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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 117

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Episode 117

After observing the flow of advice and advice from those around me, there seemed to be no reason for me to go hunting right now.

Some people said that they needed my strength, but there were also quite a few people who said that it was important to take this opportunity to hunt without me. And there were many people who tried to reduce my role to hunting monsters.

I didn’t think it mattered, but since it was Asgard and the Shinigami Guild that were officially given the turn to hunt, I decided to watch.

After the discussion, we headed home. Recently, I moved closer to my parents’ house and came to live with Yunhee.

My mother said that I can believe it, but it is obvious that Yoon-hee will live a shitty life.

“I hear you come here often.”

The good thing about being in the same apartment complex is that you can come and go freely, but the bad thing is that you see each other too often.

Still, it was great to be able to correct the regrets of my last life.

There were times when I was worried that Yunhee’s growth plates did not close.

The house I returned to after a few days was in disarray. Even though we moved, Yunhee became one with the sofa and it didn’t change at all.

Yunhee, who was lying down and just raised her hand, welcomed me. Who will take him? If someone takes me away, I have to bow down.

“Welcome, where have you been for the last few days?”

“Secret mission.”

“Did you think I would be impressed if you spoke with such weight? Just by looking at it, it looks like it went somewhere and turned it over.”

He seems like a ghost-like guy.

Still, I saved Busan from a crisis, but this guy doesn’t pay any mind to that.

There are things like that because we are brother and sister, so I, who have a big heart, should understand.

By the way, I need to check to what extent I have completed the assigned assignment before I leave.

“How about training with James Reed?”

Yunhee’s expression crumpled.

“Ugh, that’s why I’m doing this right now.”

Was it always like this?

Before I had time to mention the facts, Yunhee started pouring out complaints.

It is said that James Reed’s method of gradually modifying the body in the smallest unit is not training, but rather shows the end of how to torture humans.

It’s going as I intended.

“Still, it looks like it’s worth holding on to.”

“Are you completely dying?”

The brat is doing his job properly. Still, I still have the strength to watch TV without any problems, so I think it’s okay to increase the intensity even more.

I waved at Yunhee and entered the room. Entering a room that was much larger and cleaner than before made me feel at ease.

In the past, I think I had to struggle to get into a place like this. Seeing myself accepting it without thinking, it occurred to me that humans are creatures of adaptation.

After a quick wash and change of clothes, I sat down on the bed and took out the brown pill I had received from Namgung-gi.

The vitality felt inside reminded me of the poison that often appears in martial arts novels.

“I think it’s loneliness…”

I couldn’t figure out how the poison worked. Because he killed Namgung-gi before he knew it. I watched the pill and infused it with the Force.

I felt it writhing violently in response to the Force. It’s resisting my force. I started using the force to keep it from exploding.

I resisted quite persistently, but at some point I was receiving the force.

When I tried to move, wondering if he had given in, he had a seizure. I haven’t given up yet.

I need to research this more.

By the way, I took something from Zhang Wuyuan. What should I do with it?

* * *

The return after clearing the Taiping Gate was a secret from the outside world. There is no need to talk about it, and since it is an issue intertwined with Chinese superhumans, we decided not to reveal it to the public.

Since the surroundings are busy, it feels more real that I am free.

When I arrived at the Sacred Guild, it was bustling with activity.

“We are classified as a reserve unit, so we have to dispatch immediately when we receive a call. “You never know when you’ll need help.”

The monster that appeared in the north appeared in Haeju, South Hwanghae Province, and the monster that appeared in the south appeared in Jinju, South Gyeongsang Province.

Fierce battles were taking place on both sides, but only damage occurred and hunting progress was slow.

If you want to engage in a wheel-to-wheel battle with a plus-level monster, damage will inevitably accumulate over that time.

Is this something that is going to be this difficult to hunt?

Lee Se-hee said it was a natural result.

“It won’t be easy. “Right now, we don’t know what the outcome would have been if it weren’t for Junho.”

“The Sacred Guild takes care of itself?”

“Thank you for saying that, but having Junho by my side was a great help. This is something my uncle also acknowledges. “Other places don’t do that, so it’s a pain in the ass.”

Is it a psychological part?

I know that superstitions are prevalent because it is a life-threatening matter. To compensate for their inner weakness, they fall into religion or create all kinds of jinxes.

“Thanks to this hunting trend, the Holy Guild is evaluated as the best among the large guilds. “This is also thanks to Junho.”


