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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 120

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Episode 120


Ryu Gwang-ho looked surprised at my words. Didn’t you ask me to kill you?

Or not.

Aside from that, taming was a coveted gift. Why didn’t I know this existed until now?

Ryu Gwang-ho, who had been silent for a while, started talking about something completely different.

“I thought it would be difficult.”

Since I control monsters, I thought it would be difficult to kill them.

That’s just an illusion.

The easiest thing in the world is to kill someone.

If the neck and body are separated, death occurs in most cases.

If he still doesn’t die, just rip out his brain with a mine.

“Everyone agrees that moving north is necessary. “If it gets in the way, it has to be removed.”

Anyway, how do you control monsters?

Ryu Kwang-ho answered my questions in detail.

“We don’t treat monsters like limbs. It is not a superior-subordinate relationship, but an equal relationship. “It should be seen as building a relationship of understanding through communication with monsters and exchanging necessary help.”

They say they are holding on without being in danger by coordinating their territories with the monsters.

The name of the North Korean superman that Ryu Gwang-ho talks about is Ryu Gwang-cheol. It is said that he was the best talent in North Korea before its collapse and currently has his own unique territory in North Korea.

The North Korean regime thought of invading the South as a way to control monsters.

After listening to it, I feel like it was a failure. However, the North Korean regime was destroyed by level 8 harmful monsters without being able to properly train them due to the thorough surveillance of the awakened people.

When North Korea collapsed, Ryu Gwang-ho suggested moving down to the south, but Ryu Gwang-cheol, who was ambitious, was thinking of creating his own kingdom.

“Governments of each country are aware of Gwangcheol’s existence. “As far as I know, the United States and China must have been in direct contact.”

Those two countries have no problem getting away with anything.

Even though China is a neighboring country, it is inevitable to say that the United States is great.

If I don’t interfere here and there, do I have the constitution to get hives anywhere?

It’s information I didn’t know in my last life, so I guess something will change a few years later.

Ryu Gwang-ho added.

“Neither the United States, China, nor Japan want Korea to succeed in advancing north.”

That’s probably natural.

If you listen to what Ryu Kwang-ho said, there are still a significant number of people living in North Korea and they have survived the harsh environment, so the number of awakened people must be significant. If we can attract that number of people, the power of the Republic of Korea will increase.

More than that, I am attracted to gifts that allow me to communicate with monsters.

That’s just Ryu Kwang-ho’s guess. I will find out more when I take the gift.

First, I will have to listen to the government’s plan to advance north and decide whether to go alone or together.

It’s good to go there secretly alone and wipe them out, but if the location isn’t properly specified and the area is full of monsters, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed.

Being able to communicate means being able to attack as a group rather than one by one.

I don’t necessarily want to go ignorant, but I plan to go smart.

After talking with Ryu Kwang-ho, at the end of the party, the President sent Cheon Myeong-guk to take me away.

“How was the party?”

“It was difficult to adapt because it was so crowded.”

“You look good after doing something like that, don’t you think? I hope you adapt well in the future. “You have to get used to being in this kind of place so you can easily get what you want.”

“I will try.”

It was unfamiliar, but it was a new fun point. I had a chance to talk to people I didn’t know well and I also got unexpected information.

Such was the story of Ryu Gwang-ho.

There was a high possibility that I was unaware of the information about Ryu Gwang-cheol because it was not something I was interested in.

The government’s northward expansion policy.

In fact, this was also the President’s pledge, and there were many opposing opinions, including that the sacrifice of the awakened should be prevented in order to gain a small area of territory.

Behind this, the president is trying to prevent the ruling party from gaining strength by achieving unrivaled achievements.

Of course, this is a political perspective, and the president presented a bigger justification.

“If we don’t quickly secure territory, we don’t know when China will push in.”

The president said that and smiled at me.

“In that respect, having dealt with two Chinese superhumans, I have a bit more leeway.”

“I didn’t tell anyone. “Don’t worry.”

“I believed it. “You did very well.”

“But the problem is that they don’t trust you.”

“What happened?”

When I explained Lee Se-hee’s reaction, the president burst into laughter, clutching his stomach.

Is this something to laugh at?

People have lost trust.

Anyone who sees him will think he’s going around with his head exploding whenever he sees it.

He just picked the villains out of the people he saw and destroyed them.

“It’s something that can’t be helped. “Isn’t this reputation created by one’s daily behavior?”

“It’s unfair.”

“I shouldn’t have laughed, but I’m sorry for laughing.”

If that’s the case, why don’t you erase your smile?

Looking at the president’s face, it seemed like he had no intention of doing so.

I guess I’ll have to endure it.

“We will push for an advance north soon.”

The President said that since the Blue House alone is too much, he will create public opinion through the ruling party.

