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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 11

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Episode 11

Oh Jong-yeop, whose eyes were stained with blue bruises, stretched out into the shape of a large letter.

There was a handsome guy I had never seen in front of my house, so I tried to chase him away, but the result was Nuntaeng and Bamtaeng.

This guy was an absolute powerhouse that he could not deal with. I was confident because I recently reached level 2. It was still far from enough.

Oh Jong-yeop’s expression crumpled as he watched him calmly open his hands as if he had just done a light morning exercise.

“No matter what you want, you will not be able to achieve your goal.”

“Do you know what I want?”

“No matter what you say…”

“That’s it. Listen to me first. “On a subject that is weak.”


I clenched my teeth as I felt my insides being shaken by the force of the soft whispering voice.

It is a powerful enemy that can never be dealt with.

What on earth is this guy’s purpose? I was already feeling helpless because there was nothing I could do for my younger brother due to his rare disease. However, as I was unable to stop the uninvited guest from behaving as he pleases, I felt gloomy.

“Don’t make that face. “Because I came to help you.”

“Help me? what?”

“Are you struggling with your younger brother’s hospital bills?”


How does this guy do that?

He spoke slowly, looking into his own wide-open eyes.

“I am indebted to your father. “I came to repay you.”

Oh Jong-yeop shouted in anger boiling inside.

“Stop talking nonsense!”

“What nonsense?”

“My father abandoned our family and ran away as soon as Jongsu was born!”

As expected, this guy had a different purpose. What on earth? Is it a human trafficking ring? Or a creditor who comes looking for the trash that abandoned your family?

I strained my eyes so much that blood vessels burst and my vision turned red. However, Oh Jong-yeop did not withdraw his glare.

On the other hand, the guy was calm.

“Oh, did you? “Then let’s say you are indebted to your mother.”

“You son of a bitch!”

“Anyway, just know that I’m here to help you. Stop running wild. So how much does the hospital bill cost?”


Oh Jong-yeop did not answer. Then he walks towards the house.

“Shall I take your sister to the hospital?”

“for a moment!”

“How much is the hospital fee?”

“Why are you doing this? “Are you here to make fun of me because I’m broke and have nothing?”

Oh Jong-yeop screamed and shouted. I did my best to treat my younger brother. But the world did not accept him and his younger brother. It might be better for this dirty world to be destroyed.

“Sometimes luck comes along in life. “Today you have a chance to heal your younger brother who has suffered for a long time.”


“How much?”

“2.5 billion…”

It was enough money to destroy a family. An amount that a level 2 person could never raise.

As I answered with a squeeze, the guy showed a look of satisfaction.

“You eat a lot. Wait a minute. “How much money do I have now?”

The guy who was fiddling around with his smartphone stopped and scratched his head.

“2.498 billion won is not enough.”


“Hang in there. “I’ll be there soon.”

With those words, the guy left the place. Oh Jong-yeop, who had been lying down and watching until then, gritted his teeth and stood up, feeling that he had been played.

What on earth did he do to deserve to be ridiculed like this? He desperately wanted to kill his father, who abandoned him and his younger brother, and he desperately missed his mother, who died after suffering so much.

3 hours later.

Oh Jong-yeop, who had barely let go of his anger and was taking care of his younger brother, reflexively opened the door when he heard a dull sound coming from the front of the house.

The guy who had toyed with him during the day was standing in front of a huge monster corpse.

“This will be about 3 billion won, right? Bring me a knife. “Disband.”


What he caught was the named Sabel Tiger, a Level 6 monster.

* * *


Oh Jong-yeop watched blankly as Sabel Tiger was disbanded and the by-products were piled up.

I still couldn’t believe what was happening.

This is a guy who played a trick on himself and his younger brother who were in a hopeless situation and left. I thought it was definitely a mockery, not a gesture of warmth. However, the one that appeared again was hunting a named monster that was classified as level 6 harmful.

The harmful level is a level that can only be hunted by an awakened person of that level, and the Sabel Tiger can only be hunted by an awakened person of level 6 or higher or a number of level 4~5 awakened people forming a team.

