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Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 652

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Episode 652

“Why is everyone like that?”

Shiana was taken aback by the lukewarm response.

“Priestess Siana. Didn’t you see the knights on the way?”

“saw. You’re guarding the western garden? They say golems are trouble…”

“Still? ah. Anyway, that’s not the point, that’s all the people you’ll greet at the mansion now.”



Siana and Durgyu were silent.

“Don’t joke.”

“I’m not joking…”

Lee Han was a bit sullen.

Weren’t you supposed to hold on to Arsil?

But even then, it didn’t seem to make much of a difference. Wouldn’t it be crowded if one person was added?

“No kidding. Everyone there is there.”

“We have been here all along.”

“…A visit to the village around that mansion?”

“Udamhwa Village was the last village I stopped by when Priest Siana arrived.”

Shiana, who realized the truth belatedly, clapped her hands while biting her lips as to what to say.

“Maybe there is no village!”

“It’s weird if you don’t have it…”

When Kainando said next to him, Shiana sharply shot him.

“Then, Mr. Gainando, go home.”

“Oh no. I didn’t mean that. It’s just weird… no. It’s not even strange. I have no complaints.”

Fearing that he would be kicked out alone, Gainando hurriedly changed his words.

“Isn’t that strange, though?”

Lee Han looked around at his friends and asked.

Of course, there was no village in the manor and few people in the mansion, but Lee Han had some hope.

Of the countless families in the Empire, are there at least a few odder ones than House Wardanaj?

“…that’s right! Isn’t that weird!”

“It could be like this. Because the virtue of an empire starts with respecting the traditions of families with different cultures and customs.”

Lee Han was relieved by the reaction of his friends.

Looking at it, it didn’t seem that bad.

‘It’s fortunate.’

“Still, leaving right away is a little bit, so let’s go after a few days.”

Shiana suddenly became curious and asked.

“Then what have you guys been doing here?”

“Studying magic.”

“Gathering herbs.”

“Explore the ruins.”

“…Can we just leave tomorrow?”

* * *

Three days later, Lee Han and his friends left the territory in a wagon under the guidance of Alsicle.

In fact, there were several disagreements about the destination.

-How about the city of Ileinas? It’s a beautiful place where you can see the western sea of the empire. The scenery is beautiful and the climate is warm, so nobles often come here.

-Ah Pengerin. If I remember correctly, isn’t that the town next to Valdrogard, the wizarding school?


– Woo-woo! Baldrogard!

-The Valdrogards will be swarming, but is there any reason to go there?

-I don’t know anything else, but the Valdrogard students dare to…


Pengerin, who had recommended it without much thought, was taken aback by the students’ intense reaction.

-why? You guys wouldn’t have had to fight the Valdrogard students yet…

-I just hate it!


Surprisingly, the Einrogard students harbored a grudge against the Waldrogard students for no reason.

They were attacked by the Headmaster Skeleton, chewing hard bread and swallowing it, while the Valdrogard students enjoyed a course meal elegantly and went on a picnic to the west coast of the Empire on weekends.

-How about the city of Grande?

-Boo! I hate being near Ein Lorgard!

– Lee Han. I know Granden City is a good place to work, but I don’t think there’s any reason to go to a city close to Einrogarde during winter vacation.

-I agree. Han Lee. There are many larger and more prosperous cities.

Isran City (a southern coastal city visited last year, Yoner wanted to return) Chantmar City (a city that was the center of transportation in the western part of the Empire and was visited by people of all kinds; Syana wanted to visit) Imperial Capital (Nilia wanted to visit) I wanted to see the imperial palace, but Lee Han stopped me) and several other options came out, but in the end, the city of Flaher was chosen in the lottery.

A commercial city in the central part of the empire that prospered remarkably, and a city where the main residence of Kainando was located!

“and! Hey guys! look at the road here! Unlike other areas, the road in Flaher City used dark spirit stones! Thanks to that, the carriage can come and go comfortably without shaking!”

When Kainando made a fuss and pointed outside the wagon, his friends were puzzled.

“Here, the Wodanaz family wagon already has shock absorption magic…”

“Unlike other areas, the road tree in Flaher City has a contract with the light spirits. So that people can come and go easily even in the evening. Han Lee. Isn’t that great?”

“…That’s right. That’s great.”

The other friends quietly averted their gaze.

It was judged that if I accidentally met Kainando’s eyes here, I might become the sacrifice of the excited prince.

“Lee Han. Look at those people riding horses over there! That’s the minstrel papar! The most famous minstrel in the city of Flaher!”

‘Who else is that?’

To Lee Han, who was confused about Ipadur, the leading bard in the empire, the urban bard was a difficult opponent to remember.

“That’s ■■ of the ■■■ family, that’s ■■ of the ■■ guild, and that’s ■■ of the high…”

Lee Han felt that the story didn’t come to his ears, to the point where he wondered if his friend was using mental magic.

“What is that?”

When I stretched out my hand pointing at something to change the topic, there was a flag pattern at the end of it.

Arcicle, who was reading the book < Is Music Magic a Possible Future or Is It Nonsense? > opened his mouth.

“That’s the Waldrogard flag.”



“Why? Even the Valdrogard students didn’t want to stay in Ileinas until winter break. What’s strange about coming to a big city like Flaher for a vacation?”


Gainando made a surprised expression. Friends poured out criticism at once.

“You brought us to a place teeming with Valdrogard students!”

“Somehow suspicious, you son of a spy!”

“Guinando-sama, get off the carriage and walk!”

“Everybody. The prince also has good intentions…”

While his friends were swearing, Lee Han looked at the wagon with the Baldrogard flag on it with interest.

