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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 144

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Episode 144


Ki Young-min frowned as he looked at the barricade spread out in front of him. They were blatantly mobilizing their personnel to block the road and get in the way.

I could see right away what their thoughts were. I could feel the determination to never bring the four investigative bureaus into the group, even if it went against public authority.

Reporters are busy capturing this scene on camera. The intention was to create a confrontational structure between Geo Group and the four investigative agencies.

“Well, it was a mistake to think that Geo Group would suffer this easily.”

The Fine Group collapsed helplessly because they attacked in a surprise attack, but the Geo Group was an opponent with a different intelligence and weight class.

Right away, honorary chairman Lee Jun-gu was a person who could smell the scent of power. That’s probably why you made the bold decision to become in-laws with Kim Young-hwan.

While the Fine Group preyed on the awakened, the Geo Group in front of us now is a huge conglomerate ranked in the top 20 in the business world, and was entangled in a marriage through the marriage of the chairman’s second son and Kim Young-hwan’s eldest daughter, and Kim Young-hwan took over the interest.

Starting with core processing, Geo Group is responsible for manufacturing awakened equipment parts and arranging small guild tasks.

They continued to rapidly expand their business by intentionally pushing Kim Young-hwan when he was a superman. This was the reason why Geo Group, which was barely in the top 50 in the business world before Kim Young-hwan appeared, was ranked in the top 20.

Thanks to Kim Young-hwan’s influence, the company has secured several promising businesses, and is expected to move up the rankings several notches in the next few years.

In the process, countless suspicions were raised, but they all ended while Kim Young-hwan was alive. The power of being the only superhuman belonging to the government was a sanctuary that investigative power could not invade.

After that, I couldn’t understand it properly because it was so old, but with the help of Choi Jun-ho, I searched the Hwain Group and found a link.

“Just getting this far is almost a miracle.”

He didn’t know that he would uncover Kim Young-hwan’s corruption and point his sword at Geo Group.

The sense of having robbed countless tax evasion companies told me that this was the headquarters. If you track the money spent by the top 20 business leaders, you will get results beyond your imagination.


At that time, a familiar face appeared in front of Ki Young-min. Just five years ago, he was a senior who was leading him in the same department.


“A long time.”

“Were you in Geo Group?”

“To be precise, I was commissioned to take on this job.”

“You’re not like a senior.”

“Society makes you do things you don’t want to do.”

The senior smiled bitterly. Ki Young-min felt the passage of time as his senior, who had always been strict about tax evasion, changed.

People who have something to protect have no choice but to become one of two people.

Either become stronger or weaker.

The senior, who was like a well-honed sword, chose to compromise with reality as time passed.

“What brings you here?”

“Youngmin! This has already happened in the past without any problems. Do we really need to make a big deal out of it?”

“I’m just trying to fix something that’s wrong.”

“Aren’t you just revisiting things that ended well?”

“You were the one who told me to catch the thieves. Geo Group is also just a thief.”

“It did. But you know that. The line between law and illegality is vague. If you point out everything one by one, no one around you will be left behind. “You have to think about your juniors too.”

A subtle threat hidden in words. I became bitter about the change in my senior who had stood out so sharply. I was worried that I might end up like that later.


It will never happen like that.

Ki Young-min, remembering his promise once again, shook his head resolutely.

“The reason we are trying to catch Geo Group now is because they committed a clear illegal act. “You don’t have to worry about it, senior.”

“Oh, I said I would persuade you. This is going to break a lot. If I have to say one thing, Youngminah and Geo Group are also sincere. It won’t be easy to break through that. “Can’t you think again?”

“Behind me, Choi Jun-ho is a superman. Do you think it is possible?”

“…That’s why I’m saying let’s resolve it amicably. “Calm down.”

“Rather, a faster way to resolve the situation would be for you to persuade Honorary Chairman Lee Jun-gu.”

“That won’t happen.”

After saying those words, the senior went back.

We confirmed Geo Group’s will not to step down.

