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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 122

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Episode 122

‘The best gift for a married man is for his wife to go to her parents’ house and have some alone time.’

When I first heard that, I was shocked. That’s the answer I got from Berserker, a married man, when I asked him how to seduce Cheon Myeong-guk.

I asked if it was real.

Then Berserker answered with a serious expression.

‘Do as I say. If I’m wrong, you can hit me.’

…I had a bad attitude, so I was planning to hit him regardless of the outcome.

But the result was beyond imagination.

The stubborn Cheon Myeong-guk had little time to worry and made a decision quickly.

This is completely different from his usual cautious attitude.

[It’s an all-purpose keyword that can persuade a married man.]

You can’t underestimate Berserker. Still, you did something, so I’ll give it a try.

Anyway, I succeeded in persuading Cheon Myeong-guk.

The next day, I decided to go straight to Cheon Myeong-guk’s gift search.

“Please gently.”

“Don’t worry.”

If anyone sees it, they’ll think I’m eating it. Did I not give you that much confidence? All it does is drill a small hole next to the heart. When the restorative agent is used, only very small wound marks remain, with barely visible scars.

At that time, a somewhat awkward voice came from next to me.

“…But is it right for me to be like this?”

The owner of the voice was the president. In his hand was a healing potion.

“The fewer people who know your secret, the better.”

“That’s true, but I’ve never done anything like this before, so it’s awkward.”

“You can do it well.”

“I’ll do my best, Director Cheon. “Don’t be too scared.”

“…Yes yes.”

Cheon Myeong-guk was already out of his mind.

No, what’s so scary about putting just one finger near the heart?

I would faint if I told you that you have to beat your heart when copying gifts.

“You can spray it when I pull out my finger.”

“I understand. “But I have a question. Can I ask you something?”

“Please tell me.”

“We are going to pierce a hole next to the heart. Can’t we just use anesthesia?”



There was silence for a moment.

The President had a curious expression, and Cheon Myeong-guk had an expression of realizing something he did not know.


Of course I didn’t know. It would be right to say that I didn’t think about it because I didn’t have holes in my body.

And with only this much pain?

It is normal for an awakened person to have a few holes in their body.

Even Cheon Myung-guk would accept that much.

“It will take a long time to prepare, so let’s just go ahead and do it.”

“Now wait a minute! Still, anesthesia… Wow!”

Without wasting too much time, I stuck my finger into Cheon Myeong-guk’s chest.

The moist, rich feel that passes through your fingertips is evidence of healthy blood. Although I complain of stress every day, my health is fine.

I smiled and waited until my fingers were sufficiently wet before pulling it out.

“Director Cheon! Don’t worry! “I’m using it properly!”

As I watched the president hastily using the restorative medicine, I brought the blood to my mouth.

It was revealed here that Cheon Myeong-guk lived faithfully throughout his life.

There were quite a few potential gifts.

‘Illojin’, which improves performance in one field, ‘Prediction’, which allows you to combine information in a short period of time and see the situation immediately after, and ‘Yeontu’, which allows you to sustain combat power with an abundance of force, stood out.

It is a gift that is not easy to open in full. All three are things that shine in a combat situation.

Neither seemed suitable for Cheon Myeong-guk, who is currently not active in the field.

Then, there was a gift that caught my eye at the end.


It is a higher gift than expected, but it is a gift that is difficult to manifest without a wealth of study and practical experience. It’s close to foresight, but since it’s created based on actual elements, the hit rate will be higher.

A unique gift based on the level?

However, since it is not a combat gift and deals with a large amount of information, it is known to have significant recoil.

Cheon Myeong-guk, who was frowning due to the pain he felt in his chest, looked surprised when he heard my words.

“What you just said…”

“There were several potential gifts.”

When we talk about the prediction battle with Ilojeongjin and simulation is mentioned at the end, our wide eyes become even wider.

I guess he didn’t know there were so many gifts for him.

