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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 126

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Episode 126

: Thanks to the saber-toothed tiger leaving the road open, I was able to enter with ease.

The Presidential Palace was already in chaos. People who didn’t know where they were were pouring out and wandering around, unable to figure out where they were.

I jumped into the crowd. Anyway, the guys here were either cooperating with Ryu Gwang-cheol and sucking his blood. There was no need to watch.



The guy who runs at me breaks his neck.


Leave the person running away alone.

Anyway, my goal was Ryu Gwang-cheol’s head, not the lives of everyone here.

Above all, this is a place surrounded by monsters. Even if you leave the city, the monsters come back.

Why was Ryu Kwang-cheol able to build such a strong dictatorship? Since it is possible to communicate with monsters, wouldn’t it be okay to treat those who try to run away as monsters?

When I was a blood species, the most common disposal method used by unestablished villain organizations was to throw them away as food for monsters.

It was easy to deal with them because they chewed on the bones.

However, that didn’t mean mercy was shown to everyone.

If I felt like they were going to show their cruelty to me or be a nuisance, I removed them in advance.

At that time, a group of people appeared. Unlike the people around them who were confused, they were moving in an orderly manner while maintaining their composure.

Then I made eye contact with the man in the lead.

“%^[email protected]#!”

Guys talking about me. I don’t know what you’re talking about? When did the North Korean language become Chinese?

It doesn’t matter anyway. Just remove it and that’s it. When I lifted the gun, the guys’ complexions turned pale and they seemed to be talking about something, but I didn’t care and cast Blade Storm.

Those caught in the Force wind turn into blood and flesh and scatter.

There were some who managed to escape the aftermath, but they were all swept away by the bladestorm that was cast again and died.

These guys are quite capable. Of course, this is when using what is inside as the standard.

Was it not just North Korea, but also China?

It doesn’t matter. They were in a place where there were people who would kill them anyway. Even if you complain to me, it’s okay if you say you don’t know. They say that on the way back, they had a meal with a monster.

I walked inside with great strides. It was not difficult to guess where Ryu Gwang-cheol might be.

He’s trying to establish his own kingdom, and he’s a superhuman, so he won’t try to run away. If you run away from here anyway, your life will be miserable, so I will try to defend you until the end.

As I headed toward the most ornately decorated space, I could see a face glaring with bloodshot eyes.

There were many similarities between him and Ryu Gwang-ho, so it wasn’t difficult to recognize him.

What kind of king is he? He was wearing something similar to a red robe.

“Ryu Gwang-cheol, right?”

Still, I went through the verification process once.

It was flashing with its bloody murderous spirit.

“Did you do this?”


“You killed my saber-toothed tiger….”

“Oh, that tiger?”

I thought it looked like a saber-toothed tiger, but I guess it was a saber-toothed tiger.

Thinking that the naming sense was really bad, I praised the saber-toothed tiger for his outstanding contribution in getting here.

If the stupid guy had rebelled, he wouldn’t have been able to control it.

“Your monster is awesome.”


Ryu Gwang-cheol’s expression became distorted.

* * *

Ryu Kwang-cheol was different from Ryu Kwang-ho in many ways.

While Ryu Gwang-ho was calm and seemed to have no presence, Ryu Gwang-cheol seemed anxious because he could not reveal his presence.

Can brothers be this different? The calm eldest brother and the reckless youngest brother come to mind.

Although it was strange to think that way about people over 60.

Ryu Kwang-cheol’s eyes burned as he looked at me.

“I cannot forgive. How dare you make such a fuss in my palace…”

“Can you do that?”

Do you not know what kind of situation you are in right now?

The guy who was looking at me asked.

“Are you a head breaker?”

“that’s right.”

“Let’s hold hands with me.”

What kind of bullshit are you talking about to the person who came to kill you?

“As you can guess, I can get their help by talking to monsters. “In the past, I had to pay the price first, but now I can make the first move by promising to pay the price.”

“Is that why you sent monsters to Kaesong?”



That was an interesting statement.

You mean it’s possible to control monsters, right?

I don’t think it’s the kind of order I think it is.

Still, I saw hope in the saber-toothed tiger.

I guess my silence was taken as a positive thing by him, so I started talking faster.

“If my ability to control monsters and your power are combined, greater synergy can be created. Let’s swallow up Korea and destroy China. “We can divide the world in half and rule it even bigger than now!”

He was elated, as if he had made an offer he could never refuse.

Does this mean that your field of vision is narrow?

It was as if he was trapped in his own world and believed that what he thought was right would be thought by others as well.

