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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 131

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Episode 131

“Really! “Is this right?”

Anna Christine put down her glass roughly and lamented. She was already drunk after gulping down strong whiskey.

James Reed responded to her words and comforted her.

“Can not help it. Because that’s Choi Jun-ho.”

“How hard I prepared for this day! Is that effort going to waste like this? “My self-esteem is collapsing because of him.”

Her complaints were valid. An excellent negotiator and negotiator, she was a person so adept at persuasion using her beauty that it was said that if she stayed still, her soul would be taken away and her liver would be eaten away.

However, for Choi Jun-ho, there was no result. She tried desperately to succeed, but ultimately failed.

Of course, James Reed thought, her standards were too high.

“Anna’s efforts are creating a positive image of America for Choi Jun-ho, so don’t be too disappointed.”

“That’s because I’m not satisfied with that. “I gave her everything she needed!”

The story of Shinsu-na’s secret meeting was top secret information. James Reed thought it was a bit early, but he thought it was information Choi Jun-ho would know anyway.

However, due to Anna Christine’s continuous failures, there was a high probability that the patience of the superiors had reached its limit.

This is not good.

James Reed believes that Anna Christine’s method is the right one when it comes to dealing with Choi Jun-ho.

“This is the best thing for now.”


As I took a deep breath, the smell of alcohol wafted through me.

“Is it in the same context that James continues to be in Korea?”

“First of all, it’s fun. “The things that Choi Jun-ho gives are things that are difficult to find in the United States.”

In particular, the research related to Penta and the boost that was scheduled to be handed over soon were not available even in the United States.

“Then do you want to stay in Korea?”

“I need it?”

“Your presence is always of great help.”

“That is a thank you. But it’s better to be here now. “For me and for America.”

Anna Christine’s expression when she looked at him was complicated.

“What do you think is best?”

“We are past the point of using force to deal with Choi Jun-ho. Considering the achievements he has made so far, Choi Jun-ho is a superman who is appropriately called the world’s strongest.”

“I guess so.”

“There is no way other people don’t know this. “The league and high-ranking people are targeting Choi Jun-ho.”


Anna Christine nodded.

“We just need to show our unwavering support when things get weird. “The more we try to take everything at once, the further away Choi Jun-ho will be from us.”

“You’re right.”

Anna Christine’s expression, which had been flustered, had returned to its usual state.

“It was something that had to be looked at long term. Because there is still a lot of time left. “Choi Jun-ho knows my charm, but he is holding back so as not to fall for it.”

‘I don’t think so.’

Have you forgotten that you were caught by Choi Jun-ho the day before and were evenly distributed?

No, maybe I don’t want to accept reality.

James Reed, worried that Anna Christine would be hurt, decided to quietly bury the truth.

* * *

As you walk away, you come to believe in the ‘fruit fly natural generation theory’ without even realizing it.

Even though we strictly control visits, at some point you end up seeing fruit flies moving around in the room.

As I was walking around all day today, catching over 100 people, the theory of ‘natural generation of villains’ came to mind.

Where on earth did these guys come from?

When I was a member of the National Protectorate, I continuously swept out villains, and after becoming a superhuman, Jeong Da-hyeon arrested villains and they appeared endlessly.

As expected, the space that became insufficient due to the advance northward became a problem.

I just happened to have a villain discriminator, so I was putting in some effort for the first time in a long time.

However, as I was catching the villain like a rat, a minor problem arose.

“I don’t have enough restorative medicine?”

This was a problem caused by more arrests than usual. I thought I might not have enough restorative medicine, so I cut the amount I used in half, but problems arose.


When the awakened person who came to arrest the villain dragged him away, the limb that was attached broke again. As expected, if you do not use the correct amount, the effectiveness decreases rapidly.

“What is this…”

The awakened person looked at me and the villain with a puzzled face, so I pretended not to notice. In the end, it turned out that the awakened person broke it because of his carelessness, which pricked my conscience slightly.

Should I ask Lee Se-hee to make the recovery agent into a concentrate?

[You crazy person, let’s stop now. There is no medicine anymore.]

Yongyong looked around and said.

“Are there any other notable guys around?”

[You caught them all like you would a mouse, so they are gone now.]

“So this is it.”

I wanted to look around more, but decided to stop. Because today is not the only day. All you have to do is replenish your healing potions and look around from time to time.

“Good work. “It’s useful.”

[You are the only one who uses the great divine beast for such trivial things.]

This Yongyong was overly proud. I’d like to slightly bend the bridge of my nose, but I’ll have to find a way to do it slowly.