I thought that if things continued like this, it would be a pain in the ass.

“for a moment.”

However, I remembered the reaction my senior had when he mentioned Choi Jun-ho.

Are you ready to go until the end but are wary of Choi Jun-ho?

That meant only one thing.

They are truly afraid of Choi Jun-ho’s intervention.

“It was my senior who taught me that if I found a weakness, I should attack it brutally.”

Ki Young-min immediately contacted Choi Jun-ho.

It didn’t take long for Geo Group to confirm its determination not to stand still.

After a while, several buses appeared and people poured out.

They were protesters.

When they saw the 4th Bureau of Investigation and the Awakened Unit, their eyes lit up and they started running.

“Are they those guys?”

“That’s right, these guys are trying to destroy an intact group.”

“Just by looking at it, it looks like it’s eating up the country.”

“Dogs of the regime!”

At first glance, it was clear that they were abusive protesters. Ki Young-min clicked his tongue when he realized what kind of picture the other person was trying to create.

“It’s going to be a hassle.”

Investigating the Geo Group becomes very complicated when you look at the picture of government oppression.

If we pushed ahead like this, it would be quite a burden.

I took a quick look at my smartphone and saw that there was already a fuss going on.

The National Tax Service is a place that collects taxes, not a place that destroys businesses by force. This is something the National Tax Service is most wary of, and the government is also recommending restraint.

There were charges against Geo Group, but that was why I thought the situation was not going to be easy.


Starting with my superiors at the National Tax Service and everyone with whom I had a personal relationship, I recommended that we take a step back and reorganize our battle lines.

Except for one person.

Junho Choi – I’ll be arriving soon, so please wait for me.

“…I hoped you wouldn’t intervene as much as possible, but since I called you, I guess there’s nothing you can do.”

Ki Young-min, who put his smartphone in his pocket, pretended not to see the protesters and looked away.

Meanwhile, the protesters who had taken their seats began shouting slogans they had prepared in advance.

“Those who interfere with corporate profit-making activities, step down!”

“Get back!”

“The four investigative agencies that are hindering the country’s competitiveness must step down!”

“Get back!”

“Stop systematic targeting of political opponents!”


The 4th Bureau of Investigation and the Awakened Unit were caught in the middle and found themselves in an awkward situation. It didn’t seem easy to break through by force, and the protesters had their eyes wide open, trying to overturn the frame.


People from the four countries investigated just listened to the protesters’ verbal abuse in silence.

Some people looked at Ki Young-min, hoping for a decision, but he pretended not to see and looked away.

About 30 minutes later, a mid-size vehicle entered the scene. The person who got out of the car that stopped next to Ki Young-min was Choi Jun-ho.

When he appeared, I could feel the Geo Group buzzing.

As expected, they were most wary of Choi Jun-ho’s appearance.

“I’m glad it’s not over yet.”

“Thank you for coming.”

“That’s what an awkward situation is.”

Geo Group’s awakeners flinched when they received Choi Jun-ho’s gaze.

The difference in attitude compared to when I was with him was clear.

“I will handle this next step.”

“…please do me a favor.”

Ki Young-min’s confident smile was trustworthy, but at the same time, he was uneasy.

* * *

The area in front of the Geo Group headquarters, which had been silent for a moment after I appeared, was filled with excitement again as if it had never been that way.

In particular, the protesters shouted slogans at the top of their voices.

“Get back! “Go away!”

“Stop! “Stop it!”

What a mess.

This was my impression when I saw the scene unfolding in front of Geo Group headquarters. I could see that they had decided to take action recklessly, whether by setting up barricades and mobilizing protesters to prevent entry.

I looked at Ki Young-min and asked.

“How much is involved with the Geo Group?”

“I think it will be at least 10 trillion won.”

It was an enormous unit. It makes me think that there are many people who are insensitive to money.

“This is the torso.”

“That’s how I see it.”

“My job is to make sure the investigation runs smoothly.”


Well then, I guess I’ll just have to get this out of the way so I can investigate. First, I need to get rid of the cumbersome things.

