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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 129

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Episode 129

I spoke while looking at the blue dragon. It would be disgusting if that figure were hundreds of meters long, but it’s about as long as a finger, so it’s cute.

Now that I think about it, I remember catching several snakes like that and often grilling them and eating them when I was being chased around due to hematoma.

“Just go.”

[Why are you doing this when you like it too?]

“It’s not good.”

[It’s strange, everyone is anxious not to be around me.]

The blue dragon said, circling around me.

Someone who spoke with a calm expression was not usually a strong enemy.

“Would you go back if you didn’t need me?”

[I’m not going.]

The blue dragon’s voice became firm.

[I have to see if I keep my promise. And you are too dangerous. You never know when they will invade Mt. Baekdu. I’ve been curious about the human world for a long time, so I’ll keep an eye on it from the side. Please take care of me.]

Where are you trying to be so polite? I had no intention of going around with a monster who called himself a divine beast.


[I gave you something good!]

“Why should I ask a guy who calls me crazy?”

[You are crazy. I’m really going crazy. As a god, I guarantee it. Out of all the humans I’ve ever seen, he’s uniquely crazy!]


How many times do you say you’re crazy in just a few short words?

Does this guy’s practice of the Tao mean the art of making others angry?

“If I tell you to go, won’t you go?”


“If you want to be by my side, you should pay more.”

[Wow, it’s amazing that he’s this crazy, but his greed is also huge.]

“If you’re dissatisfied, go back.”

[Okay, I got it. Really, human greed is the worst.]

The guy who was wondering said that he would think about what he could give.

Good thing I have something to tear off.

And saying I’m crazy is just his one-sided claim.

It’s enough to think of yourself as not going crazy.

* * *

Opening the road to the south was not that difficult.

When Ryu Gwang-cheol was alive, the cooperating monsters were blocking the path, but after Ryu Gwang-cheol died, the cooperation system was temporarily loosened and chaos ensued.

And soon after, as the monsters moved in, the defense system surrounding New Pyongyang was lifted.

Nevertheless, people living in New Pyongyang did not leave their home.

The citizens, who lived worse than slaves, did not have to leave because food was abundantly distributed, and the awakened people who were attached to Ryu Gwang-cheol were not confident that they would survive outside where monsters were running rampant.

It was the vanguard unit led by Jeong Ju-ho that dug into the gap.

Since I had already been contacted by satellite phone, Jeong Ju-ho, who dug into the gap I had opened and recruited key personnel from the National Front Defense Agency and personnel from the three countries, succeeded in entering New Pyongyang.

As expected, Jung Joo-ho writes with confidence!

My hair is getting thinner every day, but perhaps that’s why my judgment is becoming sharper.

I personally went out and greeted him.

“Welcome to Pyongyang, Commissioner.”

“I came all the way to Pyongyang because of you. “How far are you really trying to take me?”

“It’s good because it’s a business trip anyway. “Singing a song about wanting to escape from my wife.”

“Is that the same as this?”

“It wasn’t? “Do you want me to contact your wife?”

“…Let’s do something good for now.”

The existence of a married man who longs for freedom is truly fascinating.

The same goes for Berserker, who is more scared of entering my house than dealing with me.

He says he will admit it in the end, but he pretends to be strong for no reason.

“Let’s go inside first.”


Jeong Joo-ho shook his head as he looked at the gorgeous Presidential Palace.

In the reception room where Hwaryongjeongjeong was located, I briefly told him about Ryu Gwang-cheol and showed him the wealth I had collected.

“Last time you crushed the brains of the mayor of Busan, this time you beheaded the head of a puppet state?”

I couldn’t find what was strange about that statement. What do you mean by this? Feeling puzzled, I looked at Jung Joo-ho, but didn’t say anything more.

Then, I clicked my tongue as I looked at the list of confiscated property.

“Anyway, is this amount too big? Are you really going to make it all belong to the country?”

“Why not?”

“You wouldn’t even know if you took the small items with you.”

You’re going to be in big trouble.