“You said you could recognize abnormalities in people’s minds, right?”

[Yes, you recognized something strange right away.]

It’s because I have a hematoma or Mandeuk Gwangsim hidden somewhere. I need to take him to Berserker and see his reaction.

I’m sure he didn’t faint from surprise.

After stopping the arrest of the villain, I returned home. There was a coldness lingering in the house that had been empty for a long time due to Yunhee’s personality.

Even if my mom stops by once a week, it doesn’t seem like it’s enough to fill me with human warmth.

“I’m talking about the Thunderbird.”

[Why is she?]


[Are you really going to catch me? It must be difficult. He can travel at supersonic speeds. You can’t catch it at human speed.]

“Why are these guys called Shinsoo so great that they have no intention of fighting and only have great running skills?”

The blue dragon cuts through the space and forces the thunderbird to flee at supersonic speed.

It’s hard to hunt like this.

Rather, Yongyong looks at me with an absurd expression.

[If you just look at Shinsu, it’s even weirder to see someone trying to fight. And when he fights, he fights boldly, but he will never fight with you, a human.]


[You are so evil that just coming in contact with you becomes polluted. A Shinsu is a being who has honed his spiritual energy for a long time, but hanging out with an evil being is a big loss in itself. It’s the same as throwing a rock into a calm lake!]

Yongyong is crossing the line with his son.

They’re treating me like a carrier of the virus.

Should we give them a taste of how scary carriers are? Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Yongyongi. I couldn’t catch it because it had no substance, but I caught it when I put the force in my hand.

[What are you doing now! I’m polluted! no! Help me!]

He was struggling to get away, so I let him go slightly.

But strangely enough, black smoke was coming out of Yongyong’s body.

Was it not a complete lie?

So you’re saying I’m evil?

I guess Yongyong’s son was twisting it into something else.

[I can’t believe I have to endure this humiliation to monitor a truly crazy person.]

Isn’t that what people do when they get in their hands?

I’ll have to try it with another guy.

* * *

The meaning of the existence of Choi Jun-ho’s team is to help Choi Jun-ho do well.

The first goal was to improve Choi Jun-ho’s image.

Before the team was formed, Internet public opinion about Choi Jun-ho was not very positive.

This was not only bold, but countless people were concerned that it had been dealt a cruel hand.

In particular, the opinion that ‘sanctions’ should be imposed was gaining strength due to reporters who attacked the villain and said they could not see the difference.

Jin Se-jeong joined to prevent that.

She succeeded in building a solid fandom by putting Choi Jun-ho’s good looks at the forefront and building a worldview that was only seen in idols.

Once established, a fandom can exert enormous power.

This was the reason why Choi Jun-ho was able to fight a high-stakes battle even in the midst of countless storms.

“manager! “There was an article about Choi Jun-ho’s son-in-law controversy.”

“Share the link right away.”

Today again, concerns about Choi Jun-ho surfaced.

The article argued that over 100 villains were summarily judged on the spot and that excessive suppression was used.

When Jin Se-jeong clicked on the link and accessed the article, what caught her eye was the defense of Choi Jun-ho.

The content was about what was wrong with suppressing the villains who were running rampant while security was being neglected due to the advance northward.

“You have to put in the firewood properly.”

Jin Se-jeong moistened her lips with her tongue and curled up the corner of her mouth. Then, I brought out my inner ‘evil’ instinct and wrote a comment.

Choi Jun-ho, a soup bubbling expert

– Anyway, Choi Jun-ho’s friends say what they say is vulgar. In today’s modern society, does such excessive suppression make sense? That’s something a villain would do. Just looking at it, Choi Jun-ho is trying to relieve his stress. I couldn’t suppress the villain instinct inside me. I am sure that sooner or later he will make a big mistake and turn into a villain. ㅉㅉㅉ Choi Jun-ho’s fans should know that Choi Jun-ho is a disgrace and they do everything they do. Haha,

the pros and cons are posted as soon as I leave a comment.

The speed at which opposition was growing was frightening to say the least.

“Do you have a good face?”

Only when such evil is exposed does the side that feels repulsed find a reason to defend it.

Jin Se-jeong, with a happy smile, checked the reply.

└He appears again. Every time Choi Jun-ho’s article is published, there are always negative comments.

└If you get caught by Choi Jun-ho, you won’t even be able to pick a bone.

└A villain who catches a villain is more welcome. I think I’ll catch you first before then.

└Choi Jun-ho is good at catching villains, but why doesn’t he catch malicious commenters?