Meanwhile, reporters were pointing their cameras at me and Ki Young-min.

Well, to put it in a more formal way, are you going to become a superman who oppresses corporations?

They usually say that when such an image is added, it becomes difficult because the range of movement decreases.

But what people misunderstand is that I was managing my image not to expand my range of maneuver, but to do the bare minimum to avoid being treated as a villain.

Since I’ve been taking good care of myself, I guess I should binge eat at least once.

First, we need to address the noisy protesters.

“Did someone mobilize those protesters as well?”

“It’s just speculation, but we believe it’s on the Geo Group side.”

“I guess it’s to make the image of me and the four bureaus look bad.”

“To be precise, it is limited to the four countries investigated. Choi Jun-ho looked extremely afraid.”

“Oh yeah?”

If you’re afraid, why don’t you do something in the first place?

Anyway, those protesters are enemies who are interfering with my work. There is no reason to hesitate.

I started walking towards the protesters.

“Get back! “Go away!”

“Stop! Stop! …omg!”

As I approached the protesters, I pulled out my Nuri and swung it. It was not a swordstorm, but a swordstorm using the Force.

The protesters caught in the storm fell like rotten straw. In the process, he suffered bruises and abrasions on his limbs.

“oh my! “My legs!”

“A super superhuman swings a sword at an innocent citizen!”

“We should have our superhuman status revoked!”

That decision is not yours to make.

He falls down and starts crying. The reporters were pressing the camera shutters as if they had caught a case, but I didn’t care. If you took action on the side of those who were making money from the country, you ended up on the same side.

Since he was an innocent civilian, I gave him one chance, but there will be no more.

I spoke to the protesters.

“I am clearly an enemy. “Now you are against me.”


“I think you know how I treat my enemies. If you continue to side with those who have cost the country tens of trillions of dollars, I will make that belief precious. By protesting, you are putting your beliefs into practice using what I do best: cutting with a knife. Still, if you can, give it a try.”


“Ah, making it precious here means death.”

I added some words because I was afraid they might not understand.

As if my worries were unfounded, the protesters’ faces turned white and they became anxious to avoid eye contact with me.

Is there no one who can prove his or her beliefs by dying?

“What! “I didn’t say it was like this!”

“That guy is a human butcher. “We’re really going to die!”

“I don’t do it! “I didn’t come here to throw away my life for a small amount of money!”

“Now wait a minute!”

The people in charge raised their voices, but the protesters were dispersed faster.

It seemed like he had no intention of making his beliefs precious.


The protest managers who made eye contact with me later also got scared and left the place. Still, I caught the last train. You have to have that level of tact to protect your life.

I returned to where Ki Young-min was.

“The protests are over and we’ll settle things over there.”

“Oh yeah.”

“But isn’t interfering with the investigation like that interfering with the execution of official duties?”

“That’s right.”

“All right.”

In the end, you are supporting crime by colluding with criminals. Is villainy a separate thing? If powerful people commit crimes, they are villains.

I cast Bladestorm towards the barricade.

It was a sword storm, not a sword blast, aimed at protesters who were non-awakened.

From the moment I tried to swing Nuri, the awakened people guarding the barricade got scared and retreated.


The barricade collapsed with a huge explosion. The awakened people who could not escape the aftermath were swept up in the aftermath of the bladestorm and torn apart.



The sight of blood and chunks of flesh pouring down on the floor created an eerie silence.

This is the end of those who interfere with the execution of official duties.

I took Nuri and walked closer. The awakened people who had been watching in a daze were shocked and took a step back.

However, like the protesters, they do not leave their seats.

Should I kill them all?

As I was thinking about casting Bladestorm again, the front door of Geo Group’s headquarters opened, and an old man whose age was difficult to guess appeared with his attendants.

“stop! “Everyone step back!”


The awakened people guarding the barricades moved out of the way.

The old man came straight to me.

“This is Geo Group honorary chairman Lee Jun-gu. “We are in-laws with Kim Young-hwan, a superman.”

