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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 14

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Episode 14

Oh Jong-yeop, who realized that there was no longer a way out, continued to run away. They say a hawk is a medicine, and the first meeting played a big role. As expected, it was more fear than the law or fists.

“From now on, please call me comfortably, friend!”

Then he suddenly appears and smiles cheerfully. I thought it still had a charm that was hard to hate.

Even though it was his first time on the job, Oh Jong-yeop showed the ability to blend into the National Defense Bureau. The guy I saw in my last life was also round and not sharp, which is unusual for a villain.

It was just the harsh environment that made me sharp. When I think about it that way, I wonder if the surrounding environment also applies to me. After coming to my senses like this, wasn’t it possible to put the situation in my hands and think about it once more?

Maybe this is the difference between crazy and not crazy?

After exchanging greetings, Oh Jong-yeop quietly stood next to me, so I gave up trying to separate him and guided him to the National Security Agency. When I watched them whet their appetites and say that the cafeteria was delicious, it was like I was admiring the warm food in society.

I’m sure he hasn’t returned either.


Jeong Da-hyeon, who was left alone, stood back and watched and ate separately.

After lunch, we were called to the director’s office.

“You two are friends?”

“Yes, that’s right. “I am indebted to Junho.”

“Choi Jun-ho is the ace of our National Defense Agency. He has very outstanding skills. You will learn a lot if you are next to me. Instead, don’t resemble anything strange.”


“It’s your first time working, and I heard you’re adaptable well. “I’m looking forward to it, so let’s do well in the future.”

“yes! Director! I will do my best. But I have one question.”


“I am in level 7 and Junho is in level 9. Is it right for you to continue to treat me comfortably?”

This guy still hasn’t given up. He looked at me and slightly curled the corner of his mouth in triumph, but he didn’t get the answer he wanted from Jung Joo-ho.

“then? To get some respect? “If possible, try it.”


“If they are dissatisfied, educate them with their skills and come back. “It’s all about skill here.”

Jung Joo-ho curls the corner of his mouth.

“But will it work? “It would be fun to have a ghost story about a civil servant hunter who went missing on his first day at work.”


Oh Jong-yeop’s eyes were trembling as he looked at me.

I thought he would be upset if I stayed still, so I added a word.

“You keep criticizing me. Should I give you some training?”

“···For the first time in my life, I found light. I want to live happily for a long time. Please save me, Director. “I will give you all my loyalty.”

“Loyalty is something you give to your country. I also like my life now. So let’s avoid the bomb. Skip the things that are easy to get over. Understand?”

“yes! “I will trust and follow the director!”

“Okay, okay.”

I honestly don’t know why the two are working together. Is there a common topic that I don’t know about?

After finishing the business, the two of us came out to the director’s office, and Jeong Da-hyun approached me but stopped when she saw Oh Jong-yeop.

“Secretary! You are the savior of my life. “I will serve you from now on.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Jong-yeop.”

“I have often heard about your reputation for a long time. As expected, she has a kind personality as well as her shining beauty. “You saved my life, so why don’t you eat with me at a nice restaurant sometime…”

“are you okay.”


Oh Jong-yeop, who was rejected with a single cut, stumbled. I got dumped, tsk tsk.

Jeong Da-hyun, who had casually trampled on a man’s sincerity, looked at me and said.

“Mr. Junho, I have something to review for the External Cooperation Management Bureau. Could you prepare some documents for me?”

“I will prepare.”

“See you in the meeting room in 10 minutes.”


I clicked my tongue as I looked at Oh Jong-yeop looking frustrated next to me.

“Are you Mosol? “You don’t seduce women like that.”


Oh Jong-yeop collapsed once again.

*Oh Jong-yeop’s younger brother, Oh Jong-su, turned 20 this year, but he was so small that he looked like he was a middle school student. Oh Jong-yeop’s voice became dull when he said that he woke up early in the morning and suffered alone because he was afraid of people worrying about him.

However, after being admitted to Shinsung Hospital, he showed a bright expression, saying that his recovery was noticeably improving.

“Jongsu, hello.”

“Hello brother. I heard a lot from my brother. Thank you so much for helping me get treatment. “I will definitely repay this favor.”

“I have repaid the debt I owe your uncle, so there is no need to repay me.”

“Uncle? “They say my brother is my mother.”

“Yes, mother.”

Oh Jong-su looked puzzled at my acceptance, but did not ask any further questions.

“How do you feel?”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Shinseong Hospital has many new drugs and many doctors, so you will be able to get better.”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it too. All this time, I’ve only been a bother to my brother. “I don’t want to become a burden to my brother by getting better quickly.”

