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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 124

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Episode 124

Cheongchuleoram Cheongeoram (靑出於藍 靑於藍).

This was how I felt when I saw Jeong Da-hyun.

I can’t believe I refined my short-lived idea so refinedly. If it were me, I would never have considered the monsters’ habits and their behavior towards their families. Using this method, I would have captured the entire monster family.

It was a maternal instinct, and it was a defeat that I finally realized.

Dahyun Jeong was definitely a student who was eager to teach.

If I had come across Dahyun Jeong’s idea earlier, I would have caught one that escaped when hunting the Earth Dragon.

My mistake at the time was to fertilize the hatchling too early. If it had remained in a more intact form, the remaining one would have been pulled out thinking it was alive.

Now that I think about it, it was insufficient.

“I still have a long way to go.”

It was a moment when I realized that there was still a place left to focus on. On the other hand, I think realizing these things is the joy of teaching Dahyun Jeong.


Was it because of the harsh reviews on the first hunt? He seemed quite concerned about my next evaluation.

“good job.”

“no. Rather, I learned more.”

Although she expressed her humility in words, Dahyun Jeong’s expression brightened.

“Anyway, I think it’ll be hard to carry this.”

“I guess so, right?”

“Let’s get in touch.”

We called in the hunting cleanup team.

While waiting for them to arrive, I compiled the information I gained when dealing with monsters.

There was a unique connection in my head. It was similar yet different from how a puppeteer connected puppets. While the puppeteer was controlling the willless doll, in this case it felt like he was providing a channel for communication.

One thing was clear: there was a high probability that Ryu Gwang-cheol was staying in the place where the link was connected.


Several huge trucks started coming in from afar.

After a while, the cleaning team arrived at the location and looked shocked when they saw the monster we had hunted.

* * *

The President stroked his chin and was lost in thought. What Choi Jun-ho said during his visit to the Blue House a while ago was quite shocking.

“What do you think of the story of Choi Jun-ho, a superhuman?”

“That makes sense.”

Cheon Myeong-guk agreed with Choi Jun-ho’s words.

“It’s far from systematic, but I don’t think there is anyone who can match Choi Jun-ho’s sense of field. What he saw would be closer to the truth.”

“Pyongyang is not far from the hunting point. “If traces of Ryu Gwang-cheol’s gift were detected, what Lee Yoo-cheol confessed would not be a lie.”

The story of Ryu Gwang-cheol’s close associates and the information Choi Jun-ho obtained by searching through the monster’s brain had to be considered true.

Cheon Myeong-guk also agreed.

“I think it’s true.”

“I think so too. By the way, isn’t it funny how the information was found? “Do they teach monster hunting like that these days?”

Cheon Myeong-guk immediately shook his head.

“Choi Jun-ho’s method is unique. No, it’s dangerous. “I would have done so because I am confident that I have complete control over the situation, but if someone else is going to do it, I will stop them.”

“You could say it was level 7. Nachalnyeo… no, Ms. Jeong Da-hyeon is surprising. “I can’t believe I’m using my vacation to develop my hunting skills.”

“If Choi Jun-ho had not been a superhuman, this is a talent that the world would have noticed. “She is now 22 years old, just 24 years old.”

Despite what she said, Jeong Da-hyun’s existence was already known not only in Korea but all over the world.

A faster pace of development than Shiloh, who once enthused the entire country. And an awakened person with upright beliefs who chose justice over beauty, wealth and fame.

Dahyun Jeong has all the elements that people can be excited about.

There were rumors that a foreign guild was preparing a contract worth more than $1 billion to take her away.

The President smiled happily.

“It’s hard to find an awakened person with that level of justice and enthusiasm. It’s a blessing to be part of the government. The only problem is that I don’t have a good relationship with my parents. Is it still bad?”


“We have no choice but to intervene in that area where appropriate. If the war of nerves gets worse, promising talents may lose their place or be leaked to other countries.”

Who would dare to take such a step when Choi Jun-ho is there, but there are many people in the world who would jump into the fire pit to recruit talented people.

Cheon Myeong-guk realized what the President meant.

“We will take action.”

“Let me believe it.”

* * *

Investment continues.

It was a response to the current government-led advance northward.

Even those who were initially negative changed their attitude when word spread that Choi Jun-ho would step forward.

Once Shinsung Group took the lead, large guilds and large corporations began to follow.

The fact that they were moving the Republic of Korea meant that they had a high probability of success.

In particular, the support from non-awakened citizens was close to madness.

This is because there is hope that if the government captures the three plains in North Korea that are the targets of its advance northward, it will be able to escape chronic housing and food shortages.

The three plains were vast plains, and if these areas were cleared cleanly, safe housing would be secured in addition to food production.

The threat of monsters is everywhere, but in modern times, the most dangerous place has become the mountains.

The Republic of Korea, which already has many mountainous areas, succeeded in protecting the necessary bases, but the reason it was unable to build many safe zones from monsters was because of these mountainous areas.

