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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 141

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Episode 141

Although he was chosen as a scapegoat in the midst of true madness, Berserker was not greatly disappointed.

No, rather, it is the desired trend. As always, the sparring with Choi Jun-ho serves as a glimpse into the ‘star moment’ that Berserker pursues.

The trap was that I couldn’t actually catch it.

But at this point, Berserker realized.

The ‘star moment’ is an illusion created by one’s impulse to let go of everything in reality.

The social status that bound oneself. Responsibilities as the head of the household. Expectations around you.

The thrilling sense of openness I felt when I threw it away was similar to when I experienced the ‘star moment’.

It’s a lie if you say you don’t worry about your family. But will they be happy now that they have found their families? They abandoned him, and he abandoned them. At that point, it was unreasonable to try to connect any further.

‘I guess that’s not important.’

Now the time has come to deal with Choi Jun-ho.

After meeting him for the first time, Berserker saw him as someone he could overcome at some point.

It has now turned into an ‘unavoidable disaster.’

Choi Jun-ho has become stronger than when they first met.

In particular, as mines became able to be released freely, the restrictions on distance disappeared, allowing them to possess inaction that could not be considered human.

Is this what a walking monster is like?

An instinct sharper than that of a physical beast in its prime, a murderous intent to mercilessly destroy the enemy.

I already had goosebumps all over my body.

“Kkkkkk! “Good.”

I don’t like the idea of being reduced to a spectacle just to wash the past, but I guess I’ll have to accept this.

“Then see you tomorrow.”


When Choi Jun-ho went back first, Berserker approached Jin Se-jeong.

“Team Leader Jin.”

“yes! “Berserker!”

“The meaning of broadcast content is that I suffer miserably and hope that people who watch it feel pity, right?”

“…That may be very blunt, but yes. “In order to shake off Mr. Berserker’s past and gain support, the most effective way is to induce sympathy.”

Jin Se-jeong asked with a worried expression.

“If you don’t feel like it, can we pursue something else?”

“No, the fact that an expert recommended it means that this method is the most effective. What I want to say is a fight with Choi Jun-ho. “I would like to film myself suffering.”


“I will hit it with all my might.”

Still, the probability of getting hit is high. However, what Berserker wanted to say was not that he would engage in a confrontation to show that he was being defeated.

Even if the odds of winning are low, I plan to rush in with the determination to win and the determination to kill.

“Good. That look will actually appeal to people more. “I’m also looking forward to Berserker’s performance.”

“Don’t have any expectations.”


Jin Se-jeong didn’t know that.

This is why the classification of superhumans should be further refined.

In that sense, it didn’t seem bad for Choi Jun-ho to become level 9.

There is no one who suits the newly created level 9 better than Choi Jun-ho.

“That’s what it means to hit Junho Choi.”

Berserker said with a solemn expression.

* * *

The battle between me and Berserker had been heating up for a few days, heightening anticipation.

It started with Go Ye-jin.

When she, who is known to have the fastest information on Choi Jun-ho’s team, said that she would use superhuman battles as content with a provocative title, an explosive response arose.

There was a lot of debate on the Internet about who that superhuman might be.

In fact, there were quite a few stories that said it might be a misinformation, but the main story was that since other superhumans except me belong to large guilds, there was no reason to create a bad image by dealing with me.

However, it was Go Ye-jin’s article and not anyone else’s.

There were many complaints about the excellent aggressive title, but people did not pay attention to her because she was said to be No. 1 in trustworthiness only for Choi Jun-ho’s team.

-Aren’t you Berserker?

Someone claimed this, but it was buried.

On the contrary, he was questioned as to why the villain was mentioned. However, some people responded that it could be so, and they were so-called ‘pro-Berserker’ netizens.

They argued that Berserker was different from other villains and that, if possible, he should be brought in as a superhuman to increase the military power of the Republic of Korea.

Most people thought Berserker was nothing more than a villain, but it’s surprising that there are people who know the inside story.

Did Jin Se-jeong take action?

I thought that might be the case.

The day after the article was posted, concerns that it might be misinformation were swept away along with the broadcast title.

A post containing a short but clear message titled < Practical battle of superhumans > was posted.

Although it was not revealed who the opponent was, the fact that one could see a battle between superhumans caused such a stir that not only Korea but also foreign countries were excited.

-Is he a real Berserker?

As such suspicions deepened, information about Berserker’s whereabouts was posted all the time.

Occasionally rather than on a large scale? Jin Se-jeong explained that if it is too much, animosity may arise.

The intention is to make people realize that Berserker is not as serious a villain as they think.

