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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 113

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Episode 113:

It’s definitely fast.

I’ve been on a boat a few times, but I don’t think I’ve ever moved as fast as now. I checked in detail the entire way and did not increase my speed carelessly.

In comparison, the pirates’ movement speed was several times faster.

Do they have their own routes? If so, this explains why the government cannot catch them.

“Even if I meet a monster, it doesn’t matter. Unless you’re facing it right in front of you, if you run away at full speed, you can cross into another monster’s territory. Then I can’t chase you any further.”

The person next to me who added explanations was the helmsman, Kim Cheol-nam, a Korean-Chinese.

Was he implicitly recognized as the boss just because he could communicate with me?

The guy was busy wandering next to me and keeping an eye on me.

“Why doesn’t the government use the same method?”

“We have nothing to lose in this life, but isn’t there a lot to protect on the other side? So you can’t take risks. “Most of the time, I chase it for a while and then go back.”

Is this the silence of those who have a lot to protect? In fact, it is said that there are cases where you fail to escape and become food for monsters, so it is not 100% applicable.

It was also quite interesting to learn about the order of the sea that I didn’t know about.

The President’s words come to mind, saying that even if humanity exterminates monsters on land, it will only overcome 10%.

Ultimately, did you say that humanity must pioneer a route to regain its former glory?

Well, since the sea is wider and wider than the land, there will be many stronger monsters. A fighting horn stage monster that has surpassed the struggling plus stage may have already appeared.


Since I didn’t do anything else, the sailors quietly moved towards their destination.

It seemed like the comfortable sailing continued for about two hours, but then the boat suddenly stopped.

There was a commotion. Something happened. After a while, Kim Cheol-nam hesitantly approached me.

“That superhuman. “Something went wrong.”


“It’s a Chinese patrol boat.”

“You can avoid it.”

Isn’t the sea wide? If you recognize it first, wouldn’t you just avoid it?

Kim Cheol-nam made an embarrassed expression.

“You can get away with it, but there will be a lot of misunderstandings leading to your destination.”

“how much?”

“At least twice as much.”

Not a very good option.

There is no reason to be pressed for time, but it is not something to be handled leisurely either.

There is a 99.9% chance that they contacted the main base.

It could be like jumping into an enemy’s trap, so there’s no reason to go along with it.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t go back to being like this to suit me, so I have to get rid of them eventually.

I thought I wouldn’t touch it as much as possible, but I couldn’t.

In any case, China can be seen as either neglecting or helping behind the scenes for the Taiping Moon to invade Busan, so all I need to do is not reveal my true identity.

I stood up.

“I’ll come back after solving it, so I’m passing by.”

“yes? But the patrol boats will soon detect us.”

“Soon you won’t be able to move. “I’m on my way.”

Without listening to Kim Cheol-nam’s answer, I stepped into the air and started heading towards the sky where the Chinese patrol ship was.

As the day slowly dawned, a Chinese patrol boat was approaching from a distance.

Diligent too. After all, it is a matter of protecting one’s country’s sea, so it would be difficult to neglect it. Rather, it is an action that deserves praise.

That led to today’s Sadal.

I approached the back of the patrol boat and cast Bladestorm towards where the engine would be.

bang! Quagwagwang!

The speed of the ship gradually decreases with a loud explosion. Then it slowed down like a slug crawling and then stopped.

It was a good hit. But it seems like the ship is tilting a bit? Did I just attack a little too much?

Since we stopped anyway, it will be up to us whether it sinks or not.

An urgent cry in Chinese was heard from the ship. Since it had nothing to do with me anyway, I left it to myself to take care of the situation and went into the sea and started moving away from the patrol boat.

As I climb up into the air from a little distance away, I see a pirate ship moving diligently. But it seems to be faster than when I boarded it. Am I mistaken? Could it be that he’s trying to escape while I’m taking care of it?

I easily caught up and landed on the deck.

“Hee hee!”

The sailors were scared when they saw me fall from the sky.

I guess he was trying to run away.

Should I kill them all?

I thought about that for a moment, but since there are no other pirates around and killing them won’t solve the situation, I’ll have to show them some mercy for a moment.

There are many opportunities anyway.

“What about my chair?”

“I’ll go get it!”

A sailor brought over the chair I had been sitting on. It was comfortable to sit down even though I used some strength. After a while, Kim Cheol-nam, who had become contemplative, approached.

“Oh, you’re here. Superhuman. I was waiting. “It never happened like you thought it would.”