└Kkeuk, I don’t know who it is, but you see right through Choi Jun-ho’s essence…!

The number of opposition and comments is about to explode as news spread that a malicious character has appeared.

Jin Se-jeong did not stop there, but went to another article and left a comment.

Every time ‘Gukbbong Foam Superin Choi Jun-ho’ appeared, the reaction was explosive.

Of course, in a bad way.

“manager! “All comments have been edited.”

“great job. “Please check if any abusing articles are posted.”


Jin Se-jeong nodded as he looked at the employees moving in perfect order.

“I should brag that I left a malicious comment to Choin.”

Whenever that happened, seeing Choi Jun-ho, who could neither laugh nor cry, was one of Jin Se-jeong’s pleasures.

* * *

When I met Jeong Ju-ho in Pyongyang, I could see that Jeong Da-hyun had not come.

I thought he would come with me because he was a member of the National Front Defense Agency, but he realized his lack of skill in hunting monsters and applied for the government hunting team. I highly appreciated Jeong Da-hyun’s attitude of always moving forward.

I found out that he joined Hellhound, one of the government’s most elite teams. This is a team that I also remember. Because they always take risks and try to achieve more results than necessary, they often send out initial calls.

I hope Jeong Da-hyun gains a lot from there.

When I arrived at the Blue House, the President was there to meet me in person. There were a lot of reporters around, and they came up to me as I got out of the car, hugged me, and firmly held my hand.

“You really had a hard time. “We were able to achieve monumental achievements because of Choi Jun-ho, a superman.”

“I just did my job.”

“Let’s go inside. “There are a lot of things I want to talk about.”

Since I had to take a picture, my smile was bright. I entered the Blue House creating a friendly atmosphere with the President.

“Once again, you have worked hard. “It was truly a great achievement.”

“I was lucky.”

It was an opportunity for me to realize that returning to the past does not mean I know everything.

When I arrived at the office, there was Cheon Myeong-guk standing there with dark circles under his eyes. Due to the advance to North Korea, documents are being bombarded every day, making it difficult for them to breathe.

“However, by handing it over to Commissioner Jeong Joo-ho, we have relieved ourselves of major issues. Local residents are also cooperative. “Can you tell me what happened?”

I was thinking about telling you about Shinsoo, but decided not to.

Instead, he told us that starting with the process of killing Ryu Kwang-cheol, he sent away those who voluntarily sent him away and maintained security with those who chose to cooperate.

[You are trying to freely reveal the existence of the Divine Beast. Then I might get cursed?]

…Seeing the little girl talk like that makes my mouth itch even more, but I’ll endure it.

“I heard that it was easier thanks to Lee Ryong-hwa’s cooperation.”

It looks like they are cooperating hard to avoid dying. The decision issue is entirely up to the court to decide, so I decided not to worry about it any further.

He’s a shrewd guy, so he might have made some sort of judicial deal.

“Choi Jun-ho’s contributions are so great that I don’t know how to repay him. Is there anything you wish for?”

“As I said last time, I hope the recovered money will be reinvested. “Transparent enforcement is what I hope for.”

“…That’s the hardest thing in the world.”

This is the president’s answer with a bitter smile.

can not understand.

Isn’t it okay to just think that it’s not your money and think about how to make the most of the money you’re given?

“You don’t get greedy and only spend money on things you need?”

“There is a huge amount of money right in front of you, so there is no way you can’t be greedy.”

“Just give me the authority to audit. “If fraud occurs, we will take follow-up action.”

“Follow-up measures don’t mean taking action after killing, right?”

“Of course not.”

I’m afraid I don’t even know four idioms.

[I guess that’s your image. That old human is clearly seeing through your wickedness… Argh!]

Yongyong, who was scolding him next to him, shifted his gaze to Cheon Myeong-guk, who was clutching the guy’s head and writhing with fatigue all over his face.

“Are you still very busy?”

“Now the busy work is over. “If I just finish my work today, I can relax for an hour.”

They say they are lucky to have Jung Joo-ho. Actually, I was able to hand over everything to Chung Ju-ho when he came to Pyongyang and come back.


I looked at Cheon Myeong-guk and remembered that he had been granted leave in exchange for gift searching.

It was as if the work had been handed over to me when I should have been resting.

Now that you feel more comfortable, you can spend your time, right?

I advised him to rest.

“I’m glad. How about taking this opportunity to enjoy your vacation?”

“Tomorrow is the day my wife returns home.”


“It means a whole month has passed.”


Is it already time?

Only then did I understand why there was no dream or hope on Cheon Myeong-guk’s face.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s not okay.”


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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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