I’m not interested in that kind of thing.

“What do you do with that?”


“What are you doing to rule the world? bothered.”

Rather than playing emperor in a small world, it’s better to hang out with people around you who you approve of, do what you want, and occasionally break the heads of idiots.

How nice it is to have so many people to do the work for me.

“I don’t need anything, just give me your neck.”

* * *

Ryu Gwang-cheol’s obsession with life was beyond imagination.

Although he is a superhuman, his personal inaction is nothing special. But he resisted me in every possible way.

I don’t know where he got it from, but he used various tools to throw me away and tried to kill me by activating a trap.


There was no particular danger.

He stood out for being able to control monsters, but as an awakened individual, he had no actual combat experience, so he degenerated and could not demonstrate his power.

Eventually, when the funds ran out, his complexion turned pale.

Even if you talk about a million monsters, if you end up bare, you have to protect yourself.

But his actual skills are below expectations.

“I can’t die like this. This power was given to me because heaven intended it for me….”

“Don’t talk nonsense about just being lucky.”

Without hesitation, I put my hand into his chest.


The guy’s wide-open eyes became blurry and quickly began to lose their light.

Human life is fleeting. Even a guy who reigned like an emperor and received absolute respect would die in an instant if his heart was pierced like this.

I felt the life energy draining away and started copying his gift.

“Is it called monster language?”

Ryu Gwang-cheol’s gift was a gift that allowed him to communicate with monsters, just as he had told me, through ‘monster language.’

It is a gift that allows you to communicate with monsters through a kind of telepathy.

Although I neglected my development as a superhuman, I could see that I had steadily developed my gift.

Anyway, what do I do with this gift?

I thought about the gifts I currently have.

He had a total of 10, including [Blood Feeding], [Mines], [Intuition], [Brainwashing], [Blade Storm], [Transfer], [Clairsight], [Complete Recovery], [Invincible Poison], and [Planting Hyegwang].

I don’t know how much the number of gifts has to do with how crazy I am. However, I went crazy after absorbing gifts indiscriminately, so I promised myself that I would not receive more than 10 in this life.

In that case, you have to delete one.

I clicked my tongue, remembering the gift list again.

“What a waste.”

There are some inconveniences in clairvoyance and telemetry, which have a limited range of use, but they are very useful gifts when the situation is right. I felt like it was a waste to throw it away to get the monster language.

It was a time when my worries became quite deep.


The newest member, Hyegwang Sim-eo, wriggled and began to devour the monster language. It was a movement similar to the one in which a storm of blades engulfed Slash.

As soon as I left it alone without disturbing it, Hyegwang Sim-eo swallowed and digested the monster language in an instant. The monster language is included within the frame of Hye-gwang Sim-eo.

This was a completely unexpected trend. Rather, it was good for me. This means that I was able to completely erase the worry about which gift to delete.

One thing that bothers me is that Hyegwang Sim-eo has a history of resisting me once.

“A person or a gift can be completely reborn through education.”

The same goes for the Mandokbulchim guy and Hye-gwang Sim-eo.

The legendary gift guys rebel from time to time, so we have to keep discipline in check.

* * *

It didn’t take long for Ryu Gwang-cheol’s death to become known.

The monsters on the North Korean side showed abnormal movements and began to run wild.

The Blue House was the first to realize this.

Since we already knew that Choi Jun-ho had gone to Pyongyang, it was not difficult to figure out what the result was.

“Ryu Gwang-cheol is dead.”

“yes. “Currently, the area around Pyongyang is said to be a scene close to hell due to the sudden rampage of monsters.”

“It’s probably because there are monsters summoned by Ryu Gwang-cheol.”

Pyongyang cannot be touched. Even if Choi Jun-ho has reduced the number of monsters, the number is currently at a level that Korea cannot handle.

But other places are possible.

“First, let’s focus on securing the Yeonbaek Plain. Can you contact Choi Jun-ho?”

“It’s not there yet. “It is impossible to approach because the monsters are running rampant.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine though. “Because it’s Choi Jun-ho.”

“yes. “I’m more worried about the residents who will remain.”

“I’m worried about that too.”

These are the people who suffered under North Korea and the tyranny of Ryu Gwang-cheol. If they were Ryu Gwang-cheol’s slaves before, they will now become citizens of the Republic of Korea.

I wanted to pay attention, but it was a pity that I couldn’t.

The president decided to focus on what he could do now.

“First of all, let’s focus on things that fit our capabilities.”