It’s been a while since I last broadcasted. But Jin Se-jeong is a sparring content, so I don’t know why they emphasize makeup.

“I have to show my subscribers a better side of me, at least a little bit!”

I didn’t really want to do that, but Jin Se-jeong’s momentum was so strong that I ended up putting on my makeup, putting on a functional suit, and turning on the broadcast.

“Hello, this is Junho Choi.”

A chat window that pops up quickly. Jin Se-jeong looked surprised when she saw the chat volume exceeding her expectations. Although they said it was difficult to discern with both eyes, I was able to read them all one by one.

Some people were happy to see me, while others were curious about who I was sparring with today.

There were occasional malicious comments, and it seemed like quite a few people were curious about my well-being.

I’m curious about the face of the person who posts such hateful comments.

“I plan to spar today as planned. Your opponent is a superhuman. “You can look at sparring and see how superhumans react in emergency situations and how they try to attack their opponents.”

Of course, there is also a way to attack a superhuman without a superhuman. However, too much power is consumed to do this, so it is common to place them against the same superhuman.

Then, I saw a sharply penetrating comment.

– Doesn’t this sparring actually result in a leak of power?

That’s right.

Jin Se-jung also expressed concern about this.

I acknowledged that part.

“Power may leak to Dalian. Maybe you can watch this video and analyze your habits or weaknesses.”

No, I will definitely do it.

My response to that concern was simple.

But what can I do?

“But it doesn’t mean anything. If you want to try it out, you can try it out in the league or anyone else.”

Just crush its head as soon as you see it.

The chat window was filled with admiration as if they knew what I meant.

I never thought a story about killing someone would get such a hot response.

“Then, let me introduce the superhuman I will be dealing with today. “It’s Berserker.”

At my words, the Berserker who was waiting appeared.

The chat window became hotter than before. They didn’t know that a villain would appear against them in sparring.

As expected, there are a lot of bad things to say.

Still, it is encouraging to see many people saying they will just wait and see.

If I just beat it like this, it can be washed?

I feel like I have become a laundry bat.

In times like this, talking in detail is actually a disadvantage. I have to beat him up right away.

“First, we will proceed with the prepared content and take the time to answer questions.”

Berserker and I fell off the camera. Because the aftermath of the confrontation could spread to where the cameras were, we positioned ourselves as far away as possible.

“Let’s begin.”


The Berserker who saw me did not hide his intent to kill. You look like you’re going to chew me up and drink me. But it’s actually better. If you do it right, you can hit it for sure. It’s a place to show off to others, but that doesn’t mean you can’t show off your skills.

Suddenly, Berserker’s new form stretched as if pulled, and then turned into a ray of light and rushed through.


My hand and Berserker’s sword collided. A thrilling pain was felt. This guy is serious.

“Is it full power from the beginning?”

What came flying instead of an answer was a great sword. Are you saying you won’t accept it just because it’s broadcast? Rather, it was good. I also wiped my smile and focused more.

* * *

Kim Tae-hyun is a notorious malicious commenter who works on Choi Jun-ho’s channel under the nickname ‘Laundry.’

He got sick to his stomach every time he saw Choi Jun-ho, and every time Choi Jun-ho turned on the broadcast, he left hateful comments in the chat room. Thanks to this, he gained fame as a named hater along with ‘Basakan’, but for some reason he was not cut.

Today again, I couldn’t hold back my curiosity about the content called ‘Superman’s Sparring’ and turned on the broadcast.

And I was shocked to see Berserker appear as a sparring opponent.

Isn’t Berserker one of the evil villains who killed a superhuman belonging to the Republic of Korea? How did such a villain come into the city and even appear on the air?

“Aren’t you crazy? Now they’re even taking care of Berserker? It really crosses the line. “Of course, this is Choi Jun-ho’s level.”

Kim Tae-hyun’s hands moved all over the keyboard.

Wash the laundry – this country is really going crazy. But now they’re bringing a villain to the show? At this rate, villains are going to eat up the entire country. Choi Jun-ho is a really bad guy.

After leaving a chat, I started searching on the internet. I was planning to talk trash about Berserker and criticize Choi Jun-ho.

If you break it down with facts, it was a sight to see the ignorant SS use force and bark.


However, after seeing the summary of Berserker’s whereabouts, I couldn’t help but express my doubts. Even though Berserker is a villain, he has not done any senseless villainy.

Most of the hunters who were killed were punished for taunting innocent civilians or messing with refugees, and some of them were later revealed to have committed unspeakable evil deeds.

The same goes for killing Kim Young-hwan. In fact, he was involved in various interests and sucked the blood of the country to the point that one might think that Kim Young-hwan was a villain more than Berserker.