“It felt like it was bouncing at full speed.”

“no! It can’t be! This was to avoid being caught by patrol boats. “Wouldn’t it be difficult if we called for support and caught up with us?”

That’s right. Kim Cheol-nam, who was fidgeting while looking at me, asked me carefully.

“Is that patrol boat…?”

“I messed with the engine. “You won’t be able to chase me.”

“Oh, that’s a relief.”

The patrol boat must have been quite scary.

It was then.

bang! Gurgling! Pretzel Gwang!

A terrifying explosion rang out, and explosion clouds and flames flashed in the distance.

That’s where the patrol boat was.

Did I use too much force?

Kim Cheol-nam’s face became even whiter.

“I wonder if that may have sunk….”

“It must be a small malfunction.”

Don’t believe it.

When I didn’t say anything more, Kim Cheol-nam also remained silent.

* * *

Zhang Wuyuan, Lord of the Taiping Gate.

Zhang Wuyuan is the head of the Taiping Gate, which is said to be the worst evil in China.

He was once the most trusted and loyal superhuman in China, but due to some incident, he was no longer able to live under the same sky as the Tang.

Zhang Wuyuan, who fled to avoid pursuit, led his followers to open the Taiping Gate and formed a fortune organization, which became the worst evil in China.

When he became a villain, it was a legendary story that he fought against two Chinese superhumans in a chase for more than two hours.

Due to the Taipingmun’s power growing day by day, they declared that they could no longer sit idly by in China and declared a large-scale sweep. The anti-monster front line was destroyed and the awakened people were brought in. The Taipingmun lost most of their bases and had no choice but to flee to the island.

As a result, his power was weakened, but as he was unable to capture Zhang Wuyuan, his reputation spread even more widely.

After moving the headquarters of the Taiping Gate to a small island in the South China Sea, a guest came to visit him.

“This is Roberto. Nice to meet you, Jang Munju.”

“Nice to meet you, Collector Prince Roberto.”

Collector Roberto is an Italian superhuman and a member of the League’s Zodiac.

He, a world-class rich man and powerhouse, visited Zhang Wuyuan as a league envoy.

The two had a conversation in a friendly atmosphere.

But when we got to the point, the air around us began to tighten.

“The league highly evaluates Jang Moon-joo’s achievements. “Rather than trying to build your strength alone in the outskirts, how about working together to increase your chances?”

“The league’s offer is very attractive. To be honest, I want to receive that offer right away.”

“I’m glad you thought well of me.”


Zhang Wuyuan stared into Roberto’s blue eyes.

“So far, this is how the league has eaten up many small organizations. And it was thrown away in shabby condition. “From our perspective, we have no choice but to be concerned about that.”

“I understand your concerns. But to get something, you have to give something away. And they tried not to give the league credit when it achieved its goal.”

“Do you think we can do that too? “That’s not a very pleasant thing to say.”

“Because it is a Gyoeonyeongsaek, we must face the truth so that we can achieve what we both want.”


Zhang Wuyuan’s mouth closed. The current situation in Taepyeongmun is difficult, and the league is expanding globally. Roberto’s words were like telling us to understand this properly.

As he said, the Taiping Gate cannot serve China alone. However, the possibility increases as the power of the league waging war against the world increases.

“China is a land of opportunity. In addition to Master Jang, countless other talented people are gathered at Taiping Gate. “Imagine they rule China.”

“The sign needs to be changed to the league.”

“That’s the condition, so I’m lending you my power.”

Zhang Wuyuan nodded and changed the topic.

“I will look at it positively. “Do you want us to attack Korea before that?”

“Do you know about the current state of Korea?”

“Approximately. They say that Zhang Zedong was killed by a Korean superman. “I told you to change your stupid, arrogant personality.”

When Zhang Wuyuan clicked his tongue, Roberto smiled.

“His name is Choi Jun-ho and his nickname is Head Breaker. “I see his skills as those of a teenager.”

“That much?”

“If we don’t do our best, our neighbor China will also suffer.”

“Even if you say that, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me. “I can’t go find him.”

“That is correct. But I think Jang Moon-ju will do it without difficulty.”

As Roberto smiled with his handsome face, Zhang Wuyuan raised his eyebrows.

“I understand why they are called collectors. “The way you use your tongue is unusual.”

“Thank you for the compliment. This proposal will not be a loss for either side. “My gift said so, so you can believe it.”

“Hmm. “Try to think positively.”

“This is a gift I prepared.”