You took it like you were going for a walk. Even when I saw it with my own eyes, it felt unreal.

One thing was certain. The luck he was talking about had come to him.

Oh Jong-yeop took out the heart and asked the smiling guy as he tasted the Sabel Tiger’s blood on his palm.

“What is your purpose?”

“I told you. I am indebted to your uncle. “I came to pay you back.”

“You said you were my mother?”

“Oh, did you? “Then let’s be uncle.”


He was a guy who couldn’t have a normal conversation.

“Even if I take out the magic stone, it will be enough to cover the cost of treatment. Do you think it will be enough?”

“Rather, there’s still plenty left in the garage.”

“Then eat well with the remaining money. Even if you receive treatment, nutritional supplementation is more important.”

The guy who said that held out his hand.


“Give me the phone. “I will help you get admitted to Shinsung Hospital.”

“Shinseong Hospital…”

“I know someone there. If you ask me, I will listen. “Do you want to help me?”

Oh Jong-yeop just heard. He muttered, “I tried to kill him, but I didn’t kill him.”

Is he really trying to ask a favor from the person he tried to kill?

In the meantime, the guy who finished entering the number handed me the smartphone.

“Dispose of by-products well so that rumors do not spread. “I’ll take care of that.”

“Of course not, of course not. thank you.”

“I think I did a good job in my past life.”

No matter what I said, I felt reassured because I had the tangible substance in my hands.

“Oh, and there’s something I want to ask you.”

“Say yes.”

“You know the organization called the Big Ten, right?”


The moment he heard those words, Oh Jong-yeop’s complexion turned white.

Big Ten is a villain organization operating secretly in Ansan and approached him while he was looking for a job to pay for his younger brother’s hospital expenses.

If it weren’t for the favor I received today, I would have seriously considered their proposal.

“…I have nothing to do with the Big Ten.”

“I know there was an offer. “Just tell me the location.”


With his penetrating gaze, Oh Jong-yeop revealed all the information he knew.

“I have to go.”

Oh Jong-yeop asked, feeling as if he were possessed by a ghost.

“What on earth is it?”

“9th level civil servant hunter.”

The guy who left those words disappeared.


Oh Jong-yeop, who had been watching with blank eyes, came to his senses.

My Face was full of lies, but the favor he did for me was real.

Why on earth was this favor shown?

My mind was a mess, but one thing was clear.

Oh Jong-yeop looked at his sleeping younger brother Oh Jong-su. My younger brother’s face, which was always distorted, was relaxed today.

“I’m looking for you. And I return the favor in my own way.”

* * *

To be honest, meeting Oh Jong-yeop was more casual than I expected.

He was a friend who helped me until the end, but I realized this the moment I saw him today.

The Oh Jong-yeop in front of me is not the Slash Oh Jong-yeop I knew.

The friendship we developed while being chased by hunters was not there between him and me. To him, I am someone I am meeting for the first time today.

For me, raising money for Oh Jong-yeop’s younger brother’s treatment was a favor based on a connection from my previous life, but for him, it was an unexpected stroke of luck given by someone I had literally met for the first time.

So, I didn’t even bother to say that I should become a civil servant hunter, which was my first thought. Once my younger brother is cured, he will have the ability to live the way he wants. I didn’t want to have to step in and decide his career path.

Live the life you want.

It was a favor I could do for the friend I killed with my own hands.

“···I’ll have to deal with it quickly and go.”

And now I was heading to the home of the Big Ten villain organization.

Currently, it operates in secret in Ansan, but in about 10 years, it will expand its influence to the entire southern part of Gyeonggi-do. Those who engage in drug trafficking, focusing on human trafficking, use all kinds of dirty tricks to attract awakened people living in the outskirts, such as taking their families hostage or turning them into drug addicts.

Ironically, the reason they were able to grow so big was because I appeared.

I was crazy at the time, so I started moving to the north, which is the exact opposite of Cheongju, where my parents lived, and grew up as the attention of the government officials who wanted to arrest me was focused on the north.