“Thanks to you, image creation has been successful and the members’ pride is growing. Thank you again.”

It’s all thanks to me, so I guess that’s fine.

I got to the point with Lee Se-hee.

“And I heard Team Leader Jin’s story, and it was a good thing he decided to take a break. “We need to use this opportunity to realize how much we can do without Junho.”

“We’ll see whether that happens or not.”

“Each person runs their own happiness circuit. “I want to appeal to those who don’t like Junho that they are enough without him, and the other side doesn’t want to be seen as dependent on one side, and the large guild has a track record of hunting plus level monsters.”

They say everyone’s interests are the same, but I found it fascinating that something was happening just because I stayed still.

“Each of the existing hazard levels 8 has accumulated data and acquired know-how. However, with the advent of the plus stage, everything started from zero base. Strong people with outstanding skills have become even more rare.”

Previously, it was enough to be a superhuman, but now it has become the minimum qualification, and the price of a superhuman who can hunt without major damage has risen.

That’s me.

But what should I accept if the ransom price goes up?

“That is an issue that the giver must consider.”


“If you need anything, you can hint.”

“doesn’t exist.”

I thought about it a few more times, but there really isn’t anything I need.

“ah! I talked too much about myself. “You said you had something to say to me, right?”

“I remembered you saying last time that you needed the heart of a level 8 monster.”

“It was like that. no way?”

“Do you want to take a look?”


I took out the heart of the monster that had already been processed. He had hunted a monster that appeared on his way back home.

I’ll tell you now, but marine monsters are definitely tricky even though they are level 8 harmful.

It was quite difficult to actually find the heart.

This time I did it quickly because returning home was a priority, but next time I will take my time.

Lee Se-hee, who was full of anticipation, cracked her face when she checked the monster’s heart, and then it changed to astonishment.

“Mr. Joo Jun Jun Ho! “Where did you get this?”

“Why don’t you reveal the source?”

“Is that so? But it is the heart of a level 8 monster. “The fact that you showed this to me means that you are willing to sell it to us?”


“With this, you can increase the weapon’s performance to the limit, avoid being dragged around by guild members, research various materials, and increase output… Ugh!”


Lee Se-hee, lost in her own imagination, flashed her eyes and smiled bizarrely.

It’s okay, right?

* * *

While South Korea was abuzz with the sudden appearance of two plus-level monsters, there was one piece of news that took the world by storm.

It was news of the extinction of the Taiping Gate, the largest villain organization in East Asia and a headache for China.

Here, the body of Chinese superhuman Changcheon Sword Emperor Nangunggi was discovered together, raising questions.

The number of Chinese awakened people discovered along with Namgunggi was only ten.

In contrast, the corpses of more than three hundred Taiping disciples, including Taiping master Zhang Wuyuan and the new adept Amun, were discovered.

Namgung-gi achieved something that could not have been achieved.

The world’s media also made special headlines about this, expressing doubts that Nam Gung-gi and a small group of elite awakeners could not destroy the Taiping Gate.

The most plausible explanation for this was, of course, one thing.

The League destroyed the Taiping Gate!

But here too, there were many questions.

The League viewed the Taiping Gate as something to cooperate with, not something to be destroyed.

Even if negotiations broke down, that is no reason to erase the Taiping Gate.

Above all, the League’s forces, which have significant forces stationed in North America and Europe, have moved their forces to East Asia without anyone noticing?

It was a hard truth to believe.

Crucially, why was Nam Gung-gi, a Chinese superhuman, there?

Meanwhile, while conducting research in China, the story about the reason for the extinction of Al-eum-al-eum Taipyeongmun began to spread.

Headbreaker destroyed the Taiping Gate and killed the Chinese superman!

Suddenly, people’s eyes focused on Korea.

At first, no one believed it, but as they compared it to the situation that led to the extinction of the Taiping Gate, little by little, they began to think it was plausible.

First of all, in order to cause such a bloody act with just a small number of elites, you have to be a teenage superhuman.

You must have a gift that is effective in dealing with many people.

And unlike the fact that he was at the forefront of hunting monsters, he did not show up at all even in the current difficult situation, which raised suspicion.

Lastly, a photo of a man resembling Choi Jun-ho was released from an island in southern China. Although it doesn’t contain the entire picture, it looks similar at first glance, which makes me wonder if it’s possible.

Even though the suspicions were getting deeper, Choi Jun-ho showed no reaction.

The Internet’s reaction to this was explosive.