Is it because you want to take care of yourself? If you look at the expression, it’s not like that.

Jeong Joo-ho shook his head seriously.

“Even if you dedicate all of this to the state, it won’t be used in the way you want. If it becomes the country’s money, it becomes someone else’s money. Strict people can draw at straws and spend it as if it were their own money. “You can only disappoint.”

Rather, what Jeong Joo-ho said was that I should take care of it to some extent.

It’s a very strange feeling to hear someone who is like a model civil servant hunter say something like this.

That means there is a lot of disappointment. No organization operates 100% perfectly. This was especially true for large organizations.

“Can a public servant say that?”

“Do you feel comfortable saying this?”

“It’s not like that in particular. I know roughly. “At least I can spend the country’s money as I want.”

“But you’re leaving it to me without any hesitation?”

“There’s a limit to how much pranks you can do anyway. “It is possible to use something strict only when the interests are aligned, but it is difficult to use it if there are people with liberal interests.”

“Do you have any other thoughts?”

“I will look into how money is spent.”

“…This money will be 100% put to good use.”

Even if you take it anyway, you have to dispose of it, turn it into cash, and go through various processes. But because of that, I actually have no place to write. I thought that money was all that was needed, so I didn’t want to be greedy by doing something illegal.

And I have a lot of money now.

“I plan to use this money to rebuild this place.”

“Would you like to hear that?”

“I just need to make you listen, right?”

Still, it’s the money I found. I thought that if I played a moderate role in the press and said I would look into what was being used, I could prevent things from leaking out.

Talk to the president too.

It was a measure I took on my own.

Joo-ho Jeong nodded.

“If I don’t want to die, I guess I have no choice but to use it honestly.”

“Why are you so picky?”

“It’s because it’s so much money that I’m also greedy. “Are you dissatisfied?”

“Then take it with you.”

“Is that so?”

“I will report it on your behalf.”

“Okay, don’t take it.”

I had no intention of taking it anyway.

Jung Joo-ho and I made eye contact and burst into laughter.

Just coming this far has helped me a lot.

I remember that during the operation in Busan, I swept the interior and Jung Joo-ho came and finished it.

“But what about those guys who are anxious outside?”

“These are Ryu Gwang-cheol’s subordinates. “They said I would be punished and become a new person.”

“New person? “It seems it wandered around looking for a way to survive and chose you as its new host.”

Joo-ho Jeong snorted.

“If there are those who collaborated with Ryu Gwang-cheol, there will be some who will not be able to atone for their crimes.”

“You can just kill those guys.”


Were my words different from what you expected?

I guess Jung Joo-ho was mistaken. Those guys mean nothing to me.

“I have no regrets. “I will leave all dispositions to the Commissioner.”

Jung Joo-ho’s expression turned strange when he said that it wouldn’t matter if he killed everyone.

I am reminded of Lee Ryong-hwa’s words about wanting to go south.

I don’t know the crime he committed. That will be investigated in the future and a sentence will be handed down in a Korean court.

If the crime is so serious that the death penalty is imposed, there is nothing we can do.

If you get executed and survive, you can live a normal life.

* * *

After the emergence of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the existence of New Pyongyang was hidden behind a veil.

These were good materials that would turn the Republic of Korea upside down.

Due to the incomprehensible movements of the two plus level monsters, Ryu Gwang-cheol had no choice but to appear. And the status of Choi Jun-ho, who prevented this, rose.

As they began their advance north, the news that they had entered the Yeonbaek Plain led by the Shinsung Guild was expected to distract attention from the activities of other guilds, but as Shinpyeongyang fell into the hands of the Republic of Korea, it became a huge tsunami that could not be stopped.

“There is chaos everywhere. “It’s a monumental achievement.”


“I single-handedly captured the enemy nation’s capital after overcoming more than 10 level 8 monsters. “I heard about the majesty of the Short Horse, but I had no idea it was ours.”

Sometimes I feel so full that I feel like my stomach will explode.

It’s thanks to Junho Choi.