“That is the power of the brand Choi Jun-ho.”


I, the person involved, was calm, but Jin Se-jeong looked triumphant as if it was her job.

For some reason, I feel embarrassed.

“I especially like that the United States has made its intentions clear. “The United States and Japan have expressed their intention to invest, and China has criticized it.”

China, which claims to be a direct stakeholder, harshly criticized the North Korean advance, saying it was bringing about senseless sacrifices.

However, according to Cheon Myeong-guk, they talked about compromise behind the scenes.

Since they can’t eat it right now, they are planning to set up a fishing ground.

If that’s going to happen, why don’t you give us something else to make it stop?

Although Jin Se-jeong did not know that fact, he was seeing the situation relatively accurately.

“If only Choin would show his cool side officially here! nice! “It will make a really cool picture.”

“That kind of painting would be difficult.”

“yes? why?”

“I won’t install it from the front like a hero, but will move quietly from behind.”

“Oh, I see. That’s too bad. “If Choin showed his heroic side, he could have risen to become a world star.”


I think I’m really glad I didn’t become a world star.

As soon as I fell into disappointment, I recovered quickly.

Jin Se-jeong suddenly smiled brightly.

“That’s why I’m here! “I can decorate even this with your mysterious charm.”


“She is a woman with the ability to make a superhuman propose a renewal of her contract!”

It’s true, I can’t deny it.

The effect of Jin Se-jeong’s idol worldview and the work of named trolls was so great that criticism of me, which frequently appeared on TV, decreased significantly and voices calling for me to be treated as a villain completely disappeared.

Just making the factors that were secretly annoying disappear is a huge achievement.

“Oh! And my malicious comments are being exported to foreign countries as well. In particular, the response from the US is very enthusiastic! “If I were in the U.S., would I have been chased by hackers and taken a bullet?”

You say crazy things so calmly.

Somehow, I feel like there are no more normal people around me.

The same goes for Dahyun Jeong and Sehee Lee.

“Anyway, don’t worry about creating your image, Superhuman! “I will do whatever it takes to help you become a plus.”

“…All right.”

I should be grateful that Jin Se-jeong will do my best, right?

I was a little curious as to why I should be confused about this.

“But what does it mean to move quietly?”

“We will quietly find our home base.”


“If anyone asks, please keep it a secret.”

I plan to decide later whether to just scout and then return or infiltrate.

First, I headed to Kaesong.

* * *

“I don’t like the fact that I have to come to a village like this.”

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Xian frowned at the bleak landscape, which showed no signs of civilization.

I visited this place three times, but there was no change in this place, as if time had stopped.

The subordinates around him also nodded their heads in agreement.

North Korea, which had maintained the framework of its former state, returned to a primitive era after being completely destroyed by demons.

Now it has become a no-man’s land where monsters run rampant, reminiscent of hell.

This is a land that China will one day occupy. However, looking at the sight now, it was not a very desirable land.

“At times like this, Jiang Zedong should be there.”

The death of Zhang Zedong, the leader of the three northeastern provinces and a promising superman, was regrettable. If he had acted less, he would have survived and strengthened himself, but his hatred ruined everything.

Add to that the absurd death of Namgung-gi.

As a result, the party’s recent policy has shifted to holding off on North Korea.

It was decided that there was no room to restore North Korea for the time being.

However, we cannot simply hand it over to the Republic of Korea.

The party’s decision is to delay the war as much as possible while reviewing whether to support Ryu Gwang-cheol.

“There are monsters everywhere.”

At the same time, a subordinate’s cry was heard.

“Boss! “It’s a monster!”

People around him seemed embarrassed, but Wang Xian raised his hand to stop them.

“Okay. “This is ‘his’ territory.”

At that declaration, the guards retreated. In any case, it was not a number that could be stopped even if they came forward.

As Wang Xian said, the monsters only watched from afar and did not move. Each one looked unusual.

Wang Xian accepted it as Ryu Gwang-cheol’s show of force.

Such a brilliant move for someone who rules over a small town.

I didn’t like it very much, but I suppressed it, remembering the instructions given by the party.

After driving for about an hour, Wang Xian and his group saw an old city that was almost in ruins.

“This place…”

“They said it was New Pyongyang.”

It would not be strange to say that it was a ruin where a war broke out. It was chaotic because broken buildings and debris had not been removed all over the place.

But the further we got into the city, the cleaner it started to become. And when they reached the place they claimed to be the ‘Seokseong Palace’, everyone let out an exclamation.

It was so splendid that its very existence felt unrealistic. It was difficult to imagine how many people’s hard work must have been squeezed out.

“Everyone, please take care of your facial expressions.”

Following Wang Xian’s orders, the subordinates managed their facial expressions before getting out of the car.

After a while, when we arrived at the Presidential Palace, a man in his 40s came to meet us and greeted us politely.

“Welcome, welcome to the President’s Palace in New Pyongyang. Minister of Foreign Affairs.”