I nodded at Ki Young-min’s words.

That old man was the mastermind behind this.

“My name is Lee Jun-gu, Choi Jun-ho, superhuman.”

“This is Junho Choi.”

“I didn’t know you would come in person like this.”


What do you mean?

I highly value the ability of the honorary chairman who led the conglomerate to this point.

So I have no intention of mixing things up.

If you talk, you’ll get interrupted.

“Just a brief matter.”

“…I will be investigated. So, I hope you save the others.”

“Of course.”

Because it’s not a hematoma that kills everything in sight when you pull out a knife.

After taking care of Nuri, I looked at Ki Young-min and said.

“Suppress them all. “If you resist, you can kill me.”

That’s the end of the resistance.

The awakened members of the Geo Group lost the will to resist and were obediently arrested.

And the 4th investigation bureau, led by Ki Young-min, began to thoroughly look into a huge corruption group called Geo Group.

* * *

– Geo Group made over 20 trillion won worth of unfair profits during the period of marriage with the superhuman Kim Young-hwan….

The skills of the four investigation bureaus were unrivaled. Ki Young-min brought important data, and I used my intuition to distinguish it and quickly identified the route through which the illegal funds had flowed.

I twisted, twisted, and cut it in a complicated way, but thanks to the combination of my intuition and Ki Young-min’s ability, I was able to reach the body in an instant.

It is said that a nuclear bomb has been dropped on the political world as the chairman of Geo Group was arrested and various funds flowing from here were revealed.

It can be developed into a gate or something.

As a result, there is talk of a special investigation in the political world.

Well, I did everything I had to do, so I fell in peace.

“I like public power.”

If there is one thing I learned from this incident, it is that public power is a great cause.

And when you get to know a competent person, things get done very quickly.

If I had tried to solve it on my own, it would have taken more time and effort to start with the Fine Group and reach the Geo Group.

No, maybe it could have been faster if I had used a more cool-headed approach?

However, since I would not have been able to uncover corruption in every nook and cranny like Ki Young-min, I thought this kind of collaboration was not a bad idea.

“Your image has improved? Congratulations.”

“Thanks to.”

As Kim Young-hwan and Geo Group’s corruption was revealed, Berserker’s reputation was restored.

The circumstances surrounding his attempt to turn Berserker into a villain were revealed.

In my opinion, he would have been a villain even if he wasn’t Kim Young-hwan.

Just by looking at him, you can see that he is crazy. It’s good that Berserker’s image has been restored, but I felt like people weren’t as perceptive as I thought.

But when the opportunity comes, you have to press it.

In my personal broadcast, I said I was aware of the concerns about Berserker and mentioned my future plans.

“Berserker plans to act as a member of my team, not as a superhuman belonging to the country. “We will do our best to repay you by eliminating more villains and hunting monsters.”

The reaction wasn’t bad.

Even if he didn’t become a villain, he was a current villain and there must have been a lot of concerns about whether or not he would be able to control it even if he was reinstated.

Come to think of it.

“If we had dug into Kim Young-hwan in the first place, maybe we would have been able to get reinstated like this?”

Although Dalian had a great influence, Kim Young-hwan’s mothership played a decisive role.

Berserker made a bewildered expression after hearing what I said.

“Then why did I spar?”

“I know.”


Hmm, was my answer a bit insincere?

Still, I’ve improved my skills while sparring, so isn’t that a good thing for Berserker?

People of my caliber don’t spar with just anyone.

I keep feeling like my sparring is becoming a joke, but I guess I’ll have to fix this soon.

But I think his expression is a bit solemn.

“We are a team, so we shouldn’t hold ourselves back.”


“That’s my story.”

I dismissed him last time by saying I wasn’t interested, but he’s trying again.

Because everyone has secrets, I didn’t try to find out.

“So I was living happily with a woman who loved me.”

No, it’s okay.

But Berserker didn’t pay attention to my reaction and started talking.

It’s really okay.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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