“The hunt was successful this time, but strictly speaking it could be called a failure. “The damage to the guilds is enormous.”

“I heard.”

“There were people who struggled to reduce your importance, but in the end, they made you realize how great of a person you are. Because it was seen that without Choi Jun-ho, their power would continue to be eroded and they could face a catastrophe. We succeeded a few times, but that was only possible because of Choi Jun-ho. “We are in a position where our power will be consumed by plus level monsters.”


I listened to the president silently.

This is the story of my price rising.

“But you won’t be able to eliminate all your opponents. In the end, they also have vested interests and are not willing to let go of what they have. In other words, it is a battle of nerves to take the lead. “But that side is being beaten unilaterally.”


“So I’m going to give you a little more power.”

I guess that’s what the president wanted to say.

I think it’s enough now, but is there anything you can do to give me more strength?

But after hearing what followed next, I had no choice but to change my mind.

“These are the people who ran for party leadership this time.”

What the president presented were four documents. And one of them was recovered.

“This guy is gathered under the Choi Jun-ho faction. You lied to me. I think I’ll just leave it alone for the time being. They too will need a place to rely on. Instead, they will all be eliminated in the next nomination.”

People who cannot keep up with the trend are not qualified to represent the people.

For some reason, it sounds like members of the National Assembly should also study diligently, right?

The documents prepared for the party leader candidates included details of assets and the tendencies of the lawmakers who lined up potential flaws.

Anyway, these are names I’ve never seen before.

The President grinned at me.

“Take your pick. “Who would you like to be the party leader?”

* * *

“Of course, the party leader’s tendencies have a very important influence on Choin.”

While wondering who to ask for help with the President’s proposal, I found Jin Se-jeong.

Lee Se-hee also came to mind, but since Shinsung Group was also involved in the matter, I didn’t think I could get any cool-headed advice.

Jin Se-jeong is someone who maximizes my interests, so the choice was easy.

It’s still hard to understand why you decided to become a named troll for me.

“Each person has complex interests and a direction they each pursue. “The president’s power is strong right now, so they may be temporarily pretending to cooperate, or they may be from a faction that shares the same views as the president.”

“Are you saying you can’t choose whatever you want?”

“That’s not true, there are many people who look different before and after they come to power. “What I would like to recommend is to first keep quiet and watch.”

“Is that the end?”

“yes. In the end, the one who is in a hurry will come to Choin. “We make a decision by watching who packed more in the bundle.”

It’s not a bad story.

I also don’t like being involved in politics, but I recognize that I have to step in to a certain extent in order to be comfortable.

The job is to figure out where the appropriate line is.

“Even if we are close to the ruling party, there could be a regime change to the opposition party, so we have to continue the relationship. Actually, what is urgent is the opposition party, so I will Excuse even if Choin keeps his distance. Rather, you would think it would be an honor just to show interest, right?”

“Do you have a strap?”

“There are plenty of strings. Even though I look like this, I am known as Choin’s closest confidant. “If you call me, they’ll be there within 30 minutes.”

The triumphant smile was trustworthy.

“I owe a lot to the team leader I lost.”

“Hey what? “It’s great that I can use my abilities to the fullest.”

Looking at their expressions, they seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves. However, if you let your guard down due to this reaction, you can get stolen somewhere else.

Managing people is still awkward, but I know one thing.

The best is a company where you feel comfortable both physically and mentally, where you can fully demonstrate your capabilities, and who pay a large annual salary.

“In that sense, I would like to propose a renewal of the contract.”

“yes? “Already?”

“If not, I think I’ll go somewhere else.”

“I don’t think so. and! There is still time left on the contract, but this is the first time something like this has happened. I think you are the only one who understands my true worth. I will work hard and be prepared to bury my bones for this true superman! “I will increase my comment workload immediately!”

No, that’s a bit…

“Hey, it’s okay! “I will burn my body for you!”

In the end, it was impossible to stop Jin Se-jeong, who was burning with motivation.

By the way, you know very well why you are so highly regarded.

* * *

Many things happened, but I did not forget what Ryu Kwang-ho said.

I called James Reed to training.

The guy who had been hiding in the lab and wouldn’t come out, probably because he felt something ominous, reluctantly followed my urging.

Anyone who sees it will think it’s a cow taken to a slaughterhouse.

No, right?

“Hey Junho! Why did you call me? I’m too busy doing the research Junho ordered me to do! “I don’t have time to be like this!”

“I have something to ask. “If you answer quickly, I’ll send it to you.”

“What is it?”

I stared into James Reed’s eyes.

“I heard that the United States is collecting information to kill me. Is this true?”

“Oh no.”

“Then why are you collecting my information?”

“Every country collects information on superhumans. Really. That way you can avoid making mistakes!”

“Have you ever run a simulation on how to kill me?”