“What about luggage? “It’s natural for families.”

“They say there is no benefit to a long illness. I’m alive thanks to my brother. ah! It’s also thanks to Junho hyung. Thank you again.”


“Jongsu, you did well. “He’s so narrow-minded that if he hadn’t mentioned it, I would have kept it in mind.”

There was a deep smile on Oh Jong-yeop’s lips as he said those words.

In his last life, even though Oh Jong-yeop entered the Big Ten, Oh Jong-soo ended up losing his life. Oh Jong-yeop, who blamed it on his own indecisiveness, turned his anger on the world and became a villain.

In this life, Oh Jong-su will recover in good health, so there will be no mishaps for Oh Jong-yeop.

It’s an innovative method to catch a villain using someone who was a villain.

“Do you know how much my brother praised Junho?”

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

“Hey, don’t be shy. “When Junho helped you, you cried and said you were grateful and would repay him for the rest of your life.”

“Hey hey.”

“I’m not good at expressing my emotions because I pretend to be strong to protect my brother. “Even if I say things in a tongue-in-cheek tone, my true feelings are not like that, so please look at me cutely.”

I looked at Oh Jong-yeop. The guy sighed and avoided my gaze, as if he wanted to hide in a mouse hole.

Well, the Oh Jong-yeop I saw grew up rough to put it in a good way, and he was tough to put in a bad way. My confidence and audacity were excellent, so it made up for it.

Even so, the reality was a mess.

“…But it’s not cute.”

“It’s a bit like that, isn’t it? Actually, I find it disgusting too.”

“Wow, you really beat up someone who is still. Stop losing. “I will die if I get hit more.”

“Shall we stop?”

“You can do more. “He’s stubborn.”

Oh Jong-su smiled brightly, wondering how interesting my words were.

“I don’t know, I’m going to the bathroom.”

As Oh Jong-yeop left the hospital room as if running away, Oh Jong-su looked at me intently.

“If I get better, I want to be like my older brother.”


“Yes, Junho hyung. My brother told me. Junho is a hunter so strong that it’s hard to even imagine. And it protects the world from villains and monsters. I also want to become healthy and become an awakened person. And like my brother, I will become a hunter who protects the world from villains and monsters.”


“Is it possible?”

“Even though it looks like this, I’m a pretty good hunter. “There are hundreds of villains caught in my hands.”


And the villains were all crippled.

“You can do it too. Let’s get better.”

“Your brother!”

“Okay, be like me.”

It’s a nice feeling to be respected by someone.

After a while, Oh Jong-yeop came back and we decided to go back.

“I’ll come often.”

“Your brother! goodbye!”

I came out after being seen off by Oh Jong-su, who put his hands together and said hello.

“Unlike you, my younger brother is kind.”

“Hey, I’m nice too.”

I scoffed at the absurd statement.

“Yes, a Big Ten scout.”

“Hey! Don’t mention that anywhere else! uh? You really shouldn’t say that. Please save me! “I really like the National Defense Bureau!”

“Don’t say anything.”

“Is it true? ok?”

A guy with a white complexion followed behind me.

*”it is delicious!”

Jeong Da-hyeon’s eyes opened wide after tasting soybean paste hotpot. From a cooking perspective, there is nothing more satisfying than that kind of response.

Yunhee, who was inhaling the beef next to her, also ate the soup with a calm expression and opened her eyes wide at Jeong Dahyun’s reaction.

My survival cooking, which first appeared in the world, is finally being recognized.

“How did you make it?”

“The secret is the owl bore.”

Owl Boar, a level 4 harmful monster, is the best ingredient with a deep flavor.

It was a trap because it was more difficult to hunt than its grade, so it was not a preferred game, but the ingredients were very precious.

In fact, to get the flavor right, you have to put in the whole Owl Boer head, but everyone who ate it with me was shocked.

Owl Boar’s eyes react to the force, so every time it eats, its eyes move and make contact.

“Owl Bo? “That’s a monster.”

Unlike Yoon-hee, who was shocked, Jeong Da-hyun seemed to understand, saying, ‘As expected…’

“The meat and by-products of monsters that have had their poison removed are excellent gourmet ingredients and a source of nutrition.”

“I did not know. “I never thought Owl Boer would taste like this.”

“Fortunately, the.”

As the meal was enjoyable, Jeong Da-hyun congratulated Yoon-hee on passing the Shinsung Guild and gave her advice on how to adapt.

There was a lot of new information for me as well. Jeong Da-hyeon, whom I have seen so far, was a level 5 office worker, but now she looks like someone from a sacred guild.

Yunhee was grateful for the advice that became her bones and flesh, and asked for other advice.