Cheon Myeong-guk’s choice was also a simulation.

“…I think it’s a suitable gift for me right now because it’s a simulation.”

The president next to him offered congratulations.

“Congratulations, you found the gift you needed.”

“thank you!”

“Then what efforts should Director Cheon make to open the gift?”

“You just have to work harder.”



They both looked puzzled at the same time.

Anyone who sees it will think I said something wrong.

But isn’t this natural?

“Gifts are stimulated when they coincide with similar situations. So, you just need to be given a task that matches the situation so that the simulation can wake up.”

To put it bluntly, I was told to just roll with it.

Even more intense than now.

These two people were not unaware of the meaning of these words.

Naturally, the facial expressions contrasted sharply.

“Now wait a minute…”

Why is Cheon Myeong-guk looking at me with a betrayed expression?

Oh right.

My wife decided to go to her parents’ house.

Then you will be alone, so won’t you be lonely?

I would be less lonely if I was with work.

Getting rid of loneliness involves a mountain of work and hellish training.

I think Berserker had something to say about alone time to a married man, but I’m not a married man so I don’t know.

The president quickly accepted my words.

“I understand! “I’m willing to be a bad boss for Director Cheon.”

“Please do me a favor.”

Having exercised my skill of passing it on to the President, I chose to retreat.

They’ll take care of the rest.

“Then I’ll just leave.”

“You devil! Villain! Headbreaker! A person like Berserker!”

…crossing the line? Did I do something that serious?

I left the screaming Cheon Myeong-guk and went out.

But this thought occurred to me.

Simulate this gift.

For some reason, it seems to be consistent with the big picture of the grand compromise that Cheon Myeong-guk used to drive me out.

You didn’t realize the gift too late in your last life and used it on me, right?

Oh no way.

I felt uncomfortable for no reason.

* * *

A few days later, two types of documents about Ryu Gwang-cheol were placed in front of me.

It was information about Ryu Gwang-cheol that came from the United States and was provided by the government. I contrasted the two contents.

“It’s similar overall.”

Ryu Gwang-cheol is 62 years old and is a man who has been on the elite course since the days when the North Korean regime was in power.

He is filled with the consciousness of the chosen people to his core and calls himself the leader of the people.

It has been revealed in the United States that he believes he has founded his own kingdom and that he absolutely does not want to have a biased relationship with any country.

His nickname is Tamer, but his gift appears to be a bit weaker than that. To enter Ryu Gwang-cheol’s territory, you have to pass through the monster’s curtain, making it virtually impossible to conquer.

However, it was written that the gift was not omnipotent and that significant limitations were expected in controlling monsters.

If my skills had improved, the utility of the gift would have also increased.

The informants said that since they do not engage in outside activities, it is impossible to obtain any further information.

After that, it was listed in various activities carried out by Ryu Gwang-cheol.

They forcibly kidnap the surviving residents, subject them to forced labor, perform experiments on them, and even throw away those who resist as food for the monsters.

My impressions after reading it were simple.

“He’s cheap to kill.”

No, this is the villain of villains?

At that moment, I reflected.

I thought hematoma was the worst, but this guy was also worst in another way.

I thought Ryu Gwang-ho would be vengeful if I killed him recklessly.

However, if what is written in the document is true, there will be no problem even if you kill him right in front of your eyes.

But why wasn’t I aware of Ryu Gwang-cheol’s existence in my last life?

When he was a member of the royal family, he went north and crossed the Yalu River, so his territory would have overlapped with that of Ryu Gwang-cheol.

What that means is that if you leave it alone, something bad will happen.

The changes I had made in this life were so great that there was no guarantee that they would proceed.

Moreover, the gift Ryu Gwang-cheol had seemed to be different from what I had imagined.

“Communicating with monsters is no different.”

Did you say that you want to manipulate monsters as you wish, or that you want to communicate with monsters?

If a monster is useless even if alive, it is best to die and leave behind a heart of bones and skin if it will not obey your wishes.

