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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 12

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Episode 12

: The mass evaporation of villains in Ansan.

The news of the disappearance of more than 50 villains became known when the people kidnapped by the villain organization ‘Big Ten’, which was operating in secret in Ansan, were released.

Upon receiving the tip, the police, including civil servant hunters, were dispatched and controlled the scene, and hunters from the Villain Task Force joined the scene from Seoul.

The analyst who saw the scene clicked his tongue and shook his head.

“I have seen many sites, but this is the first time I have seen an evaporation site this clean.”

Villains belonging to the Big Ten have competed with several multinational organizations located in Ansan. The analyst explained that the risk is much greater than the level due to the wealth of practical experience.

Each and every one of them is a disaster for civilians. However, looking at the evidence left at the scene, it was clear that they were massacred without even being able to properly resist.

The names mentioned were also flashy. The most dangerous villains in Korea were mentioned, including Berserker, Executioner, Puppeteer, and Black Reaper.

However, considering their abilities and tendencies, they were not the culprits.

So a new name, Eraser, was born. It was the emergence of a mega-villain who could shake up the national power of the Republic of Korea.

Part of the truth about what happened at the factory was revealed when a support department hunter with a Replay gift arrived.

“This is a one-sided massacre. “Ahh!”

While replaying the scene, she screamed and fainted.

Replay, who came to his senses two hours later, turned white and screamed.

“You must never confront me! never!”

She revealed that all she had to do was look at a few cross-sections. This can only be done by awakened people who have reached level 8 in the realm of Force control.

Replay added one piece of information here.

The Eradicator is literally pure evil.

It was a one-sided violence inflicted by a being with absolute power, as if a child had innocently ripped off a dragonfly’s wings and then torn off its body.

The analyst spoke on behalf of Replay, who could no longer speak.

“For the Eradicator, this attack is most likely a form of entertainment and a warning to us. So I think the replay left it open a little bit so we could see what was happening on the field. “If I pursue you any longer, you will have to deal with me.”

“I will add to the report. Thank you for your hard work.”

Jeong Da-hyun, who was watching the scene, nodded.

After watching the inside of the factory with a stern expression, she came out and sighed.

The number of strong villains increases every day.

This only strengthens the villains’ momentum.

Didn’t he come out to the Holy Guild to eliminate the villain?

However, the villains with great power were trampling and trampling on this world as if it were a playground, laughing at people living righteously.


Would it have been different if it had been Choi Jun-ho?

A firm standard in unstoppable hands. Would he have ignored the warning left by the Eradicator?

I thought maybe Choi Jun-ho would be able to catch the eraser.

Jeong Da-hyun didn’t know what his limits were at unofficial level 7.

Confidence that comes from overwhelming force. Your own firm standards. Freedom not bound by worldly definitions.

That was the charm of Choi Jun-ho.

On the other hand, he himself was pathetic. The moment I realized that my opponent was a level 8 villain, I gave up the chase.

Because we cannot push the people gathered here to death.

I rationalized it with the excuse that…


Jeong Da-hyun was awakened from her thoughts by the analyst’s call.

“Finish the investigation and search the body. And start hunting for the villain we decided to call the Eradicator. “I’m gathering whatever evidence I can about it.”


“And also report information related to the Ansan market. “That part is the most important.”

During the investigation, evidence emerged that the deputy mayor of Ansan stayed at the scene.

“All right.”

*A final reprimand was given to me not long ago. Although he succeeded in arresting Wang Ju-yeol and eliminating the villains behind him, it was the result of a combination of missing reports, not securing evidence of his own actions, and arresting his superiors, etc.

Originally, it was said that further disciplinary action could be given, but even so, it was only a one-month pay cut.

At best, it was at the level of cutting a rat’s tail into pieces.

When I went to work early in the morning, Jeong Da-hyun, who had worked all night the previous day, greeted me with a tired face.

“Junho, did you rest well yesterday?”

“Yes, I rested well. “What about Dahyun?”

“There was a dispatch yesterday. “I couldn’t sleep properly because I was busy researching.”

“Then how about Neungi soybean paste stew for lunch?”

“Neung is love.”

It was these days that I realized that it is good to have people with similar tastes at work.

When I’m not working outside, I usually do paperwork related to other departments, and handling this work was very easy.