“What should I pay most attention to in raids?”

“He’s a villain.”

“yes? “Isn’t it like being caught off guard or being attacked by surprise?”

Dahyun Jeong shook her head.

“Monster hunting is a life-threatening battle, but if several people respond organically, the risk can be minimized and the power can be maximized. The Holy Guild is the world’s best in responding to that aspect. But the villain attacks me at the worst moment when I least expect it.”

It is very common for raid teams hunting monsters to be attacked by villains and go missing.

In particular, small guilds with insufficient personnel had to risk their lives to protect by-products after hunting, and it was not uncommon for large guild raid teams, even the most powerful ones, to be attacked by villains, have their equipment stolen, and die or be captured and held to ransom.

“Then you should know how to deal with villains too.”

“There are different laws between monsters and villains, so it’s good to learn it.”

I, who had been quietly listening, came forward.

“I think I can help you with that.”

Two pairs of eyes turned to me.

“Oh, Mr. Junho…”

“Your brother?”

“It’s my specialty.”

There is no need to think about villains in a complicated way. 99.9% of people who look suspicious in raids are villains. So, if you see an unknown face, attack first and overpower it, there is a 99.9% chance of preventing it. In particular, if you break your legs first and lose mobility, you can safely retreat even if something goes wrong.

The most obvious answer is always killing.

Yunhee looks curious.

“Now that you think about it, is that right? Because there are over 200 villains that my brother has arrested. I had an expert by my side, right? “I can learn from my brother…”


Da-Hyeon Jeong intervened with an expression of urgency. I ate a lot of soybean paste stew.

“Why are you doing this, sister?”

“Of course, Junho is an expert, but there are differences between men and women, and he has just entered the guild. So I’m busy adjusting.”


“So for now, just focus on adapting and I’ll help you if you need it.”

“Really? “Are you my sister?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Dahyun, I appreciate what you said, but it must still be a hassle.”

“are you okay. I have to do it. “I must do it.”

It was difficult to say anything more as he looked so determined.

“Take care of me, sister!”

“Yes, just trust me. “Yoonhee, I will definitely raise you.”

Then Dahyun Jeong glanced at me.

*After finishing the meal, Choi Jun-ho went out of the house for a while. When only the two of them were left, Jeong Da-hyeon spoke carefully to Yoon-hee.

“I didn’t go any further than necessary, right?”

“yes? no! “I absolutely love it.”

“thank god.”

“But is there a reason you stopped me?”

Dahyun Jeong was shocked. I thought I joined in as naturally as possible.

“Did you notice?”

“Yes, they blocked me outright.”

“that is······.”

Jeong Da-hyeon, who trailed off, glanced at the door Choi Jun-ho left through and spoke cautiously.

“Junho, your hands are a bit rough.”

“ah! Is it actually like that? many? There are already a lot of articles popping up.”


Did I touch the beehive for no reason?

Dahyun Jeong thought that she might have mentioned an uncomfortable truth.

“Tell me.”

“Yoonhee, it’s a little rougher than I thought.”

“Still, I’m glad.”


“My sister is next to me. I know that my brother has no middle ground. But the reason I can feel at ease is because I have my sister. Please watch from the side. “Please do me a favor.”


Is it because it was Choi Jun-ho’s younger brother’s words? The meaning made my heart pound.

I never knew that receiving someone’s trust could be such a sweet thing.

This is why I transferred to a civil servant job as a hunter. I guess I forgot my original intention and got caught up in work without realizing it.


“yes! So how do we deal with villains?”

Jeong Da-hyun smiled at Yoon-hee’s courageous answer.

“The Holy Guild has a force-emitting dagger. “It’s called a shot series.”

“ah! “I know.”

“If you receive it and see a villain, cut off his legs first.”


Are you sure you don’t know why they’re targeting the bridge?

I was puzzled, but Jeong Da-hyun explained it a little more clearly.

“If your leg is cut off, you lose mobility. “This is the most important point.”

“Ah, I see.”

“And 99% of people who approach during hunting are villains. If you approach him without saying anything, he’ll think you’re a villain and cut him off first. If your legs are tired, your arms are also good. “Because your balance is disturbed, it becomes difficult to handle the weapon.”

“What if he’s not a villain?”

“It’s the fault of the person who approached me silently, but I still have to apologize, right? And you can use emergency transportation. Then you can attach the cut part. ah! “You can attach the head, but keep in mind that you will die.”

Choi Jun-ho would tell them to attack first and kill him or blow off his head.

Compared to that, what a gentle way to deal with it.

“Sister, there is an idiom that suddenly came to my mind. “It’s called Yuyusangjong.”

