”

[One of the gods is threatening to fix your messy hair.]

But why does Yongyong look happy when he says that?

It’s similar.

I was trying to correct Yongyong’s behavior.

“So what?”

[Huh? That’s not it…]

Yongyong was taken aback by my reaction.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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