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Genius Corpse-Collecting Warrior Chapter 301

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Ascension and Hometown (2) [Complete]

The sound of oil splashing. The noise of clinking glasses and the bustle of people mixing in between them.

The muggy heat heats up my face. The fan whirred on the grill, sucking in the acrid smoke.

“Everyone worked really hard this year too! “I love my team…”

I tilt my glass, listening with one ear to the already drunk manager’s toast in the distance.

My eyebrows were half-forced to frown at the bitter taste that washed over me behind the bitter scent of cheap ethanol. As the meat browned, the fatty aroma that oozed out irritated my nose. It smelled good.

“Chief Ahn, are you working out these days?”

Someone asked, tapping the man’s forearm. I turned my head and saw that it was a female employee from the next department.

Hair grown to shoulder length. Makeup that matches your skin tone. Eyes slightly larger than normal. What was your name?

The only thing that came to mind was that he was a few years younger than me. I think we worked together a few times around the beginning of the year when collaborating with a neighboring department.

“Didn’t you know, Chief Lee? Assistant Manager Ahn, you’ve completely transformed since this summer.”


“Ah, a lot has changed. This guy is no joke these days. “You’ve changed a lot since you went on vacation.”

That’s right, it was Chief Lee. Thanks to the timely intervention on the other side, the crisis was averted.

I still can’t remember the name, but it doesn’t matter. Because the female employee was tilting her head and her classmate was talking loudly instead.

“Maybe it’s because his body is stockier, but he looks taller. “The way he speaks and the look in his eyes have become more masculine, just because he’s a different person.”

“Ah… somehow. The atmosphere had changed so much that I couldn’t recognize you. At that moment, I thought he was a new employee. “Did you become youthful while exercising?”

“I think he came here on vacation and did wall training somewhere. What is the speed at which work is done…ugh. If you’re around him, your pride will be very hurt. Let’s leave this fraud behind and figure it out among ourselves. braided!”


A female co-worker tilts the glass back to her colleague with a businesslike smile. The man suddenly burst into laughter and raised the corners of his mouth.

This is kind of fun. One side doesn’t seem that interesting. Anyway, the female employee quickly turned her head in this direction. She smiled brightly.

“Why, you look a bit human when you smile. “Your expression has become much softer.”

“is that so?”

“yes. very. I go around smiling. So what did you do on vacation? amazing. “How can people change like this?”

Dark eyes twinkled in the bar’s dirty lighting. The man shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, I just went abroad.”

“foreign country? “Where?”

“Because I didn’t just go to one country.”

The female employee’s eyes seemed to sparkle a little more. He had black hair and black eyes.

Suddenly, someone with black hair and black eyes came into the man’s mind. He smiled once more without realizing it.

“I’m really curious. “So, did you use your English name abroad?”

The female employee’s smile got bigger, probably because she thought she was smiling at her. The man nodded. He answered softly.



“My name was Dallon. “It’s a name used abroad.”


Gangnam was busy during the year-end and New Year holidays. The shadows of tens of thousands of people passed like ghosts next to the cars packed on the road.

employee. lover. College student. Employee. unemployed. Civil service exam student. Taxi driver. Flyer part-time job.

The number of people in downtown was similar everywhere in the world. It was also the case that each person was not interested in others and was heading to his or her own destination.

The only difference was the clothing. Unlike medieval Land, where the primary function of clothing was paramount, short clothes made of soft fabric and smooth leather were often far from insulating.

Meanwhile, there were many coats made of long artificial wool and winter clothes filled with feathers inside covers made of plastic fiber.

At least in terms of diversity of clothing, this place could be seen as superior to Medieval Land.


Dallen’s outfit was monotonous. Wearing only a long-sleeved white t-shirt and a jeans jacket, he sighed deeply.

It was midwinter.

A season of cool air that cools the lungs.

The pure white breath reminded me of the snowy mountains of the realm and the Tsarist Kingdom in the northern part of the continent. Now that I think about it, it was my first winter since I came back.

“…Has it already been half a year?”

More than half a year has passed since I returned to modern Earth.

The sight of all the scenes of the realm colliding with the five great hells of Enaxagus and the two worlds annihilating each other is the end of several years of memories in Medieval Land.

When I closed my eyes and opened them with a bright light, I saw that it was the studio where he lived. The buzzing computer seemed to say that this was all just a one-night dream.

‘That can’t be possible.’

Everything was so vivid that it couldn’t have been a one-night dream.

The numerous battles he experienced while on a remote snowy mountain, and his own way of thinking that changed and deepened in the process.

The body has also changed considerably, perhaps due to the influence of Medieval Land.

Not only did I lose weight and grow a little taller in an instant, but the mirrored atmosphere itself became closer to that of the Northern warrior in the game.

It’s been half a year since I came back.

Surprisingly, Dallon was able to quickly adapt to life on Earth.

I wonder if my brain instinctively remembers life in my hometown. Or maybe it was because the changed thoughts and body helped me adapt quickly.

Either way, the result wasn’t bad.

He claimed that he had received personal training to correct his posture for his height and body type, and his brain, which had become accustomed to complex surgical systems, quickly became proficient in the culture of modern Earth and company tasks.

Of course, it wasn’t as transcendent an intelligence level as in Medieval Land, but what can you say?

Sometimes I wondered what it would be like if I could use the divine abilities from that world here, but I soon came to the conclusion that it was a useless imagination.

‘I don’t want to be chased by intelligence agencies around the world. They might dissect it, saying it’s an alien.’