“Why do I suddenly have a papilloma?”

“I don’t think it’s right for my sister to tell my brother that his hands are cruel. From what I can see, it’s almost a close match…”

“My me?”

Dahyun Jeong was greatly shocked.

*After Dahyun Jeong passed away, the look in Yunhee’s eyes at me was unusual.

“What did you do to Dahyun? It’s all your fault. “Take responsibility.”


“Everything from one to ten! “Dahyun is such an upright person, but she got one of her assistants wrong so she’s like that… haha.”

“Even if you say that, I don’t know.”

“If you know, what can you do?”

“You can try.”

Yunhee’s expression crumpled at my answer. I felt so wronged and wondered what mistake I had made to be like that. Could it be that he brought Da-Hyeon Jeong and made her eat soybean paste stew?

Or because Owl Boer’s head wasn’t included? Maybe I underestimated Dahyun Jeong and Yoonhee’s sense of taste.

“Next time, I’ll get a Twin Owl Boer head…”

“it’s okay. It’s even more of a problem if your brother cares. Anyway, Dahyun became like that because of you, so take responsibility. Oh, but I also like Sehee.”

I guess it wasn’t about Owl Boer’s head.

“Don’t worry, you are still responsible. But why is Lee Se-hee there?”

“Oh, I don’t know. “There are things you don’t know.”

“Anyway, when did you become friends with Lee Se-hee?”

“During the final interview, I saw that we communicated well, right? Is it true that you knew? “You were very careful when mentioning my brother’s name, but you weren’t rude, right?”

To be precise, it would be correct to say that I almost committed it. He also tried to manipulate me, so it’s a hot mess.

“I didn’t commit it.”

“Then I’m glad. At first, I thought he was an untouchable conglomerate, but he was surprisingly easygoing and tolerant. It feels a bit calculated, but that’s actually an advantage. And it’s pretty! There are actually Dahyun and Sehee around me. “It seems like a total eye-opener!”



Instead of answering, I reached out to Yunhee’s head. It was clean. Any doubts about whether Lee Se-hee used the gift disappeared.

“Oh what! “Don’t touch my head!”

“I don’t mind being friends with Lee Se-hee, but be careful. “She is a woman with a spiritual gift.”

I said this with the intention of instilling awareness in Yunhee.

“You told me that you can become friends with people? He said he has been restraining himself since he met the owner not long ago. Anyway, you can win people’s attention with your charm. Normally, it would be unlucky to say something like that, but when Sehee said it, it felt natural. How can you be cool when you confidently act proud? Oh, but that person isn’t your brother, is he?”

“Anyway, be careful.”

“No, I don’t like women! “I like men?”

“okay. believe.”

“after! “Why do I have to explain this?”

“You believe it?”

I received some criticism, but it was enough to raise awareness. I also heard that Yoonhee’s tastes are normal, so I pointed that out as well.

“Just in case, if you date a guy, introduce him to me.”

“Why do you think I’m a good person?”

“That’s right.”

It’s not that I doubt Yoon Hee’s insight, but there are some villains who are good at seducing women. Or, there’s also a playboy who tries to get a favor by seducing a popular female hunter.

The world is wide and there are many people to kill, but I have never killed a playboy.

But if it’s a younger sister’s issue, it’s a different story.

If it’s a strange guy, it would be better to quietly watch Tyler and if it doesn’t work, deal with it.

Still, since I’m also an older brother, I hope Yunhee meets a good guy if possible.

Should we set standards for a good guy to know what must be met? First of all, you have to be able to protect your woman, so wouldn’t it be okay if you had the skill to block my attacks three times?


I thought about it, but I don’t think many people will survive if this happens. It looks like the average age of Yoonhee’s potential grooms will jump to the 50s. I guess I should look at mindset rather than skill. Today, I can tell whether the other person is sane or not.

In times like this, brainwashing was a waste. If I could handle it more elaborately, I would have been able to extract information without turning him into an idiot.

It’s similar to giving someone alcohol when going to get permission from the in-laws. Isn’t it the same as revealing one’s true feelings?

“What is more important than skills is character. “Bring me a sane bastard.”

I knew very well that no matter how good my skills were, it would be meaningless if I went crazy.

“···First, would you please ask if there are any good men around?”

“Is it not possible? “Actually, my personality is a bit dirty.”

“Why is this guy opening the lid?”

Yunhee’s expression wrinkled.

*A few days later.

The National Guard was as calm as ever.

Until Joo-ho Jeong, who came to work earlier than usual, called everyone together.

“We have obtained information about the Eradicator. From now on, we will begin the operation to arrest the Eradicator.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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