As expected, he closes his mouth.

Actually, it’s not a bad feeling.

Any country would have the intention of eliminating anything that gets in the way.

It doesn’t matter as long as you don’t get caught.

I didn’t get caught either.

Even if you are caught, there is no need for evidence.

Now I’m in trouble because I’m caught.

“Aren’t you going to tell me?”

“There is nothing like that.”

The thing that makes a guy who tries to hold out until the end open his mouth is, of course, a fist.

“I thought you wouldn’t say anything. “I’ll touch you first, so think about whether you’ll keep your mouth shut after that.”

“Now wait!”

James Reed shouted in an urgent voice, but my hands moved faster.

As the mine stretched out through my hand, it seemed to have no choice but to use its force to fight back.

Yes, whatever. It was easier to deal with him because I tried it once.

You might think like this.

Since he’s dealt with me before, I guess he can get used to it.

The answer is that even if you face an opponent with speed and power that is difficult to adapt to two or three times, the result will not change unless your level increases.

Still, he must have been a smart guy, so he saw my attack a few times and dodged it. I felt like he read my pattern, but it definitely felt bad dealing with a smart guy.

…Well, I almost broke my head.


The guy’s shoulder collapsed after being hit on the shoulder instead of the head due to a twist in the trajectory.

“Keuuk! “It hurts!”

“You beat me because it hurts.”


I kicked the mine with my foot to prevent him from attacking me, but he escaped by rolling on the floor. However, I was unable to get up after eating a handful of dust from the continuous rain of mines.

What I feel these days is that casting mines with my feet increases the sense of continuity, unexpectedness, and power.

While I was rolling, I also used an amputation recovery agent that I had not used before.

If you see it cut and pasted, the effect is clear.

That left James Reed in a mess.

“Ugh, I’d rather kill you.”

Using the force endlessly and begging.

James Reed, who had been kicked a few more times, lay down on his back as if he no longer had the strength to resist.

I walked up to him and crouched down.

“Now explain.”


“Should we continue to experiment with amputation recovery agents?”

“Oh no! I’ll tell you! Let me speak! “I feel like I’m starving to death!”

The scared guy got into a fight and started explaining the whole story.

The United States collects information in various ways whenever a powerful superhuman appears. And they were researching under what circumstances this superhuman would be able to optimally demonstrate his strength and where he would be weak, and I was one of the subjects of that research.

“You really don’t intend to kill me! I was just gathering information on how strong Choi Jun-ho, a superhuman, is. Really! “Trust me!”

“How much power are you going to use to kill me?”


“Remind me?”

“I’ll tell you! Stop hitting me! “It hurts!”

A thoughtful James Reed began to reveal the details.

At least five superhumans will be mobilized and a thousand high-level awakened people will be the main force. Here, tens of thousands of soldiers are mobilized to spread the human curtain and force them into the desired area.

“Satellite support and various detector ships will be mobilized here. “If you collide directly, you will suffer great damage, so let go of your strength.”

“Aren’t you going to carry out an extermination operation?”

“That’s not allowed.”


“There is so much to eat in America.”

That’s not wrong either. James Reed says that America’s neglected Corn Belt is an excellent food source, and that many villains who commit crimes hide there.

Hmm, but I’m not satisfied with it to this extent.

Even though it may seem like this, I have been chased countless times for hematomas in my last life.

It would be a bit disappointing if the United States, the world’s most powerful country, were to form a siege network like this.

“Is that the end?”

“…This is plan A, with added B and C.”

Plan B is to actively mobilize military power. First, try bombing with a drone and prepare for the monsters to come out, and devastate the surrounding area with all your missile power.

Plan C is to drop nuclear weapons with the intention of completely abandoning the devastated area.

I honestly didn’t expect the nucleus.

But this is a response method I’ve seen a lot of times.

“Isn’t this just a pattern of dealing with monsters?”

“At that level, it’s strange to think you’re a human anymore!”

I got over being a crazy person, but now I’m being treated like a monster.

But it made sense.

If details that were not mentioned before are added here, it will be very annoying.

Well then, let’s think about it.

How will I survive if they chase me like that?

Now that you know what means your opponent will use, countermeasures will come naturally.

“The United States has no intention of being hostile toward Junho. Isn’t it better to become friends with a strong friend? “This is just a way to deal with villains.”

“know. “The chances of success are low anyway.”


“You can’t kill me with that.”


James Reed tilted his head.

But I’ve been through everything except nuclear weapons.

We ran the simulation and evaluated it calmly.

“10% chance of success?”


I have a hematoma. Do you think I’m going to die from it?

The probability of me dying is that much, and I can kill all the high-level awakened superhumans who are mobilized instead.

But I haven’t been hit by a nuclear weapon. Will it hurt? I’m a bit curious about this.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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