“Why is he a villain?”

Rather, isn’t the problem with the legal system not properly punishing other hunters who committed evil deeds?

It was around the time I had that question.


Choi Jun-ho and Berserker collided. It was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the two eyes.

When the Berserker’s great sword flashed, a tremendous explosion sounded.

The golden lightning and Berserker’s blue force poured into Choi Jun-ho’s hand to the point of blinding him.

It was a fast attack and defense that made me forget even to breathe. Kim Tae-hyun, who felt distant even from sparring with Jeong Da-hyun and Choi Yun-hee, saw a new world opening up in the battle between superhumans.

I don’t know if it’s truly human inaction.

“…is this a superhuman?”

In particular, when I saw Berserker attacking desperately, my hands started to sweat without me realizing it. Although he didn’t show it, he felt a little nervous during the attack.

…What was scarier was Choi Jun-ho, who blocked it all without even changing his expression.

I wondered if that was a human. The surrounding area was engulfed in an explosion and was completely destroyed, but only Choi Jun-ho was calm.

“Please take just one hit.”

It was to the point where I felt like that.

Berserker was rushing at him with all his might. Sweat was pouring down all over my body, but my energy was getting stronger.

Kim Tae-hyun swallowed dry saliva and watched. It’s normal to root for the superhuman Choi Jun-ho, but strangely enough, I empathized with the villain Berserker.



With excitement, dozens of force blades rained down on Choi Jun-ho.

The floor of the training ground flipped over, raising a thick layer of dust. Nevertheless, Berserker did not stop and poured out his force.

It was to the point where I couldn’t tell if this was a sparring match or an actual fight to kill at any cost.

Could it be that the two of them are Marshal Bul Daecheon?

“Aren’t you dead?”

Kim Tae-hyun, who barely remembered to breathe, was worried that Choi Jun-ho might be dead. Still, isn’t Choi Jun-ho a superman? Although he was a malicious commenter, he was not unaware of the benefits that Choi Jun-ho brings as a Korean.

It was then. A golden flash burst through the dust cloud and struck Berserker’s shoulder.



Blood burst out from Berserker’s shoulder, which stumbled once. Berserker let out a short groan, clenched his teeth, and moved his great sword.

However, Choi Jun-ho’s inaction in starting the attack was overwhelming.

Berserker, who had been trying to counterattack several times while avoiding attempts to grab it, was forced into a defensive position.

Quad deuk!

My left shoulder was grabbed and I sat down.

His entire body was in tatters as he was exposed to mines that were targeting his legs, abdomen, and neck irregularly.


Even while covered in blood, Berserker’s eyes did not lose their light. Rather, it gave off a bright light.

Don’t villains usually give up or run away at this point?

Why are you resisting so persistently? Isn’t it okay to give up in a reasonable way?

“…Why are you doing it like that?”

I don’t know what makes Berserker endure like that. But one thing was clear. Berserker is taking on the challenge even though he knows he has no chance of winning.

It was gorgeous, yet intense and devastating. Taehyun Kim secretly prayed that Berserker would take a hit.

The chat window had the same atmosphere. Kim Tae-hyun also jumped on the bandwagon and left a comment cheering Berserker on to Choi Jun-ho.

“Where has this guy Basakan gone?”

It was a dual leader system of Laundry Washer himself and Basakhan, who followed Choi Jun-ho, the world’s most popular malicious commenter.

The malicious commenter, Basakhan, was a patient with severe Ripley Syndrome who claimed to be a superhuman. He had quite sharp insight and had many followers.

“Is it something obvious? Well, since it was a battle between superhumans, his insight would have been revealed. Can’t you see this? It’s a waste of life. waste.”

Still, it was disappointing. It was fun making fun of a man who claimed to be a superhuman.


Even Berserker’s power was losing its luster in front of Choi Jun-ho’s overwhelming inaction that gave goosebumps.

In the end, both legs were struck by mines and he fell to his knees. Even though he was unable to resist, Choi Jun-ho stretched out his hand and confirmed that Berserker was not moving.

[Are you unconscious?]


Berserker falls down like a rotten straw when kicked. In the end, justice did not triumph.

[The sparring is over. As you can see, Berserker possesses the skills to be in the top ranks among superhumans.]

How big of a monster are you that you can subdue that without any hesitation?

I still feel like my eyes are spinning after seeing the battle between superhumans.

No matter how much weaker he is, he still kicks an unconscious opponent.

“Huh? Something’s strange.”

Only after the fight was over did Kim Tae-hyun realize that he was rooting for the villain, not the superhuman.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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