“Choi Jun-ho has expressed his intention to stay away from the North Korean situation and not interfere any further.”

“You made it all yourself and now you’re going to let go?”

“I have been told that leaving the job to a professional will yield the best results.”

“This is why I can’t help but like it. On the one hand, it is a burden. “How disappointed would you be if we didn’t live up to your expectations?”

“I will work harder.”

“I’ll have to work hard too. Let’s do our best.”


After taking a moment to burn off motivation, the president changed the topic.

“What are the reactions of those around you?”

“The United States and Japan have sent their congratulations. Both have expressed their intention to invest, and in the case of Japan, they have expressed their intention to export food.”

“Isn’t this too fast when we haven’t even secured the plain yet?”

“We are concentrating on securing food because the damage caused by the league has been high.”

“We will first consider it positively. What are the U.S. demands?”

“This is to solidify the existing ROK-US alliance and expand the scale of trade.”

“Isn’t there any benefit to be gained from America?”

“It seems like they are trying to expand their influence on the Korean Peninsula.”

“They said they wouldn’t treat it like before.”

It is not a bad trend as Korea’s presence has been upgraded to a higher level.

“What about China?”

“There is fierce opposition. But there is no further movement.”

Cheon Myeong-guk reported that the current situation in the Yalu River is unusual.

It is said that after Ryu Gwang-cheol died, many of the rampaging monsters moved north, causing the Chinese awakened unit that was trying to cross the Yalu River to withdraw in a hurry.

“They seem to sense that the situation is out of their hands.”

China can no longer do anything. That means they can act of their own will.

“How much is the value of the wealth that Choi Jun-ho has secured?”

“At least tens of trillions of won.”

“Even if I were to say that the entire amount would be used to restore the North Korean region, it would be eye-rolling, but the amount is such that it is truly Choi Jun-ho-like.”

It was Choi Jun-ho’s request, not anyone else’s.

If it were Kim Young-hwan, he would have racked his brain to figure out the context behind it.

They would have had to connect a company related to Kim Young-hwan and collect the money.

Choi Jun-ho had no need for any doubt when it came to money matters.

“Not having material desires is a great blessing.”

“Yes, it is a great blessing. So we must be even more wary of greed. “Please tell me that your request is gratefully accepted.”


“And there will be people who are dissatisfied with this.”

Some people may think that the money Choi Jun-ho secured from North Korea was blind money. The president had no intention of ignoring their existence.

“We have to sweep it up from the beginning, so pay close attention. Don’t think this is our money. Even that can lead to disappointment, so let’s deal with it quickly. “Because now is the most important time for us.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

As he watched Cheon Myeong-guk go out, the President lightly tapped the table with his hand.

Although he pretended to be calm, the feat of achieving ‘unification’ filled him with shivers.

“I didn’t know my wish would come true like this.”

Even though there would be a mountain of work to do in the future, the President smiled joyfully.

* * *

After leaving New Pyongyang in charge of Chung Ju-ho, I immediately returned to Kaesong. Kaesong, which serves as a base for the northern advance, was bustling with people, unlike when I left.

After reporting my return, I washed up thoroughly and headed to the hotel where the Holy Guild was staying. I met Yunhee there.


“Are you alive?”

“What am I going to say? How can you go all out and not even contact me? “Mom and Dad are so worried!”

Are your parents worried? I’ve never seen it before. Is it true?

“Are you really worried?”

“Of course it’s a lie.”

I was dumbfounded to see him lie so blatantly. It seems like it’s a lie that it’s growing day by day.

As I looked at him in bewilderment, Yunhee grinned and spoke triumphantly.

“I opened the gift. Praise me!”

“What is praise? “How about a gift?”

“It’s perfect. “Being able to continuously exert my full power through my own will is a setting that could come from a dream.”

Yunhee, who had opened up her indomitable spirit, was showing rapid progress, as if something she had been suppressing had been released. It seemed like I would soon reach level 5 like this.

Because the effort that has been made so far has been amazing. As I had been stacking up in the right direction, I was running at full speed when I met the opportunity of gift opening.