“I can’t see Comrade Lee Yu-cheol, who usually comes out to meet me.”

“…He is currently carrying out an important mission. “I will take care of you.”


Wang Xian nodded, and the man who came to meet him took the lead.

The inside of the Presidential Palace was even more of a different world. Luxurious interiors and antique artwork were on display as if all the city’s wealth had been gathered together.

I guess it’s true that the former regime’s secret warehouse was robbed.

The place they finally arrived was a reception room decorated in red and gold. A handsome man in his early 50s who was sitting on a fancy chair stood up and greeted Wang Xian.

“oh! Long time no see! Minister of Foreign Affairs. how have you been?”

He is Ryu Gwang-cheol. Wang Xian shook his hand and nodded with a nervous expression as he was touched by a hand on his shoulder.

“It’s been a while, Chairman Ryu.”

“Thank you for coming this far. Please sit down.”

Wang Xian, with a nervous expression, sat down. And Ryu Kwang-cheol, who was sitting at the head of the table, crossed his legs and smiled softly.

“So, what brought you here?”


It was arrogant. Even though he was ranked 20th in the party, it was not the attitude of a city-state ruler.

This means that he knows that he is the one who is currently in urgent need.

They said they did not like the current situation, but they were the ones who were disappointed, so they spoke out.

“I understand that the south is currently preparing a large-scale advance north.”

“yes. what.”

Wang Xian sighed inwardly at his displeased attitude and continued speaking.

“At home, I hope President Ryu will keep South Korea in check.”

“I guess I’m making the request now as a check. “I need to go into pricing for this.”

Looking at Ryu Gwang-cheol smiling, Wang Xian sighed inwardly.

Although he called himself a president, Ryu Gwang-cheol was of a family close to a businessman.

That too is not faithful.

So I didn’t want something like this to happen, but I got bitten badly.

However, the current situation in China was having to lend a helping hand to these scammers.

“I don’t ask for much.”

Ryu Kwang-cheol’s demands, as he says, were always excessive.

It was the same this time too.

After arguing for hours, Wang Xian shook his head.

“It’s absolutely impossible.”

“Then negotiations have collapsed.”

It was then.


A tiger with enormous muscles and a body length of over 7 meters appeared and acted as if it was going to pounce on Wang Xian.

“What is this!”

“Ah, it’s okay.”

Wang Xian, overwhelmed by the monster, trembled. This is a level 8 harmful monster that is worth seeing.

Ryu Gwang-cheol grinned and patted the monster’s head as he looked at Wang Xian, who was terrified.

“We became special friends not long ago. We named it saber-toothed tiger. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

“Yes, yes…”

“You don’t have to be so scared. “If it’s my ‘favor’, you’re a well-behaved child.”

The emphasis on the word “please” was quite intentional.

This was a clear threat.

But there was nothing that could stop it.

Wang Xian clenched his teeth to somehow hold on while his hands and feet were shaking.

As if savoring the sight, Ryu Gwang-cheol relaxed to the fullest.

“Of course, I am not making excessive demands on your country for free. Of course there has to be a gift.”

“Seo gift?”

“I still had no intention of ignoring the actions of the southerners. So I sent a taster.”

Ryu Kwang-cheol revealed that the diplomatic corps sent to the South had lost contact.

Only then did Wang Xian realize why Li Youcheol did not come to meet him.

If he showed his self-indulgence in front of the head breaker… the result was obvious.

That guy is a crazy person you should never interact with.

Ryu Gwang-cheol’s main point was next.

“I have a special ‘favor’ to ask my friends. You can look at the results and give your answer.”

Ryu Gwang-cheol asked his two friends, two monsters, to step on Gaeseong.

* * *

When I arrived in Kaesong, I had no time to rest.

While I was considering whether to head north tomorrow, a loud alarm suddenly rang and reports began to be relayed to me.

This was an attack alarm from a level 8 monster that was at least harmful.

What is interesting is that it is not just one thing.

The person in charge came running to me, thinking.

“There are two! “Two plus level monsters are attacking Kaesong.”

“Are you coming separately?”

“yes! But even though the distance between the two is quite close, there is no sign of collision. This…”

It must have been Ryu Gwang-cheol’s doing.

It must be revenge for destroying Lee Yu-cheol and hunting lizards.

Without thinking for a long time, I gave the order to the person in charge.

“Evacuate all citizens.”

If you don’t want to die, you’ll run away on your own.

If you ignore the evacuation advisory, there is no next time.

When I was a civil servant hunter, I said I had to protect one citizen until the end, but that was bullshit.

I don’t have the spirit to protect the citizens while dealing with monsters.

“Then what about Superhuman?”

“I’ll buy some time.”

“Oh, I understand!”

The person in charge of reporting hurriedly went out.

I was left alone in a space surrounded by emergency warning sounds.

I didn’t know that bundles of money would come rolling in at my feet.

“…I couldn’t go there for fear of a stampede, but only the two of you are coming?”

This is how this situation was expressed.


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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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