Cheon Myeong-guk nodded with a determined expression.

To avoid tearing your crotch while following Choi Jun-ho, you have to sprint as hard as you can.

* * *

The ‘monster language’ combined with Hyegwang’s mind language was quite difficult to use.

Not only did I have to tune into the frequency with the monster right away, but what the monster was talking about couldn’t even be heard in Korean.

Ultimately, it meant that I had to improve.

It’s not a battle gift and it’s a pain in the ass.

Since it is a monster language, ultimately you have to communicate with monsters to develop the gift, but the problem was that I had no intention of doing that.

Because I thought it was right to destroy the head first when I saw the monster.

Should I leave it like this?

In any case, the burden of the number of gifts disappeared as the Hyegwang sims were devoured.

“for a moment.”

Why should I focus on monster language?

There is someone who can do it for me.

Is this a change in thinking?

Because even if it’s not me, there is a consciousness that will make an effort. If I don’t want to do it, I can push it to someone else.

“I can just ask Hyegwang Sim-eo to do it.”

Because I was planning on going to give gift training. I guess I can just pass it on naturally.

It’s better to give an assignment to an ugly guy than to give him a piece of cake. Since he calls himself a smart guy, he will learn the monster language and handle everything I need.

Gift training is surprisingly not difficult.

If you enter the mental world that I have designated as the sea of consciousness, you can meet the ego contained in the gift.

I didn’t even know a place like this existed.

I found out about this when Constantina, the witch doctor, cast a curse, briefly giving the initiative to the blood species. As I moved to the deepest part of my consciousness, I was able to have a meaningful conversation with Mandeuk.

After that, if I concentrated, I could head into the sea of consciousness.

I plan to have a conversation with Hyegwang Shim-eo here as well. Probably Mandeuk-wi too.

After passing through a long mental tunnel and sinking into the pitch-black sea of consciousness, I manifested my will in the dark space.

[Gather together with Hye-gwang in mind.]

There were two figures flinching in the distance. For a moment, one of them runs towards me, and the other approaches hesitantly and cautiously.

The guy who moves around like a stooge is a sniper, and the cautious guy is Hye-gwang-sim-eo.

I caught Mandeuk for a while and he quickly gained discipline. Compared to when they tried to cure me by calling me crazy when I was sane, it was a complete disaster.

The problem is that guy who pretends to be noble behind the scenes.

[Hye-gwang-sim, I will call you Gwang-sim from now on.]


Hyegwangsim-eo rebels against my will. He claimed that it was a noble and flawless gift.

So what?

When I pressed the button, he protested a few more times and then became quiet. He realized that there was nothing he could do.

Mandokbulchim watches this with laughter.

It’s hard to imagine who the tadpole enemy was who was rushing to fix the owner’s sane mind.

However, if there is a difference in treatment like this, the enthusiasm will also change.

Of course, nothing can change on its own.

We should actively utilize the converts.

It’s good for me if the two of you become reasonably close. You have to put a reasonable amount of pressure on the guy who is watching like a bystander.

[Anything Gwangsim does wrong from now on will be Mandeuk’s responsibility.]


This time, Mandokbulchim rebels. Why are you like this when you are a servant who is infinitely loyal to your master?

I have to crawl under the paper surface to find a comfortable place.

[Because you are a senior. And don’t you think about your old self?]

Faced with the truth, Mandokbulchim becomes quiet.

People should never forget their past.

So I drove out the hematoma and came to my senses.

Of course, these guys are the self in the gift, but they must be aware of their past, be wary, and reflect on their loyalty to their owner.

If you don’t have a beurjang head, you have to get beaten up.

Whether it’s a person, a monster, or a gift, if you don’t listen to what you’re told, you have to get beaten to come to your senses.

[Instead, we allow justifiable corporal punishment.]


At my words, Mandokbulchim brightened up as if he had become glum at some point and triumphantly asked me to leave it to him.

Hyegwang Sim-eo protested, but if he was dissatisfied, he would have sworn loyalty.

A crisis is right in front of you, but you’re stiff?

This means that it is not yet a crisis.

If you see him not giving up, you can tell that he is still worth living.

At this level, Gwangsim’s education will be solid.

In the first place, the battle for rank among the lower ranks is fierce.

Well, it doesn’t matter if the educational process is crooked.

At that time, I can step forward. Of course, there was a warning to prevent you from doing anything in vain.

[And you know that it’s not okay for two people to join forces, right? Let’s be nice when they are nice to us.]


The two Gifts, who were close together, shouted that they understood.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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