Ultimately, reviewing documents is to determine whether there are any problems. You can use your intuition to distinguish between what is a problem and what is not. Sometimes problematic documents come up, but when there aren’t any, the work is over in an instant.

“Did you enjoy your vacation yesterday?”

While I was enjoying lunch, I obediently answered Dahyun Jeong’s question.

“Yes, it wasn’t bad because I met a friend after a long time. “My friend’s younger brother was very sick, so I went to visit him.”


“You don’t have to make that face. “Even though it is a rare disease, I think it will be resolved well.”

“I’m so glad.”

“My friend would have been comforted to know that Dahyun was worried about her.”


I wondered why Jeong Da-hyun asked, but seeing his serious expression, I didn’t bother to ask.

Humans are animals that constantly worry. Thinking is good because you can find answers and new directions through meditation.

by the way.

What happened in Ansan grew considerably.

We succeeded in getting rid of all the corpses and not getting caught, but we’re talking about erasure.

It was a pretty grandiose name.

Korea was abuzz with the rumor that a level 8 villain may have appeared.

Right now, many people around were worried about what kind of changes the appearance of the Eradicator would bring about in the political situation.

At times like this, I was very embarrassed that I couldn’t reveal that I was the one who organized the Big Ten.

If I told you that the villain was actually a civil servant hunter and a normal person, this uproar would subside a little.

If you use this as a precaution and end up working overtime, the losses will be enormous.

But I can’t reveal it now.

I decided to remain silent in order to protect my freedom to move around in broad daylight.

*After returning to the past and becoming sane, my family is still a sore finger.

I want to comfort you for the hurt you have suffered and help you become better.

“Just don’t get into trouble and work hard at what you’re doing. “Then Mom and Dad will like it too, right?”

Even though Yunhee said that, she still thinks it’s not enough. This applies to both my parents and my younger sister, who is pretending to be calm in front of my eyes.

Tomorrow, Yoonhee goes to take the Sacred Guild exam.

As it is the largest in Korea, the Shinsung Guild had to pass three rounds of offline screening to take the exam. I pass all of that and take the practical exam tomorrow.

I thought he would pass.

But I didn’t want to just wait for him to come back after taking the test. I wanted to prepare something to do well on the test tomorrow.

Then I remembered something I saw on the Internet.

“They even make chocolates for Valentine’s Day.”

How about I make you a gift to wish you success in passing the exam?

After making up my mind, I stopped by the supermarket and bought supplies as Yunhee left for her final inspection training.

*Exams are always accompanied by tension. If the tension is excessive, you may not be able to demonstrate your abilities and may even make mistakes.

However, during the final inspection today, Choi Yun-hee did not feel the slightest tension.

It’s not because I feel vague difficulty or gloom about the exam. Even though the exam is tomorrow, I feel like I have a task ahead that can be easily solved.

“Is this… leisure?”

I didn’t know I’d be thinking like this in front of the Holy Guild Exam, which is not anywhere else.

I thought several times whether this was carelessness, but when I thought about it calmly, it wasn’t the case.

At the base of it were the memories of being pushed around by my older brother.

“No matter what I do, I’m sure I have skills.”

There was a screw loose in his head, but his skills were certain.

I still wonder why he is a civil servant hunter, but he says he is satisfied with it, so there is nothing more to say.

In any case, he was sure that it was thanks to some reason that he was able to relax like this.

I hope you take care of yourself, but even if I tell you, I’m not the kind of person who will listen. In that respect, I felt fortunate to have Dahyun Jeong by my side to take care of me.

“I hope things get along well for you two, but it won’t be easy, right?”

It was Jeong Da-hyun, one of Korea’s greatest talents.

Although their popularity decreased slightly after appearing in the Shinsung Guild, they were more popular than most girl groups because they lacked nothing in their beauty, skills, and charm.

On the other hand, my brother who is missing a screw is a bit…

I felt sorry for Jeong Da-hyun for making a comparison for no reason.

“Your skills are good, so if you keep your head, you have potential.”

After thinking about it that far, he realized that he was looking too far ahead and laughed.

My next thought was what to do after getting out of unemployment.

Feeling that it would be pointless to stay up late, Choi Yun-hee packed up her belongings and returned home.

“I’m here.”