The best thing to do would be to master brainwashing to make them obey, but the hostility toward humans implanted in the monster’s consciousness made that difficult.

When did that cult leader take root? It would be nice to find it now and get all the know-how, but since it is not established, it would be difficult to find it.

I’ll have to release some people soon.

I’ve been diligently feeding him Force these days because I wanted to use the solitude I took from Namgung-gi.

As I thought about it, I took out a brown pill from my pocket. After returning, I injected force from time to time, and each time I received it with pleasure and grew.

Even now, I feel good about putting force into it.

“I’ll have to try it out.”

Otherwise, he has no value in existing.

“Let’s pay for the meal.”

It’s squirming inside as if it understands what I’m saying.

It meant showing off more force.

I don’t know what kind of guts this guy has.

“Okay, eat as much as you want.”

Is this an investment?

Is this what low-point investing is like?

I might be a big hit in the future, so I’ll fool you once.

* * *

Meanwhile, something unexpected happened.

Jeong Da-hyeon left the National Defense Bureau and moved to the National Front Defense Agency.

I thought I would continue to be in charge of the villain task force.

When he was in the National Defense Bureau, he showed affection for him, and he seemed quite wary of getting entangled with his uncle, Jung Joo-ho.

It was all my mistake.

“I didn’t know you would change affiliations.”

“After all, the National Protection Agency specializes in dealing with villains rather than monsters. “It seems better to act quickly than to cause harm to those around you.”

“That is correct.”

However, what was unique was that it was the National Front Defense Agency, not a department specializing in dealing with monsters like the Anti-Demon Defense Front Department.

Of course, since this place oversees the three kingdoms, it has a wider range of movement, so it is a better choice,

but it is a problem because it can make comments from Jeong Da-hyeon’s point of view.

“You moved it because of Commissioner Jeong, right?”

“yes that’s right.”

“Don’t you usually like being moved like this?”

“What do you think?”

huh? This was not the reaction of the Jeong Da-hyun I knew. Usually, I showed a selfish attitude out of fear of being found out.

When I looked at him with a puzzled expression, Dahyun Jeong smiled.

“I used to pay attention too, but now that I’m trying to focus on training, I feel like it’s a luxury to worry about such things. So I decided to give up thinking deeply.”


“yes. I could see an efficient way in front of me, but I couldn’t accept it because of my pride and the opinions of those around me. Then this thought occurred to me. Will this help me? After thinking about it for three days, the conclusion I came to was ‘no.’ So I decided to change my mind. Let’s be shameless. “No matter what others think, let’s think about it after I have what I want.”

“good idea.”

It was a minor change in thinking, but the broadening of my thinking opened up possibilities in more directions.

Jeong Da-hyun’s words continued.

“And the National Front Defense Agency can catch villains while hunting monsters. “The commissioner can give me more roles.”

“That is correct.”

Jeong Joo-ho: The man is just a little less intelligent, but he trusts and entrusts many things to his subordinates.

Since someone as talented as Jeong Da-hyun came voluntarily, they would naturally welcome it.

However, since one of the team leaders moved to another department, the National Security Bureau suffered a significant loss.

These days, I have barely been working at the National Security Agency, and Oh Jong-su, who was in charge of telephone work, has also been talked about moving to the office where Choi Jun-ho’s team is located soon.

“There will be information about the advance northward soon.”


“There are a lot of monsters in the plains of the north. “There will be plenty of hunting opportunities.”

Currently, monsters are under control in the territory of the Republic of Korea, except for mountainous areas.

However, North Korea had been neglected for decades, so it was safe to say that the entire territory was a den of monsters.

Jeong Da-hyeon’s eyes actually sparkled at the words that could have scared her.

“I’m looking forward.”

“You can look forward to it.”

If you don’t stay alert, the hunt that will kill you will begin right away.

I was excited to see how much Dahyun Jeong would grow as she faced off against monsters.