‘Certainly, the culture of Waldrogard students is a bit different.’

Lee Han did not carry the Ein Rogard flag with him when he was on vacation outside of school.

It was because I thought I was going to get into a fight for nothing, leaving the embarrassing thing.

However, Valdrogard students seem to really love their school, hanging flags on wagons, carving patterns on the walls of wagons, and even wearing school uniforms and coats with patterns (not the rough rags of Einrogard, but school uniforms made from the finest velvet in the southern part of the Empire). was) was wearing

Lee Han had no particular grudge against the Valdrogard students.

It’s Lee Han’s fault that he was unluckily taken to Einrogard, what’s the fault of the Valdrogard students?

However, when I saw the brightly smiling Waldrogard students, something boiled deep in my heart.

‘Was I such a narrow-minded person?’

“This time, Professor Tosre asked me to conduct research together with the Mage Tower, so I was surprised. The magician over there was a slave! No matter how it is, to study magic like a former slave. It’s a proposal that doesn’t even think about the honor and face of my family!”

“You are doing too much! I never thought Professor Tosre would be such a rude person.”

“I declined right on the spot.”

“Good job. good job! really. Did you get tickets for this gyeokgu game? This is a really great match. Never miss out! There are rumors of a rock drake coming out!”

“Don’t worry. Because I already saved it.”

“What! How did you get it so quickly?”

“I took out some of the support money I received from my family and spent it.”

“ha ha ha! You too! So, what are you going to do with your research this year?”

“Those who require gold coins to do research are incompetent wizards! I can do research even without gold coins. Most of all, if I miss the opportunity to watch a game of pokéball with my friends, where will my inspiration come from?”

“That’s right, that’s right! Does magic matter? Life matters!”

The Valdrogard wizards laughed and left.

Lee Han quietly turned his gaze inward.

Gainando told Lee Han that he felt sorry for being attacked by his friends.

“Lee Han. Lee Han! There might be some Waldrogard students in the city with that…”

“Hey. If the students of Valdrogard quarrel with you, deal with it right away. Never back down.”


His friends were surprised when they saw Lee Han’s bright eyes.

What the hell happened?!

* * *

The main family of Guinando was the Kraha family, which was one of the leading families in the city of Flaher, a large city.

As such, it was natural for the friends to stay at the Kainando mansion.

“Hey guys. Listen carefully. When you wake up tomorrow, first play the wizard card game in the 3rd wizard card room, watch a play in the 2nd theater room, listen to a performance in the 1st performance room, and then have a simple meal and then go out with me…”

“ ……”

“…Mr. Meikin. May I stay at the Maikin family’s mansion?”

“Oh, no! no!”

When the friends tried to leave as a group from the start, Gainando threw his whole body to block it.

“What are you complaining about!”

“It’s full like crazy…”

Nilia looked at Guyando in amazement.

The Shadow Ranger Hunters didn’t seem to play that harshly either.

“okay. okay! I’ll skip the wizard card game. Is that okay?!”

Gainando shouted as if he was really conceding.

Of course, my friends didn’t get over it.

“Mr. Maykin.”

“Then, except for Lee Han, the rest can go.”

At those words, Lee Han was serious.

Lee Han didn’t want to handle that schedule by himself without friends.

“Wait, everyone calm down.”

Yoner calmed his friends down.

“Because Kainando won’t be able to play like he said.”

“Are you going to play?! What are you!”

Cainando was hot.

I’ve been dreaming of this perfect plan since the punishment room, but a rude relative is trying to ruin it.

“In the afternoon, the illusion wizard will come and play with finding hidden treasures!”

‘Doesn’t that work for me?’

While Yihan thought so, Yoner shrugged.

“It would be better to stop now.”

“Don’t stop. Even if the principal gets in your way!”

Nilia murmured.

“You show that kind of courage when you’re at school…”

“Then I can’t help it.”

Yoner said no more. Cainando suddenly became anxious.


When the carriage arrived at the mansion, Kainando’s mother, covered in a veil, walked out as if she had been waiting.

It was to avoid sweeping the surroundings with a brilliant light like the last time.

“Everyone is very nice. When Kainando said he was coming to the mansion with his friends, I didn’t expect there to be so many… Are they all friends?”

Guyando’s mother whispered to Yoner.

Yoner nodded. The parties may have slightly different opinions, but at first it seemed like they were all friends.

The answer surprised Gainando’s mother.

It’s amazing that I’ve made friends with the Wardanaj family, but to bring so many different kinds of friends.

It was almost to the point where I wondered if Kainando had awakened an ability that even his mother was unaware of.

“really. Mr Kraha. Let’s go to Cainan Island.”

Yoner denounced Gainando’s evil plan as it was.

Gainando’s mother stared at him. Guinando froze at the pressure felt even through the veil.

“Muh… what is that for?”


The family servants came out and grabbed Gainando’s arms. Gainando sensed a miserable fate and called Lee Han.

“Leehan! Lee Han! The villains here are trying to drag me away!”

“Welcome to the mansion. I hope everyone is doing well.”

“Thank you for the welcome. Mr Kraha.”

“Traitors! You traitors!!”

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Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Life of a Magic Academy Mage

마법학교 마법사로 살아가는 법, Magic Academy Survival Guide, Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Graduate student Lee Han was born as the youngest son in another world’s famous family of mages. He swore he would never go to another place with the word “academy” in it. However, the magic academy known as Einrogard completely ignored what he had promised himself. Being self-sufficient is a must; monsters may appear, and the professors are all total nutjobs! This is the beginning of a pitiful academy life that you have never seen before. “Will I be able to… graduate safely?”


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