Roberto took out a small vial from his arms.

“This is a boost developed by the league. “It is a drug that amplifies one’s strength.”

“I heard that something like this exists, but did you think it would have any side effects when you gave it to me?”

“I hope nothing happens, but I’m giving it to you to use it in case of an emergency. And the side effect is fatigue from all the effort.”

“I will accept it gratefully.”

Zhang Wuyuan took the boost. However, if I have something like this, it leaves an afterimage in my mind, so I plan to put it away somewhere out of sight.

“Then let’s get up and see. And it would be good to make a decision on our relationship with China.”

“What kind of relationship are you betting on?”

“Changcheon Sword Emperor Nangunggi.”


“As long as each party does not cross the line, it will be a satisfactory transaction for both Jang Moon-joo and the league.”

With those words, Roberto stood up.

A voice came to Zhang Wuyuan’s ear as he watched the back.

-Should I remove it?

Zhang Wuyuan shook his head.

[Just watch. If you remove it here, it will only cause trouble.]


After saying that, it became quiet.

Zhang Wuyuan, who was left alone, clicked his tongue.

“Let’s see how long you can be arrogant.”

* * *

Roberto came out and boarded a luxurious yacht.

As he sat down comfortably, he thought about Zhang Wuyuan, whom he had met a little while ago.

“He’s the type of person who thinks he’s smart.”

I chose it because I didn’t have a suitable card, but it’s not very useful either.

Ambition is too great compared to ability.

Are you going to eat China alone? It was an ambition that made me laugh.

Originally, Roberto claimed indifference toward Taipingmun. If left like this, it would soon collapse. When the situation gets worse, if you extend your hand as if you are benevolent, everything will become easier.

But Argos thought differently.

Now that the Japanese League branch has disappeared, we need to bring in the Taiping Moon and create a check and control mechanism.

The target of caution was head breaker Choi Jun-ho.

“Is it really necessary to be so wary of headbreakers?”

I know that Constantina Stanilla lost her life to Headbreaker.

But rumors tend to be exaggerated. Roberto believes that too much force is being used to keep Headbreaker in check due to the hype.

As a global wealthy man and member of the Zodiac, he decided that in order for the league to achieve hegemony, it had to take control of North America and Europe. So I felt disappointed with Argos’ decision to focus on Northeast Asia, where it has no special base.

At that time, a subordinate approached.


“What’s going on?”

“A ship is approaching from afar. This is an abnormal route. The destination seems to be Taepyeongmun, but it is a ship that is not in the information. Will it sink?”


Normally, I would have ordered its removal. However, due to an inexplicable sense of discomfort, I raised my hand to stop it.


Roberto took out an old piece of paper from his pocket. Although he is called a collector, he has the Refurbish gift and can use some of the abilities of old treasures filled with myths and legends.

Having acquired the astrological treasures of the old Persian Empire, he is able to predict simple fortunes and fortunes.

The result of the fortune telling was a great misfortune.

Roberto’s expression hardened.

“…we set course. Don’t run into them, just pass by.”

“All right.”

As soon as he received the instructions, the luxury yacht on which Roberto was riding made an abnormal movement and deviated from the course.

Roberto muttered as he watched the Taiping Gate turning into a dot in the distance.

“Misfortune is heading towards Taiping Gate to avoid me. “Something unusual is going to happen.”

* * *

An island began to appear in the distance.

Kim Cheol-nam, who came next to me, looked around and cautiously opened his mouth.

“We will be arriving on the island soon.”

“Is that Taiping Gate?”

“yes. It is the home of the Taiping Gate. But…”

If I have something to say, I will say it quickly.

The hesitation was actually starting to bother me.


“What are you visiting Taiping Gate for?”

“Why should I tell you that?”

“I’m sorry.”

Kim Cheol-nam became thoughtful and lowered his head.

“I would have reported it anyway, but does it matter now?”


“Why no?”


Kim Cheol-nam, looking pale, lowered his head and was busy avoiding my gaze.

I looked around.

Perhaps because they arrived safely at their destination, they seemed to be filled with hope for life.

I guess they think they can survive if they go back.

This is how everyone lives with hope.

“Thank you for your hard work in bringing me here.”

“Oh no. Rather, it is our fault for failing to recognize the strong and reaching out to them. Please save us.”

I’m glad he realized his mistake before he died.

I kicked the deck without answering what he said.

I jumped high with force and took a few steps towards the island before turning around.

And then I cast a storm of blades towards the ship I was on.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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