* * *

The reason the government chose Kaesong as a base for advancing north is simple.

This is because it is located just east of the Yeonbaek Plain and transportation is developed, allowing the parties responsible for advancing north to make flexible decisions.

Although it has the disadvantage of not being a suitable terrain for defense, it took a long time to build a defense system, making it the most useful northernmost base and fortress among the territories currently occupied by the Republic of Korea.

The first goal of the northward advance policy is to seize the Yeonbaek Plain, and furthermore, the strategic goal is to seize the Jaeryeong Plain and Pyongyang Plain.

The judgment was that if we could stabilize this area, which is called the three major plains of North Korea, we could aim to increase food production and unite people scattered throughout North Korea.

However, in the case of Pyongyang, a large number of monsters were gathered so that it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is currently a gathering place for monsters.

“Because there are a lot of monsters, there is a high probability that it is Ryu Gwang-cheol’s base.”

The government is speculating that Ryu Gwang-cheol may have established his own territory here in Pyongyang.

I took the most valuable land.

The government has declared an all-out war to occupy these three plains and is in the process of contacting several large corporations and large guilds.

Large companies that were hit by the league crisis prepared large-scale investments to secure new investment sources, and large guilds also responded positively to secure interests.

It was time to gradually increase power in the north.

A completely unexpected guest visited Kaesong and headed to Seoul.

They called themselves ‘the later Foreign Minister of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.’

The Blue House’s reaction was fierce.

“This is unexpected.”

“It seems like they predicted the northward advance and moved first.”

“Are you here to check on us?”

“yes. “There is a high probability that they will induce illusion and threaten through bravado.”

“Even so, it is only a small force. In the past, that might have been too much, but not now.”

And then the president looks at my face. What did you ask?

“Because I have solid insurance.”

“That is correct.”

Now I also receive insurance coverage. Cheon Myeong-guk, who sympathizes next to me, looks disgusting today.

“First, let’s listen to what North Korea has to say.”


It took no time for the North Korean party to arrive at the Blue House. Even though he has nothing, he maintains a dignified posture as he comes in.

The one standing in the lead was a thin man with a skeleton covered in leather. His eyes were sharp and his posture was well-defined.

Is it true that there is a garak that survived the monster’s den?

The President stepped forward and extended his hand to the man.

“I am Jeon Han-cheol, the president of the Republic of Korea.”

“I am Ri Yu-chol, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”

You say you are the Minister of Foreign Affairs, but your skills are considerable.

Looking at the evaluation here, I would say it’s about level 7.

The atmosphere of the first conversation was friendly.

Ri Yu-cheol said that they should improve their relationship by giving each other what they want, and the President also responded to this.

What North Korea could offer was the monster’s heart and by-products. Instead, it wanted food and awakened equipment.

And he asked the president to stop his advance north, which he was preparing to do.

The President neither confirmed nor denied this.

“We will take over the territory that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has not occupied.”

“That territory is also our territory that has requested the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”

“Are you going to force yourself to claim something you can’t get right away?”

“Should I now say that he is coveting our territory?”


The friendly atmosphere turned ugly.

It was a place where there was a gap that could not be bridged from the beginning.

The President may have been trying to gauge the thoughts of Ryu Gwang-chol, who calls himself a descendant of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and Ri Yu-chol may have been trying to figure out how far we want to go.

The results revealed only differences in thinking.

Neither the President nor Ri Yu-cheol showed any sign of backing down.

“I don’t think the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will have the power to stop us.”

“there is.”

As I thought, my speech began to become shorter.

Ri Yu-cheol declared to the president with a stern expression.

“South Korea should know that if they step into the territory of our Republic without knowing that they are afraid of tigers, not only Kaesong but even Seoul could be trampled by a million monsters.”

The choice of words is grand when it comes to asking for food and weapons.

After listening to that bullshit, I said something.

“Don’t you think that a bolt of fire will hit your head and disintegrate it into pieces?”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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