I couldn’t pay the price in my last life, so I guess I’ll have to pay the price this time.

Anyway, looking at the sins they have committed so far, they are the only ones whose death will help the world. My plan is to wipe out their base and make them ‘missing’. Then, there may be confusion in the investigation and I can be ruled out as a suspect. Moreover, if she goes missing, she is not dead, so we have to find her body.

When we arrived at the location given by Oh Jong-yeop, we saw some scary-looking guys wandering around the dirty factory area. I headed to the place where the most people were gathered.

One of the guys who spotted me stepped forward.

“stop! who are you?”

“me? “Civil servant hunter.”


Before I could hear the answer, his head was held in my hands. After blowing up his head with a mine, I pulled out the sword that was in his hand.

“Let’s finish it quickly.”

It was an old knife that had not been maintained properly and had sparse teeth. The moment the gift was activated on the sword, it began to be enveloped in a sticky blood-red air current.

It was Oh Jong-yeop’s gift slash.

A gift that cuts down everything it touches. It is a unique gift that is difficult to match unless it is one level higher than the user or of a similar level.

As the eerie blood-red sword cut through the air, the villains’ bodies were torn into pieces. As the amount of blood soaking the floor increased, the color of the blood on the sword became darker.

After cutting down the three guys who were shooting, I entered the factory and noticed something strange going on outside.

“It’s the enemy!”

With a loud alarm ringing, the villains took out their weapons.

The number alone seemed to be over 50.

I didn’t know why they were gathered like this, but after occupying the entrance area, I jumped in among the villains.


The moment the blood-red force was released through the sword, the bodies of more than five villains were split in two.

Unlike mines, which require direct hand contact with the target, slashes are optimized for dealing with multiple enemies even when one’s hands are poor.

As more than five of my colleagues lost their lives, I could feel the villains’ momentum slowing down.

I didn’t care and started swinging my sword and killing them one by one.

Among them, those heading towards the entrance were the top targets. They cut off the head, separated the upper and lower body, and split it lengthwise.

They quenched their thirst with the blood of the villains and cut them down one by one.

Over 40 villains died in just 5 minutes.


“We can’t deal with it!”

“Run away!”

It was time to approach to deal with the remaining villains.

A gray figure jumped out from behind the cover and rushed toward me at terrifying speed.


I reflexively raised my sword, but the old sword broke in two.

A left fist filled with strong power penetrated between them. As I parried away with the half-empty sword, my right fist connected with it and rushed forward.

However, I simply blew off my right arm with a slash.


The guy with his teeth clenched also cut off his swinging left arm.


The moment I saw the guy’s pale complexion, I was blown away. The head caught in the slash skill was shattered.

“Ah, Muscle Cat.”

It wasn’t until I saw the head lying on the floor that I remembered the guy’s identity.

Muscle Cat is a villain with a bounty of over 500 million won. He is a villain famous for targeting strong men and killing dozens of them. He moves quickly and is estimated to be level 5, so I was told to report him immediately if he was found.

Although other thoughts dominated my mind than that.

“Is it okay if I just hold my head up? Or should I take a proof photo?”

Sometimes villains collect bounties anonymously, but if their tails are long, they get stepped on.

I had no intention of revealing what happened here today, so I decided to give up.

After appetizing, I picked up the sword lying on the floor and dealt with the villains. And as I was about to enter the inner office, two people came out.

“surrender! “I surrender! I am the boss of the Big Ten.”

I cut off the guy’s head without even hearing anything.

My eyes turned to a thin man in his early 60s standing next to me.

“I am the deputy mayor of Ansan…”


After hearing that, I blew the guy’s head off.

When no one was breathing anymore in the factory, I looked around.


The remains of the horribly cut body, flesh and blood were stuck to the floor and walls.

The scene of massacre with over fifty corpses lying around is something I often see when I am crazy.

The sticky feeling of blood clinging to my hands brought back old memories.

I killed way more than I thought.

I sighed, feeling my head get cold.

“When are we going to get rid of all this?”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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