Yunhee was excited and started telling me about the virtues of fortitude. I have seen this gift before and am well aware of its power, but when I heard it in person, I thought it was truly amazing.

I’m jealous.

I wish I had that gift too.

Shall I say it again? no. I think I’ll just get criticized for no reason.

As I was lost in thought for a moment, Yunhee was looking at me with strange eyes.

“Why are you looking at me so disgustingly?”


“If you have something to say, say it directly. “If there’s anything I can do, I can listen.”

“I’m talking about your gift.”


Since he’s in a good mood, wouldn’t he be willing to allow it?

I said, unable to overcome my secretly growing greed.

“Can I make a copy?”

“copy? “Can I copy the gift?”

“I haven’t told you before, but my ability is gift copying.”

“really? ah! “That’s why you had multiple gifts!”


“So my gift can also be copied?”

“Because indomitability is a good gift.”

However, since I am a unique case, I am not sure if I can show my full potential from start to finish.

“I will.”


“huh. “My brother helped me so much, but can’t I do even this much?”

I think he’s just yelling because he doesn’t know how to copy.

“What should I do?”

“You just need to stay still. “I can take care of the rest.”

If you just close your eyes, you can immediately copy the gift information engraved on the heart’s blood.

“What what? “My heart?”

“It will sting and end.”

I said it as if I were offering words of comfort.

“Is that going to work, you crazy bastard! no way!”

That didn’t work.

After appetizing my appetite, I decided to try the next opportunity.

* * *

My return to Seoul took place quietly.

I heard from Cheon Myeong-guk that there was an uproar as the process of restoring New Pyongyang became known.

This is just the beginning. If you want to rest comfortably, it would be better to move quietly.

by the way.

[and! I never thought human civilization would change so brilliantly!]

The self-proclaimed divine beast whispering next to me is busy looking around the city.

As he walked around the streets, no one recognized him.

As if reading my thoughts, the blue dragon approaches and speaks triumphantly.

[Only you are connected, so you don’t have to worry about other people recognizing you!]

It doesn’t look very good to me.

He wasn’t the kind of guy who would listen to anything I said, so in the end I left him half-way and walked away.

At that time, a sleek sports car glided to a stop next to me.

The window opened and a beautiful woman with a familiar face leaned towards me and said.

“Would you like to go have some hot soybean paste stew with me, that nice guy over there?”

Of course I should go.

“Then I’ll leave.”

As I boarded the seat next to me, Anna Christine, with the corners of her mouth curled, stepped on the accelerator.

[Now wait! Where! Don’t abandon me!]

Blue Dragon was surprised, but what did he know? I left him behind and went with Anna Christine to a nearby Korean restaurant.

The main menu is soybean paste stew made with soybean paste made by an artisan.

Such delicious food composition.

Anna Christine You’ve grown into an enemy you can’t let down your guard against.

Anna Christine, whom I had seen for a long time, was more beautiful than before.

Just maintaining the status quo wouldn’t normally take any effort, but women’s obsession with beauty was such that sometimes even the madness of hematomas seemed like nothing.

“It’s been a while, Junho! “How have you been?”

“I’m the same every day.”

“It’s the same. “The incidents that Junho has caused so far would take up a whole book.”

That much?

It’s hard to believe.

“It’s true.”

When I seemed to not believe it, Anna Christine muttered that it was true.

[It came quickly.]

I don’t know how that abandoned guy came back so quickly.

[There are few people as crazy as you, so it’s easy to find.]

Scratching the inside is world class.

I looked at the blue dragon for a moment and then fixed my gaze on Anna Christine.

It must have come with a purpose.

Well then, without hesitation, let me get some information out.

“Does America know too?”

“Huh? Which one?”

“There are imaginary creatures among monsters.”


Anna Christine’s expression of astonishment was enough to answer.

“Tell me what you know.”

Because then our conversation will begin.

Anna Christine took a deep breath and began to reveal information about Shinsoo.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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