When I opened the door and came inside, I was greeted by an unusually sweet smell.

“I’m here?”

“huh. But what are you doing?”

This… smelled like shit.

As I approached the table, I could see what my brother had prepared.

“A gift to wish you success.”

The day before the exam, Yunhee received an extra-large taffy as a gift from her older brother.

I felt… somehow not good.

*After giving Yunhee a gift to wish her success, I drove her to the exam location the next day and headed to the nearby Shinsung Group headquarters.

“How did you get here?”

As I headed to the front desk, an elegantly dressed woman smiled and asked.

“I came to meet General Operations Manager Lee Se-hee.”

“Do you have an appointment with the team leader?”

“I didn’t.”

“I’m sorry, but it is difficult to contact you without prior arrangement.”

“You just need to tell me that Choi Jun-ho has arrived.”

“sorry. “There are so many people asking for that.”


“Yes, sorry again.”

We encountered an unexpected difficulty. It’s not that I didn’t think about asking Da-hyun Jeong for Lee Se-hee’s number, but because all breakups in the world are not beautiful, I didn’t bother to ask Da-hyun Jeong.

Should I go back today and find out his contact information?

While I was pondering, I was able to spot a familiar face entering the building.



I felt the person who saw me startled and quickly looked around. Then he approached me at a fast pace.

He was Lee Se-hee’s bodyguard whom we saw at the National Security Agency.

“What brings you here?”

“I came because I wanted to see the general operations team leader.”


“It’s personal business.”


Perhaps because he didn’t reveal his business, his expression was so stiff that it was scary.

Are you saying that you broke both arms last time?

When I smiled to ease my guard, my expression got worse.

Feeling discouraged, I quietly waited for the other person’s reaction, and as he was pondering, he spoke cautiously.

“I will report this to the team leader.”

“Please do me a favor.”

When he approached the front desk employee and spoke, the employee picked up the intercom and, with a much more polite expression, told him that a meeting had been scheduled for 30 minutes later.

I took the private elevator up and quickly arrived at the 35th floor.

When the door opened and I came out, I was greeted by Lee Se-hee, who, unlike last time, wore simple makeup and round glasses.

“Welcome, Junho.”

“I’m sorry for coming to you so suddenly.”

Sehee Lee sighed at my apology.

“Next time, please contact me in advance. At least give them time to prepare. “I normally can’t meet people with this kind of appearance.”

I’m not sure what the difference is from usual?

As her inner thoughts came out, Lee Se-hee smiled and handed me a business card.

When I took it and put it in my pocket, Lee Se-hee was looking at me with bright eyes.

“So, what brought you to see me? “Are you suddenly feeling sorry for how I treated you last time?”

“That’s not it.”

“Speak comfortably. “I’m the same age as Dahyun.”

In fact, I still exchange respect with Dahyun Jeong.

However, since I was here to ask for a favor, it was polite to listen to what the other person said.

“I came because I wanted to make a deal.”

“What’s the deal?”

“Someone I know’s younger brother is sick. “I want to admit him to Shinsung Hospital.”

“···Shinseong Hospital is a place under my father’s control. “It takes some time.”

“Of course I’m not asking you to do it for free. “I have prepared an expediting fee.”

I took out the saber tiger heart I had prepared in advance.


Lee Se-hee’s eyes widened.

It is the heart of a Level 6 Sabel Tiger. This thing, which looks like a blue gem, is a force aggregate and is itself a useful energy source. It’s level 6 hazardous, so it’s not easy to get it.

I began infusing the Force into my heart.

Pajik! Puzzle!

The force that had been moving chaotically within my heart began to fluctuate. I unraveled the threads of force that were caught in the sensations at my fingertips and organized them neatly so that I could fully utilize the force in my heart.

To use a metaphor, it is a winding river that has been rearranged into a line.

When the boiling force that had been raging just a moment ago completely stabilized, the heart became a blue-colored gem. This is a processing method I learned to make a living because I was a villain worse than a credit delinquent in my last life.

“I’ll take a look at that.”

Sehee Lee, with an urgent look on her face, stretched out her hand and I gently took it back.

“Now wait a minute! How did you do that? And what about processing? Why are you pulling it back? Please show me.”

Lee Se-hee grabbed my arm and clung to me, stomping her feet like a child who had been robbed of candy.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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