What I came up with with a chuckle was a hypothetical scenario where you throw spells, fight against government agencies, and end up getting hit with a nuclear weapon in a remote desert.

Even if I could win, that kind of life was unacceptable. Because I did not want to give up the convenience of civilization that modern Korea provides.

[Hehehe. Korea is comfortable, sir. There’s a refrigerator and a gas stove, so there’s almost no need to cook anything. There are so many sweet foods… Churrrp]

“Wipe your saliva before speaking.”

[Hehe, are you still going to have a late-night snack?]

A voice echoes in my head. It was Star Tree Arbor.

The people in his head, including Arbor, were further proof that his life in Medieval Land was not a dream.

In particular, the star tree is inherently a transcendent being that crosses world lines and dimensions.

The man who regained his power by defeating Enaxagus was no longer trapped in the dark body of the devil.

It was said that he contributed greatly to the return of Dallen to Earth, who had almost perished along with the two worlds.

Of course, he added that he consumed too much power while breaking through the dimensional wall in the process. That’s why he returned to his perfect body and locked himself in subspace.

[Dallen I think that’s just an excuse. Byeolnamu must have liked the sweet and sour food here. So, under the pretext of having to stay in sub-space until you recover your strength…]

[That red spear! Shh! Shhh!]

“Okay. “I’ll get you later.”


Dallon laughed lowly at the sound of the demon dying. As his white breath flowed before his eyes, he thought about what to have for a late-night snack.

Even without the devil’s request, that was the most important concern today. Should I eat pizza or hamburger? The chicken wasn’t bad either. Because fast food with carbonation is always right.

Come to think of it, chicken could be eaten even in Medieval Land.

I didn’t know if I could make something remotely similar if I just had oil and spices and chicken.

[Doing it yourself is against the law, Dallon.]


[Leave it to the paladin instead. From my perspective, I feel relieved.]

It wasn’t wrong. Because the ancient dragon in the image was one of those who most clearly knew about his cooking skills.

[okay. You’re the one frying the chicken, you idiot.]

[Khaha, cooking requires a heavy butt just as much as blacksmithing skills. It won’t be easy for you.]

[God’s mercy is shown even in our shortcomings. It allows you to feel the need of others through your shortcomings.]

[High Orc friends’ cooking skills are probably better than yours.]

The opinions of other gourmets in the image were not much different. Dallen shook his head.

“…Let’s all go home quietly. please.”

When I concentrated my will a little, the noisy voices became quieter. Dallen walked down the street at night, rubbing his throbbing temples with his hands.

I enter the subway and squeeze into a room full of people. After traveling on the train for about twenty minutes, transfer to another line and ride for another ten minutes.

After leaving the station and entering the alley, facing the cold air, it wasn’t long before a familiar building appeared in front of me.

An officetel that was built about five years ago. The room he lives in is on the 14th floor of the building.

Tiriring –

I go into the house, turn on the light as a habit, turn on the heating, and wash my body with warm water.

“Today is ramen.”

I leave the bathroom and turn on the light while wiping myself.

I put all five packets of ramen into bubbling boiling water and placed the other packet on the desk.

After eating quickly, I sat down in front of the computer. The computer that I spent a lot of money on a few years ago is still running smoothly.

Press the power button with your big toe and wait for the screen to pop up. With just a few clicks, the game screen welcomed him.

“I have to pay for the food.”

[Ouch. Check the intermediate points. Please wait a moment, master.]

Arbor, who had eaten about three of the five bags, patted his stomach and moved his body.

Dallen comfortably leaned against the backrest and closed his eyes, holding a bag of ramen in his hand.

[As you know, you may feel a little dizzy. I don’t think I’ll have to do it 15 more times to get used to it.]

Dallon nodded. He closed his eyes and fell into a short thought.

It is said that the hero of the great ancient war gave up heaven and chose to fight on earth.

In a way, Dallon made the same choice. After obtaining the Wish Stone, he decided to give up his hometown on Earth and remain on the continent to fight against evil spirits.

The reason I achieved similar results to the warrior god who achieved both heaven and earth may be because I followed the same path.

Of course, it was just a consequential story.

I didn’t expect it to turn out like this, and it was still difficult to understand the spellcaster’s words about inter-dimensional existence and unity of power.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter now.’

Dallen smiled and opened his eyes.

It was a familiar view of a bar.

Well organized chairs. Liquor bottles behind the bar table. Subtle magic stone lighting. The warm smell of wood grain.

Four people were sitting across the bar table. There was a bartender, a witch, a wizard, and a paladin.

“Huh, is it such a delicious drink? I should try it too… hmmm?”

“what. “There’s no mention of you coming today, right?”

[Humans are originally creatures of capriciousness.]


Looks of surprise and joy. Feelings as warm as the bar air.

“I just stopped by. By Bored.”

This was the final proof that his past fights were not an illusion.

“A glass of Melonde Highlander, please.”

At the same time, it was a daily routine that was more precious than anything else he wanted to protect.


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Genius Corpse-Collecting Warrior

Genius Corpse-Collecting Warrior

A genius corpse-collecting warrior, cheonjaejeog-in sichesujib jeonsa
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
[Retrieved the corpse of a shabby mercenary. Inheriting abilities.] [Inheritance Reward: Strength +1, Skill +1, Dehaman’s Armor Combat (D)] In a world within a game facing destruction. Dallen is searching for the corpses of characters he had played.


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