-and! I suddenly wondered where he had gone and found himself destroying the Taiping Gate by himself? ㄷㄷㄷ

– You’re crazy. Taipingmun is the largest organization in East Asia. There are two superhumans and the Awakened have a lot of combat experience, so this is by no means an easy organization.

-It’s a walking strategic weapon, really. If it explodes, everyone will die.

-But why was the Taiping Gate destroyed? There is no point of contact at all.

-I heard that China instigated the Taiping Gate to attack Busan. Choi Jun-ho broke the bread first.

-Is it true? Really crazy.

-If you already have all your power to deal with monsters and are empty, but you get attacked, come on! These guys are really crazy.

-So Namgunggi was there?

-You lost one of your superhuman powers while playing around with your head? It’s a shame haha

– China has a lot of places for superhumans to protect valuable items, and the battle lines for superhumans are wide. If I were a superhuman in China, I would have run away a long time ago.

-But does it make sense for Choi Jun-ho to annihilate an organization of that size by himself?

– I really don’t think even the top three evils in the league could handle that.


-Kkkk There are so many people here who don’t know Choi Jun-ho’s power. For him, annihilating an organization of that size is a piece of cake. If they didn’t bother to look for hidden things, they would have said thank you if they were gathered together. Speaking of his cruelty…

Even those who were skeptical at first began to regain their senses after seeing the scale of the Taiping Gate.

Did Choi Jun-ho really destroy the Taepyeongmun?

There are two superhumans and hundreds of awakened people who have been trained in practice?

Amidst sharp conflict over various ideas, news broke that Choi Jun-ho would participate in the Shinsung Group’s new product launch event.

People’s eyes began to gather there.

* * *

There is an uproar everywhere.

I had no idea that Taepyeongmun Gate was this well-known.

In Korea, people think it’s just a big villain organization in China.

Is this how you should react?

Lee Se-hee answered my doubts.

“It’s because China is going crazy. That’s because it’s Namgung-gi, not another superhuman. “He is not evaluated as a superhuman, but he is a powerful figure who leads a large faction in the southern region.”

China is such a huge continent that many parts of the province are recognized as the territory of powerful people, but Namgung-gi is recognized as a superman and a powerful figure in the south.

It seems like that guy was on both sides of the Taiping Gate.

Lee Se-hee said that it is highly likely that China was trying to quietly resolve the news of the destruction of the Taiping Gate.

However, China is not a united power. I said that each person has their own interests, and that the person who mentioned my name this time seems to be trying to profit by associating me with it.


Well, by the way.

Why do you think Lee Se-hee is convinced that I destroyed the Taiping Gate?

Externally, I did not make any comments about the destruction of the Taiping Gate.

In other words, I didn’t destroy it.

Even if the investigating party tried to obtain information, they would not have been able to obtain the correct information as they did during the expungement period.

Spreading disturbing air currents to avoid tracking is the most basic thing.

It may seem like you’re so sure, but let’s just pretend we don’t know.

“Reporters will probably be persistent.”

This is because my one answer has great value as an article.

“If you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to meet me. “I just need to mobilize people…”

“Is there really a reason to do that?”

I didn’t do anything wrong.

I felt proud because I killed the villain.

Don’t make a big fuss about killing someone who could kill you.

Are you saying that if you reveal the truth, troublesome things could happen?

Just go and resolve it then. There is absolutely no evidence.

“If you avoid it, it will be more bothersome. Please gather them all in one place. “Let’s solve it once and for all.”


After a while, I arrived at the event venue and suddenly had to hold a press conference.

There were many familiar faces, but there were also many reporters speaking in foreign languages.

I didn’t know there would be so much interest in the news of the destruction of the Taiping Gate.

“I’d like to hear your thoughts on the current threat of plus-level monsters!”

“They are all great people, so I think we will hunt without much trouble.”

At first, it started with a simple question.

Then, the reporter who got the right to ask questions started speaking in Chinese.

I didn’t understand a thing.

“I hope it comes back in Korean.”


“If you can’t do it, it’s the next person.”

The reporter who asked the question raised his voice, but was asked the next question.

The reporter who lost the opportunity looked dejected, but did not feel sorry at all.

When you come to Korea, you have to speak Korean.

After several turns, this time a Chinese reporter who could speak Korean asked a question.

“Choi Jun-ho is a superhuman! Is this incident related to the destruction of the Taiping Gate related to you?”

I said, looking at the reporter with a puzzled gaze.

“What if there is?”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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